Home Categories Novel Corner waltz of flowers

Chapter 6 Zhao Yun

waltz of flowers 川端康成 10192Words 2023-02-05
On her way to the classroom for the first time, she stopped at the corner of the corridor and looked up at the sky through the old window.On the edge of the white clouds, there seems to be a rosy morning light remaining. In the future, whenever it is my turn to clean the window glass, I will think of this scene.Thinking of her looking at the sky from this window, I took a deep breath, wiped it extra carefully, and looked up at the sky myself.I didn't mention this to my friend who was on shift together. As for her, she certainly didn't notice that the window for her to see the sky was wiped particularly clean.

But why did she stand and watch the clouds?Perhaps it was a slight hesitation before entering the classroom as a new teacher?It may also be to avoid the long-awaited eyes of our students? In her new speech, she mentioned: I heard that the shape of clouds is different from place to place, is it true?He also said: For example, the clouds in Shizuoka and the clouds in Shikoku, the clouds in Echigo and the clouds in Sendai have different shapes.When flying, you can tell where you are just by looking at the shape of the clouds.The clouds in Taiwan are quite different from those in Hokkaido, and each place has its own characteristics.

Maybe she herself thinks that she came to such a far place to be a teacher because of looking at the clouds? When we heard the legend of Yun for the first time, we were all deeply moved, but everyone remained silent and didn't even dare to move their bodies.Usually, beautiful teachers will always be our first topic.But this elegant and refined teacher gives people a stern impression. I think this may not be due to the instinctive vigilance of our girls. The way she teaches is very simplistic and not very satisfying.Compared with the previous teacher who was intoxicated in the article and recited with ups and downs, her reading sounds like a daily conversation, which is too plain, not like a Chinese teacher.She will ask us like the previous teacher: Have you experienced the fun of the article?In order to arouse our interest, but her explanation is quite simple, unlike the previous teacher who appreciated it verbatim.If she continues to teach at her speed, within three or four months, it is likely that she will be able to complete the one-year course.

The former male teacher was very confident, and once said in class that he would not be buried forever teaching in a small girls' school.He also brought his works published in specialized literary magazines and recited them to us.Although we little ghosts in the second and third grades don't understand, we worship the teacher very much.Soon after, he had an opportunity to be a lecturer in a higher school, so he left our school without any attachment.Because of this, we felt that he was great, and felt a sense of loneliness of being abandoned.I have always been excellent in Chinese, and I have thought that after graduating from a girls' school, I will devote myself to literature research, but I don't know when I will be encouraged by the teacher again.

She is the next teacher.It was April, the year we had just entered third grade. In June, the school held the Mothers and Sisters Meeting as usual in previous years.The subject proposed in our class was Chinese, and she planned for us to recite compositions or dialogues, or choose poems and dances from textbooks.As a result, Shimazaki Fujimura's poem was composed into a tune, and it was also recorded into an album.When she asked our opinion, the students were very nervous, who will be chosen to dance? There is an unwritten rule in our school that those who have participated in the performances of the Mothers and Sisters Association do not need to participate in the performances again.In the first grade, I performed singing and also served as the head of the academic department.But since she just took office, she didn't know much about us, so she said: Let's recommend each other!As a result, I was selected as one of the twelve.After school, she instructed us to dance while watching carefully.Then, four people were selected from the twelve, and I was one of them.I am very happy, and on the other hand feel uneasy.But the four selected were of the same height, so I made an excuse for myself, claiming that she didn't use the dance performance as the criterion, but the height to decide the candidate.At the same time, I also insist on this statement to my classmates.

However, some people are still jealous, and some people shed tears for it.Especially the twelve students who were originally selected, after a few days of practice, the eight students who were eliminated in the re-selection felt even more uncomfortable. Those who are selected are involuntary, and as human beings, we have to work hard to be selected.Looking at her fair face when she said these words, my heart skipped a beat.Looking at her chin from the side of her head, I suddenly felt her beauty stabbing my heart. I wanted to give the opportunity to those who were sad about not being selected, but since no one said anything bad about my selection, I continued to practice with peace of mind.On the contrary, one of the four was jealous of me and spread rumors indiscriminately.

