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Chapter 10 chapter Ten

Like playing chess, Sybe moved Lord Nikon and Hilt through Aylward, from their core area to Lord Thor's mansion.They stood as if they were waking from a dream when the smiling Locke welcomed them into the house.From noon to evening, many people in leather and steel shirts, belts and swords began to enter and exit Locke's hall, eating during the banquet, talking about the wars they had witnessed and the scars they remembered.From the outer court came the muffled sound of hammers of all sorts: artisans forged swords, repaired shields, welded lengths of light ash on spear points, or built carts, and mended harnesses and harnesses of greathoofed warhorses.Seeing all this, Lord Hilt Horst and Nikon Lord Des applauded from the bottom of their hearts.Des, the lord of Nikon, was a red-haired young man who swore to serve Youd with his life and family. He arrived a week after the lord Hilt. He held a glass of wine by the fire in Locke and said mournfully:

I didn't know there were so many people supporting you, otherwise I wouldn't give all my allegiance to Youde.I swear because of Turbury. I don't intend to repeat the mistakes of Turbury.Locke said, his eyes calm and gleaming faintly under his thick blond hair.Not far away, an ivory-haired woman sat quietly, holding an embroidery, her black eyes never leaving Des's face.For Des.She was so tiny that it was almost a shadow, not enough to be noticed. Des tapped the cup with his nails and sighed: I can give you five hundred cavalry and three or four times as many infantry. Lord Shilt offered less.

His lands were divided and partly taken by Karn of Hilt during the seventy-day siege of Mandor, who still professed allegiance to the King. so what?We can handle them, Horst is too old for these games, I feel sorry for him. Des snorted at the cup: It's better to sympathize with You De.I heard that Horst first swore his allegiance to Yod before turning to you. Locke raised his eyebrows, politely expressing surprise, and resisted not to comment. Curran shuttled between the benches filled with people at the luncheon, and stopped when he saw the red-haired lord.Xinis smiled slightly, turned and left the table, and pushed a full glass of wine into Curran's hand.

Curran stared down at him: Do you see who that is? see. It's Nikon's Des.Sinis, how did Locke get him here?In order to thank Desi for his achievements in Taborui, You De rewarded his father with land and gold.What is he doing sitting by our fire? Xi Nisi shrugged: There is no doubt, he heard that Lord Shilt had voted for Thor's camp, so he would rather fight with Shilt than be an enemy. However, Siniscoran tried to find the wording and couldn't find it anywhere, so he turned to drinking.Then he saw Sybe, and walked towards her. I've been looking for you. Sibei looked up at him in surprise, and the thread of summoning was interrupted: Nikon next to Cronlock had to rub his eyes.

I feel so lost.he reasoned, and Locke filled his cup. You are tired of riding.Locke turned around and tried his best to drag Curran away from Sibei. It seems that Io has something important to look for you. I'm taking Sybe for a ride, she's not used to the noise.Collen paused for a moment, then asked slowly, what are you doing here with Locke and Lord Dess? Oh, she mumbled, thinking like birds scurrying forward, I want to talk to Locke. Locke added casually: She was very worried, and Io said that he would ride Gaide into the battlefield. What! She couldn't talk him out of it, maybe you could.

Lord Nikon leaned over Locke and stared at Sibei: Are you Sibei?i heard you Sybe gave him a sweet smile, fixed his eyes, and he sank back into his chair. Curran grinned and said: Maybe if I tie him to the horse, he will understand.Sydney, wait for me Curran turned around to open a path among the crowd, Locke sighed softly, and turned to the surrendered Lord Nikon. The siege of the Patriarchs failed due to lack of manpower to handle the supplies that were being brought into Mandor along the Sirivu River.This time, I want Thor and Nikon's team to attack by water, sail across to the center of the city, and attack from the inside.We need ships.Nikon is a lake country in Aylward, can you build a boat with 300 people and recruit troops to drive it?

Lord Nikon stared at Locke like a sleeping person, opened his eyes and nodded: Yes. I'll pay for those ships. When do you want it?Locke smiled slightly: As soon as possible, but don't be impatient, Youde will definitely wait for us. After Locke finished dealing with Lord Nikon, he left it to Linna to take care of him.She led the confused, half-drunk, and high-spirited Des to the dormitory where Lord Hilt had slept a week ago.Sibby got up and paced the empty hall, Locke watching her. what are you thinking If I take all the animals into battle, will Curran see it? It is impossible for him to turn a blind eye to Gaide.As for other animals, he may not notice the unexpected when the other animals are in chaos and hand-to-hand combat.No why do you risk them?no need.

