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Chapter 7 7. Man in the Mist

Tommy's life is not going well.Brent's master team of super detectives suffered repeated setbacks. The problem of pocket money did not matter, and his self-confidence was severely hit.They were commissioned as professional detectives to investigate the theft of a pearl necklace at Ellington Village in Ellington Town, but they failed in the end. While the feisty Countess, Doppins, was doing her best to flatter a nephew of the family on the golf course, the local police officers quietly arrested the mansion's second-class valet.Evidence showed he was a habitual thief on police records.He confessed to his crime.

So Tommy and Doppins had to withdraw with what little dignity they had left.At this moment, they were sitting in the Ellington Hotel drinking cocktails and chatting and masturbating.Tommy was still wearing the priest's clothes. well!That didn't play Father Brown's wit at all.said Tommy despondently, but I've got the right umbrella. It's none of Father Brown's business.From the start, says Taopins, a specific environment is needed.One must start with the most ordinary things before the strange will appear.This is the law of doing things. Unfortunately, said Tommy regretfully, we must return to London.Perhaps something strange will happen on the way to the station.

Just when he raised the wine glass to his lips, the wine in the glass suddenly splashed out, because a strong hand patted his shoulder vigorously.Then he heard a low voice as strong as that hand greet him. Oh, really, Tommy dude!And Mrs. Tommy.Where are you from?Haven't seen or heard from you for many years. Oops, it's Bulger!cried Tommy. He put the remaining cocktail on the table and turned to look at the unexpected guest.The man was in his thirties, with broad, muscular shoulders, a round, red face, and a golf suit. old bus! I said, man, Bulger (by the way, his real name is Marvin Astor) said, I had no idea you joined the Church.I didn't expect you to become a goddamn priest.

Doppins couldn't help laughing, but Tommy looked embarrassed.Then they suddenly found that there was another person present. It was a tall and slim woman with bright blond hair, a pair of round and blue eyes, wearing an expensive black mink coat, and a pair of huge pearl earrings on her ears, so beautiful It is simply indescribable.She was smiling, and that smile said a lot.For one thing, she knew very well that she must be the most admired beauty in England, and possibly the world.Although she is not vain about her beauty, she is convinced that it is. Tommy and Toppins recognized her immediately.They had seen her three times in the scene of "Secrets of the Heart"; three times they had seen her in the blockbuster "Pillar of Fire";Perhaps, there is no other actress in Britain quite like Gilda.Miss Glenn is so firmly tied to the hearts of all viewers.It is said that she is the number one beauty in the whole of England, and it is also rumored that she is the number one fool in the whole of England.

Miss Glenn, they are old friends of mine.Est said.His tone was somewhat apologetic, as if he shouldn't have neglected this radiant beauty, even if it took a while, it would be a sin.Tommy and Mrs. Tommy, this is Gilda.Miss Glenn. There was obvious pride in his tone.The mere fact that he had the honor of being in public company with Miss Glenn was a great honor to him. The actress looked at Tommy with interest. Are you really a priest?She asked, I mean, a Roman Catholic priest?I don't think they have wives. Esther couldn't help but laugh too. That was wonderful!He said without hesitation, Tommy, you sneaky guy.Mrs Tommy, he's always been so vain and vain, and I'm glad he didn't desert you.

Gilda.Miss Glenn had been staring at Tommy with puzzled eyes. Are you really a priest?she asked again. Few people are what they appear to be.Tommy said softly, my profession is somewhat similar to that of a priest. I don't forgive other people's sins, but listen to others' confessions. You mustn't listen to him, Esther interrupted suddenly, he's fooling you! If you're not a priest, I don't know why you dress like a priest, she still can't figure it out, could it be you I keep any criminals safe, said Tommy, and perform other similar duties. oh!She frowned, and stared at Tommy with bewildered eyes wide open.

I doubt she really understands what I do.Tommy thought to himself, and I had to tell her every word so she could understand. he asked loudly: Bulger, do you know the train time to London?We must hurry back as soon as possible.How far is it from the train station? It only takes ten minutes to walk.But don't worry.The next bus leaves at 6:35, and it's only 5:40 now.You just missed a bus. Which way should I take from here to the station? When you come out of this restaurant, go straight to the left.Then, let me think that going along Morgan Avenue is the shortest way, right? Morgan Avenue?Miss Glenn cried out, looking at Esther with eyes full of fear.

