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Chapter 17 Seventeen Wild Boar's Nemesis

Outwit the Beast 威廉德.普萊斯 2442Words 2023-02-05
Father wants us to catch a boar, let's do it today. What kind of animal is a wild boar?asked Roger. They are very dangerous beasts.Wild boars are a type of pig that are about six times your weight.He has a bad temper and you can never expect him to be at peace.It hides in the bushes, and when other animals or people approach, it will rush out to kill. Sounds horrible, can't we tick it off the list? No, since father said, we have to find a way. Hal didn't know that Vic was hiding outside the door and eavesdropping. It is so fierce, how can we catch it? Don't know, maybe it'll catch us.We had to bring tranquilizer guns and nooses, and hope for optimism.

Vic went back to the warehouse and got the gun out. What are you doing with a gun?asked Jim. You know hunting is forbidden here. Vic laughed and said, "I know what to do. Brother Hunter wants to catch a wild boar. Even if they can find it, don't try to catch it, because I will shoot first."In this way, they will not be able to catch wild boars today. Why don't you let Brother Hunt go?You're only asking for trouble. I?I know what I'm doing.My marksmanship hits the mark. Really?I've never heard of it.I'll make the bed ready for you. What does this have to do with the bed?Vic asked.

I have a hunch you'll need it before dark. Hal drove the car into a wooded area, which he thought was a favorite place for wild boars.It is heavily wooded and there are many thick undergrowths where the low bush boars like to hide.When the time comes, it will burst out of the inside and pounce on any intruders. The two children tiptoed through the woods while carefully searching the bushes on both sides.Every nerve of them was tense, and the wild boar's big fangs might stab one of them at any time.After the boar had finished one, it might turn around and deal with another. The two brothers were not far from their cabin, but they seemed thousands of miles apart.Can they go back in this life?

Soon they found their prey a gigantic beast with a long nose and huge tusks, two of which protruded from its mouth, for murder.Wild boars were digging through the dirt for succulent roots to eat. Hal raised the tranquilizer gun. Before he could pull the trigger, he heard a shot, the man with a double knife, and the bullet flew across the wild boar's back, scratching only a layer of skin. The wild boar immediately rushed over, not at the Hunter brothers, but at Vic, who dared to shoot at the overlord of the pig family.stone.He howled in pain as two long, sharp fangs pierced his ribs.Afterwards, the wild boar walked away slowly, satisfied with the destruction of the enemy.

The gun in Hal's hand went off.The short arrow hit its mark, but the boar did not fall down at once, but looked about with his eyes wide open, to see where the thing that had been nailed to its side and made it tickle came from. It only saw a viper.The wild boar's mind is simple, and he thinks that maybe the snake is looking for its quarrel. It bit the adder down the middle and ate it.The adder turned around and bit it on the mouth, and attacked again and again.The terrible poisonous snake gradually got the upper hand, and the wild boar fell to the ground and died.It wasn't killed by the tranquilizer gun, much less by Vic.

But now Vic, grinning in pain, took credit for the boar's death, thinking that he and his perfect-fire rifle had killed the demon. That's what he thought. He stood up unsteadily.He had to go home quickly and lie on the bed to rest for a while, but his legs didn't work, and he couldn't move a step. Take him home in a truck.Hal said to Roger.Roger complied. Jim was not surprised to see the great shooter limping into the house, lying motionless on the bed.He undressed the idiot, trying with all his might to stop the blood that was gushing from the two holes in Vic's ribs.

I was waiting for you, Jim said, but I didn't expect you to come back so soon. It's all the Hunter brothers' fault.Vic mumbled, If they don't catch some boar, am I going to get hurt? When Roger drove back again, he found his brother engaged in a new fight.Probably from the same family, another wild boar came running, but was blocked by another snake, and Hal realized that the area was populated by many large snakes.This time it was not a viper, but a twelve-foot serpent, which had been trampled by the boar before it fought back.It raised its head, wrapped around the wild boar's neck, and tightly entangled the wild boar's huge body.However, it is not the same as the adder, it does not bite.

What is it for?asked Roger. Oh, it was a boa constrictor, which means it was a squeezer, and it clung to the boar so tightly that it couldn't breathe.If we want to catch this wild boar, we have to do it immediately, otherwise it will die before we get home. Several villagers from a neighboring village came.They have seen countless strange things in their lives, but this is the first time they have seen the scene of a snake fighting a wild boar. Hal said: Help us lift this boar to the truck. But how are you going to get that snake off it? Let it stay there for now, we're going to put the boar in a cage if it doesn't die first from suffocation.

The villagers helped the Hunt brothers lift the boar and the snake around it onto the truck, and they all jumped in to see what would happen next. When they got home, they helped put the boar in the cage together with the boa constrictor.Hal said: We have to try to get the python off the wild boar, otherwise the wild boar will be strangled to death in a short time. Several people pulled and tugged desperately, but the python remained motionless.Immediate action must be taken, the wild boar is dying. Roger figured out a way. He reversed the truck toward the cage door, tied one end of the noose to the truck and the other end to the snake's head for tension, jumped on the truck, and started the engine.

What humans cannot do, the engine can do. Little by little, the python is gradually pulled away, and the wild boar can breathe again. Do you want to catch this boa constrictor?cried Roger. Let it go, Hal said, we don't need pythons. Roger untied the noose from the boa constrictor, and the snake slid off into the woods like a gust of wind and disappeared. Hal goes to the warehouse to see if Vic is alive or dead. Vic was alive and well, and he still howled and cursed the tricks that fate had played on him.When he saw Hal, he said: I can't spare you, I will never be fooled by you again.

What trick have I played on you? Vic muttered something, and the tears welled up again.After a while Vic fell asleep, and he was probably dreaming about how to ask Hal.Hunter's revenge.
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