A slight and tense smile moved Sibei's mouth, and she said softly: One day, Prince Yufu and fifty people went to capture the lovely daughter of Lord Meke of Macon.On the way, Youfu saw a beautiful black lynx whose fur shone like refined jewels.The cat looked at him with green eyes, and Youfu followed him, but no one saw him and the fifty people come back.King Puwei had three strong sons. One day they went hunting with their friends and saw a silver-mansled wild boar with huge fangs as white as the chest of their noble wife.King Puwei waited for seven days and seven nights, and among the fifteen young men, only his son returned, and he was on the verge of madness.

Loni stared at her: So Yed would be on the verge of madness seeing part of his army disappear.Will they lure troops away for you? meeting. Even wild boars?You say it doesn't approve. Sybe's index finger traced unconsciously on the oak table.If I command it, it will.I'll send the swan with Tan, and if his life is in danger, I'll fly him to Mount Elder.Falcon T'E will protect Xiao Tan. What about Gaide? She smiled slightly and narrowed her eyes: Gaide will bring you De to me. Locke shook his head.Now, he said softly, I began to sympathize with Jed. There were footsteps outside, and Sybe and Locke turned to see Curran, whose hair was shining brightly in the summer light.He paused by the wide open door, one hand on the stone wall.

He looked at Locke and asked softly: Why did you lie to me about Io? Locke sighed: Because I happened to lie to Lord Nikon, I don't want to let me down because you told the truth. You will lie to me now.Curran took a step forward and walked into the silent and sunny hall.He stood in front of Locke, and the two were very close Why do you need my wife by your side when you lie to Lord Nikon?Even if he blurted out the truth, he might be too drunk to hear it, right? Curran.Sibei called, but Curran still stared at Locke. I don't know much about this war you're planning, and now I want to know something I'm not sure about.How do you convince Old Horst of Hilt to join your side?You sent me to him last winter, and I found that he was afraid of You De, and wanted to live the rest of his life in peace, forgetting about his unhappy daughter and the confusion she had caused with her love for You De.You killed Nikon's own brother in Turbury, why does he sit next to you, drinking our wine, planning war with you?Why are you planning before you have mentioned it to them?And, if there are simple reasons for these things, why don't you tell me first, as a sign of courtesy or respect, that you have to wait until I ask?

