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Chapter 8 8 new clues

Poirot finished his speech, and the audience fell silent.Jay Pai seemed to be the least surprised of the crowd. He stood up and spoke first: Mr. Poirot, I really don't know what to say. He spoke excitedly: You really are young!I think there should be no problem with the witnesses you mentioned, right? Here is a list of them with their names and addresses.You've got to talk to them, I know; you'll find them very reliable. If you say no problem, there is no problem.Jaipai lowered his voice: Thank you so much, otherwise, we would have been busy for nothing.When he had finished speaking, he said to Mr. Ingleshap, Sir, please forgive me for asking: why did you not speak out at the inquest?

I'll tell you why, interjected Poirot: there was gossip in the village that they This is absolutely baseless malicious slander.Alfred.Ingleshap's tone became agitated. So Mr. Ingleshap would rather not be brought up again at this time, would he?Poirot said. You are right.Ingleshap replied, nodding his head: "Poor Emily is still in the grave, how can I bear to let these vicious rumors come out and stir up trouble again?" But I personally think that Jay Pai said: I would rather spread a lot of rumors than be arrested for murder.I think your late wife should think the same way.If Mr. Poirot hadn't come forward to clarify today, we would have definitely arrested you!

I'm not wrong to be stupid, Ingleshap murmured: "But Inspector, you don't understand, people keep slandering me." He rolled his eyes and looked at Evie.Howard. Sir, Jay Pai said to John energetically: I want to go to Mrs. Ingleshap's bedroom and ask some servants to ask questions, can I?You don't have to accompany us yourself, I will ask Mr. Poirot to lead the way. Everyone left the room one after another, and Poirot gave me a signal to follow me upstairs.On the second floor, he grabbed my arm and pulled me aside: Hurry up, go to the left wing of the second floor immediately, there is a swing door in the corridor, you stand on this side of the door, don't leave, I will come back to you later.

After explaining, he rushed to catch up with the two police detectives. In accordance with his instructions, I stood by the swing door like a guard, and I couldn't help but wonder what purpose he wanted me to stay here.My eyes wandered the long corridor in front of me, and suddenly I had an idea: Except for Cynthia and Mr. Ingleshap, is it because of this relationship that the rooms of other people are all in the left column?Should I report to him who has been in and out of here? Therefore, I am like a non-moving door god, guarding this area loyally.But time passed by, no one showed up, and nothing happened.It was about twenty minutes before Poirot came to look for me.

You didn't walk around casually, did you? No, I'm stuck here like a rock.Nothing happened. oh! (Is he happy or disappointed?) You didn't see anything? No. But you should have heard something, right?For example, there was a loud bang, huh, brother? No. how can that be possible?Oh, I'm so angry with myself, I'm not usually so rude, and a mere wave of my left hand (I know Poirot's movements well) knocked over the little bedside table! Seeing him upset and discouraged like a child, I quickly found a reason to comfort him: Never mind, Poirot, what's the big deal?Maybe you have just won a round downstairs, and the excitement has not passed before you accidentally knocked over the table.Let me tell you, those words really shocked everyone.There must be something else between Mr. Ingleshap and Mrs. Lex, which is why he refused to admit it.What are you going to do now?Where were the two Scotch detectives?

Go downstairs and ask the servant.I told them all the key points that should be paid attention to.Jay Pai's performance is really not flattering, he has no way to do things. aha!I said, looking out the window, Dr. Bauerstein came.I think you are right in observing him, Poirot, I do not like the fellow very much. He is very shrewd.Poirot spoke thoughtfully. Yes, as fine as a ghost.To tell you the truth, when I saw him in such a miserable state on Tuesday night, ha, what a relief!I've never seen anyone do it this badly.I described in detail what happened to Bauerstein that day. He was like a ragged scarecrow covered in mud from head to toe.

Did you see him come here that day? Of course, he was just after dinner, and he was so dirty that he didn't want to come into the house, but Mr. Ingleshap insisted on letting him in. What?Poirot seized me violently by the shoulder.Dr. Borstein was here on Tuesday night?Are you sure it's here?And you didn't tell me?Why didn't you tell me about it?Why?Why? He seemed to be on the verge of finding out. Dear Poirot, I try to explain: I didn't know you were so interested in Dr. Borstein's whereabouts, and I don't think that's of any importance! importance?What could be more important than this?It turned out that Dr. Borstein had been here on Tuesday night, the night of the murder.Do you know, Hastings, that everything would be totally different, totally different.

