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Chapter 23 【11】

Cornia.Robertson stood at Abu.Inside Simbel's Temple.It was a muggy night the next evening.The Karnak was again in Abu.Simbel berthed so that travelers could visit the temple again under artificial lights.This time the temple feels completely different.Cornea raised her confusion to Mr. Ferguson who was standing beside her. Wow, look how beautiful the temple looks now!she cried, and all the enemies who had been beheaded by the king came to life.There's also a small castle here, which I didn't notice last time.I wish Dr. Bessler was here, he'd tell me what castle it was. How can you hit me with that old fool!Ferguson said dejectedly.

Why not, he's the kindest man I've ever met. Good old guy. I don't think you can say that about him. They walked out of the temple and were about to step into the moonlight when the young man grabbed her arm. Why do you keep listening to a fat old man's nonsense, why do you keep being bullied and scolded by a vicious old woman? How do you say that, Mr. Ferguson? do you have a soulDon't you know that you are as sublime as she is? but I am not!Cornelia admitted. You're not as rich as she is; you mean it. No, not like that.Cousin Mary is very, very educated, and

Educated!The young man suddenly let go of her arm again, the word makes me sick! Cornea looked at him in panic. She doesn't like you talking to me, does she?asked the young man. Cornea blushed and looked disturbed. Why?Because she thinks I have unequal social status with her?snort!Doesn't this sort of thing make you mad? Cornia hesitated and said: I hope you don't take things so extreme. Don't you, born an American, understand that all men are born free and equal? People are not like that.Cornea said calmly. My good girl, that's part of your constitution. Cousin Mary says politicians are not gentlemen.So, of course, human beings are not created equal, Cornia said.This sentence is unreasonable.I know I look mediocre, and sometimes I'm ashamed of it, but I have to live with it.I wish I were as attractive and lovely as Mrs. Doyle, but I'm not, so I guess it's useless to worry.

Mrs. Doyle!Ferguson exclaimed in the utmost contempt, she is the kind of woman who should be shot as an example to the world! Cornea looked at him worriedly. I believe there must be something wrong with your digestive organs.She kindly said, I have a special medicine for the stomach, and Cousin Mary once took it once.Would you like to try it? Mr. Ferguson said: You are unreasonable! He turns and walks away.Cornea walked towards the moored boat.As she was about to cross the gangplank, he grabbed her again. You were the nicest man on board, he said, and I hope you remember. Conia stepped into the observation hall with mixed feelings of shame and joy.Miss Van Schuyler was talking to Dr. Bessler about some of his royal patients.

Cornea said guiltily: I hope I haven't been too long, Cousin Mary. The old woman glanced at her watch and said sharply, "Honey, you're so fast."Where did you put my velvet scarf? Cornea looked around. Let me look in the room, Cousin Mary! How could it be in the room?I've still used it here after dinner and I haven't left at all.It was on that chair just now. Cornia searched casually. Can't find it anywhere, Cousin Mary. nonsense!Miss Vatican said, look around!Give orders like a dog, and Cornia obeys like an obedient dog.The silent Finthorpe, who happened to be sitting by, rose to help her find it; but the scarf was nowhere to be found.

Due to the extremely sultry weather during the day, most tourists rested early after visiting the temple.The Doyles were playing bridge with Pennington and Race in the corner.Poirot was alone in the room, dozing off at the little table by the door. Accompanied by Cornelia and Miss Bowles, Miss Vanschuller left the hall with dignity, passed Poirot, and stopped.Poirot stood up politely, suppressing a yawn. Mademoiselle Vatican said: "Mr. Poirot, I just found out who you are, Mr. Poirot."I have heard your name mentioned by my friends Lu Fusi and Van Yadin.Be sure to talk about your case when you get the chance.

Poirot blinked his sleepy eyes and bowed deeply.Miss Fanshule also nodded with a superior air, and walked away. Poirot yawned again.His head felt heavy and he could hardly keep his eyes open.He looked at the four people who were concentrating on playing bridge, and then at Finthorpe who was concentrating on reading a book.There were only a few of them in the entire observation hall. Poirot stepped out of the deck and followed Jaclyn who was hurrying up.Du Belfer almost ran into him. Miss, I'm sorry. Jaclyn said: You look sleepy, M. Poirot. He admitted: Yes, I could barely keep my eyes open.It's been an uncomfortably suffocating day today.

good.Jaclyn seemed to feel the same way, something like that snapped!rupture!weather.when you are impatient Her voice was deep and full of emotion, her eyes were staring at the yellow sand on the shore, her hands were clenched Suddenly she relaxed, and said: Good night, M. Poirot. Her eyes met Poirot's.Looking back the next day, Poirot felt that look was full of pleading. Poirot went back into the room, and Jaclyn made her way towards the lookout. After Cornelia finished dealing with the many requests and unreasonable troubles from Miss Van Schule, she took her needlework and returned to the observation hall.Not only did she not feel sleepy at all, she was also excited.

