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Chapter 23 Ali, now

38 (Where are you, Edith?) It was only eight o'clock, and Yali looked out of the window from her room, overlooking the shining Jasper campus in the distance.Everything is still, quiet and silent.Blake's manpower is ready, and Edith will he come back here?Will he go back to school and clean up the whole class?After all, they are all here, gathered in one place, and they can be easily found. Once again, she reached under the mattress and groped to find the mysterious book of Faus.She took it out, opened it, and saw the pistol glowing faintly inside.Did Edith give her the gun to give her a chance to save her own life?Does he want Ari to end his life?She thought again of Iowa, of the horrible man she had met there, the man who had committed Dumont's murder.

Unless that's a lie too. Unless all the information they unearthed there was all edited by Edith. (God, Ari, mind your own thoughts, that's impossible.) She went back to the window, wondering how long it would be before another incident Someone knocked on the door, and she turned around quickly. who? it's me.A familiar voice said, may I come in? Come in quickly, Dean Fisk. The door opened and the dean was there.He waved to Matthew.Owen stepped back, the nurse's eyes full of fear rolled around, and he disappeared in the corridor. Fisk pushed the wheelchair into the room, and Yali sat at the foot of the bed, looking at the thin old man, and couldn't help deeply regretting these tragedies.

I'm really sorry, Dean Fisk.I thought Professor Addis hush.The old man said that now is not the time to apologize, and there is no room for it. She nodded. I have something to talk to you privately. She looks at him.Please say. The dean opened his mouth, but stopped.It was rare for Fiske to hesitate again and again, and Yali was very surprised, she waited for the dean to continue. Apparently, he said hesitantly, I wasn't completely honest with you, Yali. What's wrong? I mean I lied to you.said the dean.He stared at her blankly, his eyes moist and mournful.I am also responsible for what happened to you in Iowa.You approached me a few times in that class, and I lied to you then.Every day of my life, I carry those lies.

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