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Chapter 4 Chapter Four

Pale view of mountains 石黑一雄 6561Words 2023-02-05
One afternoon, before my husband left work, I was preparing dinner in the kitchen when I heard a strange noise in the living room.After a while, the strange sound sounded again, it was a badly played violin.After a few minutes, the noise stopped. When I entered the living room later, I saw Ogata-san bending over the chessboard.In the afternoon, the sun is shining in the west, and even though the electric fan is turned on, the whole room is still as hot and humid as a steamer.I opened the window a little. Did you finish downloading last night?I asked. No.Jiro said he was too tired.I guess he is deserting.You see, I trapped him in this corner.

oh. He relied on my memory to be much worse than before.So, I'm going to do a trick again. Very thoughtful, Dad.But I doubt that Jiro's mind will turn so many turns. Maybe not.I think you are more correct about him now. Ogata-san lowered his head to study the chessboard, raised his head after a few minutes, and said with a smile: You must find it very funny.Jiro came back from the office after a tiring day, but I was here waiting for him.I myself felt like a child, waiting for my father to come back from get off work. Ai!I'd rather you spend your time on the chessboard.Your solo before was really not very good!

I really don't know how to respect the elderly, you!I thought you would be deeply moved!Etsuko. The violin was already in its case, on the floor beside it. When I opened the case, Ogata-san looked at me. I noticed that the piano case was placed high on the shelf.He said.I took it down on my own.You don't have to look worried, Etsuko, I'm careful. This is not certain.You yourself just said that now you are like a child. I picked up the piano case and inspected it carefully: it's just that children can't build such a high shelf. Play me something, he said.I believe your piano skills are better than mine.

That's right, I put the piano on my shoulders.It's just that I haven't touched the piano for a long time. You didn't continue to practice?That's a pity.Etsuko, you used to be so devoted to the violin. I think I did put my heart and soul into it back then.But now I hardly touch the piano. What a waste, Etsuko.You worked so hard before.I still remember when you played the violin late at night and woke up the whole family. Wake up the whole family?When did I wake up the whole family? Um.I remember.It was when you first came to our house.Ogata-san smiled.Etsuko, don't be so nervous.No one cares.Let me think about it, who was the composer you admired most in the past?Is it Mendelssohn?

Really?I woke up the whole family? Don't be so nervous, Etsuko.That was many years ago.How about playing me some Mendelssohn? But why don't you tell me to stop? That was just the first few nights.What's more, no one took this matter to heart at all. I gently plucked the strings with my hands, and the piano was a little out of tune. I must have been a burden to you during those days.I said quietly. Absolutely nothing. But people in your family, they must think I'm crazy. There's no way they think you're that bad.After all, you are still our daughter-in-law.Well, Etsuko, let's not talk about this.Pull something and I'll listen.

What was I like back then?Dad, does he look like someone insane? You are scared.This is conceivable.We were all terrified, I say those of us who survived.Etsuko, stop talking about this.I shouldn't have mentioned it. I put the violin under my chin again. Well, he said: Mendelssohn. I held the violin still.After a while, I put the piano down and sighed.I hardly touch the piano now. I'm so sorry, Etsuko.Ogata-san's voice became serious.Maybe I shouldn't touch it. I looked up at him and laughed.good!Now the child feels that he has done something wrong. I just saw the violin resting on it, and suddenly remembered the past.

I'll tell you later.After I practice for a while. He bowed slightly, with a smile in his eyes. I will remember your promise, Etsuko.Maybe, you can teach me some. I can't teach you everything!dad.You just said you wanted to learn how to cook. Oh yes!And cooking. Next time you come to live again, I will listen to you. I will remember what you said! After dinner that day, Jiro and his father sat down at the chessboard.After I cleared the dining table, I sat aside and sewed.After a while, Jiro said: If you don't mind, I'm going to start over. no problem.Ogata-san said. However, this does not seem fair to you.Especially now that I have the upper hand.

It doesn't matter, there's nothing unfair about it.Please move! You really don't mind? not at all. They continued quietly. Jiro, Ogata-san said after a while: There is something.Did you write that letter?Letter to Fan Nan. I look up.Jiro was engrossed in the chessboard, and he didn't reply until he moved a piece: Fannan?Oh, not yet.I've always wanted to write.It's just that I've been very busy recently. Oh, I know.I just thought of asking. I don't seem to have any time lately. Well, there is no rush.I'm not rushing you.It's just that it might look more decent if you could do it quicker.It has been several weeks since the article appeared.

Yes, you said so. They went back to the chess, and there was no sound for a while.Then Ogata-san said: What do you think of his reaction? Male?I have no idea.As I said, I don't know him that well now either. He joined the Communist Party, you say? I'm not sure, the last time I met him he was very sympathetic to the communist position. What a pity!But there are too many things going on in Japan right now that can lead young people astray. Yeah, not bad at all. Today too many young people are confused by ideals and doctrines.Maybe, though, he'll come to his senses and apologize.People should always remember the relationship and obligations between people.I guess Fan Nan never really thought about what he was doing.I think he had a book on communism in hand when he wrote that article.In the end he might come back.