Teacher Chrysanthemum is so kind to Miyako!Even when I went to borrow records, I was mistaken for Miyako. She called: Is it Miyako?look this way.The tone is gentle and kind. I was angry, a powerless anger.In fact, I should feel happy when I heard these words, why am I so angry instead?Later, I felt shy and uneasy again, and I felt that this incident would have a bad influence on her.In any case, I'd rather be told she was a fair teacher.But at the time, I was so angry that I didn't say much.The other party was making fun of themselves, so they stopped spreading the word. I was in poor health when I was a child, so I learned dance for a while, but now I am much unfamiliar.After being admitted to a women's university, she has never danced.She went on to say: But dancing is a joy.

Her first dance teacher was a famous dancer who was famous for developing Western new dance styles from traditional Japanese dances.We also often see the demeanor of this female dancer in photos or inserts in newspapers and magazines.The fact that she once practiced dancing under the tutelage of a famous teacher surprised us quite a bit.As if the unattainable magnificence suddenly appeared in front of us, the four of us concentrated on her dancing posture while deeply feeling the beauty of human body language.Perhaps it was because she had learned dance, so her posture of standing and watching the clouds left a deep impression on me.When she held our hands and taught us how to dance, the beauty of dance seemed to flow in our bodies, and we suddenly felt our blood boil.

Miyako, wipe off your sweat!She handed me a handkerchief, and when I covered my face with the handkerchief, tears welled up in my eyes.I covered my face and ran out of the corridor, looking up at the sky from the ancient window.The sky in early summer is cloudless.I felt a new and bright joy in life, and I couldn't help but smile. She also perspired slightly, stretched out her hand to stroke her cheek and said, "It's so hot!"We also imitated her touching her face and saying: It's so hot, so hot!Mistress, your face is so red.You are so popular!The four laughed at each other.And she just silently looked at our blushing faces one by one.

Our dancing was well received. Since then, I no longer called Teacher Kikui, nor did I raise my hand to ask questions in her class.But when she points to me, I always take a deep breath and answer clearly.After going to bed that night, I must lie in bed and smile to myself. Our town is near Mount Fuji on one side and the ocean on the other.Tokaido pines are planted on both sides of the asphalt road in the town, leading directly to the school.The climate is pleasant, and it is a rare place to see snow. Every February, our school will lead a team to Xinzhou for skiing.I thought she would definitely participate, so I signed up too.Her skiing skills are not very good, probably because she is young and has a dance foundation, so she has made rapid progress.When skiing, she glides through the snow with a frank manner, which is really beautiful.I didn't slide close to her, but I was fascinated by it from a distance, and suddenly felt that her posture was as simple as she was reading a Chinese textbook, simple and unpretentious.

She took off the teacher's serious mask and revisited the old dreams of her student days.But once the voice is too noisy, I will be a little uneasy, always wanting to get her attention, and envious of those who talk freely with her.When I returned to the mountain hut, I wanted to wipe the snowflakes off her back, but I was too shy to reach out.It was a rare opportunity, but I went down the mountain without saying a word to her. I worked very hard on Chinese, but in class, I carefully avoided her special appreciation.Whenever she called out her name, she would often be too nervous to say what she knew, and she would be blamed for it.In the classroom, she has always been stern and impartial.I think that in the next year, I must work harder on her classes.One day in May when we entered the fourth grade, we used the time of physical education class to clean the shooting range.When I lowered my head to pull weeds, she came from nowhere, knelt down and pulled weeds together, and asked me: What is the fifth class?My heart was pounding, and I couldn't speak for a while.So, the person beside me answered for me: Housework class.She nodded slightly and said: Really?Such a simple thing, but it made me very uncomfortable. About the same time, when I was practicing my bow, it suddenly began to rain.She came from the other side of the dormitory, told me to come under her umbrella, and said: Come closer, or I will get wet.She put her arm around my shoulders and laughed.I felt the warmth of her palm through the thin uniform, and almost fell into her arms.The next day, while drying my wet uniform under the scorching sun, I looked at Mt. Fuji and shouted, "It's so beautiful!" Soon, when the school held an excursion to Mount Fuji, I wanted to tell her several times that I could see the beautiful