I know what you're thinking, Esther said with a smile, ghost.On one side of Morgan Avenue is a cemetery.Legend has it that a policeman was violently assaulted and killed there, but afterwards he got up and walked along his regular patrol route, up and down Morgan Avenue.Ghost Cops!Do you believe?But many swore to have seen him. police?asked Miss Glenn, her voice trembling a little. Couldn't there really be some ghost there?I mean there's no such thing out there? She stood up and wrapped her coat tightly around her body. Well, goodbye.she said vaguely. She never greeted Tao Pinsi from the beginning to the end, even at this moment, she didn't even look at Tao Pinsi.But she glanced back at Tommy suspiciously.

As soon as she walked to the gate of the hotel, she ran into a tall, white-haired, round-faced man head-on.The man yelled in surprise, then held her arm, and they walked out of the hall together, and the two talked very cordially. What a peerless beauty, isn't she?Esther said, but with the head of a stupid rabbit.Rumor had it that she was going to marry Lord Raycombe.That man in the hall just now was Lord Raecomber. He doesn't look like a man worth marrying.Tao Pinsi commented. Esther shrugged. I think the allure of titles is quite strong.Besides, he said, Raycomber was not a poor nobleman.After marrying him, she can live in comfort and comfort.To be honest, no one knows what her parentage is like.I dare say 80% are from the lower class.Anyway, she must have some ulterior secret.She doesn't live in this hotel.I tried to find out exactly where she lived, and she icily refused to answer. Her refusal was rude, and only her.Made me confused miles.He looked at his watch and let out a cry.I have to go.It was a pleasure to meet you again.We should get together for a drink some night in London.Bye now!

He hurried away.At this moment, a doorman came towards them with a tray in hand.Inside the tray was an unsigned note. This is for you, sir, said the doorman to Tommy, it's Gilda.Miss Glenn sent for it. Tommy opened the note and looked at it with great curiosity.A few lines were written crookedly on the inside page: I can't be sure, but I think you might be able to help me.You will pass that road to get to the train station.Could you go to the White House on Morgan Avenue at six ten? Kind regards Gilda.glen Tommy nodded to the doorman.After the doorman left, he handed the note to Doppins.

