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Chapter 12 3. Six incredible things before breakfast

death tunnel 阿嘉莎.克莉絲蒂 4629Words 2023-02-05
What the hell did you say Tommy. He was used to seeing Toppins in unimaginable places on his way home, but this time he was more surprised than ever. Although it was drizzling outside, she was nowhere to be seen at home.He thought she might be concentrating on her work in a corner of the garden, so he went out to see what happened.That's exactly when you blurted it out. Hi Tommy, said Taopins.You came back earlier than I expected. What is this? You mean lover? What did you say? I say love, said Doppins.This is its name. Are you going to ride it?It's too small for you. Oh, of course.It's a kid's thing, and I think it predates the fairy circles I played with as a kid.

It can't possibly move, can it?asked Tommy. Oh, not quite moving, said Doppins.But just move it to the top of the hill and it will oh, you know, its wheels will turn themselves, because you're going downhill. And smash it at the foot of the mountain, I thought.Is that what you intend to do? No way, Doppins said.You can brake with your foot.Shall I demonstrate it to you? No need, Tommy said.It started to rain heavily.I just want to know why, uh, why do you do this?I mean, wouldn't that be fun? Honestly, Taopins said.It's kind of scary to do that.But, you know, I just wanna know

So you came and asked the tree?By the way, what kind of tree is this?It's chile pine, right? Yes, said Doppins.How smart you are to know. Of course I know, Tommy said.I also know the aliases for this tree. I know that too, said Doppins. The two stared at each other. It's just that I can't remember at the moment, said Tommy.is it atti Oh, very much like it, said Toppins.I guess that's enough, right? What are you doing in this thorny thing? Oh, because when you get to the bottom of the mountain, I mean if you don't stop it completely with your feet, you could crash into this ati tree or something (whatever it's called).

Did I just say it's called Arti or something?Could it be Atticaglia (rubella)?No, it's nettles, right?Well, whatever, said Tommy.Everyone's entertainment is different. I was just doing a little research for our latest issue. Your problem or my problem?Whose problem is it? I don't know, said Toppins.Hope it's both of us. Not a Beatrice problem or something like Sesame Mung Bean? Oh no.I was just curious as to what else was hidden in this house, so I went to look at the many toys that had been jumbled together years ago in a weird old greenhouse.There I saw this little wagon and Matide.Mathilde is a rocking horse with a hole in his belly.

Hole in belly? right.From what I can imagine, people used to stuff things in there.Children, just for fun, stuff in lots of dead leaves, dirty paper, old rags, strips of flannel, and dirty oilcloths for wiping things. Come on, let's go back to the house, said Tommy. Tommy, said Doppins, putting her foot toward the warm fire she had lighted in the parlour, for Tommy's return: Let me hear your news.Did you go to the gallery of the Landis Hotel to see the exhibition? I did not go.Honestly, I don't have time to go at all. What do you mean, no time?Didn't you make a special trip to see the exhibition?

Oh, not everything you do on a special trip can be done. Where did you go and what did you do?Taopins said. I found a new place to park. That would be very useful, said Doppins.where? Near Khosrow. What are you going to Khosrow for? Oh, actually I didn't go to Khosrow.There's a parking lot there, and that's where I take the subway. What?Are you going to London by subway? Yes, taking the subway seems to be the most convenient way. You look guilty, Doppins said.Won't you tell me I have a rival living in Khosrow? No, said Tommy.You should be happy for what I did. oh.Did you buy me a present?

No no, said Tommy.I'm afraid not.Honestly, I never know what to give you. Oh, sometimes you guess right, said Doppins, expectantly.What the hell did you do, Tommy?why should i be happy Because I'm doing research too, Tommy said. Everyone is doing research these days, Tao Pinsi said.You know, every teenager, every nephew and niece or son or daughter of somebody else, there's nobody who doesn't do research.I really don't know what they're investigating, and whatever they're investigating, it's always left behind.They just went to investigate, enjoyed it, and got a lot of satisfaction out of it.Alas, I really don't know what will happen in the future.

Our adopted daughter Betty went to East Africa, said Tommy.Did you get a letter from her? have.She loved the place and she loved going into African families and writing papers about them. Do you think those families appreciated Betty's interest?asked Tommy. I don't think so, said Toppins.I remember that in my father's parish, people hated the parish inspectors, they called them meddlers. There's some truth to what you say, Tommy said.You do point out the difficulties of what I'm doing or about to do. what are you investigatingHope it's not a lawn mower. I don't know why you mention the lawn mower.