Locke was silent, he took a long breath, his eyes sank into the quiet face, Curran's hands were clenched on both sides. Don't lie to me again.he whispered.Curran.Said Sibei.Curran's gaze slowly shifted from Locke's face to Sibei's, and she saw dark, unwilling suspicion in Curran's eyes.For a long time, they stood still, their eyes interlocked, as silent as summer flowers in the sunlight falling on the corridor floor.Curran left Locke abruptly, walked out of the hall, and down the terraced courtyard. Locke watched his head flicker in the shadows, and then he heard Sybe's sharp panting and turned. what did you doLocke asked in disbelief. I don't mean to raise my hands and cover my mouth, I mean I can't tell Curran, not Curran, then I don't know what to say to him, it's so easy What the hell did you do? I made him forget what he saw today, what he asked you.sorry.Sibei trembled suddenly, tears gleamed down her fingers, I'm sorry, that was too easy. Sydney I am afraid. Sydney, Locke walked up to her and gently held her shoulders, it was better than lying to him. not good!not good!I took something from his heart, just like Messeau took something from my heart. No one should do it, no matter whether you like it or hate it. Hush!Sydney, you're tired from work this morning and you don't remember what you were doing just now.No serious injuries were caused.This is better for him, and you will never do it again. I'm afraid. Don't make a sound, you'll only do a little more damage than tell a lie and you won't do it again. right. Then don't worry. Sibei stared blankly at the empty doorway, her gaze returned to Locke's face.You don't understand, he thought I was being honest.But I have been lying to him since the day I married him.She suddenly looked down at Locke's hand, as if only now realizing that he was holding her.She pulled away from him and ran to the door. Sibei saw Curran walk out of the gate and headed for the open field, so he ran across the courtyard, through the billowing smoke of the blacksmith shop, the sound of hammers from the carpenter's shop, the frightened faces of farmers and soldiers, and everyone gave way.Curran finally heard her call and stopped on the dusty road.Curran waited for her, the smile on her face fading as she approached, he raised his hands to grab her, and she slid close to him, resting her head on his shoulder. Hold me, Curran.she whispered.Curran wrapped his arms quietly around her, feeling her trembling. What's wrong? It's okay, just hold me. you are crying. I know. why cry? Sibei looked at the scorching field and the shining sky with dark eyes, and felt him hugging him even tighter.I was thinking, she whispered, words passing through her throat, how I could bear without you. What can I say to comfort you, Sydney?Only when the war is over can people be relieved.But somehow, you're right.Locke isn't crazy, Thor might have a chance through some magic I don't understand, so it might be a quick fix, but that's not enough to comfort you, because Tan is involved.Still, I'm glad you care about me and cry for me. I care, I care.Sibei finally moved slightly, Curran's arms dropped, and he looked around the surrounding green fields in confusion. I forget why I'm here.You scared me, your long hair flew like silver waves, and you ran towards me with tears on your face. Yes, I made you forget, she whispered, sorry. Curran hugged her and walked back to the house together.As the two passed, black crows fluttered upward from the surrounding fields. That evening, Sibby spoke to the animals.She has called Teal the Falcon from Mandor, and he comes in the twilight, galloping like stars in a blue-black sky, and roosts among the lush green leaves of the summer trees. She said to Te'e, "Te'e, tell me about You De." He was afraid in his bones, said the bright-eyed Falcon, crying in his sleep at night.A torch was lit in the room from time to time, he was afraid of the shadows of the night, a fear that was greater than the fear of war, like thick winter ice, grew behind his eyes, whispers said that he was going crazy, but he restrained himself and said nothing . Where's Xiao Tan? Xiao Tan saw it, took me everywhere, talked to me late at night, and sometimes fell asleep while talking.He wants you to help Youde, wants me to beg you, he is cornered. And you? I'm ready. Then listen to what you can say to help Locke.When the time comes, I want you to be by Xiao Tan's side and protect him.Sybe raised her head, and called the swan to her side, and Kuller came and lay at her feet, and Moria was beside Kuller.She awakened Gaide in the cave with her faint thoughts, and the wild boar Shilin also came before her, shining in the dark between two trees.For a long time, she tested the strength and strength of her mind, tried her best to concentrate, and mastered six arrogant and restless minds at the same time. Hear me, when the brothers of the lords of Thor went to battle from Thor, the swans of Teal and Trish flew to Mandor, to Little Tan's side.If he was in danger, the swan immediately carried him to Mount Elder.Te'e, I want you to make sure Xiao Tan is safe.Moria, Gule, Shirin, before and after the battle, before the army of Yod, lure the soldiers away with the magic of your eyes and with your beauty.I will keep Gide by my side, and when Gide dies, Gide will bring the king to the Wizard's Tower in Mando for me. All the while, you have to be careful and concealed, wait for the opportunity, stay away from Locke's soldiers, and don't get into unnecessary danger, except for Xiao Tan and if you want to be