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Chapter 25 25. Epilogue: In Torquay

But, dear Kunda, of course I would not leave you alone in the house, said Miss Marple.I knew roughly that there was a dangerous person, and I kept a constant watch in the garden. Did you always know it was him?Kunda asked. The three of them, Miss Marple, Kunda and Giles, were sitting on the balcony of the Imperial Hotel in Torquay. Change the environment.Miss Marble suggested, and Giles agreed, that it would be very good for Kunda.Constable Prime agreed with them, and they drove together to Torquay. Miss Marble replied to Kunda's question: Well, I can tell it's him, my dear.Unfortunately there is no evidence, just evidence, that's all.

Giles looked at her curiously and said: But why can't I see it? Oh, think about it, Gilles.Others are on the scene, this is the first point. at the scene? of course.Kevin that night.He had just returned from the hospital when Haridi went to see him.And the hospital at that time, as many people told us, was actually next to Poe Garden or St. Catherine's, and it was called that at that time.That, you know, shows that he was there.And then there are a hundred and one meaningful little facts.Helen.Halliday told Richard.Erskine said she was going abroad to marry Walter.Fanny, because she is unhappy at home.In other words, living with her brother was not happy.Yet her brother loves her so much.Why is she unhappy?Mr. Alfred tells you that he feels sorry for the poor little girl.I think he's telling the complete truth.He felt very sorry for her.Why did she have to have a secret tryst with Alfred?She must not love him very much.Was it because she couldn't relate to young people in a normal way?Her brother is strict and prim.It's kind of reminiscent of Mr Barrett in Wimpole Street, isn't it?

Kunda trembled. He's crazy, she said.crazy. Yes, said Miss Marple.He is abnormal.He adores his half-sister, and the relationship becomes unhealthy and possessive.This happens more often than you can imagine.Like a father who doesn't want his daughters to marry or even allow them to associate with young people, like Mr. Barrett.That's what I thought of when I heard about the tennis court. tennis court? Yes, that event made a lot of sense to me.The girl, young Helen, just came home from school, yearning to live the life of a young girl, desperate to meet young men and make love to them

A little pervert. No, Miss Marple said emphatically.The most sinister thing about this murder is that Dr. Kennedy didn't just kill her body.If you think about it carefully, you will understand that the only thing that said Helen.Kennedy was a nympho or what word did you use, honey?Oh yes, the nymphomaniac is actually from Dr. Kennedy himself.Personally, I think she's a 100% normal young girl who wants to have fun for a while, have some fun, flirt, and finally pick a guy to settle down with, and that's it.Let's see what steps her brother took.He is strict and rigid, and does not give her freedom.Then, when she wanted someone to play tennis with, which was the most normal, ordinary desire, he pretended to agree, and then one night he secretly cut the net to pieces, a sadistic act of very special significance.Later, since she could still go out dancing or play tennis elsewhere, he took advantage of her fall and bruised leg to treat her, so that she could not recover by deliberately touching her feet.Oh yes, I think he did it. As a matter of fact, I'm sure.

You see, I don't think Helen understands any of this.She knew her brother had deep affection for her, and I don't think she knew why she was restless and unhappy at home.But she did have the feeling that she had decided to go to India and marry Fanny just to get away.get rid of what?She herself does not know.She was too young and too honest to know.So she went to India and met Richard on the way.Erskine, in love with him.In this incident, she once again showed that she is not a girl who is obsessed with men, but a noble and honest girl.She didn't force him to leave his wife.She forbids him to do so.But when she saw Walter.When she came to Fanny, she knew she couldn't marry him, and since she didn't know what else to do, she wired her brother to send her travel expenses home.

On the way home she recognizes your father Another escape route appears.This time with happy vistas. She married your father in all sincerity, Kunda.He had just suffered the loss of his wife, and she had suffered from an unhappy love affair.They can comfort and help each other.I miss her and Kevin.Halliday got married in London and then went to Tymouth to tell Dr. Kennedy, which meant a lot.She must have had some hunch that it was smarter than going to Dymouth to get married.Generally speaking, it should be normal to go to Dimouth to get married.I still don't think she knows what she's fighting against, but she's feeling uneasy, and she feels safer making the truth before telling her brother.