Because you can't stop looking at catalogs of lawnmowers, said Toppins.You want a lawn mower like crazy. We're doing a historic investigation in this house, at least six or seventy years ago that there might have been a crime or something. Anyway, tell me about your investigative plans. I'm going to London, said Tommy.It's about starting something. Ah, said Doppins, investigation?You go to investigate.From a certain point of view, I do the same thing as you, but in a different way.And the time I investigated was even longer. You mean you really started to treat Mary.Interested in Jordan's questions?So you're going to put that on the agenda now, Tommy said.Mary.Jordan's mystery, or Mary.Jordan's question, is it a bit of a clue now?

The name couldn't be more unusual.If she was German, it couldn't have been her real name, Taopins said.And although some people say she is a German spy, I think she may also be British. I think the story of German spies is just a rumor. Go on, Tommy.You didn't tell me anything. Oh, I kind of, kind of Don't keep saying these two words, Tao Pinsi said.I don't understand at all. Well, sometimes things are hard to explain, Tommy said.But what I want to say is: there is a way to investigate. Are you talking about the past? Yes, in a sense.I mean, you can actually look things up and draw intelligence out of them, and it doesn't have to be riding an old toy, asking an old lady to reminisce, asking an old gardener who might be erroneous, or going to the post office to find those The girls told what their great-grandmother had told them, drawing the other clerks' stares.

But these methods have led me to some clues, Tao Pinsi said. I'll do it my way, Tommy said. Did you see anyone?Who do you ask questions? Oh, not exactly that.But you will remember, Doppins, that I have dealt with masters of this subject before.You know, if you pay them a little money, they'll check it out for you and get you absolutely reliable information. what kind of thing?what kind of place? Oh, there are many things.First, you can ask them to investigate things like deaths, births, and marriages. Oh, I guess you sent them to the Somerset household registration unit.Where did you go for death and marriage records? And birth records.You don't have to go in person, just ask someone to go for you.There you can find out when someone died, learn about the contents of someone's will, look up church wedding records or research birth certificates.All these things can be asked. You spent a lot of money, right?Taopins said.I thought we were going to save money after we paid the moving expenses. Oh, I think it's money well spent, considering you're so interested in the subject. oh did you find something Not so fast, you have to wait for the report to arrive.When the time comes, if they can find the answer for you You mean someone is going to come and tell you that this is Mary.Jordan's man was born somewhere, and then you go out and find out yourself.is that so? not completely.You'll also know many other things, such as census results, death certificates, and causes of death. Well, said Toppins.Sounds interesting.There is always something to be gained. You can also check out bound copies of old newspapers at newspaper offices. Do you mean the account of an event, like a murder or a trial or something? Not necessarily, but one always has a little contact with certain people.There are always people who know the truth, and you can go to those people, ask a few questions, reconnect with the past, just like we did when we started the detective agency in London.I thought someone could give us some information, or point us where to start.It depends on how familiar you are. Yes, said Doppins.Indeed.I know it myself from experience. We both approach our investigations differently, Tommy said.But it's hard to tell whether it's good or bad.I will never forget that day when I suddenly visited the hotel called Sheng Shouxi, the first time I saw you sitting there knitting and claiming to be Mrs. Banginso. That's all because I'm not fit to investigate, and no one is willing to take me to investigate, Taopinsi said. No wonder, said Tommy.I was having a lively conversation with a guest in the drawing room, and you ran into the next room, so you knew exactly where I was entrusted and what I was going to do, and you managed to get a head start.Eavesdropping, outright eavesdropping.what a shame. But the results were very satisfying, Taopinsi said. That's right, said Tommy.You always seem to have an instinct for success.Success always follows you. One day we'll get to the bottom of everything here.It's just, that was a long time ago, and I can't help but think that there's something very important hiding around here, maybe it's owned by someone here, or it's related to this house, or it's the same as the one who used to live in it. There are no people concerned about it that I just don't believe.Oh, I know what we're going to do next. do what?Tommy said. Come up with six incredible things before breakfast, of course, Taopins said.It's ten forty-five now, and I'm going to bed.I was tired, sleepy, and dirty from playing with those old dusty toys.I figured there must be something else in there.By the way, why is it called Kay Kay? I don't know, do you know how to spell it? I don't know, I think it should be K︱a︱i, not just KK. Because that sounds more like a mystery? It sounds like Japanese, said Doppins, in an uncertain tone. I don't know why you sound like Japanese, I don't.Kind of like something to eat, maybe rice. I'm going to bed.I'm going to have to take a good shower first and try to get these cobwebs off, said Taopins. Don't forget to come up with six incredible things before breakfast, says Tommy. I believe I can beat you in this, said Toppins. You're such a mystery sometimes, Tommy said. But you're more likely to be right than I am, said Doppins.This is sometimes irritating to think about.Oh, these things are meant to test us.Who used to say that to us in the past?He is often on the tongue. Never mind, Tommy said.Go and wash off the ancient dust on your body.Isn't Isaac's flower technique good? He thinks he's good at it, said Doppins.We can try him. Sadly, we don't know much about gardening ourselves.Ah, another question.
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