Curran.Tee, stay away from Youde, unless he is killed in battle, I want him to come and see me. The wind sighed briefly in the quiet night, she was tired, paused for a while, and once again focused her mind on the animal's mind. There are countless legends about you, but they all have a long history.Harpers will sing of your deeds in this battle for years to come.Touch the silver strings with admiration; and once again your ancient names shall echo within the stone walls of the courts of men, fair as smooth gold, revered and admired. Sibei paused again, feeling the beating of Te'e's rapid beating, the treasure of memories hidden in Gule's heart, Moria's mind, the black swan's peaceful acquiescence in Yueming's heart, Gaide's twisted and twisted interpretations in his violent brain, Xibei Lin kept playing and stacking riddles in his mind, intertwined in endless threads of thoughts.Sibei let them go exhaustedly, and they waited quietly around.After a short break, she let the animals ask questions. Are you going to destroy Yod's soldiers?Moria asked, or let them return after some time? I don't want their lives, let them run in circles for a while, then let them go. Why don't you let me play?Gaide asked, I only need to fly and break the army of Youde. No, you'll scare Locke's soldiers too.Be patient with me. If there's an army around Mount Elder, said the Swan, where shall I go, Sibyl? Then bring Tan to Thor.If there is no danger, take him to the mountain and wait for me first. What are you going to do with You De?Tee asked. Nothing, I just need to be alone with him and look into his eyes when he has nothing, no power, no class, not even Xiao Tan to comfort him.Compared with him, Misuo is still lucky.By then, he might also be crazy. What are you going to do after that?Syrin asked. Sibei looked into its red eyes silently, the leaves in the wind were rustling above her, as if they were suddenly lifted up and stilled. She finally whispered: I don't know. A few days later, a thin, long-nosed woman came to Locke's hall, wearing some expensive rings, and her white hair was messy and curly.She was so quiet that no one saw her cross the hall, where Locke sat eating and Lena and Burr sat on either side.The woman came to Locke's elbow and yanked at his sleeve.He turned, startled, to meet those iron gray eyes. Where is Sydney? Sydney?He glanced over the table and I think she and Curran left.Maybe their old lady, who are you?sit with us?I didn't even hear you come in. Her wandering eyes returned to Locke.Oh, I am the Sharp-Eyed Crow of Mount Elder, and I think you are the Lion of Thor, with such a lovely family, such rosy-cheeked children, and handsome brothers.I came all the way from Mount Elder. walk!Locke was amazed, and Burr stood up to pay tribute. Sit down, lady, and eat with us. She smiled at Burr, hands frantically touching her hair, so kind she sat muttering, oh my feet!I am Mayaka, Sibe's mother.On her right hand, the drinking Kinnis coughed, and she turned to him: I am her only mother, and you may think that the witch on the mountain is not a competent mother. I'm sure it's better to have you than nothing.Xi Nisi said softly, Locke glanced at him, and he blushed. I'm not so sure, Mayaka confessed, scouring the plate for sweets and walnuts, otherwise I wouldn't have walked all the way from Mount Elder to Thor to find out why Silin the Boar used a I can't believe the story came humming at me as she watched Locke quickly scan a row of god's faces.Oh, is it a secret? Ma'am, what advice do you have?Locke said softly, and she sighed. Dried and sweet almonds make me feel childlike when I see sweets.Look, Locke, I was oh, doing things by twilight, secret things by candlelight, things that work best when whispered.I'm an old woman, my weakness is meddling, and I'm rewarded with rings, soft furs, and bright ribbons.I would weave on a small loom with simple colored threads, but Sybe she is weaving on a loom the size of Aylward with living scarlet threads That is her choice. Yes, but that scares my old heart, and it scares wise old Boar Sirin.Locke, the Sybe you saw was a woman with a beautiful face and a strong will, and her strength was the lucky star over Thor; but I only saw a child, with a festering pain, step by step towards death. Locke put the cup lightly on the table, and Mayaka watched him, her white eyebrows arched above her sharp eyes, her chin resting on her ring finger.Locke was silent for a moment, tapping the silverware with his fingers. Indeed, Locke said, her voice muffled by the noise, she was weaving a living tapestry of herself and us, and of the King and Lord Aylward.She couldn't stop, and so did I.She was not a child, and she planned it with me in detail, and kept it secret, even from Curran.I play for power, the game my ancestors taught me, and I will play until I die for power.Xibei is playing her own game of power, not for profit or fame, but for secretly winning Youde and even Misuo.When she was victorious, she would turn back and live peacefully and contently with her animals and Curran.For me, knowing that Thor can defeat Ued is not enough. I must know and act, and continue to act after that to maintain my lust.But Sybe was luckier.She can gain power, but also knows how to let go, knowing that as long as she makes a wish, she can achieve it, and she is content.If it weren't for that, I'd have to be as afraid of her as Yod.But she has a love for Curran, for children, for simple and quiet things, and I think you taught her to love in loving her.Mayaka, don't worry, she will get her revenge and