Very likely.I've been really busy with work lately. Of course, of course.Your work is important.Don't take it to heart.It's time for me to go? They returned to the chess game in silence.After a while, I heard Ogata-san say: Your step is exactly what I expected.Now you have to think hard about how to escape from this blind spot. They went down again for a while.There was a knock on the door outside.Jiro raised his head and glanced at me.I put down what I was doing and stood up. After the door opened, two gentlemen bowed to me with smiles.At first I thought they had the wrong door, as it was rather late.But I immediately recognized them as colleagues of Jiro's and immediately invited them in.They stood in the porch, chattering and laughing.One of them was short and stout, with a flushed face; the other was thinner, with a complexion as pale as that of a European, but he had evidently drunk too, for his cheeks were pale pink.Their ties were undone and slung across their chests, their suit jackets rolled over their hands.

Jiro seemed pleased to see them, and invited them to come in and sit down.But they were still standing in the porch, giggling and laughing. Hi!Ogata, the one with the white face said to Jiro.Maybe we've just been unlucky. Nothing.How did you come here? Let's go to see Zi's brother.I came directly, and I haven't been home yet! We've come to bother you because I'm a little scared to go home.The chunky one comes in.We didn't tell our family that we would be back late. You rascals who do no good!Jiro said.Why don't you take off your shoes and sit up? We didn't come by chance, said the white-faced one again.You have customers.He smiled and bowed towards Ogata-san. This is my father.You stand there and don’t come up, how can I introduce you? They just took off their shoes and came up to sit down.Jiro introduced them, and they bowed and giggled again. Are you two colleagues with Jiro?Ogata-san asked. Yes, replied the dumpy one.It's a great honor to work with him!Although he gave us a lot of trouble.We call our son Pharaoh, because he wants us to do this and that like slaves, and do nothing by ourselves. Nonsense!my husband said. Really, he sent us around while he sat reading the newspaper by himself. Ogata-san looked a little puzzled, seeing them laughing, he laughed too. What's this?The one with the white face pointed at the chessboard.ah!I know it's a bad day for us. We just played chess to pass the time.Jiro said. You go on, don't let us come in and interrupt. how can that be possible?With you two idiots on one side, how can I concentrate on playing chess.Jiro pushed the chessboard away, one or two pieces fell down, he stretched out his hand to pick up the pieces, without looking at the board.Oh, you go to see Zi's brother.Etsuko, pour tea for these two gentlemen.My husband said while I was already heading to the kitchen.The chunky one hurriedly shook his hand. Mrs. Ogata, sit down, please sit down.We'll be leaving right away, please don't bother. No trouble at all.I answered with a smile. Mrs. Ogata, please don't bother!He almost yelled.We're just rascals, Jiro had it right.Please don't bother, sit down! I was about to stop when I saw Jiro's displeased eyes. At least join us for a cup of tea.I said.No trouble at all.Now that you've sat down, let's sit for a while longer and chat for a while before leaving!My husband said to the visitor: I want to hear about Zi's brother.Is he really as neurotic as everyone says? He really is different.The chunky one said with a smile.Well-deserved reputation.Didn't teach us to be disappointed.Have you ever heard of his wife? I bowed slightly to them and quietly exited the living room.After preparing the tea, I put another plate of cakes baked that day.I could hear laughter from the living room, with Jiro's voice in between.One of the guests called him Pharaoh loudly.When I returned to the living room, Jiro and the guests seemed to be in high spirits.The dumpy one was telling a gossip about a certain Minister's meeting with General MacArthur.I put down the cake, poured tea for them one by one, and then sat down beside Ogata-san.Jiro's friends continue to tell political jokes.The one with the white face pretended to be angry because his companion unceremoniously mentioned a few people he admired.He ignored the teasing and just kept a straight face. Oh yes!Huatian, my husband said: I heard an interesting thing from the office a few days ago.They say that in the last election, you threatened your wife with a golf club because she wouldn't vote for whoever you wanted. Where did you hear this nonsense? The source is very reliable. right!Chunky chimed in.His wife planned to call the police, saying it was political persecution. Shit!Besides, I sold all my golf clubs last year.Not a single one remained. The seven irons are still there.Chunky said: I saw it at your house last week.Maybe you are using that. You don't deny it, though, do you?Flower field?Jiro asked. There is absolutely no such thing as golf clubs. But it's true that she doesn't listen to you. The white-faced one shrugged.snort!She has the right to vote for whomever she likes. Then why are you threatening her?asked his companion. I just want her to see clearly.My wife voted for Yoshida just because the guy looked like her uncle.Typical womanly style.They don't understand politics at all, thinking that choosing national leaders is no different from choosing clothes! So you let her eat seven iron? is this real?Ogata-san asked.I brought tea in and he didn't speak until now. The other three stopped laughing.The one with the white face looked at Ogata-san in surprise. oh.No la!He suddenly got serious and bowed.I really didn't hit her. No, no, no, Ogata-san said.I mean your wife and you vote for different parties? Yes.He shrugged, giggling uncomfortably.what can i do Sorry!I don't mean to pry into your family affairs.Ogata-san