Very good!Doppins said it was because she still thought you were a priest? No, Tommy mused, I think it's because she finally decided I wasn't a priest.Hey!Who is this person? The man Tommy was talking about was a red-haired young man who looked rebellious and wore shabby clothes.He had already entered the room, and was pacing back and forth non-stop at the moment, muttering something. What the hell!The red-haired young man yelled, I mean, what the hell! He slumped into a chair next to the young couple and glared at them with displeasure. All women go to hell, that's what I said.The young man gave Tao Pinsi a vicious look, oh!OK, make a fuss if you like.Kick me out of the hotel, anyway, this is not the first time.Can't people have a heart-to-heart conversation?Why do we have to control our emotions and put on a smiley face like everyone else?I don't think it's flattering or a polite gesture.I want to grab someone by the throat and let him slowly suffocate. He paused to catch his breath. Are you referring to a specific object?asked Doppins, or to anyone? for a specific object.said the young man grimly. That's very interesting, says Taopins, can you tell us a little more about it? My name is Riley, James.Riley, said the red-haired man, you must have heard of that name.I once wrote a book of pacifist poetry, great poetry, not boasting. A pacifist poem?Doppins was evidently taken aback. Yes, any questions?asked Mr Riley defiantly. oh!No.Tao Pinsi replied hastily. I am a man who loves peace.Mr. Riley said firmly, let the war go to hell!And women, women should go to hell too!Did you see that guy hanging around here just now?She calls herself Gilda.glen.snort!Gilda.Glenn!God!How much I adored that woman before.I tell you, if her heart had been made of flesh, she would have been mine long ago.She liked me before and I can make her like me again.But if she's going to sell herself to that stinky dung heap, Raycombe, huh!Then I will kill her immediately with my own hands.God help her! Speaking of this, he suddenly stood up and ran out quickly. Tommy raised his eyebrows. What an impulsive gentleman.He whispered, Well, Doppins, can we go? They left the hotel, the air outside was very cool, and a mist slowly hit.According to the direction Esther pointed out, they turned directly to the left.A few minutes later they came to a corner marked Morgan Avenue. The fog is getting thicker.Light, white mist drifted hastily past them in tiny eddies.To their left was the high wall of the cemetery, and to their right a row of small houses.At this moment, they stopped.A tall hedge of shrubs stretched across them. Tommy, said Toppins, I'm starting to get hairy.The fog was so thick and the place was so still.We seem to have reached a place where there is no village in front of us and no shop behind. Anyone can feel that way, Tommy agreed, seemingly isolated.This is the effect of dense fog and the inability to see the foreground. Tao Pinsi nodded: Now only the echo of our feet on the pavement can be heard.what is that sound What sound? I seemed to hear the footsteps of other people behind us. No matter how nervous you are, after a while, you will really see ghosts!Don't be nervous, said Tommy kindly.Are you afraid that the ghost cop will put his hand on your shoulder? Doppins let out a piercing scream. Tommy, stop talking.Your words remind me of a horrible thing. She craned her neck and turned her head back, trying to look into the depths of the mist that surrounded them tightly. The footsteps sounded again, and she whispered, no, it's in front of us now.oh!Tommy, you won't say you didn't hear this time, will you? I did hear a voice.Yes, footsteps from behind us.When other people take this road to catch a train, they don't know He stopped suddenly and stood motionless.Taopinsi also held her breath in fright. The thick fog in front of them seemed to be pulled away with a bang, and a giant policeman suddenly appeared less than twenty feet away from them.It seems that ghosts suddenly appear from the smoke, disappearing and reappearing for a while, which may also be an illusion caused by the extreme fear of the two audiences.As the thick fog recedes, the background gradually becomes clear, just like a stage effect. A tall policeman in a blue uniform appeared in front of the two of them, and a vertical scarlet mailbox, and the outline of a white building gradually appeared on the left side of the road. Red, white, and blue, Tommy said, were damn eye-catching.Don't be afraid, Doppins, there's nothing to be afraid of. At this moment, he really saw that the policeman was a real policeman, he was not as tall as when he disappeared in the mist just now. Just as they were about to move on, there was a sound of footsteps behind them.A man hurried past them He arrived at the gate of the white building, went up the steps, grabbed the door knocker and knocked continuously.The door finally opened and he walked in.At this time, Tommy and his wife just walked to the place where the policeman was standing, and he had been watching the man. The gentleman just now seemed to be in a hurry.said the policeman. His tone of voice seemed slow and serious, as if he had reached such a conclusion after careful consideration. He was the kind of gentleman who was always in a hurry.Tommy said. The policeman turned his head slowly and eyed Tommy suspiciously. He is your friend?he asked, with obvious suspicion in his tone. No, said Tommy, he's not my friend.I just met him by chance, his name is Riley. Yeah?The policeman said, well, I should go. Please tell me where is the White House?asked Tommy. The policeman tilted his head sideways. Here it is.This is the residence of Mrs. Han Nicole.He paused, then added, obviously trying to provide them