be satisfied. Mayaka watched silently over the glittering jewels as he finished speaking, then lowered her hands.Me and the lion just can't make sense I won't yell, where is she? She might be with those animals, I sent someone to find her. No, Mayaka got up, you tell me how to find them, I will go there by myself. I'll take you there and leave you alone with her.Locke pushed back his chair and led her across the tables, but Curran was probably beside her.Talk about the weather, about the astrology, about how you didn't eat at Lord Thor's table.Curran knew nothing of the matter, which Sibei took very seriously. In the garden they found Sybe and Curran laughing together by the lake, the black swan taking slices of bread from Curran's fingers, the cat lounging in the warm sunshine, and the wild boar on the grass under the shade of the trees Take a leisurely sniff.When the door closed behind Mayaka, Sibei turned, the smile on her face melting into surprise. Mayaka! Curran turned around, threw the rest of the bread into the water, followed Sibei, and smiled when she threw her arms at Mayaka: Nice to meet you. My white baby, you have become so cheerful!let me see you.She didn't let Sibei get close. Last time you went up the mountain, you didn't even stop to look at me. how do you know Syring the boar told me, and he told me many things.Sibei's eyes calmed down, and she glanced at Curran, who stroked her cheek. Let's talk, let me go first. She smiled: No, Curran, this is just a chat between women. One's a witch, one's a wizard, and I don't think it's just small talk.He leaves the two.They looked at each other in silence for a moment, and then Mayaka folded her fingers and moved them to her mouth. what are you doing my child Sibei sighed: Sit down first.How did you come here? coming. Oh Mayaka, you should ride a horse. I'm afraid I don't know who I'm going to steal the horse from. She's sitting beside Sybe under a strong apple tree, and Syring told me all the story Teal told him, that the king and the white bird were in the tower. Sibei glanced at the silver wild boar: Wisdom is always flamboyant, but it is annoying when it is least needed. Why didn't you tell me how Yed treated you? Sybe pursed her lips.Because it hurt so deeply, because I was so angry, beyond words.That shameless king brushed the grass impatiently with her hand, and nothing you or Syring can say will stop me. Sibei, I don't know what you are doing, I only know that Xiao Tan came to see me two days ago Xiao Tan? I'm afraid.He says the war against the Yed has been whispered all over Aylward, and the king blames you.He also said that the lords who had sworn to help his father suddenly fell to Thor for no reason, and the king was like a stone.Sybe, he told me this as he sat by my fire with his eyes wide open and unblinking, and clasped his arms coldly, and dried his tears. Sibei pulled up a blade of grass and looked down, but turned a blind eye.She trembled slightly: My poor little Tan will be fine in a while. Then what? Then Youde would lose his throne, and perhaps his mind, his life. Where's Xiao Tan? Locke will make him king, and in due time he will marry Herney's daughter Vivi, and her sons will start the line of Thor in Aylward. What about Curran?Heard he didn't know anything about it. Mayaka, I will do whatever it takes to destroy Yoder, and I will do whatever it takes to keep Curran from knowing what I'm doing, How to hide it?Destroy a thought or two in his mind? Sybe's face twisted, her head dropped on her bent knees, hiding her gray, searching eyes.No, she whispered, I wouldn't do that kind of thing, I did it once, once.I won't do it again, or I'll lose him first.Mayaka, I have already taken action secretly, and I will not turn back because of a single word in Aylward.I'm glad to see you, but I don't think you'll be happy seeing me now either.I was hurt, now it's my turn to hurt.I feel bad for Xiao Tan, but that's the only thing I feel bad about. You don't understand, Ma Yejia whispered, boy, Xiao Tan loves the king, Youde is the only person in the world who can look into Xiao Tan's eyes and give him self-esteem, and he is going to be driven crazy in front of Xiao Tan. What does that have to do with me?Xi Bei stood up suddenly, facing the afternoon wind, her hair was flying in a mess behind her, Xiao Tan must learn how to respect herself.Ma Yejia suddenly covered her face with her hands, and found tears slipping from her cold fingers.She covers her eyes with her fingers.I can't forgive You De, she whispered, my heart aches for Xiao Tan, but I can't forgive You De.I won't forgive him, and I won't cry for myself, I will only cry for Xiao Tan a little bit.Does he blame me? He suspects that Youde did something to make you angry, but he doesn't believe him, don't believe that you can make Youde so scared, and you know he loves Youde.Alas, he sees things with his own heart and does not open the eyes of his heart. He is a child who faces darkness with his eyes closed.What are you going to tell him, Sybe, when he is forced to open his eyes?What comfort do you want to give him?His heart would flinch at the touch, like a wounded thing. That was Youde's fault.Sibei shook her head suddenly, no, it was also a good thing I did.But Jodh shouldn't have tried to destroy me at all. He is destroying you right now. Sibei turned and looked down at her, eyes deep and dark: maybe, but now it's up to me.Yed was a fool, and so was Methor, for underestimating the white-haired girl they had caught, and neither of them could make that mistake again.She paused