The bridge game was still going on, and Finthorpe was still buried in his book; Cornia sat down and began to sew.Suddenly, the door opened and Jaclyn walked in.She stood in front of the door for a while, then rang the bell, and sat down beside Cornia. Have you gone ashore?she asked. Go, the moonlight is very charming. Jaclyn nodded: Yes, a lovely night is indeed a honeymoon night. Her eyes turned to Lin Na on the bridge table.Doyle stopped for a while. The waiter came in and Jaclyn ordered a double gin.At this moment, Simon.Doyle glanced at her with a look of annoyance on his brow. His wife said: Simon, we are waiting for you to bid!

Jaclyn hummed softly.When the wine came, she raised her glass and said: Cheers to evil!Then he drank it all in one gulp and called for another one. Simon looked over again, and his bidding became casual; his partner, Pennington, was beginning to feel a little disgruntled. Jaclyn hummed again, softly at first, then loudly: he was her man and he broke her I'm sorry, Simon said to Pennington, I shouldn't have given you a hand and given them a chance to win the hand. Lin Na stood up and said: I'm very tired, I want to go back to my room and rest. It's about time.Colonel Race said.

All right!Pennington agreed. Simon, are you coming? Simon said slowly: Oh, I want to have a drink before going to sleep. Lin Na nodded and went out.Reese followed her, and Pennington drained his glass and followed her. Cornia started to tidy up her sewing. Don't go to rest, Miss Robertson.Jaclyn said, please don't go, don't leave me alone. Cornia sat down again. We women should unite as one.Jaclyn said. She raised her head and laughed a bleak laugh. Another glass of wine was delivered. You have something to drink too!Jaclyn said. Stop drinking, thank you.Cornelia replied. Jaclyn leaned back in her chair and hummed loudly: He's her man, he hurt her so much Finthorpe turned the book. Simon.Doyle picked up a magazine. Really, I think I should go back to my room.Cornelia said it was getting late. you can't go.Jaclyn asserted, I won't let you go.tell me everything about you. Ah I don't know there's nothing else to say.Cornia stammered, I have always lived at home and rarely go out.This is my first time in Europe and I enjoyed every minute of the trip. Jaclyn smiled and said: You're an optimist, aren't you?Oh my God, I wish I were you. oh do you want itbut i mean i'm sure Cornia felt a little flustered, Miss Duberfer obviously drank too much.It's nothing, she has seen a lot of drunkards, but Jaclyn is a bit wrong.Duberfer seemed to be watching her and listening to her, but it seemed to Cornea that Jaclyn was speaking to another person. But there were only two other people here, Finthorpe and Mr. Doyle.Mr. Finthorpe seemed to be concentrating on his book, while Mr. Doyle looked a little strange as if he was watching something. Jaclyn said again: Tell me all about you. The simple Cornia had no choice but to follow her meaning, clumsily began to narrate, and added a lot of trivial things in daily life.She is not good at rhetoric, and has always been just the most loyal listener.When Cornia stuttered and couldn't continue speaking, Jaclyn hurriedly urged her: Go on, I want to know more. So Cornia went on to say: Mother was very weak. Some days, she ate nothing but cereal. She was very unhappy to feel that everything she said was so boring, but the other party just agreed, and was very grateful. Interested.But is Jaclyn really interested?She seemed to be looking out for something else, hoping to hear something.Yes, she was looking at her; but wasn't there someone else sitting in the lookout? The art teacher in our school is pretty good.Last winter, I took a course that was What time is it?It must be very late.She was still talking and talking.It would be nice if something more tangible happened. At this moment, as if to fulfill Cornia's wish, something happened.But, at the time, everything seemed natural. Jaclyn turned her head and looked at Simon.Doyle said: Simon, ring that bell, I want another drink. Simon.Doyle looked up from the magazine and said softly: The waiters are all rested.It is past midnight. I said I wanted another drink. You've had a lot to drink, Jackie. She suddenly turned to him: What does it matter to you? He shrugged: Of course it has nothing to do with me. She looked at him for a moment, then said: What's the matter, Simon?Are you afraid that I will fail? Simon didn't answer, but picked up the magazine again. Cornia murmured: Oh, it's