I have never seen him so depressed. He let go of my shoulders and unconsciously arranged the candlesticks next to him, still talking to himself: That's right, a total change, a total change Suddenly his eyes flashed, as if he had made a new decision. Well, he said hastily, we must start at once.Where is Mr. Kevin Diss? John was in the smoking-room, and Poirot went straight to it without stopping. Mr. Kevindis, I have to go to Timeminster at once on important business. I have new clues.Can I borrow your car? Of course there is no problem. Do you want to leave now? if you can. John rang the bell to tell the car to drive to the gate, and ten minutes later we had passed through the huge estate and were speeding along the highway towards Timminster.

Well, Poirot, I try to talk to him: can you tell me now what we are hurrying to Tyminster to imitate? Well, my friend, I think you can guess more or less.You know, now that we have ruled out Mr. Ingleshap, the situation has changed, and we have to face a new situation again.We already know that one guy didn't buy the poison, and we're no longer considering planted clues, so now, let's talk about the real situation.As far as I can tell, everyone in the house on Monday night, except Mrs. Kevindis, who was playing tennis with you at the time, could be impersonating Mr. Ingleshap.And then, looking at his own account, he said he left the coffee on the hall table and left today at the coroner's inquest nobody noticed that, and now it looks like it could have been read differently.We must find out who brought the coffee to Mrs Ingleshap last, or who ever walked by while it was on the table.According to what you said, there are only two people who have never been near that table, one is Mrs. Kevin Diss, and the other is Miss Cynthia.

The two of them were indeed not there. I breathed a sigh of relief, feeling relieved for no reason, Mary.Kevin Diss is sure there is no suspicion. Although Alfred was washed away.Ingleshap's suspicion, Poirot went on to point out: But I have to show my cards early.The murderer would not have been wary if it had been thought that I had been targeting Ingleshap, but now he must be more careful, yes, more careful.He changed the subject and asked me suddenly: Tell me, Hastings, have you never suspected anyone? I hesitated.To tell you the truth, I did have a wild idea that crossed my mind once or twice that morning, and though I knew it was ridiculous, the thought never really went away.

