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Chapter 11 Eleven failed to escape

cannibal country 威廉德.普萊斯 1999Words 2023-02-05
One night, another day, the time of escape is approaching. We went to dinner as usual, Butcher said, and when we got back, don't come into our house, sneak to the next door, and get out. Kargos curled up and writhed on the bed. What's the matter?Butchar said. It hurts so much, Kages said, I'm afraid I can't go with you, it may be appendicitis, unfortunately, I can't catch up with this opportunity, but you must escape, leave me alone. Maybe you'll feel better after dinner. I don't want to eat anything and it hurts like hell when I move.Find freedom, buddy, and let me suffer the pain myself.

As soon as Butcher left, Kaggs recovered immediately.He anxiously waited for the action to begin.Can these people still eat? After dinner, the prisoners are usually allowed to go back to the house by themselves, or to spend a while in the activity room if they wish.The guards came later to lock the door. During this brief free time, Kages heard footsteps in the hallway, people shuffling back after dinner.But he knew that these people did not return to their respective residences, but ran to the next door, where there was a hole that people could climb out of, which represented the hope of freedom.

He listened with bated breath.The thick walls made it hard for him to hear what was going on next door, and he didn't know until later how they got out of the hole without encountering a single soldier.When they were all out, they were about to cross the yard and go straight to the wall, when the guards rushed up from their cover and surrounded them, and the strong searchlights shot down from the tower.Some prisoners rushed out of the encirclement towards the outer wall, and the machine guns on the towers whined and knocked them down.Others were sent back to prison for solitary confinement.

Half an hour later, the guards came to Kargos' cell, looked through the bars, and locked the door. Where is Butcher?Kaggs asked. died.The guard replied, turning and leaving. Kaggs laughed.He was content to have the cell alone.Butchar and those other fools are asking for it, Kargos thinks he's way smarter than them, they're sloppy, they're sloppy, he's going to run away, he's going to get it done. In the morning, he was called to the office.The last time he was treated coldly by the warden in this office, this time, as soon as he stepped into the room, the warden stood up and greeted him with his hands outstretched.They shook hands, and the warden said, "Mr. Kages, I can't thank you enough for what you've done for me and for us."I know, as a trustworthy person, how reluctant you are to turn on your friends.

Kages wiped away a tear as if wiping away a tear."My heart is broken," he said, "knowing what happened to them. My good friend Butcher and others are dead. The rest are awaiting punishment."It was out of deep loyalty to you that I exposed their evil plans. I understand, replied the warden, although I know that you are not doing this for reward, but I still want to reward you. No, no, Kargos objected, I didn't deserve anything, I just did my duty. The warden smiled, and I knew you would say that.You are a good man and I am proud to have you as a friend.You have dispelled doubts with your actions, proving that you can be trusted.There is no need to lock you up in a cell now, I want you to move to my office next door.You are not only a privileged prisoner, but also my assistant.I can't change the fact that you're a prisoner, but I can give you freedom that other prisoners don't have.I also sometimes send you out of the prison, to the town on errands, I know you'll come back and it's confirmed, you've given up your chance to escape.Well, now I'll show you the new room.

He pushed open the door to the next room and stepped aside to let Kargs in. The room was smaller than the warden's office, but two or three times larger than Kargos' cell.There are no iron bars on the windows, oil paintings on the walls, carpets on the floor, electric heaters, radios, electric stoves for making coffee, easy chairs, and a swivel chair behind the desk.Adjacent to the office is a comfortable bedroom and a clean bathroom. Like it?asked the warden. Too much for me, Kages said humbly, I don't need that. The warden's chest is as straight as a puff-breasted pigeon. This guy's gratitude is satisfactory to him. Is there anything else I can do for you?

No, Kargos said, but one thing. Speak. I hope to have the opportunity to preach to my fellows.They need the gospel. Although I am not a formal priest, maybe I can give them some inspiration and comfort from this book.So he took out the "Bible" given to him by the warden. Of course you can, said the warden sincerely, and your own noble character is to set an example for these thieves and murderers. The warden was very satisfied and returned to his office.He poked his head in again and said, by the way, there is a button on the table, if you call a guard, just press it.Already told them to carry out your orders.The door is closed.Kages chuckled softly, walked to the table, sat in the swivel chair, and pressed the button.After a while, the door of the office opened and a guard appeared.

I have breakfast here.Kaggs said. Coffee and rolls? more.Melon, hot soup, bacon, eggs, steak, and a bottle of champagne. The guard was dumbfounded, and then hurried to carry out the command of the officer. Kargos leaned back, a smile on his ugly face.He had already savored the breakfast that was about to be served, and admired his brilliance.Perhaps he would be less complacent if he had known that raw beetles, boiled worms, pickled grasshoppers would be waiting for him in a week's time.
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