Kevin.Halliday was very friendly to Kennedy and liked him.Kennedy, too, seemed uncharacteristically happy with the marriage.The couple rented a furnished house there. Now we're talking about the most important thing, Kevin being secretly poisoned by his wife.There are only two possible explanations for this as only two people have the opportunity to do such a thing.Helen.Halliday was poisoning her husband.If it is her, why?Or else it's Dr. Kennedy's poison.From the fact that Halliday went to ask him for advice, it was clear that Kennedy was his specific doctor.He believed in Kennedy's medical knowledge, and he suspected that his wife was poisoning him, which was obviously instilled in him by Kennedy.

But is there any drug that can make a man hallucinate that he has strangled his wife?Giles said.I mean, there isn't a drug that does this special effect, is there? My dear Giles, you have fallen into the same rut again, into the rut of credulity.Only Dr. Kennedy said Halliday had that hallucination.Halliday did not mention it in his notes.He had hallucinations, yes, but he didn't mention what kind of hallucinations.But I dare say, Kennedy mentioned to him, some experiences like Kevin.People in Halliday's state strangled their wives. Dr. Kennedy was evil, said Kunda. I think, said Miss Marple, that he must have crossed the line between sanity and madness by then.And Helen, the poor girl, was beginning to understand this.What Lily overheard that day must have been said to her brother.I think I've always been afraid of you.This is a sentence she said, which means a lot.So she made up her mind to leave Tymouth.She convinced her husband to buy a house in Norfolk, and she convinced him not to tell anyone.It makes sense that she kept it so secretive.Apparently she was terrified that someone would find out about it, but that was Walter.Fanny or Jack.It wouldn't make sense for Alfred, let alone Richard.Erskine is gone.No, the arrow points to my family.

In the end, Kevin.Halliday, tired of keeping the secret and seeing no reason for it, told his brother-in-law. In doing so, he and his wife were sealed.Because Kennedy would not let Helen go, let her live happily with her husband.I think he may just want to use drugs to destroy Halliday's health.But after learning that his victim and Helen were escaping him, he completely lost his mind.He walked from the hospital into St. Catherine's garden, and he was wearing a pair of surgical gloves.He caught Helen in the hall and strangled her.No one saw, or he thought no one saw, that he strangled her, and in a state of love-hate madness, he quoted that very apt tragic line.

Miss Marple sighed, clicked her tongue and said: I'm stupid, very stupid.We are all stupid.We should have known. Those sentences in <Malfi Lady> are the clues to the whole thing.Those sentences were spoken by a brother after he murdered his sister in revenge for marrying the man she loved.yes we are stupid and after?Gilles asked. Then he finished all his nefarious plans: moved the body upstairs, packed a box of laundry, wrote a note, crumpled it up and threw it in the wastebasket, to get Halliday's letter. But I think, said Kunda, that from his standpoint it would be in his interest to put the blame on my father.