It can't be said to be suspicious, I replied in a low voice: it's just a very ridiculous idea. Don't be so awkward, Poirot encouraged me to open up and talk: what's there to be afraid of?Say what is on your mind and never underestimate your intuition. That being the case, fine.I said bluntly: it sounds a bit impossible but I doubt that Miss Howard has told the whole truth. Miss Howard? look!I knew you would laugh at me. No no, that's not what I mean. I always feel that my usually flexible tongue is now tied in a knot: we never suspected her because she was not in Steele Village at the time; but, in fact, her place of work is less than fifteen miles away. , if you take a car, you can get there in half an hour. Who can guarantee that she didn't sneak back on the day of the murder? Yes, brother, Poirot said unexpectedly: I can guarantee it.As soon as I took over the case, I immediately called the hospital where she worked and asked about it. The results of it? People in the hospital said that she was on duty on Tuesday afternoon, and a large number of new patients suddenly came to the hospital before the end of get off work, and the manpower could not be deployed temporarily, so she voluntarily stayed on the night shift, and the hospital welcomed her very much.This proves that she's okay with that part. oh!I said, very puzzled.Well, I will go on to explain other reasons: Her hatred complex for Mr. Ingleshap is very unusual, which is why I doubt her. I always feel that she will use it to fight him. by all means.In addition, I also think that she may have known about the burning of the will, and that she may have burned the new will, because she mistakenly thought it was the old one with Ingleshap as the beneficiary.Come to think of it, she hated him so much. Do you think she hates too much? Yes, it was so intense that I wondered if her sanity would be clouded. Poirot shook his head vigorously. No, no, you got it wrong.Miss Howard is by no means thoughtless or short-sighted and impulsive, she is very balanced, she is an excellent, typical British pragmatic person, and you can say that she is the embodiment of reason. But her hatred for Ingleshap was indeed so strong as to be almost insane.My thought is that it seems absurd enough that it might be him who she wanted to poison to death, but Mrs. Inglesharp drank the poison and became a dead ghost by mistake.However, having said that, I also know that this is impossible, this kind of plot is simply ridiculous to the extreme. However, you are right about at least one thing.Never give up doubting anyone until we can convince ourselves and logically prove their innocence.In the case of Miss Howard, can you give any reason why it was not she who poisoned Mrs Ingleshap? Of course, she has always been loyal to her! go, go!Poirot looked impatient: the reasoning seemed to be playing tricks.If Miss Howard had the ability to poison Mrs Inglesharp, she had the ability to pretend loyalty.Come on, we must think of some other reason.In the first place, you say that her hatred of Mr. Ingleshap was too violent, and I fully agree with it; but the inferences from this are too far-fetched.In fact, I have thought about this question too, and I believe my inference is correct, but I will leave it alone for now.He stopped to think for a moment, and then said: I think there is an unchangeable factor that makes us want to kill her even if she is the murderer. what factor? Miss Howard will not profit from Mrs Ingleshap's death.Because no murder is without a motive. I thought about this sentence and replied: Perhaps Mrs. Ingleshap had made a will in her favour? Poirot shook his head, but said nothing. Don't you forget that you yourself mentioned this possibility to Mr. Wells?I said. He pursed his lips and smiled at me. It was just using her as a cover that time.Because, I don't want to say the name I really think in my heart, and Miss Howard's weight is quite close to the person I think, so I use her instead, just a bluff. That being said, Mrs Ingleshap may have done so; after all, her will was made on the day she was killed, and it is probable that Poirot shook his head vigorously, and I had no choice but to stop. No, this is wrong.I have a little idea of ​​that will, and I can only tell you that no money was left to Miss Howard in it. Although I did not understand why Poirot was so sure, I accepted his explanation. That being the case, I breathe a sigh of relief: then we can give up Miss Howard.In fact, I would blame her for my suspicions. It was because you criticized her performance at the autopsy that I had this association. Poirot looked bewildered. What did I say to her? Did you forget it?How did you reply to me when I said that neither she nor John should have lied? Oh, yes.He seemed a little confused, but fortunately he recovered after a while: By the way, Hastings, I have something to ask you for help. Despite the confession.What's up? The next time you have a chance to be alone with Lawrence, please say to him: Poirot wants me to send you a message, he said: find another coffee cup, and you can rest easy from now on.In this way, one more word or one less word will not work. Find another coffee mug and you can rest easy from now on, right?I asked, again confused. marvelous. What is the meaning of this sentence? Oh, you can leave this to yourself, anyway, you can definitely find the answer.Just remember to tell him and see how he reacts. It’s good, but I don’t know what kind of medicine you sell in your gourd. Timeminster was approaching in a moment, and Poirot asked the driver to drive to the Chemical Analysis Company. At the