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Chapter 12 twelve and one king of beasts

Outwit the Beast 威廉德.普萊斯 3543Words 2023-02-05
The tiger is the king of beasts, surpassing other beasts in size, weight and strength. But the lion is also known as the king of beasts, and it gets this title because of its immense power. The king of the two beasts is in the sky, Africa is dominated by lions, but there are no tigers, India has tigers, but there are no lions. Gill Forest is an exception.There used to be more than three thousand lions in Gir Forest, but the hunters had almost killed them all. When the two children arrived, there were only a hundred and seventy left, according to the Forest Patrol. Father needs a Jill lion, not to kill him, but to send him to the zoo to keep away from the vicious killers.

People from all over the world can come and watch it. Hal and Roger had little hope of finding the Jill Lions, who were hiding deep in the woods, untouched by humans. Luckily, the two boys found the lions and watched them from behind a bush.This is a family or part of a family of twelve lions including grandfather and grandmother, father and mother, uncle and aunt, with playful lion cubs and newborn cubs. There is no fighting here and the lions are very social.Grandpa walked around, touching each family member, as if to say: Good morning, dear.Only it said it with a gentle whine. Except for the cubs, the other lions hunted for food throughout the night.Now they are all well fed, happily preparing to sleep for a day together, and get up after the sun goes down to look for food.

What a sweet family!Hal whispered. They could all be killed by a hunter's gun.Roger lowered his voice too. At least we can save one of them.Hal replied. which one? How about the lioness and the cub snuggled up in her arms? But she has two children. Yes, but haven't you heard about Aunt Lion?As is custom among lions, when the mother is away, the cub is taken care of by its aunt.Don't worry about the little one, Aunty will take care of it. Look, they are going to sleep. Yes, it's time to sleep.But the little guy was having a good time.Look, it's coming this way.Catch it if you can.Then you can catch its mother together.

how could be? A lioness will follow her cubs.I used this lasso to keep the lioness from running away.But it is not the lasso that catches the lioness, but the cub. The lioness stood up and tended to her roaming cubs.It slowly left the sleeping family.Howl threw the noose around the lioness' neck, but she was so absorbed in thinking about her young that she didn't notice what was around her neck. Roger expected the lioness to growl when he picked up the cubs, but Jill seldom roared.They get a lesson from the fact that growling will give away their whereabouts to a man with a gun.Jill Lion's way of keeping himself safe was to keep silent.

Take the cubs to the truck.Hal said, go slowly, if you make the lioness run, I won't be able to hold the rope. He looped the end of the rope around a tree in case the lioness would suddenly pounce on it.Then switch from one tree to another.In this way, one tree after another, gradually approaching the truck. At the side of the truck, Roger put the cubs into the cages prepared for their favorite animals. The lioness also jumped onto the truck lightly and got into the cage.She sniffs her baby tenderly and tries to reassure her, telling her that no matter what happens, her mother will be with her.

Roger closed the cage door.I've got some biscuits in my pocket, he said, can you feed them a little? No, lion cubs are too young to eat hard food.Its mother will nurse it, and in a few months it will be able to eat meat. Hal had used this method before to lure a huge beast into a cage, all without disturbing any of the animals.Some captors use far more brutal methods.They often whipped, poked with sharp wooden sticks, yelled at the animals, and even shot guns into the sky to force the animals to follow them. But Hal didn't do that.He does not threaten or intimidate them, but uses the love of the mother beast to make it follow its cubs every step of the way.

They came home full of rewards.On the way, Roger thought of some problems again. This lion doesn't look much like an African lion, why is that? Lions look different depending on where they live.Many countries in East Africa are located above 6,000 feet above sea level, and the weather is very cold all year round.Gill Forest is only a hundred feet above sea level, and temperatures are high year-round.Therefore, lions in Africa need to grow a thick coat to keep out the cold, while lions in the tropics are unnecessary.Nature is very kind, and she strives to make life comfortable for animals no matter what region they live in.