for a moment, then said more gently: Recently I am ruthless and stubborn, there is no room for negotiation.Mayaka, now let's talk about something else, something small.I'm sorry we didn't stop to see you that day, but Yed's people found Xiao Tan with us there, so it seemed wise not to speak to you before leaving, in case we were watched. Mayaka moved her hands through the long grass, and the brows on her sharp eyes frowned, but all she said was: Are you happy, then, with the wise men of Thor? hapiness.From then on, I don't want anyone. If he still wants my child after it's done.I want to have some for him. Are you pregnant yet? No, Sibby sat back on the grass, but perhaps it was better this way.I am very happy here.In these gray stones, Mayaka, the people are very kind to me, and the women and children seem so cheerful and content.I miss the long winds, the clear streams, the seclusion of Mount Elder, and the animals occasionally, but we're all content among people.Locke also built a room for me, on the top of the house, facing north, east, and south, where he put all my books, where I read, calling.I miss you too, although no one can give me comfort these days, but I can't run to you for comfort. Mayaka lightly brushed a strand of white hair beside her hand: I miss you too, but now I understand that the lion is right, you are no longer a child, you have grown into a queen in the world, and the stones and woods in the mountains will never let you Feel happy.Sometimes I see your shadow, barefoot slipping past the tall red pillars, and there is a child with round eyes running beside you, your shadow makes me stop and smile, and then I remember that those are just shadows, my children are all gone Grow up and leave me and go my own way She sighed, her thin fingers trembling.But I'm so lucky to have you. Sibei's fingers gently held Mayaka's dry yellow hand with the ring.And I'm so lucky to have you, she whispered, the day I walked through your door, I was as wild and proud as any of my animals.If I have kindness, it was taught by you, Xiao Tan, and Alan later.But I'm still as wild and proud as my father and grandfather were.In the depths of my heart, the white bird lives free, and no one can catch it.It was my pride, in my knowledge and my power, that cried out for vengeance, the same pride that drove Mick to solitary, to build Whitehall on Mount Elder, to capture perfection.But because of you and Tan, I learned to love things other than pure knowledge, Curran also taught me a lot of joy Mayaka, I may not be good at love, but it's my fault I have always had many good teachers to teach me. My white girl, Ma Yejia whispered, the night you disappeared from the hall, I knew I would never see you again, and there was a kind of sadness in my dry heart.Today, the sadness is there again You will step into the night again, When I see you again, I will look into the eyes of strangers. I am a stranger to you, but Mayaka, I have never felt so strange like I do now.It's scary to say, but there's a triumph in me that keeps me from even being aware of the fear.As if I were Gaide in my own thoughts, flying high in the night sky, huge, powerful, and invincible; in the memory of all battlefield slaughters, thefts, and songs, with pride.My name is the beat of awe and fear in song, and none in the world can stop my triumphant night flight.And when it's done, that thing inside of me will find a place to coil and sleep, and I'll be able to forget about it. But can you forget it?Locke will ask you again and again I see it in his lion's eye and Tan you may teach Tan to ask you No, Xiao Tan is very good, and Locke will let me off for Curran's sake. Will he?Will you still care about Curran's love then? I will, I care now. But you fly alone, far away from him, I can't figure it out, after flying, would you still want to return to the ground? Sibei sighed, let go of Mayaka's hand, and rubbed her eyes.I'm tired of weaving back and forth asking, wondering, thinking.I need to let Aylward burn first, so I can see if I am trapped in the ring of fire, or I am safely outside the ring of fire Mayaja, you must be tired after walking for so long, I will take you to my bedroom, you You can eat, groom, and rest. I will not rest in this house. Well, if you don't stay here with me, let Locke send you to Herney's house, or Burr's house. Mayaka patted Sibei's hand and got up slightly staggeringly, her skirt brushing the grass.No, I'm right here, take a break with your animals and I'll go sit with the black swan.What a lovely swan fountain, there.I have never liked people's houses that cannot be easily entered and exited. Sibei smiled slightly: Yes.She hooked Mayaka with her arms and walked with her to the lake, where the black swan glided to meet them.I'll bring you food and wine, and if you sleep out tonight, I'll stay with you. Mayaka sat down on the shore of the lake: Oh, my bones, the summer sun is so kind to old women.You are still very kind to the old and weak, women and children, which is comforting. I will be right back.Sybe said. No hurry, my white girl, I'll take a nap.Mayaka closed her eyes, Sibei quietly walked to the door, and gently took it behind her when she left.Then she looked up and saw Curran standing ahead, and blinked in surprise. oh Curran slowly raised his hands and held Sibei's arm tightly. His eyes moved back and forth on her face in bewilderment, as if he was reading an old saying he didn't understand. Then he took a breath and shouted: What are you doing, Sydney?
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