entrance of the company, the car was parked, and Poirot jumped out of the car and walked inside.A few minutes later, I saw him walking briskly again: Well, he said: everything that needs to be done has been done. What are you doing here?I couldn't help the curiosity in my heart. Bring something to test. assay?What is it? Cocoa milk, collected from a small pot in the old lady's bedroom. Hasn't that been tested?I'm in the dark: Not only did Dr. Bauerstein test it, but you yourself don't think it could possibly contain strychnine. I know Dr. Bauerstein has tested it.Poirot answered calmly. so what? So it was just a whim, and I wanted to do another analysis. After that, I couldn't get out half of his words anymore. Poirot's treatment of cocoa milk puzzled me deeply, and I could find neither reason nor context.But I have great confidence in him. I doubted his ability for a while, but after he cleared Mr. Ingleshap very well, my confidence in him is fully restored. The next day, Mrs. Inglesharp's funeral took place.On Monday morning, I got up later than usual, and when I came down to breakfast, John took me aside and told me privately that Mr. Ingleshap had decided to move out and live in the Stellite Building temporarily until the storm had passed. make plans. Hastings, when he leaves, everyone can breathe a sigh of relief.Honest John went on to say: When we suspected that he was the murderer, our relationship was already bad. Now we know that we have wronged him. Although we feel guilty, but to be honest, it is even more embarrassing when we meet.When we doubted him, it was not without purpose, and others would not accuse us of vain judgment or finding the wrong target, but in fact we were indeed a little mean to him.Now that we have been proven wrong, it stands to reason that we should take the initiative to show our favor to him, but this is really not easy. Although he has been cleared of the crime, it does not mean that we will like him more.Alas, these things are simply being cut and messed up.I am very grateful to him for his knowledge and saying that he wants to move out, which is good for everyone.do you know?It's a good thing my father didn't leave Steyer Village to his stepmother, otherwise it's hard to guarantee that it won't fall into his hands. I can't imagine what will happen after he becomes the owner of this place.As for the money his mother left him, we don't care. So the whole manor will be yours from now on?I asked him. Oh, yes, of course there are some inheritance taxes to pay first.But my father spent most of the money on the house; Lawrence, who would live here temporarily, also had to share.We will be very tight during this period of time. I told you that I have financial problems and don't know where the money will come from. Knowing that Ingleshap was about to move out was a relief, so we had the best breakfast we've had since the incident.Cynthia, who is full of youthful vigor, has regained her original brilliance at this time; the others, except Lawrence, who is still gloomy and unhappy, are also peaceful and happy, and everyone is open-minded and ready to welcome a new and bright future. After the autopsy, the major newspapers were full of news about the tragedy.Sensational headlines, biographies of the families of the victims, editorials pointing fingers and curses, and the epilogue that the police have obtained new clues, etc., all kinds of news are available, and everyone in the family is the target of the media's pursuit of reports.At this time, the fighting in the front had stopped for a while, and there was no fighting on the front line, so the reporters clung to the suspenseful murder case in the rear, making the Steyer Village murder case so popular that it became a household name. Of course, the Kevin Diss family was troubled, and swarms of reporters surrounded the mansion all the time. Although they had no way to enter, they patrolled around the village with their cameras from time to time, in case they unexpectedly raided any unknown history. People from Dale Village.All in all, our lives are exposed to the public eye.People from Scotland Yard came and went, always investigating, always interrogating, their eyes were extremely sharp, their tongues were always tight, but no one knew how far they went.Do they have any concrete clues about this case?Will it be listed in the pending case file for processing in the end? After breakfast, Toukes came to me mysteriously and asked if I was free, saying that he had something to talk to me about. What's the matter, Tox? Well, sir, will you see the Belgian gentleman today?I nod.Sir, you know he used to ask me, madam, or anyone in the family, who had a green dress? Yes, yes, did you find out?My spirits lifted immediately. no sir.But then I remembered, young masters, (John and Lawrence were still young masters in her mind) there was a masquerade suitcase up in the attic, a big one, sir, full of old clothes or Strange costumes and props; it suddenly occurred to me that there seemed to be a green dress inside.So, would you please pass on to the Belgian gentleman? Don't worry, I will tell him.I promise. Thank you very much, sir.He was a really nice guy, not at all like those two detectives from London who just poked around and asked questions all day long.I have always disapproved of foreigners, but I found from the newspaper reports that these brave Belgians were very different from other foreigners who fled, and he was especially a gentleman with a good speech. Good bean curd!She looked up at me with her innocent face, and I thought to myself, she is really a loyal domestic servant