Miss Marple shook her head. Oh no, he couldn't take that risk.He's got a lot of Scottish common sense, you know.He has a lot of respect for the police.The police have to go through a lot of evidence before they believe that a person has committed murder.The police will ask a lot of embarrassing questions, and there will be a lot of investigative work about time and place and so on, which is overwhelming.No, his plan was simpler, and, I thought, more evil, and he had only to convince Harriday alone.First, to make him believe that he killed his wife, and second, to make him think he was crazy.He convinced Halliday to go to a mental institution, but I don't think he really wanted him to believe that everything was just a hallucination of his.Your father accepted what he said, Kunda, and I think it was mainly for your sake.He always believed that he killed Helen, and he believed it until he died. Evil, said Kunda.Evil, evil, evil! Yes, said Miss Marple.That's all I can say.And I think that's why your childhood impressions are so strong.It was the devil's world that night. But the letters, Giles said.What about the letters Helen wrote?It was her handwriting, so it couldn't have been forged. Of course it is fake!But this is exactly where he is self-defeating.You know, he's too eager to stop you and Kunda from investigating.He might be able to imitate Helen's handwriting, and do it fairly well, but he wouldn't be able to fool an expert.Therefore, the proof of Helen's handwriting that he gave you is also not real, it was written by him himself, so of course it will match. God, said Giles.Why didn't I think of it. You didn't expect that, said Miss Marple.Because you believed he was telling the truth.Trusting others is a very dangerous thing.It's been years since I trusted anyone like that. What about brandy? He did it the day he delivered Helen's letter and came to talk to me in the garden.When Mrs. Goodall went to tell me he was coming, he was waiting in the house.Just a minute is enough. My God, said Gilles.Lily.We were at the police station the day Jimbo was killed, and he asked me to give Kunda some brandy when I got home.How did he arrange to meet her early? It's very simple.What he actually wrote to her was to ask her to take the 2.05 from Dimouth and get off at Maginhot and walk to Wooley's camp to meet him.Maybe, he just popped out of the woods, blocked her way, and strangled her.Then he trades the letter you all saw for the one she had with her (he asked her to carry it with her because it had directions), and goes home to meet you, performing a waiting act. Lily's skit. Lily is really a threat to him?From her letter it does not appear to be the case.She seemed to suspect Alfred. Maybe.But Ryan, the Swiss girl, had talked to Lily, and Ryan was a threat to Kennedy.Because she looked out of the nursery window and saw him digging in the garden.He talked to her the next morning and told her straight up that Major Halliday had killed his wife, that Major Halliday was insane and that he, Kennedy, had covered it for him for the sake of the boy.However, if Ryan felt she should go to the police, she would go ahead, but it would be very bad for her and so on. When Ryan heard him mention the police, she was horrified.She likes you and believes what the doctor says is the best thing to do.Kennedy gave her a handsome sum of money and urged her to go back to Switzerland.But before she went back, she hinted to Lily that your father killed his wife, and that she saw the burial.This is consistent with Lily's view at the time.She thought the gravedigger Ryan saw was, of course, Kevin.Halliday. But Kennedy didn't know she saw it, Kunda said. Of course not.When he got Lily's letter, what terrified him was the part of the letter where Ryan told Lily what she had seen from the window and the car parked outside. car?Jack.Alfred's car? This is another misunderstanding.Lily remembers, or thinks she remembers, a film like Jack.Cars like Alfred's were parked outside.It occurred to her at once that it was the car of the mysterious man who had gone to see Mrs. Halliday.The hospital is next door, and there will no doubt be a lot of cars parked on that road.But you have to remember that the doctor's car was actually parked in front of the hospital that night.He may have jumped to conclusions that she was referring to his car.That flamboyant adjective meant nothing to him. I understand, said Giles.To a suspicious person, Lily's letter looked like a blackmail letter.But how do you know about Ryan? Miss Marple pursed her lips and said: He's very well planned, you know.When the men left behind by Officer Prime rushed in and apprehended him, he went over and over the whole crime, everything he did.It seems that Ryan died of an overdose of sleeping pills soon after returning to Switzerland.Oh, he wouldn't risk letting her go. Like trying to poison me with brandy. You pose a great threat to him, you and Giles.It's a good thing you didn't tell him about your memory of seeing Helen die in the hall.He hadn't expected a witness. Fanny and Alfred got the call, Giles said, was he the one? Yes.If anyone investigated who touched Brandy, the suspicion would fall on them, and if Jack.Alfred drove there alone, then killed Lily.Jin Bo's guilt will fall on him.Ruud likely had an alibi. He seems to like me, Kunda said.Call me little Queenie. He had to go on, said Miss Marple.Imagine what he would think.Eighteen years later, you and Gilles suddenly appeared, inquiring and digging up the past, and raised the murder case that had been quieted down. It is a very dangerous thing to trace the murder case in the past, my dear Young couple.I have been very worried. Poor Mrs. Goodall, said Kunda.It was so risky that I almost lost my life.I'm so glad she's on the verge of recovery.Do you think she'll come back to work with us again, Giles?After all this? If our baby room comes in handy, she will. Giles said solemnly, Kunda blushed, and Miss Marble smiled knowingly, looking at the city of Torquay. It was very odd that things should happen like that, Kunda said thoughtfully.I was watching with that rubber glove on, and then he came into the hall and said those words, so like nothing I've ever heard before.face, then dim eyes She shuddered. Covering her face, my eyes are dim, and the young her soul has returned to the west.That might be me if Miss Marple wasn't there. She paused, then said softly: Poor Helen, poor sweet Helen, she died young, you know, Giles, she's not there, not in the hall of that house.Before we left yesterday, I felt she was gone.There's only that house now, and that house loves us.we can go back if we like (End of the book)
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