Mount Fuji from my house, but whenever I approached her, I couldn’t open my mouth, and she didn’t talk to me.That day, her complexion was not very good, a little pale.She was dressed in a water-blue dress with a white hat, looking elegant and elegant.However, she was leaning against a big pine tree with her head down.I will never forget her appearance, as if she has something on her mind.It just occurred to me that she has nothing to do with me, and I don't know when and where she will disappear. Once when she was teaching the Tale of Bamboo Tori in class, she said that Mt. Fuji could be seen from the classroom window, and she said: This is the oldest novel in Japan, and it is also a beautiful article.After listening to me, you should understand the meaning, right?Although the story is old, it can be expressed in an approachable language, which is really hard to put down.She believes that the central idea of ​​worshiping the purity of girls is a rare masterpiece in Japanese classical novels.And I appreciate that this article uses bamboo, moon and Mount Fuji to write the symbols of Japanese beauty. Only the ancients had such beautiful fantasies.She likes the princess who was born from the bamboo in the story very much, and finally flew to the world in the moon.It is also said that the haze of Mt. Fuji originated from the era of the story of Taketori.Perhaps when she was leaning on the pine trunk, she was thinking about the story of the princess. One autumn day after the summer vacation, she wore a rouge-colored sweater with white wool on the chest, giving off a cute impression that was different from usual.At that time, she came out of the dormitory and happened to meet me unexpectedly.I lowered my head shyly. In fact, she must not know what I was thinking. I couldn't keep staring at the ground.I wanted to look at her so much, but I never looked up.But her lovely figure in a red sweater brought us closer, making her look like the girl next door.This major discovery surprised me very much, and at the same time I had a feeling in my heart, that is the so-called youth!I long to be a lady like her, and every thought of it gives me great joy.I peeked at her greedily, and she seemed to be peeking at me too.She invited me to jump rope together, and I prepared in a hurry, but she didn't seem to notice my nervousness. As soon as winter comes, more people skip rope on campus.Maybe by chance, when I was about to start dancing, she grabbed my shoulders and jumped up together.As soon as my steps were messed up, I got caught by the rope.Oops, that won't work.She shook my shoulder and said again: I'm sorry.I was listlessly trying to step out of the rope when she tapped my shoulder and said: Try again.Then he urged the girl holding the rope to start swinging the rope.The rope was wound up again, I danced with my eyes closed, my heart was blank, I just danced with the rhythm of her body, like a spring-loaded doll, dancing briskly and non-stop.My senses seemed to be paralyzed, but I danced surprisingly well, and tears flowed from under my closed eyelashes.She was short of breath, facing me and said: No, no.Wow, exhausted!Then, her hands left my shoulders, and she jumped out of the rope.I felt a chill in my heart, but continued to dance.Rather than wanting to dance till the end of tears, it would be better to say dancing helplessly. I cried twice at school, once at dance practice when she handed me her handkerchief, and now.For a while after that, I always dreamed about jumping rope.There is no ground in dreams, and I have been awakened by falling into the abyss. When playing shuttlecock at the end of the year, as soon as I made eye contact with her, my shuttlecock fell off.But when it came to scoring, I played really well again, exactly as I did when I was jumping rope. But sometimes, she doesn't even look at me for the whole class, which makes me sad.Her grades are very strict, and she especially hates sloppy answers, and often reprimands classmates who commit such mistakes.As for our composition, we are often severely criticized by her.Her teaching method is different from that of the previous male teacher. The previous teacher was keen on literature research and understood very well our teenage feelings that we do not easily express our feelings through words; while she is very concerned about our daily language and must speak concisely.After she finished saying this sentence, she turned her face sideways and stopped speaking.Even so, even if I were the first to get scolded for something like this, I'd still have a great day. Because of my behavior, I can't help but wonder if I'm not normal, or is this a good sign?I long to find someone to talk to, but I can barely control it.As long as you graduate, you can speak freely.At that time, communication between teachers and students was prohibited, so of course I did not dare to associate with her.Thinking of the words and sentences in the letter I will write to her after graduation, I am beyond excited.There may be no reply to the letter, and