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Chapter 14 You from 141,000 years ago

cannibal country 威廉德.普萊斯 4520Words 2023-02-05
You, think about yourself, what would you be like when civilization began?What are you doing?What kind of behavior do you have? It was kind of creepy, Hal said, like a dream.I always thought that these cannibals might be the same as me or my ancestors 10,000 years ago.I feel like I've stepped back into the stone age. Oh, said Roger, what do you think of yourself? I consider myself an idiot. It doesn't matter, Roger relieved, in another ten thousand years, you will get rid of ignorance. Hal pushed his brother's head into the water beside him. The children quickly mastered the simple language of these simple people, and they were able to have some conversations with the locals. Later, they also learned more strange habits of the locals.

Since the witch doctor was expelled, Pava became the head of the village, and the children made friends with him.Now Pava sat beside them, counting the eggs he had taken from the python's belly. Pava's hen is an expert at laying eggs, and he is proud of it.The moment the hen left the nest, the python invaded the nest and swallowed the eggs.So Pava cut open the belly of the snake with a sharpened stone knife and found that the egg was neither broken nor cracked. Now he is counting eggs, and the counting method is really curious.He tapped the five fingers of his left hand first, then the left wrist, left forearm, left elbow, left upper arm, left shoulder, left side of neck, left ear, left temple, forehead, then the same parts on the right side of the body, and finally counted to the little finger of the right hand, Twenty-seven in total.This is the highest count.

But there were still two more eggs. Since it was too many to count, Pava had to break the eggs and swallow the raw eggs. Pava has a pen, but can't write.He envied Hal's ballpoint pen, so Hal gave him that pen as a gift.The pen was gold, and the village head thought it was a good decoration, so he took off the wild boar's teeth that he often wore on his nose, forced the pen into it, and hung it on his nose.Compared with pig teeth, the pen is indeed much more beautiful, and his friends think it is extremely beautiful, especially when he presses the end of the pen, the ball core protrudes from the other end, it is like magic.

I don't know if he understands how to write?Roger said. Ten thousand years ago, I'm sure no one knew, said Hal, before there was such a thing as writing. What about the Egyptians? They invented writing later, and they were actually not writing but drawing pictures.Let's try Pava and see what he thinks. Pava had washed the eggs in the river and put them back into the coop. The hens immediately returned to the nest and covered the eggs with their warm bodies. Hal was writing in his notebook, and he noticed that Pava was watching, as if wondering why Hal was wasting his time drawing these useless circles.

Let's let him see that writing also has certain supernatural powers, Hal said, you go to a friend's house, I will ask him to bring a note to you, and you give him the things requested in the note.In this way, he will understand the power of the pencil. Roger walked away and sat at the door of a house. Hal pointed to a fish on the bank and gestured to Pava. He made a downward poking motion with both hands, and Pava nodded. A pointed spear. A man happened to be chopping logs nearby to make a canoe. Hal picked up a piece of wood and wrote spear on it.He handed the piece of wood to Pava and said:

Go find Roger.Pointing in the direction of the house. Pawa looked at the wood chips and the marks on them, feeling a little at a loss.In the end he walked away with the wood chip in his hand, but from the expression on his face, he thought Hal was a little dazed.He walked up to Roger and handed him the chip.Without further ado, Roger turned around and entered the room, took out a sharp spear and handed it to Pava. Pava came back to Howl with the wood chip and pointed spear, and he looked at Howl as if Howl was a skilled craftsman.Panting, Pava handed over his spear, waved the piece of wood and hurried to find his friend to see what the white man had done. He seemed to be saying, look at this piece of wood, he can make the piece of wood talk, I will give the piece of wood to Luo Look at Jie, the wood chip tells him everything, the wood chip can speak!

This was the first time in history, and the villagers just knew the miracle of writing.For days, people were raving about the talking wood chips. For these Stone Age peoples, not only was writing a mystery, but even pictures were a mystery to them.Hal brought a magazine and some photographs from the boat.On the cover of the magazine was a hippopotamus, which Pava and his friends couldn't understand. What's this?Pava asked, a horse? No, some say, trees. Pava opened the cover page and looked at the back page.Why can't the rest be seen? Hal showed them another picture of Roger.

Ha, Pavadao, I know this, it's a kangaroo. No, said an elderly man, wild boar. Others think it could be a shark, barracuda or octopus. They turned the photo over and looked puzzled, wondering why the back of the animal's body didn't protrude. Hal tells them it's a picture of Roger. Pava shook his head and insisted that it was a kangaroo.To confirm his statement, he pointed to the bushes that covered Roger's legs. It looked like Roger was living in a tree, and kangaroos in New Guinea did climb trees.Is there anything else that confirms this better? Roger thought it was funny and slightly annoyed, well, I'll be a kangaroo, I don't want to be a wild boar.

We'll ship you home so Daddy can sell you to the zoo!Hal said tree-climbing kangaroos fetched a lot of money. The onlookers admired Hal's watch, as long as it was a luminous ornament, they would like it.But when they heard that the watch told the time, they showed contempt, alas, these white people are simply stupid. They don't need some kind of machine to tell them the time, Pawa explained. When the sun is across the river, it is morning; when the sun is on the river side, it is afternoon; when the sun goes behind the mountain, it is evening. These people were constantly poking their fingers at the clothes of the two children. They couldn't figure out how the bark could get so soft, but they themselves were clothed with bark and grass.

