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Chapter 17 171,110,000 meters deep sea

On the other side of the island, another adventure awaits Hal. The sea over there was very rough, and the huge waves crashed on the rocks, splashing spray like a fountain.But what Hal was most worried about was the six-meter-high coast on this side.What will happen to the winged sub when it comes to this towering shore? The submarine galloped from the island to the shore, off the shore and into the air.This place is more than six meters above the sea, which is not a place for flying wing submarines.At such a height, the strong airflow ejected by the jet could not support it, and it fell rapidly. Beside the fish, the big fish swung away vigorously with its tail.The submarine had just floated up from the valley of the waves, but was swallowed by the huge waves in a blink of an eye.

Then, the submarine hesitated for a moment and began to ascend.After falling into a trough again, it finally rises to its optimum height.At four meters in the air, it settled down, sighed a few times, and said: Thank God! Its driver had had enough, pushed the lever into automatic, slid into the rear deck, and punched the real driver hard.The gentleman woke up and blinked. Ah, it's you.I thought you'd let me take a good nap and wake me up in the Solomon Islands. We've passed the Solomon Islands, Hal took the sleepy-eyed helmsman to the console, pointed to the chart and said, Here we are, just passed the Solomon Islands.

How about it? Good. Did something go wrong? No. You are in luck. We're all lucky, Hal said, lucky we're all alive. The Truk Archipelago embraces three hundred small islands in its arms by a coral atoll.The small flying wing submarine flew day and night, flew over the beautiful Truk Islands, and sailed to the southern end of the Mariana Trench.There, the driver got in touch with the deep-sea ship by wireless phone, the submarine dived more than 60 meters, and the two ships met. The pilot of the deep-sea ship jumped out from the open hatch, and the magic carpet opened the hatch to take him in.

After introducing each other, he explained: Deep-sea boats can accommodate two people, and no matter how many people there are, there is not enough space.I guess you two naturalists might want to go down together; you two geologists might like to go down together too.In this way, I was squeezed out.However, you don't have to ask me to go down with you.Driving a deep sea boat is not difficult.One of you come and walk with me, and I will tell him how to operate. Hal insisted that the two geologists be the first to dive.A geologist first went down with the driver and learned how to operate the deep-sea ship from him.The pilot then returns to the magic carpet, and another geologist joins the first geologist on the deep-sea vessel.They closed the hatch, and the deep-sea ship began to dive into the deep sea.Hal and Roger waited with restrained impatience for its return.

By the way, said Hal, why is it called a deep sea ship? The driver replied: August, the inventor of the deep-water submarine.Picard called it a bathyscaphe, a Greek word for deep sea and boat.The builder of this ship believed that English speakers should not use Greek, so he translated these two Greek words into English, which means deep-sea ship. Is this where Picard's boat dived? Exactly.You are now above the deepest of all undersea caves ever discovered.It's called Challenger Deep.Believe me, it does go deep.The vertical distance from the sea surface to the bottom of the cave is eleven.Twenty-six kilometers.

Did Picard's ship sink all the way to the bottom? It sank all the way to the bottom. Is his ship the same as a deep sea ship? No, not quite the same.His ship, the Triesti, was much larger and heavier than a deep-sea ship. Have deep-sea ships ever gone below? It only dived about one.six kilometers. This was something Hal didn't expect. He showed a worried expression. So, if the four of us dive deeper, it will be the first test of a deep-sea ship? Yes, the driver grinned, no matter what you do, you can only risk your own lives.The ship's designers tried their best to make it withstand the enormous water pressure.But, who knows, it might collapse like an egg.And you, too, may be crushed into meatloaf.

He seemed to think it was fun, but Hal and Roger didn't think it was much fun. It seems that you are not very worried.Hal said. why should i worryThe pilot replied that this matter has nothing to do with me, I just steered the boat here to get ready as I was told.I have everything ready.Of course, if the geologists are gone forever, you don't have to go down.Just thinking about it makes me happy. This guy, Hal thought, was too big to be trusted. An hour later, the deep-sea ship came back, and the ship was still in good condition, and Hal was relieved. The two geologists are back on the magic carpet.

How about it?Hal asked. very good.Along the way, we carefully inspected the rock formations across the entire face of the canyon. The whole canyon?Are you all the way down to rock bottom? Oh no.no need.We've only dived about three kilometers and already got everything we need to know.Therefore, there is no need to dive further. Now, it's your turn.The cheerful pilot of the deep-sea ship said, and took Hal to teach him how to drive the boat.After a while the driver came back and Roger went past Hal.They closed the hatch tightly, and then fired up the jets on top of the boat, which pushed the submersible deep into the ocean.

At first, there was still a little daylight.The deeper they dived, the dimmer the daylight became. After a while, the daylight disappeared, and the surroundings were pitch black, like night. The pilot was right, the thing was too small for two people.Even if only two people sit, it is tight.The shape of the deep-sea ship is like a round steel ball. Through the plexiglass window, they can see the stars in the underwater night sky.But the stars are all flying like crazy. The stars are colorful, red, yellow, green, blue, lavender, they are the glow of phosphorescent fish. A lantern fish swam past, with a string of light spots on both sides of the fish, like the brightly lit portholes of a ship.Sea prawns shine brightly, while jellyfish radiate soft brilliance.The outline of the jellyfish seems to be outlined in neon lights.