already so late!I got her clumsily dropping her needlework on the floor Jaclyn said: Don't go back to the room.I need another woman to support me.She laughed, and you know what Mr. Simon over there is afraid of?He was afraid that I would tell you stories about myself. Oh, really? Cornelia is a very emotional person.On the one hand, she felt extremely embarrassed, but on the other hand, she found it extremely exciting.Simon.How ugly Doyle's face became! Yes, that's a sad story.Jaclyn said, in a weak tone full of poignancy and sarcasm, you have treated me very badly.Right, Simon? Simon.Doyle is very dissatisfied: Go to sleep, Jackie.you're drunk! If you feel embarrassed, my good Simon, you might as well go away. Simon.Doyle looked at her, his hand holding the magazine trembled a little; but he still said stiffly: I won't go. Cornia murmured for the third time: I am really too late now you can't go.Jaclyn said, reaching out to push Cornia back on the chair, you gotta stay here and listen to me. Jackie, snapped Simon, you're making a fool of yourself!For God's sake, go to bed! Jaclyn sat up straight suddenly, and the words burst out like a cannonball: It's your fear of making a fool of yourself, right?Because you're a gentleman, be reserved; you want me to behave myself, don't you?But I can't care if I look like a lady!You'd better get out of here right now because I have a lot to say. Finthorpe quietly closed the book, stretched, looked at his watch, stood up and went out.This is obviously the usual style of British gentlemen. Jaclyn spun her chair around and glared at Simon. You idiot!Her voice became hoarse, do you think you can end it when you treat me like this? Simon.Doyle's lips parted slightly, then closed again.He sat there silently, as if hoping to ignore Jaclyn so that her shouting would die down. Jaclyn's voice became more husky.Cornea was fascinated. She had never experienced such an outburst of naked emotion. I tell you, said Jaclyn, I'd rather kill you than let you go to that woman, don't you believe I would?you are wrong.I'm just waiting!you belong With Me!do you hear that?you are mine Simon remained silent.Jaclyn fumbled her hands in her bosom for a moment, then leaned forward. I told you once, I'll kill you, didn't I say let it go She raised her hand suddenly, showing a shiny thing, I'm going to kill you like a dog You nasty dog Simon finally made a move. He jumped up, but at the same moment, Jaclyn pulled the trigger. Simon was half bent, and fell across the chair. Cornia screamed and rushed out the door.Finthorpe was leaning on the railing of the deck, and Cornia ran wildly and shouted to him: Mr Finthorpe Mr Finthorpe Finthorpe ran to her, Cornia clutching him! She shot him Oh!she hit Simon.Doyle was still half lying on the chair he fell from, while Jaclyn stood there numbly, shaking violently, her pupils dilated, staring in fear at the blood oozing from Simon's trousers.Simon is covering the wound near his knee with a handkerchief She stammered: I didn't mean it oh my god!I really don't mean it The pistol fell from her hand to the floor with a clang, and she kicked it away with her foot, and the gun slid under the sofa chair. Simon murmured in a weak voice, "Fenthorpe, please tell me that everything is fine when someone comes, it's just a little accident, so don't make a big deal out of it." Finthorpe nodded knowingly, then hurriedly turned around and said to the Nubian waiter who had just arrived: It's all right!Just kidding! The boy looked puzzled, then smiled reassuringly and walked away. Finthorpe turned again. It doesn't matter, I don't think anyone else heard it.Just like the sound of corkscrew.Now Jaclyn was suddenly crying hysterically. Oh God, I wish I was dead I'm going to destroy myself.I'd better die, what did I do, what did I do? Conia rushed to meet her. Be quiet, honey, be quiet. Simon, whose forehead was wet and whose face was twitching in pain, said hastily: take her away!Please, take her out of here quickly!Finthorpe, help her back to her room.Miss Robertson, find your nurse.He looked at them both imploringly, don't leave her alone, make sure the lady nurse watches over her, and get old Bessler to come here.Please, don't let my wife know. Finthorpe kept nodding.This silent young man appeared unusually calm in an emergency.He and Cornia helped the crying Jaclyn out of the observation hall, walked across the deck and returned to the room.Inside the room, Jaclyn made more fuss; she struggled and cried harder. I might as