bowed to him, and Bailian returned the salute. Immediately afterwards, the three of them started laughing and talking loudly again.The conversation shifted from politics to the people in their company.As I was refilling their tea, I noticed that there was almost nothing left of the generous plate of cake.After pouring the tea, I sat back next to Ogata-san. They stayed for an hour or so before Jiro saw them out.When I got back, I sat down and sighed.It's getting late, he said.I think I have to quit. Ogata-san was inspecting the board.I see that the position of this chess has changed.He said.The horse should be on this square, not there. Very likely. Then I put it back, you have no problem, right? Oh well, I think you remember right.I think we will continue next time!Dad, I'm going to bed soon. How about we go a few more steps?Maybe this game is over. Really, I really don't want to play anymore.I am very tired. All right! I put away the sewing I had done earlier and sat down until they went to bed.But Jiro picked up the newspaper and ate the last piece of cake left on the plate.A few minutes later, Ogata-san said: Maybe we should end this game now.Only a few steps away. Dad, I'm really tired now, and I have to go to work tomorrow morning! Um. Jiro returned to the newspaper, still eating the cake in his hand.I saw a few crumbs falling on the tatami.Ogata-san stared at the chessboard for a while before saying: It's unbelievable what your friend just said. oh?What?Jiro didn't look up. He and his wife voted for different parties.A few years ago, this would have been unimaginable. Isn't it 嚒? Now there are more and more weird things, but this is what they call democracy, I think.Ogata-san sighed.Everyone is desperately trying to learn this from the Americans, but not all of them are good! Well, not necessarily all good. You see, husbands and wives vote for different parties!Such a thing, even my wife can't be relied on, it really makes people sigh. Jiro still read his newspaper.yes!Really teach people to sigh.He said. These days, wives don't need to be loyal to their families, they can do whatever they like, and they can vote for whomever they like.The situation in Japan is almost the same now. It is called democracy in the name of democracy, and even the obligations and morals between people have been abandoned. Jiro looked up at his father for a moment, then returned to the newspaper.You are right, but not all the Americans bring is bad. Americans, they will never understand Japan, they don't understand it at all.They may be good for themselves that way.But in Japan, everything is very different, very different.Ogata-san sighed again.Discipline, loyalty, these are the ethics that once united the Japanese.This may sound like exaggeration and prettification, but it is the truth.Everyone has a sense of responsibility, whether it is to the family, to the boss, or to the country.Now, everyone only talks about democracy. When people want to only care about themselves and forget their obligations, they bring up democracy. Yes, you are right.Jiro yawned and scratched his face with his hands. Take my line of work as an example. The system we have cultivated and admired for many years was completely eradicated once the Americans came, without thinking twice.They decided that our schools should be the same as those in the United States, and children should learn what American children learn, but what about the Japanese?Glad to accept it all.Everyone talks about democracy and welcomes the American system.He shook his head.Many good places in our school have been ruined. Yes, I think you are right.Jiro raised his eyes.But the old system also had shortcomings, whether in schools or elsewhere. Jiro, what are you talking about?Where did you see it? Just my own opinion. You read it from the newspaper?I myself have dedicated my life to educating the next generation, and now I see Americans ruining that.It is unimaginable what is taught to children in schools now.Many important things are not taught at all.Do you know that these children know nothing about the history of Japan these days? That's a pity, of course.However, I remember some things I learned when I was a child, such as Japan was created by God, it is the son of God, and it is the most superior.We still have to memorize textbooks word by word.Perhaps, some changes are not considered losses. But, Jiro, it's not that simple.You don't understand the whole thing at all.The truth is not as simple as you think.We are doing our best to preserve the correct values ​​of those traditions.Children should develop a correct attitude towards their own country and their compatriots from an early age.Once upon a time in Japan there was a spirit that united us all.What do you think about today's children?No value is emphasized at school, except his own selfish needs.Back home, Mom and Dad were arguing again because Mom refused to vote for the party that Dad voted for!What a world! Well, I see what you mean.Dad, I'm sorry, I think I have to go to bed now. We did our best, like Dr. Endo and myself.We have done our best to raise the next generation that will be good for the country.All the good things were ruined. That is indeed a pity.My husband gets up.Sorry, Dad, I have to go to bed.I'll be busy all day tomorrow! Ogata-san looked up at his son with a hint of surprise on his face.oh!Of course, I shouldn't have delayed your sleep. That's not true.It's a pity I can't talk to you more, but I really should go to bed. oh!of course. Jiro said goodnight to his father and left the living room.Ogata-san's eyes were fixed on the doorway where he disappeared for a second or two, as if waiting for Jiro to turn around and return.Then, he turned to me with a little uneasiness. I didn't know it was so late.He said.I didn't mean to delay Jiro's time.
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