of the old tradition, but their kind is dying fast. Without further ado, I thought of setting off at once for Poirot in the village; but I was halfway there when I bumped into him, approaching the Stairs.I immediately told him what Dox had told me. Oh, amazing bean curds!Let's go check the box right now. Although the result is the same whether we check it or not, it doesn't matter if we check it. We entered the house directly through the French windows by the garden, and the hall was empty, so we went straight to the attic.Sure enough, there is a wooden box in the attic, which is made of high-quality solid wood, exquisitely handcrafted, with antique copper nails nailed on it. Poirot hastily grabbed the clothes out one by one and put them on the floor. There were indeed one or two pieces of green clothes in different shades, but Poirot shook his head and skipped them all. Those were obviously not the evidence he was looking for.In fact, from the beginning he seemed careless, as if he had no hope at all.Suddenly, he exclaimed. What's this?look! The wooden box was almost empty, and a black fake beard lay flat on the bottom of the box. oh!Poirot kept saying: Oh!He turned the fake mustache over in the palm of his hand and looked at it carefully.New, he said: fairly new. He hesitated, put the false beard back in the box, piled the clothes on the floor on top of it, roughly restored it, and went downstairs cheerfully, straight to the pantry, and found Toukes polishing the silverware. Poirot did not change the Gauls' politeness, first he said hello to her, and then said: Toux, we've seen what's in the box, thank you so much for letting us know.Really put some good stuff in there.Are those outfits used often? Not so much now, sir, except that the lads give fancy dress parties now and then, and it's really fun a couple of times.Mr. Lawrence is the most powerful, very hilarious, I will never forget one night he dressed up as the king of Persia, claimed to be some kind of monarch from the East, and held a machete cut out of paper, and then said to me: Be careful, bean Kesi, my scimitar is extremely sharp, if you dare to be disrespectful and offend me, be careful, your head will fall to the ground.Miss Cynthia's dress was very barbaric that day. They said it looked like Apache or a nation with a similar pronunciation, but I thought it looked like a French murderer. It looked so realistic!You really can't imagine that a pretty girl can dress herself up as a villain, and she won't recognize her original appearance at all. These evenings must be fun.Poirot said mildly: I guess Mr. Lawrence must have worn the fake beard from the box when he dressed up as the King of Persia that time? He does wear a fake beard, sir.Doux replied with a smile: I remember it very clearly, because he borrowed two bundles of black wool from me to make it, and it looks like the real thing from a distance.As for whether there is a fake beard upstairs, I don't know, maybe I bought it recently!I know there is a red wig in the box, but there should be no other wigs, most of them are drawn with charcoal.But the dirt was hard to wash off, and once Miss Cynthia was dressed as a Negro, oh, what a disaster. So Toux didn't know there was a fake beard in the box.Poirot mused as we left the pantry and entered the hall. You think that fake beard, is that fake beard?I lowered my voice to inquire. Poirot nodded and said: Yes, did you notice that fake beard is trimmed? Have it? Yes.Just Mr. Ingleshap's haircut, and I found a snipped fiber or two in the box, it's by no means innocent. Do not know who put it in? Somebody who is brilliant.Poirot said coldly: You know, even if someone finds that beard, it won't make people suspicious, because it's very natural to put a fake beard there.Yes, that man must be very smart, but we must be smarter than him; we must be so smart that he doesn't think we are smart at all. I completely agree with Poirot. So, brother, you will be my good assistant.He said. I was very happy with Poirot's affirmation.I have often felt that Poirot did not see my true talent. Yes, he looked at me seriously and continued: You must be able to play a big role. Hearing what he said, I felt unspeakably happy in my heart, but when he changed the subject, my heart became cold again. I must put someone of my own here.He spoke thoughtfully. You have me.I protested. True, but just you is not enough. It was really hurtful and my face fell.Poirot hastened to explain to me: You don't understand me.Because everyone knows that you are helping me handle the case!So the helper I am looking for must be able to have any connection with us. Oh I got it.what do you think of john Well, he is not suitable. That's right, that kind guy's head is not very bright.I thought and said. Miss Howard is here.Poirot suddenly said: She is the ideal candidate!But since I exonerated Ingleshap, I'm afraid I've been blacklisted by her.It's ok, there's no harm in trying. At Poirot's request, Miss Howard nodded embarrassingly and agreed to come and have a chat. We went to the small morning room together and closed the door. What's the matter, M. Poirot?Miss Howard said impatiently, if you have something to say, hurry up, I have something to do. Do you remember, madam, that I asked you to do me a favour? Yes, remember.Miss Howard nodded.And let me tell you, I'd be more than happy to send you Alfred.Ingleshap went to the guillotine. ah!Poirot studied her reaction carefully.Miss Howard, let me ask you one more question, and please tell the truth. I never tell a lie.replied Miss Howard. Well, you still think Mrs. Ingleshap was poisoned