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Chapter 11 chapter Ten

voyeur 瑪麗.海金斯.克拉克 3132Words 2023-02-05
At a quarter to five, a secretary knocked timidly on Abby's office door.Miss Cui's phone call, she whispered. It was Sen Mu who called, and the sincerity in his voice immediately lifted Bai Xia's spirits.She had been disturbed by the unpleasant scene in the hearing, and the tragic and wronged face of the young woman was really sad. Hello Sam, she felt Abi's stern gaze. My ambush told me you're on Capitol Hill, how about having dinner? No dinner, Sam, I have to work overtime tonight. You have to eat after all.What do you have for lunch?Like Abby, a hard-boiled egg? She tried to suppress laughter.The senator was clearly waiting to hear how she would end the conversation.

As long as you don't mind eating fast, and early, she takes a compromise approach. I'm OK.How about I pick you up at the gate of Russell Building in half an hour? When Bai Xia put down the phone, she glanced at Ai Bi. Have you read all the information we provide you?And what about those movies?Abby confronted her. No. Have seen part of it? No, Bai Xia admitted frankly.My God, she thought, I'm glad I'm not working for you.I was thinking maybe you could come over to my place for dinner and discuss which videos you might be interested in using. She paused, and Baixia waited.

However, since you haven't read those materials yet, it's more appropriate for me to watch some business at night.Abby smiled.Kim Samuel is one of the most prestigious bachelors in Washington. I didn't know you knew him so well. Bai Xia tried her best to make her answer light and simple.Actually not familiar.But she couldn't help thinking that Sen Mu seemed to be inseparable from her. She looked out the window, hoping to hide the expression on her face.It was almost dark, and the Senator's office could look down on Congress.When the light dimmed, the illuminated Capitol Dome looked like a painting against the blue silk curtains.So beautiful!She couldn't help admiring.

Abby turned her head to the window.Yes, it's beautiful, she said: The sight at this time of day always reminds me to reflect on what I've done.You can't imagine the satisfaction of knowing that I've done a lot today to get an old lady into proper care in a nursing home, and maybe get extra money for the general public to make their lives easier. When Abby Ren talked about her work, she naturally radiated her accumulated energy, and she was very sincere, without half a word of falsehood. But she also got the impression that the girl who had been dismissed hours before had been driven out of the senator's memory.

At the gate of the office building, Bai Xia hurried down the steps and got into the car. It was so cold outside that she shivered.Sam leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.What do big-name producers think? Exhausted, she said: it was hard to follow Senator Ren in and out. Sam smiled.I see what you mean.I worked a lot of hours with Abby, and she never got tired. With heavy traffic, he turned onto Penn Avenue.I think we should go to Grammy in George Town, he said: It is very quiet, the food is very good, and it is close to where you live. There were hardly any other customers in the Green Rice Restaurant.People in Washington don't eat dinner at a quarter to six.When the foreman came to show them a seat, Sen Mu said with a smile.

While drinking cocktails, Bai Xia told him everything about the day, including the scene in the hearing room.Sam whistled.It's unlucky for Abby when it happens to her.You won't be willing to pay someone who makes you look bad. Could something like this actually affect the president's decision-making?Bai Xia asked. Bai Xia, anything can affect the president's decision-making, and one mistake can ruin you.Well, figure it out for yourself.If it weren't for the Chappaquiddick incident, Edward Kennedy might have been president long ago.Of course, there was Watergate and Abiscon before it, and it never ends.Everything affects a man or woman in politics.It's a miracle she didn't get involved in a scandal like the theft of Abby's campaign funds, and if she'd ever tried to defend her assistant, she'd probably be credit-broken.What's the girl's name?

Bu Ailian.Bai Xia remembered what Lan Meijuan had said that Ailian could not steal, she was too timid. Ailian keeps saying she is innocent, she tells Seom. He shrugged.Baixia, I worked as a county prosecutor for four years.do you want to know somethingNine out of ten criminals swear they did nothing wrong, and at least eight of those nine are lying. But it meant that one of them might be innocent, Bai Xia insisted. Very by chance.Sen Mu said: What do you want to eat? In the hour and a half they had been together, as far as she could see, it was evident that he had become much more relaxed.I'm right for you, Sam, she thought. I can make you happy.You treat me like a daughter, the way you cared for Karen when Jane was very ill, but not in the way I had in mind

Over coffee he asked: What do you think of living in that house?Is there a problem? She hesitated, then decided to tell him about the letter slipped under the door and the second threatening phone call.But maybe as you said, it was probably just a joke.She draws conclusions. Sam had no intention of returning the smile she could barely squeeze out.I said the phone call at Boston TV might not be of much importance, but you said that in the past three days, you've had another call and a letter slipped in, and that's totally different.Where do you think this psycho got your address from?

How did you get it?Bai Xia asked. I called the Potomac TV, said I was your friend, and a secretary gave me your phone number and address, and the time you arrived in Washington.To be honest, I'm also a little surprised at how casually they spread confidential information. This is with my consent.I use that house as my production office, and you'd be surprised how many people would volunteer references or memorabilia when they heard it was a documentary interview program.I really don't want to miss these calls, I don't really have anything to worry about anyway. It seems that the monster also used the same method to get the phone number.By the way, do you have that letter with you?

In my purse, she pulled out the letter, glad to get rid of it. Sen Mu studied it carefully, frowning to show concentration.I doubt anyone will be able to find a clue from it, but let me show it to Kangjik.He's from the FBI, a well-known handwriting expert.If you receive this call again, hang up immediately. He dropped her home around eight-thirty.You should get someone to fix the door light, and he makes a suggestion while they're standing in the doorway.Anyone could come by and slip a letter into the door box without attracting attention. She looked up at him.The relaxed expression on his face has disappeared, and the wrinkles that were recently added at the corners of his mouth have deepened.You're always worrying about this, Janein, about that; I don't want you to worry about me, she thought.

She tried to restore the relaxed atmosphere of the previous meeting.Thank you for being a volunteer driver again, she said: They will elect you to chair the Human Touch Committee of Congress. He forced a smile, and the nervousness in his eyes disappeared for a moment.My mother taught me to pay attention to the most beautiful girls.He held her hand, and the two stood silently, before he bent down to kiss her cheek. I'm glad you have no preference, she whispered. What? You kissed me on the right cheek that night, and switched to the left tonight. Good night, Baixia, lock the door. As soon as Bai Xia walked to the door of the study, the phone rang. At first she was a little afraid to answer it. I am Cui Baixia.Her voice was tense and hoarse. Miss Cui, a woman's voice came.I'm Chai Lili, I live opposite to you.I know you just got home, but can you come over right now?There is one very important thing I must tell you. Chai Lili, Bai Xia thought to herself.By the way, it's that Chai Lili.She is a super intuitive person and has written several best-selling books on superpowers and other psychic phenomena.Just a few months ago, many people celebrated her for helping to find a missing child. I'll go over right away, Baixia reluctantly agreed.But I can only stay for a minute at most. When she barely walked across the street, she watched the road very carefully to avoid splashing mud and snow, and tried her best to suppress the uneasy feeling. She was very sure that no matter what Chai Lili wanted to tell her, she wouldn't want to hear it.
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