even if the letter is written, it may not be sent.While thinking, I wrote this imaginary letter on the heart board. She has been teaching in our school for her second year.During the Spring Festival holiday, I was shocked to hear the rumor that she was about to resign.It is said that she once disclosed these things to her first-year Chinese class students.Thinking of her love for the first grade, my heart is so lonely and lonely.Why is she silent about us? In the last class at the end of the year, I didn't hear her mention whether to continue teaching next semester.My dreams were completely shattered. All kinds of activities during the Chinese New Year were cancelled. I did not participate in the primary school reunion, did not go to the primary school teacher’s house to pay New Year’s greetings, and did not hold a New Year’s party with three friends at my house.And every time my mother calls my name, I get a shock.I got up and walked in a panic, wondering why my mother always calls me during the Chinese New Year this year?Then again, who to confirm that rumor with?I have nothing in mind.Under such circumstances, I never mentioned her name, just lived my life in a daze, and I was really going to be a bad boy. The more I thought about it, the sadder I became.I went to the backyard to call the chickens, put the feed on my palm and let the chickens peck.From there, you can see Mount Fuji in the first month. On the 9th, I returned to school with a feeling of almost despair, but she appeared at the right time, and she turned out to be more beautiful than last year.I walked in such a hurry that I almost ran into her.I was so happy that I forced the handkerchief as a condition for exchanging duty with my classmates.Just as we take turns once a week, the teachers on duty this week are her and Mr. Kubo. I was once scolded by her in the cramped duty room, and she stared at me when I cursed.In order to let her check the weekly log, I looked for her everywhere, and found her back on the stairs leading to the sewing classroom.teacher!I stopped calling, and she stood on the stairs and read the diary.In winter, the sun goes down earlier, and the light on the stairs is already dark.She brought the diary close to her eyes, frowning at it.I also stared straight into my eyes in the dark as if looking at something, and when I was noticed, my face flushed immediately.There are only the two of us here, even if we can only speak the word teacher at the moment, it is better than being silent.When I decided to speak, it was not as easy as when I called the teacher to stop. Something seemed to be blocked in my throat, and I couldn't make a sound.She said well and handed the journal back to me.Then, I went to the sewing class without looking back.Forget it, it's better to keep silent, so what if you call teacher again?I don't think about letting her know what's on my mind. Usually, between me and her, she is the only one who asks: What is the next class?I answered softly: geography.Just conversations like that.Perhaps she thought I was a nasty child because of my nonchalant answers, or the distasteful attitude I sometimes feigned. This year's ski season is coming again, and I will be graduating after next spring.This was my last chance to ski with her, and of course I had to.But my good friends withdrew one by one, and no one went.Although I longed to walk with her, I finally gave up.Miyako, aren't you going too?she asked.Um!I answered flatly.That day, I wondered who she chatted with in the mountain hut, and how did she ski?One day passed like this.The next day, I heard that she didn't go skiing either, and my suspense was confirmed.Recalling her heroic appearance on the snow last year, I suddenly had an idea that maybe it would be better if I didn't go, so that more girls could appreciate her graceful skiing posture. I'm such an inexplicable person, I obviously hope that she will see me, but I always hide behind the crowd and look desperately at her.I don't know why other people can talk and laugh with her naturally and generously, but I can only hide in the corner and watch her secretly. Thinking of this, I feel so sad.At that time, I often said to myself: She is so beautiful.Sometimes I regret that such a beautiful woman has committed herself to being a teacher in a girls' school.Maybe she was born to pay for the sins of the previous life, but she didn't know it.Because of her, the mere thought of wishing I could be a beautiful woman gives me an anguish that borders on despair. Even so, the happiness of a day still depends on whether or not to meet her.Before long, I found out that if I went to school late, I would meet her near the school gate. When the cherry blossoms were in full bloom, I was already a fifth grade student.Although it was my last hike to Mt.Fuji, I couldn't do it because of a cold.On that misty and cold morning, she was the only one in the long line.Could it be that she and I have the same disease and have a cold?I thought, my heart beating fast.But when the student