with some valuable information, that she was a nervous woman who always suspected burglars around her and often asked me to watch around her house.This is the case with middle-aged women. Middle-aged women?asked Tommy, did you know there was a lady who lived here too? a lady?The policeman thought for a moment and said, a lady?No, I'm not sure. Tommy, she probably doesn't live here.Anyway, said Taopins, she might not be there yet, and she might start before we do. ah!The policeman said suddenly, I remember now, a lady walked through this gate.I saw her when I came along this road, about three or four minutes ago. Wearing a mink coat?Tao Pinsi asked eagerly. Around her neck was something that looked like gray and white rabbit fur.The cop confessed. Doppins smiled.The policeman walked in the direction they had come, and they were about to go to the white house. At this moment, a faint and suppressed cry suddenly came from the house.Almost immediately, the front door of the house opened.James.Riley ran down the steps in a panic.His distorted face was pale, and his eyes stared blankly ahead.He faltered like a drunk. He passed Tommy and Doppins, but he didn't seem to see them, and he just murmured to himself over and over again: OMG!OMG!Oh my goodness! He grasped the latch with both hands, as if trying to steady himself.Immediately afterwards, as if he had been struck by a thunderbolt, he ran towards the opposite direction of the policeman. Tommy and Doppins looked at each other in bewilderment. It seems, says Tommy, that something happened in that house that scared our Riley out of his wits. Doppins' fingers moved carelessly over the latch. His hand must have touched something that had just been painted red.she said lazily. Um!Tommy said we should hurry to that house.I'm really curious what happened there. At the door of the house stood a maid in a white hat, she was too angry to speak. Did you see that man just now, Father?Just as Tommy was coming up the steps, she said suddenly and loudly, he came here, said he wanted to see the young lady, and ran up the stairs by himself without giving any reason, and whether you agreed or not.After a while, she was squawking like a wild cat, which is very strange, poor little beauty.Immediately afterwards, he ran down the stairs in a hurry, his face pale, as if he had encountered a ghost.what on earth is it? Who are you talking to at the front door, Ellen?There were sharp questioning voices in the hall. Ma'am, someone is coming.Ellen replied, looking superfluous. She stood aside, and Tommy found a white-haired middle-aged woman standing in front of her.Her blue eyes were chilling behind mismatched pince-nez, and her bony figure was draped in a black dress trimmed with long glass beads. Mrs. Hannik?Tommy said, I'm here to see Miss Glenn. Mrs. Hannick gave him a sharp glance, and then looked at Doppins very carefully. Oh, so you want to see Miss Glenn?She said, well, come in. She led them into the hall and then into a room at the back of the house.The room was facing the garden, and it was not very big. There were a few huge chairs and tables in it, which filled the room and made the space look even narrower.A fire was burning brightly in the fireplace, and beside it stood a sofa with a calico cover.The pattern of the wallpaper consists of thin gray lines with drooping rosette circles along the perimeter of the ceiling.The walls are covered with engravings and paintings. The furnishings of this room are similar to those of Gilda.Miss Glenn's voluptuous and voluptuous personality did not match. please sit down.Mrs. Hanniker said, first of all, please forgive me if I say that I do not believe in Roman Catholicism.I never imagined hosting a Roman Catholic priest in my home.But it is not surprising that Gilda became a whore, which was bound to happen sooner or later in her way of life, and I dare say her life was worse than we think.She should not have any religious beliefs.If a Catholic priest can marry, she may choose that religion. I'm always very frank.Think of those convents!How many beautiful young girls were locked inside, and no one knew what happened to them.Alas, the thought of it is unbearable. Mrs. Han Nicole finally stopped her eloquent speech and took a deep breath. Rather than rising to the defense of the ascetic spirit of the priests, or refuting the controversial arguments in her words, Tommy cuts straight to the point. Mrs. Hannick, as far as I know, Miss Glenn lives in this house. She is living here, but I'm not very happy.Marriage is marriage, if you marry a chicken, follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, follow the dog, since you have brewed the bitter wine yourself, you have to drink it yourself. I don't quite understand.Tommy said blankly. I think so, and that's why I brought you here.When I have finished what I have been holding in my heart, you may go upstairs to Gilda.After so many years since she came to me, you can imagine that she asked me to help her, to see her husband, and to persuade him to agree to a divorce.I told her straight to the point that I would never take part in such a thing.Divorce is a sin.But then again, I will not refuse to give my sister a place to live. your sister?Tommy was amazed. Yes, Gilda is my sister.Didn't she tell you that? Tommy stared at her dumbfounded.The development of things was so unexpected.At this time, he suddenly thought of Gilda.Glenn's angelic beauty has long been known.When he was very young, he went to see her performance many times.Yes, they could be sisters.However, the contrast between them is so stark.It turned out that Gilda.Glenn came from such a lower-middle-class family.But she was tight-lipped about her parentage! But I'm still a little unclear, he