They have many differences.Roger said these lions were fatter than the African ones, had longer heads and different legs, and their tails. They are better off than lions in Africa. Do lions and tigers fight? No, they get along very well.Treat each other as cousins, not rivals.Actually they are really cousins.Their fur is not the same, but if you take the skin off a tiger and a lion, you will find that their bodies are very similar, their organs are exactly the same, and their bone structure is similar. Even experts can't tell which is a tiger and which is a lion. The difference is only superficial.One has no pattern, the other has stripes.

But at the Bronx Zoo in New York, I saw a spotted lion. Hal smiled, yes, that's possible too.If a small animal's mother is a lion and its father is a tiger, then the cub is called a tigon; and if its mother is a tiger and its father is a lion, it is called a liger. What I saw must have been a liger. When they got home, they put the lioness and cubs from the small cage into the larger cage with the tiger. Is this safe?Roger asked. They might fight. Let's see.Hal said the two big guys were sniffing each other nose to nose.They are already friends.I promise Tiger will be happy with company.

Roger took out a piece of meat and put it in the cage.The tiger looked at it, and the lion looked at it too, all politely waiting for the other to eat.Finally, they each bit one end and ate bit by bit. Hal and Roger walked into the house.Near the house stood the cage of the helper of Hercules, but the cage was empty and the elephant was gone. It has abandoned us!Roger said, I think it likes me very much, and I never dreamed that it would leave us. No, Hal said, it wouldn't do that.And he couldn't open the cage door, not even with his nose. What's the matter?Roger didn't understand.

Someone opened the cage door, drove it out of the cage and took it away.But who did it? The house in which the three rascals lived was formerly a stable and a hay store, but now it was converted into a visitor's house. They're gone, Vic said, and here's our chance to make a thousand dollars, maybe five thousand at the Tokyo Zoo.Let's go, let's catch the Hercules helper. They went to the cage and opened the door.An elephant is not as quiet as a lion. It screams loudly, like a siren. Come here, take it easy.It's useless to bark, your friend is too far away to hear you.Vic said. He grabbed the elephant by the trunk.The elephant broke free, rolled up the little rascal, and threw him twenty feet away on a bush.This thorn has needle-like spines three inches long.People told him to wait, because if you touch him, you will get caught by his thorns, and it will take you a long time to get free. Now Jim took over his class.He avoided the elephant's trunk, went around behind the elephant, and grabbed the monster by the tail.He didn't know that elephants could kick people, but by the time he did, he'd been shoved hard against the cage. It's time for Harry.He hit the screaming elephant hard with a wooden club he picked up from outside.A huge foot kicked him into a somersault and crushed him again.If the elephant had put its entire weight on one foot, Hari would have been a pancake.But the elephant wasn't a killer after all. It lifted its foot, and Harry clutched his stomach and stumbled towards the door. The three grabbed the elephant by the trunk and tugged desperately.The trunk, which is a sensitive part of the elephant, got sore and started to follow them.They pulled it out of its cage and walked down the path to the warehouse. What to do with it now?asked Jim, we gotta hide it.If you tie it to a tree, it will be found.And it will pull up the tree and run away. Harry was too busy treating his injuries to think of a solution. Vic said: There's only one way we can get it inside the house. Put an elephant in the house?You can't do that.Jim said. We can and must. But we couldn't get it in the door. Of course we can.The door of that warehouse was twelve feet high, and this one was only nine feet high. So they opened the door and ushered their guest into its new home. They let go, and the elephant immediately swung its trunk, knocking all three of them to the ground.With an angry scream, it slammed into the wall, because the walls of this warehouse are made of wooden boards. The planks were smashed, and the angry elephant rushed out, swaggering leisurely down the road with a low growl in the back of its throat.Hal and Roger, who had just returned home, saw it coming back to its cage. When Roger ran towards it, it also found Roger, and the Hercules helper rolled Roger up with his nose.He muttered under his breath, as if to say he was happy to be home again. Oh, I know who did it, said Hal, it was those three rascals.But what are they doing with this elephant?
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