procession set off, she appeared running, without even looking at those of us who were not going, and hurried to catch up with the procession. No matter where I am, I always sing a one-man show silently in my heart, and greet the last days of my school life as if nothing had happened.Usually, other teachers would give some farewell words to the graduates in the last class, but she didn't leave any words, just smiled slightly, as if she didn't think parting was a kind of sadness.Every time the students said something, she responded with a cheerful smile.This is the first time I have seen such a smile!She walked around our table, looking at these girls who were about to graduate.I no longer think of her as cold and unsympathetic as I did three years ago, I just think it is incredible that she gets along with everyone.Maybe I'm not the only one who wants to find out who she really is, considering how alone I feel.During this hour, I did not look at her, but my heart longed to see through her.And just this day, she didn't even glance at me.What an irony!I think she didn't avoid me on purpose, but she forgot about me while catering to those noisy students. At graduation, I wasn't terribly sad, but I cried for no apparent reason.At the time of parting, there were all the teachers' autographs as souvenirs, but there was only one person missing, which was her. Teacher Kikui!Teacher Kikui!Everyone looks for her everywhere.When I went to the janitor's lounge to ask the janitor's uncle to sign, I felt that there seemed to be a lot of people chasing after me. Looking back, I saw her running in front, and a group of people called "Teacher!"teacher!The graduates chased after her desperately and finally caught her in the herbarium.Those who asked for her autograph lined up and there was a commotion.Too much, sir, too much!Teacher, you are the only one who escaped cunningly.Yes, she was the only one who didn't sign it.I also begged. Signatures on commencement day have been an accepted practice over the years, and some teachers have already prepared appropriate tributes.Anyway, she had to write, why did she run away?Finally, she finally took my pen and wrote the word blessing.What an ordinary sentence, compared with other teachers, what she wrote was the shortest and most earnest message. In the yearbooks of other graduates, she only wrote a few numbers wishing you happiness.Teacher, what is happiness?Someone asked her half-jokingly.She cast a stern look that was different from usual, and said: You have to ask yourself.The man asked back: But teacher, what blessing are you praying for us?She said: There are many kinds of happiness, I don't want to think about it.At this time, I want the happiness of the teacher.The man said in a low voice.I was shocked when I heard it, but she smiled unconsciously and said: Oh?It's not bad to think so. On the way home after the ceremony, the spring sun shone on the ancient pines on both sides of the Tokaido, and the peach blossoms also burst into buds.Bless me murmuring.After all, this is the best parting message, but there is a little helplessness. Although I graduated, I was not separated from her.Now, I can frankly express the thoughts that have been hidden in my heart for three years, and I can also confide in others.In the depths of my heart, I have already written a letter to her, and I can recite every word by heart.Enthusiasm spurs me to step up my pace, so I write this letter at my desk.For three years, isn't this the day I've been looking forward to?But the moment I put it into the mailbox, I regretted it.But the letter has been sent and cannot be returned.I destroyed the beautiful dream with my own hands, and this is where the sorrow begins. I deliberately made detours when I entered and exited the house, just to avoid the mailbox.Thinking of that passionate letter, nothing but remorse or remorse.I had no choice but to write a second letter.However, the letter sent was like sinking into the sea, and there was no reply.Although this was expected, she couldn't help but wonder if she hadn't received the letter.After that, the third letter was put into the mailbox near her residence, and the fourth letter was posted in person at the post office.However, there was still no reply from her. School is on spring break.After graduation, I marked my calendar for various events on campus.Did she go home?Did you quit your job?It seemed that she was no longer in this town, and after thinking about it, I became more and more uneasy.On April 1st, the newspaper will publish the list of teacher transfers in the county, and I am eagerly waiting.It turned out that it was not her who was transferred, but the geography teacher.Because he is a teacher in this town, even the departure time of the train is published in the newspaper.At that time, there must be many people seeing off, and she will definitely go.I sent several letters, but never received a reply from her, and I was really embarrassed to meet her.Under this mentality, I couldn't see off the geography