Two people at the same time asked Hal for something he was wearing on his lap.Howl brought them a pair of trousers from the boat.The two scrambled, and a bloody fight was likely to occur.At this time, one person came up with a solution. He tore the trousers in the middle, so the two of them walked around the village in a pair of one-leg trousers. A little boy was naked, as naked as a newborn baby, and he wanted a hat, and Hal granted his request, and the little fellow walked around proudly naked in the hat. One day, Pava came to the boat to play, and saw the trolleys used by young naturalists to collect specimens. Captain Ted was very generous this day, he took out food from the storage room, filled a trolley, and sent it by boat. to shore.As soon as the cart was on the ground, Pava picked up the cart on his strong back and walked towards the village.

No, no, Hal cried, not like that. He asked Pava to put the car on the ground, then raised the armrest and pushed it forward.The whole village was alarmed, and the villagers came to look at this non-stop rolling thing and were amazed. This big bowl will go! It's a miracle.Everyone has to give it a try, for they are just beginning to understand one of the greatest inventions of mankind, the wheel.And from it the two boys realized the miracle, how this rolling thing is a blessing to us, without which there would be no carriages, wagons, cars, and airplane landing gear, and no machines to make things , it is these things that make our lives comfortable. The houses in the village have only windows and no glass. The so-called windows are nothing more than holes through which mosquitoes and rainwater can penetrate.When Pava was visiting the Feiyun, he tried to poke his head out of the window, but was hit hard.He drew back and stared at the window, but found nothing. What's the matter?asked Roger. I was trying to look outside and someone bumped me, I think it was a white man's god. Roger tried to explain in the native language, no one touched you, your head hit him and stopped, I don't know how to say the word glass in the native language.What is glass called?he asked Hal. There is no such word in the native language, how can there be a word for something they know nothing about? Roger took Pava's fingers and tapped the glass, a kind of stone, he said. Pava shook his head, it wasn't a stone, and he couldn't see anything if it was blocked by a stone.I think it's a ghost. Other visitors also encountered the same problem, and they could see many heads injured by windows. Roger opened a tube of white paint and drew a white line on each pane.People can realize the existence of the real thing after seeing the line, so there are no more incidents of window ghosts attacking people. Sometimes I think they're pretty silly.Roger said. Same as you were ten thousand years ago, Hal said. All bad things are the sins of ghosts.For example, a gentle breeze is given by a good god, but a typhoon that sweeps away houses and trees is an evil spirit.Lightning strikes and lightning are also ghosts.There are also water ghosts everywhere in the river. As long as you can't swim, the water ghosts will drown you at any time.The woods are full of dead ghosts because even a good person will become a ghost after his death, because his relatives no longer support him, relatives and friends have forgotten him, so he will punish these neglects. All the stones are also full of ghosts, and the big stones contain big ghosts.If a certain stone appears humanoid, it must not be touched.When Roger was feeling guilty about this, two elders grabbed him and hummed something incoherent, exorcising the ghost for Roger.One filled his mouth with red betel nuts, chilies, and limes, chewed them into balls, and sprayed them in Roger's face. Thanks.Roger said.He knew the natives were trying to treat him well. When Roger finished trimming his nails and threw the clipped nails on the ground, Pava carefully picked them up and handed them to Roger. Oh, why did he do that? Captain Ted answered his question. They think that if you throw away some of your own things, such as nails, pieces of clothes, hair, pig bones and chicken bones that you have eaten and gnawed, then ghosts will take advantage of you. Dot the trace to cast a curse.Have you noticed how these people chew betel nuts and spit juice?They were very careful when they sprayed out, so that the droplets were so tiny that no one could scoop them up again, and the spell could not be cast. The natives are particularly afraid of fireflies, which are regarded as the ghosts of the dead, and they light up lanterns one by one, looking for their relatives in order to punish them. They are equally afraid of animals.When you die, the ghost inside you becomes a tiger shark, a Komodo dragon, a giant scorpion, or a big black bat.You are not afraid of the teeth or claws of these animals, but the ghosts of these animals that your grandfather or uncle or mother-in-law became after death. Several of the villagers were missing fingers, and one woman who had been especially nice to Hal and Roger had no nose, no fingers.Pava explained why: the woman's husband died, and the widow had to cut off her nose in mourning, and her children died one after another, cutting off a finger each time.There is a man in the village who is very good at cutting fingers. He puts his fingers on wood and can break them with a single blow of a flat stone axe.The severed fingers were hung in the stove to dry, and buried with the dead after being burned the next day. The same woman sleeps with her dead husband's skull resting on her head, so that her husband's virtues may be passed on to her, but she removes the lower jaw of the skull beforehand so as not to be bitten. Another woman hangs her husband's head on a string and wears it around her neck. Whenever she walks, the skull dangles on her chest. It's annoying and annoying, but she doesn't care. , she only wants to make her husband happy, not to send ghosts and gods into the world to torture her. I tell you, Captain Ted said, these people are afraid to sleep, because they may dream of other places, and if they are suddenly awakened at this moment, it will be too late to call the gods back into their bodies. The fear of so many locals saddens the two boys, who had never before realized how lucky they are to live in today's times compared to 10,000 years ago.Although there are still many mistakes in the world today, its advantages far exceed those of the Stone Age. Hal and Roger are not afraid of thousands of ghosts in stones, tree ghosts, water ghosts, thunder ghosts, wind ghosts, ghosts that make people cold, ghosts that make people sick, ghosts of dead ancestors, Ghost, ghost, ghost.They were not frightened by the fear of these ghosts when they moved around. The only ghost that made them think about it was him. Before he went to prison, he swore to them that he would settle accounts with you when I got out. But we needn't worry too much about Kaggers, Hal said, he's far away from us, locked up in prison and never coming out.
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