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Chapter 16 Mother's Lipstick Four

Thousand Feather Crane 川端康成 2340Words 2023-02-05
Jinzi is a veteran of the tea ceremony, and the action of preparing the tea room is very fast. How about it?Does it match the tea pot? Kikuji still didn't understand when Jinko asked him this question, because Kikuji didn't answer, so Fumiko also kept silent, and both of them looked at the tea pot made by Shino. It was originally offered in front of Mrs. Ota's spirit, instead of a vase, but today it has been restored to its original status as a tea pot. What used to be in Mrs. Ota's hands is now being used by Kinko. Since Mrs. Ota's death, it has passed into the hands of her daughter, and then from her daughter to Kikuji's hands. The fate of this tea pot seems very mysterious. Maybe the tea set is such a thing.

Before Mrs. Ota, since the tea pot was born, in the three or four hundred years, how many people of fate have passed through the hands? Placed next to something made of iron, such as a stove or pot, the pot is even more of a beauty. Juzhi said to Wenzi: Its beauty is not inferior to iron products! The jar's white surface glowed brilliantly from its depth. Juzhi once told Wenzi on the phone that when he saw this tea pot, he would miss her mother. Could it be that her mother's white skin also contained the strong depth of a woman? The weather was hot, Kikuji opened the paper door of the tea room.

From the window behind where Wenzi is sitting, you can see the red leaf trees with green leaves, and the shadows of the densely stacked red leaves fall on Wenzi's hair. The upper part of Wenzi's slightly elongated neck floated in the lighted window, while the arms exposed under the short sleeves appeared white and blue. She was not too fat, but her shoulders were thick and her arms Also quite thick. Kinko also looked at the tea pot. Tea pots should still be used in the tea ceremony, so as not to conceal its characteristics. It would be a pity to use them for foreign flowers. My mother also used it for flower arrangement!Wenzi said.

It's strange that your mother's belongings came here, but your mother must be very happy, right? When Jinzi said this, it seemed to be ironic, but Wenzi said nonchalantly: My mother also used it as a vase, and I don't learn the tea ceremony anymore anyway. Please don't say that. Jinzi looked around the tea room: I'm still the most calm sitting here. She glanced at Kikuji, and said: Next year your father will pass away for five years, so let's hold a tea party on the anniversary! It's true, it must be fun to put out all kinds of counterfeit tea sets to entertain guests.

What's the matter, there is no counterfeit in the tea set used by your father. Yeah?But it's also funny that it's all fake. Juzhi said to Wenzi. I think this tea room is full of stale and poisonous gas. If I hold a tea party full of fake tea sets, it may be able to get rid of the poison, and it can be regarded as a Buddhist ritual for my father. I will be cut off from the tea ceremony. of. You mean to say that this woman is so annoying that she always wants to use your tea room, don't you? Jinzi lifted the tea whisk resentfully. (a round bamboo brush used to stir the tea powder and make foam)

correct! Don't say that, but once you make a new connection, you can break the old one. Jinko still brought the tea to Kikuji. Miss Wenzi, listening to the young master's sweet words, it seems that your mother's relics have gone to the wrong place, right?its me!When I saw this tea pot, I felt as if your mother's face was reflected in it. Kikuji put down the tea bowl that he had finished drinking, and also looked at the jar. Perhaps the appearance of the near child is imprinted on the black lacquer cover. However, Wenzi was in a daze. Juzhi didn't understand that Wenzi didn't want to resist Jinzi?Still don't want to talk to her?

Wenzi and Jinzi sat in the tea room, showing no signs of displeasure, which is also strange. She didn't mind that Jin Zika chattered about Juzhi. Jinzi, who hated Wenzi's mother and daughter for a long time, insulted Wenzi with every word she said, and Wenzi didn't express any disgust. Could it be that she was so sad that she didn't think it was the same thing?Or has she inherited her mother's character and become a surprisingly pure girl who does not rebel against herself or others? However, Juzhi also tried not to let it be seen that he was protecting Wenzi from being insulted and hated by Jinzi, and when he found out that he was like this, he felt that he was the strange one, even the last self-indulgent Jinzi, He looked strange.

Jinko took out his watch from his belt and looked at it: Presbyopia, I can't see a small watch. How about giving me your father's pocket watch? He has no pocket watch!Rejected by Kikuji, Jinko put on a dazed look on purpose and said: Yes, he still took it with him when he went in and out of Miss Wenzi's house, right? Wen Zi closed his eyes. Is it ten past two?The two hour hands overlap, very blurred. Recently, he became very gentle again: Today, Ms. Inamura found a group of people for me to learn the tea ceremony from three o'clock in the afternoon. I thought, before going to the Inamura mansion, I should come here to get some news before I go.

The Inamura family asks you to clearly refuse!Although Kikuji said so, Kinko said: Okay, you gotta understand uh!Cover up with laughter. I really hope that group of people can learn the tea ceremony in this teahouse one day sooner! Then ask the Inamura family to buy this house, wouldn't it be all right?Anyway, I'm going to sell soon. Miss Wenzi, you want to go back, let's go together!Kinko ignored Kikuji's words and spoke to Fumiko. OK Let me tidy up the tea room quickly. I'm here to help. Thank you!Jinzi went to the sink without waiting for Wenzi.After a while, I heard the sound of running water.

Miss Wenzi, forget it, don't go with her.Kikuji said in a low voice.But Wenzi shook his head and said: I'm afraid. What's there to be afraid of? I'm just afraid of her. Then go to the front and throw her away. Wenzi shook her head again, stood up and pulled the wrinkles of her skirt. Juzhi really wanted to reach out from below, of course he thought that Fumiko would stumble and fall, but she didn't, she just blushed for a while, as if the pocket watch was mentioned by Jinko, and she suppressed the sadness in her heart and swelled Red-eyed relationship. Fumiko picked up the tea pot made by Shino and walked to the sink.

Yo!Or did you come with your mother's tea pot? A hoarse voice came from inside.
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