teacher. Still, I went to the station that day.I saw her but didn't want her to find me.It would be terrifying if she saw it.So, I have been hiding in the crowd.Later, she went back with other teachers.I watched her back, but she didn't know it, everything was exactly the same as when I was in school.There is a field between the station and the center of the town. She plucked a purple snow flower and threw it into the stream.Flowers flow towards me, I try to pick them up but stop.The stream is so clear that it may have been formed by melting snow from Mount Fuji. After returning home, I wrote the fifth letter.The result is still the same as before, waiting for a reply.However, I just want to convey my heart to her.After three years of silence, I can't tell the truth for a while. The eighth letter is the most daring, please give it directly to my cousin.Only this time, I really believed that the letter I had written would actually reach her.Surprisingly, my second-year cousin readily agreed to be the postman.I shuddered at the thought that she would have my letter in her pocket that day.At this time, it felt like being called by the teacher to give lectures before leaving school.My cousin came to my house after school and said that I had handed the letter to her. Teacher Kikui accepted it?I said pretending not to care.Um.The cousin nodded. Did she say anything?Didn't say anything, just accepted silently.What kind of expression?expression?very beautiful.pretty face?I repeated, her beautiful image appearing in my mind.How beautiful would she be now that it was May?I took my cousin's hand and walked to the beach. Still, there was no answer to that letter, and I was overwhelmed.Is she still so far away from me?I sat there in a daze, inserting roses into a big vase while praying.Then I decided not to write any more letters, and was going to beg my mother to let me go to a women's college. When I opened the diary at the end of May, I was shocked.From the day I stopped writing to her, my diary was blank.Tears dripped down on the white paper, I stared at the tear stains, thinking that this is fine, let the tears permeate the white paper, and wash away the chaotic years in the past!I don't complain, absolutely not!I tell myself.Although she never gave me anything, she also gave me a lot.I dedicated my girlhood to her, and it changed my life; and she was, after all, an inaccessible teacher.If I can't become a better and more beautiful person, I won't be able to receive a single word from her. You look like a mistress.When my cousin told me her words, I was so happy that I can't describe it.She still remembers me, knows me!In order to express my gratitude, I want to give her the cinnabar vase in which the roses are placed.After asking my father for instructions, my father refused to agree, and I also felt that it was a bit too big to entrust someone to deliver this vase.So I hooked a doily and asked my cousin to hand it over to her.Because the paper bag is quite eye-catching, the cousin tried twice, but still failed to hand it over to her.I later sent it in a package, but did not receive a postcard announcing the package's arrival. I went to the station to see off the fifth graders on the day of their departure from Tokyo to Nikko.In order to get the chance to meet her by sending some of the students she knew.Unfortunately, she had to attend the home economics department's bazaar and was unable to participate in the trip.I invited my mother to go with me, and when I took a break in the restaurant before going back, I caught a glimpse of her in the crowd upstairs.Mom, Kikui-sensei, it's Kikui-sensei!I stood up.oh?over there?My mother looked in the direction I pointed, but there was no one there.The mother who wanted to say hello said.The one in gray!I raised my voice and ran up the stairs with one stride. Found it, she was browsing the handicrafts by herself.My heart was pounding and I almost got lost in the display area.My mother came up to greet her, and she smiled towards me with a slightly embarrassed expression.I lowered my head, grabbed the shoulder of a stranger next to me, and nearly fell.She walked towards me and said: Mistress, you have changed a lot.Let me see, it's much prettier, isn't it?I just shook my head in panic.ah!Could it be that she knew my mentality when she was in school?Let's go back with Ling Tang!she said softly. She walked side by side with her mother along Pine Avenue, talking old and old things.I was blocked by my mother's body and couldn't see her, so I walked silently.She also seemed oblivious to my presence.Doesn't Miyako have an older brother?Can you go out for a walk often?she said suddenly.Oh, I have been haunted by children and don't go out often.mother answered.If you have to ask the school if you have something, it will be different, right?Turning to me, she continued: Especially when you have a daughter with intense emotions.When encountering such students, the teacher is also quite troubled.Hearing what she said, my eyes darkened for a while, and