said, has your sister ever married? She eloped and got married at the age of seventeen.Mrs. Hannick said succinctly that her husband was an ordinary man of low status who did not match her.And our father was a priest.Therefore, this matter is disgraceful.Finally, she left her husband and went to the stage to act!I've never been in a theater in my life, and I've never dealt with evil.Now, after so many years, she actually wanted to divorce that man.I guess she wants to marry someone big.But her husband is very firm, not afraid of threats or temptations, which I admire a lot. What's his name?Tommy asked suddenly. It's unbelievable to say, but I can't remember it!She eloped twenty years ago, do you understand?My father forbids us to mention it, and I don't want to talk to Gilda about it.She knows what I think, and for her, that's enough. It can't be Riley, can it? Maybe, but I'm not sure.I completely forgot. The person I was talking about was here just now. That man!I thought he was a mental patient who escaped from somewhere.I was in the kitchen talking to Ellen.I have just returned to this room and am wondering if Gilda is back (she has the front door key).At this time, I heard her voice.She hesitated for a minute or two in the hall, then went straight upstairs.About three minutes later, I heard a loud noise like rats crossing the border.I hurried into the hall just in time to see a man rush upstairs.Then a shout was heard from upstairs, and almost at the same time the man hurried downstairs again and ran out like a madman.Everything happened very suddenly. Tommy stood up. Mrs. Hannick, let's go upstairs at once.I worry worry about what? Worried you don't have red paint in this house. Mrs. Hannick's eyes were fixed on him. Of course I didn't! That's what worries me.Tommy said heavily, please let us go to your sister's room immediately. After a moment of silence, Mrs. Han Nicole finally stepped forward to lead the way.At this time, they caught a glimpse of Ellen who had been standing in the hallway and suddenly retreated into a room in a hurry. Upstairs, Mrs. Han Nicole opened the door of the first room.Tommy and Doppins followed her in. Suddenly, she became short of breath and took a few steps back. On the sofa lay a body wrapped in a mink coat, its limbs stretched out, motionless.The face was still pretty, but expressionless.Just as peaceful as a mature child sleeping sweetly.The wound was on the side of the head, apparently from a blow to the head with a blunt instrument.Blood is slowly dripping to the floor but the wound is no longer bleeding Tommy's face became very pale, and he examined the lying body carefully. It seemed, at last, he said, that he hadn't strangled her neck. what are you saying?who is he?Mrs. Hannik yelled, is she dead? Yes, Mrs. Hannikel.She was dead, murdered.The question is who did it?How strange that he threatened to kill her himself, but I don't think he would.He paused for a moment, then looked resolutely at Toppins.Can you go out and get a policeman, or a place to call the police? Tao Pinsi nodded, her face was also very pale.Tommy helped Mrs. Hannik down the stairs. I want to get as clear as possible about this case.He said, do you know the exact time when your sister will come back? Yes, of course I do.Mrs. Hanniker said, because I have to set the clock forward by five minutes every night, the clock will be slowed down by five minutes a day.At that time my watch was eight minutes past six, and my watch was absolutely accurate, not one second more, one second less. Tommy nodded.This is exactly what the policeman said.The cop said he saw a woman in gray and white fur go through the front door, probably three minutes before he and Toppins arrived at the same spot.He had looked at his watch at the time and knew that he was one minute behind the agreed time on the note. This is a possibility.That is, Gilda.Before Glenn came home, someone was waiting for her upstairs in her room.If this inference is true, the man must still be hiding in the house, because only James.Riley left the house. Tommy ran upstairs, and made a quick and thorough search of all the rooms, but found no one.Then he decided to have a talk with Ellen.After he told her the news of Glenn's murder, she first wailed with grief, then prayed and begged the angels of heaven to accept the dead man's soul.When she had finally finished crying and praying, he asked her a few questions. Did anyone else come here that afternoon to inquire about Miss Glenn?Nobody.Had she herself been upstairs that evening?Yes, as usual, she went up at six o'clock to draw the curtains, and of course it might have been a few minutes past six.But one thing is certain, she went upstairs before the brut nearly knocked the knocker in pieces.Hearing the knock on the door, she hurried down the stairs to open the door.That guy must be an inhuman murderer. Tommy stopped asking, but he still harbored an unaccountable pity for Riley, an unwillingness to believe that he was a villain.But no one else could have murdered Gilda.glen.Mrs. Hannik and Ellen were the only ones left in the house. He heard a noise in the hall, went to open the door and saw Doppins and the policeman knocking on the door outside.The cop produced a notebook and a thick pencil, and furtively licked the pencil.He went upstairs and nonchalantly examined the victim, and his only claim was that if Tommy had touched anything at the scene, the officer would have made him go away.The police then listened to Mrs. Hanniker's hysterical speech and incoherent explanations, and wrote something in the notebook from time to time.His presence is calming and comforting. Tommy finally had a minute or two alone with the officer on the outside steps before he called headquarters. Look, said