by her husband, don't you? What do you mean?She asked sharply, don't think that after hearing your explanation, my position will be shaken, there is no way.I admit he wasn't one to buy strychnine at the pharmacy, but that doesn't mean anything, I bet he used flypaper, that's what I said in the first place. But the flypaper contained arsenic, not strychnine.Poirot spoke mildly. What difference does that make?Arsenic, like strychnine, killed poor Emily.Anyway, people are harmed by him, and it doesn't matter to me what method is used. That's right, because you believe from the bottom of your heart that it was his murder.Poirot said slowly, let me ask you another way. In the deepest part of your heart, do you really think that Mrs. Ingleshap was poisoned to death by her husband? God!exclaimed Miss Howard, did I not emphasize that he was a black sheep?Didn't I say over and over again that he would definitely murder her in bed?Can't you see that I hate him to the bone? I know perfectly well, continued Poirot: and it coincides with my little idea. What little thought? Miss Howard, do you remember what you said to Hastings the day he first arrived?He mentioned it to me once, and one of the lines made a deep impression on me.You once said to him that if anyone you loved was murdered, you could definitely intuit who the murderer was, although you might not be able to prove it? Yes, I said these things, and I still believe them to this day, you must think that this is utter nonsense, don't you? Not at all. But you don't accept my opinion of Alfred.Ingleshap's intuition? That's right, because your intuition doesn't point to Mr. Ingleshap. What? Yes, you just hope it's him who did it, and you believe he has the ability to do it.But your gut tells you it's not him, your gut tells you more than that want me to go on? She looked at him intently and made a gesture of affirmation.Poirot continued: Do you know why you hate Mr. Ingleshap so strongly?Because you want to force yourself to believe what you want to believe, because you want to suppress and get rid of your real feelings, in fact, this intuition tells you another name No, no, no!Miss Howard screamed excitedly, waving her hands violently: Say no more, oh, say no more!I'm crazy, that can't be true, I don't know who put such a presumptuous and vicious idea into my head I was right, wasn't I?Poirot did not let go. Yes, yes, you must be able to use magic to see it.But how is this possible?That idea was too rough, too improbable. The murderer must be Alfred.Ingleshap. Poirot shook his head gravely. Don't ask me any more, Miss Howard said: I won't tell you, I won't admit it, not even to myself, I must be crazy to fantasize like that. Poirot finally nodded, as if quite satisfied. I won't ask any more, it's enough that my ideas are confirmed.As for me, I also have my own intuition, and the goal of guessing in our minds is actually the same. Don't ask me to help you, because I can't, and I definitely won't point half a finger at her tongue suddenly stuttering. You'll still be tempted to help me, and you know it.Don't worry, I won't make things difficult for you, I just want you to stand by my side.You will help me, I just ask you to do one thing. one thing?That is Observe quietly. Evie.Howard looked down. You're right, I can't help it, I've been watching what's going on in my house hoping to prove me wrong. If we are wrong, that is the best, Poirot went on: that is the best thing for me.But what if we are right?If we are right, Miss Howard, which side will you be on? I do not know I do not know Don't run away from the question. we just need to be tacit We cannot take it for granted. But Emily would also say that she couldn't go on. "Miss Howard," said Poirot gravely, "it's not worth it to you. Miss Howard raised her head buried in her hands: you're right.She said calmly: It wasn't Evie who spoke just now.Howard!She looked up proudly, and now it was really Evie.Howard is back!She will always stand on the side of justice!Let those who deserve it pay the price.After saying this, she left with a determined expression. Looking at her back, Poirot felt emotional: Hastings, this woman has a shrewd mind and a heart, and she will be our best assistant. I didn't respond. Intuition is a very wonderful thing, Bai Luoming thought: it is not clear but it cannot be ignored. You and Miss Howard seem to have a good understanding of the conversation. I have a very bad tone. You probably don't know it, but I am confused by my side. My mind was indeed blank. Really?No way, my friend! Exactly!Thanks for enlightenment, okay? Poirot stared at me intently for a moment, then, much to my surprise, he shook his head flatly in refusal. no bro. ah?Come on, why not? Two people know enough about a secret. But it's really unfair to me to hide it from me alone. I'm not hiding anything, I have as many clues as you do.You can also judge for yourself, this is a matter of inference. Even so, it’s okay to tell me! Poirot met my eyes sincerely and earnestly, but still shook his head. You see, he said tenderly: you just lack intuition. You can simply say that I lack wisdom.I made fun of him. There is only a thin line between intuition and wisdom.Said Bai Luo with mystery. This sentence is completely nonsense, and I am too lazy to respond to him.I secretly decided in my heart, if I have any more important and interesting discoveries, there is no doubt that I will definitely have new discoveries, and I will also share with him, without anyone saying anything, so that he will be surprised by the final result.
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