I almost couldn't breathe.Thankfully that didn't happen.She smiled cheerfully and said nothing more.I walked side by side, but felt extremely painful. I thought calmly and analyzed multiple meanings.Is she blaming me?Watch out for me?Want my mother to pay more attention to me without showing any signs?Was her playful ambiguity an answer to my feelings?At any rate, take it as her answer to my letters!The unknowing mother said: This child is too willful, and must have caused a lot of trouble for the teacher.After the two exchanged pleasantries for a while, she said: That's not the case.When I was a student, I was as innocent as Miyako!These words filled my whole body with a dazzling radiance of happiness. She turned into a fork in the middle of the street tree.He is a teacher at the school, so he dresses very plainly.It is a good virtue to dress modestly in youth.The mother watched her off and said: But she can wear plain clothes because of her bright face.If the color of the face changes with the color of the clothes, it will not work.My mother was really taken aback when I said that she sewed her own clothes.She has a lot of shirts and sweaters, all made by herself, and always have been.The more I said it, the more incredible it became.it's beautiful.The mother replied: "The teacher has been talking about your marriage, my wife, what are your plans?"have no idea.I'm a little annoyed at my mother.We watched her for a long time, until she finally stopped looking back.What kind of person is she?I'm confused. It was the first and last time to walk with her on the way home from the bazaar.Except during class, the two had only talked this time. On the day when a student from my alma mater went hiking on Mount Fuji, I went to the side of the field to watch, but I didn't meet her.One day during the summer vacation, I learned that she was going back to her hometown in the country, so I went to the school for a stroll.The window and glass where she stood at the corner of the corridor looking at the sky on the day she took office were already dirty.This summer vacation, when I heard the news that she was going to resign, I felt at a loss.Met old classmates from the past, and soon alienated.My alma mater is not memorable at all, and the autumn sports meeting does not arouse my interest even more.At this time, I really ended my career as a female student.I didn't go to the beach, and obediently obeyed my mother's advice to help with housework at home, hoping to grow up as soon as possible.Often in the middle of the night, I stare at the bright moon with my eyes wide open. Thinking of the story of the old man and the old woman crying while looking at the moon in the Tale of Bamboo Crawl she told in the past, I was deeply moved, but did not shed tears.Her beautiful vision flickered before my eyes, making my chest ache.I sat in front of the mirror and looked at myself, trying to find out what was more beautiful than her. I wrapped my fingers around the fallen hair and stared intently.This is also unprecedented. In the autumn semester, she bid farewell to all teachers and students in the school.I knew she was taking the early train, but I was at a loss as to whether I should see her off.Once you miss this opportunity, maybe you will never see her again in this life.She is as beautiful as ever, and has never lost her color.ah!How I wish I could become a more beautiful person than her.My thoughts revolved around her, and I couldn't help falling into a state of ecstasy.She really overwhelmed me, as soon as I saw her, I felt like I was born again. She was wearing a light blue dress embellished with white lace, and her fair face was lightly powdered.The villagers in the station were all attracted by her beauty, asking frequently: Is she really a teacher? The train started, and when the carriage she was sitting in came to me, I called softly: Teacher!She lowered her head to recognize me and stared at me intently.No one can deny this absolute fact. At the time of parting, she took a closer look at me for the first time.She looked at me even after the train had left the platform.Amid the farewell sounds of all the students in the school, her figure gradually faded away.Fortunately, I stood the farthest and could see the window.Therefore, it was I who sent her to the last moment.She waved her hand, and the distance was getting further and further away.Looking at that beautiful waving movement, I can't help but remind me of the scene where she taught dancing in the third grade. The train disappears in the mountains, and the sky is clouded.She seemed to be waving her hand in the cloud, and her eyes seemed to be staring at me.The breeze in the early autumn morning is rippling my heart.Later, I wrote to her several times, but there was still no reply.However, maybe my heart is full of girlish dreams, and I can finally sprout and thrive on the power of this dream. Now my heart has calmed down, and I no longer feel heartache because of missing her.
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