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Chapter 57 snake egg one

Voice of the Mountain 川端康成 1695Words 2023-02-05
Autumn is approaching, and summer fatigue seems to have broken out, and Bewu sometimes dozes off on the return tram. On the Yokosuka Railway during off-duty hours, there is a tram every fifteen minutes, so the second-class carriages are not crowded. In the half-awake and half-asleep state, the street tree of acacia appeared in my slightly dazed head, and the acacia that made the street tree was covered with flowers.When Shingo passed by, he wondered if the acacias of the trees in Tokyo also bloomed?That is the road from Jiuduan down to Haogou of the Imperial Palace.It was a rainy day in mid-August.Among the street trees, the asphalt under only one locust tree was covered with flowers.How did it happen?Shingo looked back from the car and was impressed.It is a light yellow flower with a slight green tinge.Even if none of the trees lost their flowers, as long as the street trees with acacias bloomed, Shingo might still be impressed.Because I was visiting a friend who had liver cancer in the hospital at the time.

Who says they are friends, but they are actually Shingo's college classmates, and they don't usually see each other very often. It seems that the body is already quite weak, and there is only one special nurse in the ward. Shingo wondered if the friend's wife was still alive. You will meet Miyamoto, right?Even if you don't see him, please call him and entrust him with the thing, okay? that thing? It's the thing that was talked about during the first month class reunion. Shingo thought it was potassium cyanate.From this point of view, the patient may already know that he has cancer.

In the gatherings of Shingo and his group of people over sixty, the problems of old age and the fear of incurable diseases are often talked about.Miyamoto's factory uses potassium cyanate, so some people say that if you have incurable cancer, you can ask him for this poison.Because the gloomy illness dragged on for too long, it was miserable; since he was sentenced to death, he should have the freedom to choose death. But, that's the talk of the day while drinking.Shingo replied shyly. I won't use it, I won't use it, I just want to have freedom as I said at the time.As long as you have it, you can feel different from usual and have the strength to endure the pain in the future.You are right!Am I not left with the last freedom or the only rebellion?I promise, I won't use it.

When the friend speaks, his eyes are bright.The nurse knits a sweater with white wool, without saying a word. Shingo put the matter aside without looking for Miyamoto, but was troubled by the thought that a dying patient might be eagerly awaiting it. After returning from the hospital, Shingo was relieved when he walked to the place where the trees on the acacia street were full of flowers.However, when I doze off now, the acacia street tree still comes to my mind, does it mean that the matter of the patient is still lingering. However, Shingo fell asleep.When I woke up suddenly, the tram had stopped.

It is at a place that is not a station. As soon as the tram on this side stopped, the upward tram on the adjacent line made a loud noise, which may have woken Shingo up.Shingo's tram stopped and then drove, opened and stopped. A group of children ran from the path towards the tram. Some passengers stick their heads out of the window and look forward. The cement wall of the factory can be seen from the left window.Between the wall and the railroad there was a ditch filled with dirty sewage, and the stench also seeped into the trams. From the window on the right, you can see a path along which children are running.A dog stuck its nose into the green grass by the roadside and did not move for a long time.

Where the path meets the railway, there are two or three huts nailed with white boards. From the square cave-like windows, An idiot-like girl beckoned to the tram with a slow and feeble gesture. The train that left fifteen minutes ago had an accident at Tsurumi Station, so it was suspended here.Please wait, sorry.Said the driver. The foreigner in front of Shingo shook the young man who was traveling with him and asked in English: What did he say? The young man is holding a big arm of a foreigner with both hands, sleeping with his cheek on his shoulder.Although the eyes are open, they are still in the original posture, looking up at the foreigner coquettishly, the eyes are dull, slightly red, and the eye sockets are deeply sunken.The hair was dyed red, but the roots were black.It's brown dirty hair.Only the tips of the hair are very red.Maybe a male prostitute targeting foreigners, Shingo thought.

The young man turned the palm on the foreigner's knee, put his own hand on it, and held it gently.Almost like a very contented woman. The shirts worn by foreigners only reach to the shoulders, revealing the entire red bear-like furry arms.The young man does not seem to be small, but because of the huge size of the foreigner, he looks like a child.The foreigner, with a big belly and a thick neck, seemed unmoved by the young man's cuddling.Scary looking.The color of blood is good, making the earthy color of young people more eye-catching. It is difficult to know the age of foreigners, but judging from the bald head, the wrinkles on the neck and the brown spots on the bare arms, it seems that it is not much different from his own age. When Shingo thinks about it, he feels like a big monster. Foreign countries come to conquer the country's youth.The young man was wearing a dark red shirt with the top button unbuttoned, and his breastbone was clearly visible.

Xinwu felt that this young man seemed to be dead soon.He looks away. Weeds are overgrown on both sides of the stinking ditch.The tram was still at a standstill.
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