well jump into the river and die. Let me jump into the river. I don't deserve to live, Simon, Simon! Finthorpe said to Cornia: Better hurry to Miss Bowers.I stay here with her. Conia nodded and hurried out. No sooner had she gone than Jaclyn grabbed Finthorpe and said: His leg is bleeding and broken and he will bleed to death.i'm going to find him oh simon how can i Finthorpe said hastily: Calm down and he'll be all right. Jaclyn struggled again and said: let me go!Let me jump into the river and let me die! Finthorpe grabbed her by the shoulders and pressed her on the bed: You must stay here and don't move.cheer up.I tell you, it doesn't matter. Finthorpe was relieved that Jaclyn was finally able to control herself a little.He was really relieved when Miss Bowers, dressed in her morning coat, appeared. let me see.Miss Bowles said briskly, what happened? Without showing any sign of shock or uneasiness, Miss Powers began to think of ways to calm Jaclyn. After handing over the extremely nervous girl to the trustworthy Miss Bowles, Finthorpe hurried to the door of Dr. Bessler's room.He knocked on the door, pushed it open and went in. Is Dr. Bessler there? The loud snoring subsided, and a surprised voice asked: who?What's the matter? By this time Finthorpe had turned on the light, and the doctor was blinking at him like a great owl. It's Simon.Doyle.He was wounded by the gun, and it was Miss Duberfer who struck him.He's in the lookout now.can you go for a trip The fat doctor responded quickly.He asked a few quick questions, then put on his night shoes and nightgown, picked up the medicine chest, and followed Finthorpe across the deck. Simon had already opened the window beside him, leaning his head against the window, breathing the sea breeze, his face was as pale as paper. Dr. Bessler came up to him: Ah, see what's going on? There was blood on a hand towel on the carpet and a black mark on the carpet itself. While examining, the doctor sighed and said words of surprise: Well, it was a serious broken bone indeed.Lost a lot of blood.Mr Finthorpe, you and I must help him to my room.Come on, he can't walk here, we have to lift him up. At this moment, Cornia appeared outside the door, and the doctor expressed satisfaction: Ah, just in time for you.Come on together!I need an assistant, and you are more suitable than this friend.His face is already a little pale! Finthorpe smiled wryly. Need Miss Bowles?he asked. Dr. Bessler thought about it and glanced at Cornia. You can do it, miss.He said, you're not going to faint or mess up, are you? I will do as you say.Cornea said earnestly. Dr. Bessler nodded in satisfaction. A group of people walked across the deck. The next ten minutes were purely surgical. Well, that's all I can do.At last Dr. Bassler announced, "You're behaving like a hero, my friend.He patted Simon on the shoulder appreciatively, then took out a syringe and rolled up the wounded man's sleeve. Now, I have to put you to sleep.Where is your wife? Simon said weakly, "She won't know until the morning." He continued, "Don't blame Jackie. It's all my fault."I'm sorry she pity her she doesn't know what she's doing Dr. Bessler nodded understandingly: yes yes i understand It's my fault Shimon begged, looking at Cornia, someone should watch her.she might hurt herself Dr. Bassler pressed the syringe.Cornia calmly assured: "It doesn't matter, Mr. Doyle."Miss Bowles will be with her all night A grateful look appeared on Simon's face, he relaxed and closed his eyes.Suddenly he opened his eyes: Where's Finthorpe? Doyle, I'm here. Don't leave that gun lying around.the waiter will find out in the morning Finthorpe nodded: Yes, I'll put it away now. He walked out of the room and across the deck.Miss Bowles appeared at Jaclyn's door. She's fine.She said I gave her a shot of morphine. Still, will you stay with her? Ah, I will.Morphine has a stimulant effect in some people.I'll be with her all night. Finthorpe moved on. About three minutes later, someone knocked on Dr. Bessler's door. Is Dr. Bessler there? exist.The fat doctor replied. Finthorpe motioned him out of the deck. i can't find that pistol What? that pistol.It fell from Miss Duberfer's hands, kicked it away, and slid under the sofa.Now it's not under the chair. The two looked at each other. Who will take it? Finthorpe shrugged. Dr. Bessler said: This is strange.But I don't think there's anything we can do. The two broke up full of doubts and a little uneasy.
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