Tommy, you saw the dead walk in the front door, didn't you?Are you sure she was alone? oh!She was alone, yes, no one was with her. Did no one come out the front door between the time you saw her and the time you met us? Not even a ghost. If someone actually came out the front door, you should be able to see it, right? Of course.No one ever came out of that house except that crazy guy. The haughty law enforcement officer walked down the steps arrogantly and stopped beside the white doorpost.There was a harsh red handprint on the doorpost. He must be an amateur killer, he said pityingly, to leave such a mark. Then he swaggered down the street. The day after the murder.Tommy and Toppins were still living at the Ellington Hotel, but Tommy thought it would be wise to get rid of the priest's clothes. James.Riley has been arrested and jailed.His lawyer, Mr. Marvell, had just had a lengthy conversation with Tommy about the circumstances surrounding the murder. I never believe that the murderer was James.Riley.He was blunt and said that he was always extreme when he spoke, but that was about it. Tommy nodded: Spending too much energy on rhetoric, when it comes time to put it into action, it will be powerless.I am well aware that I am the main witness against him.Conviction was confirmed by the words he spoke to me just before the murder.But anyway, I quite like him as a person.If there was a second suspect, I would say Riley was innocent.So what did he say about it? The lawyer pouted. He claimed that when he saw her, she was lying there dead.That is of course not convincing.This is his well-designed lie. If he's telling the truth, it's not the same as saying that the nagging Mrs. Hannik is the murderer, but that's nonsense.It seems that he must be inseparable from the relationship. Please don't forget that the maid has heard her screams. The maid yes. Tommy was silent for a moment, then said thoughtfully: We are too easy to trust others.We believe in so-called evidence as the gospel of God.But what about the authenticity of this evidence?That is just an impression formed in the mind by feeling, but what if these impressions are wrong? The lawyer shrugged. oh!We all know that witnesses are sometimes unreliable.Over time, the witness will recall more, but that doesn't mean he was deceiving on purpose. I mean more than that.I mean, sometimes the things we state are not the truth, and the scary thing is, we don't realize it.For example, you and I undoubtedly both said that the mail was coming.But what is our true meaning?That meant we heard two knocks on the door and the rattle of the letter box.Nine times out of ten we are right and the mail does come.But for exactly the tenth time, there's a good chance it's just some little rascal playing tricks on us.do you see what i mean? Yes Mr. Marvel said slowly, but I still don't understand what you mean? You really don't understand?Of course, even I am not very clear at the moment.However, my mind gradually began to clear up.It's like a stick.Toppins, you should know.One end of the stick points in one direction, and the other end necessarily points in the exact opposite direction.To determine the correct direction, it should be based on the correct pointing of the stick end.A door can be opened, but of course it can also be closed; when people go upstairs, they will naturally go downstairs; if a box is closed, it must have been opened. What exactly do you mean?asked Toppins, who was bewildered by him. Really, it's almost ridiculously easy.Tommy said, I just figured it out, too.How do you know when a person walks into a house?That's because you heard the door opening and closing.If you know someone is coming, you assume that.However, that may also mean that someone is going out! But Miss Glenn didn't walk out of that house! Of course not, I know she didn't walk out of that house.However, someone else did go out and that was the murderer. So how did she get into the house? Mrs. Hannick was in the kitchen talking to Ellen when she entered the house.They did not hear her voice.Mrs. Hannikel returned to the living room, wondering why her sister hadn't returned.Then she began to adjust the clock.Then, as she thought, she heard her sister come back, and go upstairs. So, how does this explain?The sound of footsteps going upstairs. It was Ellen going upstairs to draw the curtains.You will recall that Mrs. Hannick said that her sister had a very brief delay before going upstairs.And in this very short time, Ellen was coming out of the kitchen to go into the hall.Therefore, she happened to not see the murderer. But, Tommy, cried Toppins, what about the screams she made? That's James.Riley's voice.Didn't you notice that his noise was very high-pitched?When the emotions are extremely agitated, men also scream like you women. What about the murderer?We should see him, shouldn't we? We did meet him.We even stood there talking to him.The scene that the policeman suddenly appeared in front of us, you should never forget it in your life, right?That's because when he came out of the gate of the house, it happened that the thick fog was slowly disappearing from the road. That really gave us the creeps, remember?All in all, although we never imagined that they would do such a thing, the police, after all, are just like ordinary people.They need love too, and they can hold hate too.A Wife Is Needed, too. Gilda met her husband unexpectedly at the gate, and brought him into the house, as I gather, with the object of bringing their marriage to an end.He didn't hear Riley's violent words to vent his emotions, but only saw the red handprints left on the doorpost, and he always carried the stubby baton in his hand
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