The thorax seems to have a shadowless lighting device installed on its body.There are also clusters of green lights and blue lights on the body of the fish, which are particularly eye-catching. Squids peek out from their bulging, light-rimmed eyes, dotted with spots of light on their tentacles.The toad fish does not emit light when its mouth is closed. Once it opens its mouth wide, a circle of light flashes on the root of the tooth, like a string of pearl necklaces. All of these creatures live in deep seas where the sun doesn't reach them, so they need light.As for why some light is white, some light is yellow, some light is red, some light is blue, and some light is green, science has not yet explained.

There is a kind of fish with a ball of light in front of it, like a small electric light hanging on a fishing rod.The lamp attracted the little fish, and then disappeared with a sudden twist, but the little fish had already fallen into the fisherman's huge mouth. The moon was up, at least, that thing looked like a moon, but, Hal said, it was a moonfish.Its body is round, with a diameter of more than three meters, flat and thin, shining like a moon. Some people also call it a head fish, because it looks like nothing but a human head.When it was young, it had a tail, and when it grew up, the tail fell off, like a tadpole.Its body, which looks like a head, actually contains a stomach and other organs.There are two small eyes on the edge of the big moon.Those tiny, barely visible fins all around the moon propel the ton-heavy moon fish slowly through the water. Phosphorescent fish have a curious characteristic that they leave trails of phosphorescence behind them like shooting stars. There was one fish that was quite large and it was casting light all over the water. People call it the star-eating fish.Hal said.This fish has dazzling lights hanging from its fins and a bright beard flowing from its chin. There's a fish over there that doesn't shine at all, Roger said, how could that be? It was a blind fish, Hal said, and he was too blind to see his way by the light.It can only move slowly, like those blind men on the street who tap the ground with bamboo sticks to find their way.However, it has nearly twenty bamboo sticks with long tentacles extending in all directions.With them, blind fish can swim and find food by groping. How deep have we dived?asked Roger. Hal looked at the meter with the light, eighteen hundred fathoms, let's do the math, one fathom equals one.Eighty-two nine meters.So the water depth where we are is nearly three.three kilometers. The same depth as the two geologists dived, Roger said, shall we go up now? Don't expect me to go up, Hal said, of course they had a reason to go up, they've seen all they wanted to see.What about us?We haven't seen anything yet that we came here to see.We need to find out what is at the bottom of the valley, is it a giant or is there no life at all? Did Picard and his friends discover something? They believed they saw a flounder and some shrimp.Some scientists said they must be mistaken, and that no fish could withstand the terrible water pressure.Perhaps, we can finally figure out which side is right. We'll be the first to go to that depth in a deep-sea boat, said Roger, aren't you afraid? Of course I'm afraid, Hal said honestly, but to solve this problem, someone has to experiment, and we can be such experimenters.Unless the deep sea ship collapses and flattens us.Otherwise, we will continue to dive. The deep-sea ship jolted and stopped. We must have hit rock bottom, Roger said, or hit a big fish. No, said Hal, we hit the thermocline. What is a thermocline? Look out the window, Hal said, and see what those things look like under the sea. Thousands of brilliant little sea creatures gathered in a thick layer that really looked like the bottom of the sea. That's the thermocline, Hal said, and along the way, the ocean wasn't always the same.It comes in layers like a layered brioche.The top layer is warm water, and the thermocline separates warm water from slightly cooler water above and below it.You've noticed how when we hit the thermocline we got bounced up.The thermocline is a very elastic mat, like the mat used by acrobats to perform trapeze. Can we get through it? no problem.Hal stepped up the gas pedal a little.The deep-sea ship hit again, passed through, and continued to dive. They hit the thermocline twice more, were bounced up several meters, and rushed over with increased horsepower. Suddenly, everything in the sea was rushing upwards at a very high speed.Hal turned on the searchlight, and the canyon wall was rising rapidly beside them. what happened?Roger was very worried. He really didn't expect so much trouble in deep sea diving. Hal looked at the speedometer, which showed their dive speed.Our dive speed should have been twice as slow as this.We were caught in a current that descended down the cliff.This is a kind of river in the ocean, but instead of a horizontal river, it is a strange vertical river.He turned off the engine, now we can dive without any power, and said, free boat ride. Not long after the free voyage, a nasty collision interrupted their rapid dive.This time, the boat didn't bounce back.They hit something really hard, and the deep-sea ship didn't budge. I hope our boat doesn't get cracked, Hal said, checking the walls of their tiny cell, and found no water coming in. what happened? It hit a ledge protruding from the canyon wall.If we cannot get away, our voyage will be over.I try to go up a little bit. The deep-sea ship remained motionless.The torrent of water from above pinned it to the ledge. They could neither ascend nor descend, the situation was critical. Let's try to move to the side.Hal said.He activated the jet pipes on the side of the boat, and the boat began to roll toward the edge of the ledge.The two children found themselves standing on their heads.The deep-sea ship pressed against the ledge, rubbed against the ledge, rattled harshly for a long time, and finally rolled to the edge of the ledge and fell.After regaining its balance, it resumed its rapid dive, and the passengers on board were relieved at last. Another 305 meters down, the rapids mysteriously disappeared, like a desert river seeping into the sand. The tourists who went to the bottom of the world had just breathed a sigh of relief when their boat hit something again.However, this time the collision was very different, very soft and smooth, not the kind of violent vibration collision. Another thermocline?asked Roger. Possibly, Hal said.He stepped on the gas, and if it was the thermocline again this time, he would be able to break through it.However, the deep-sea ship did not move. Maybe we've really hit rock bottom.Roger said. Hal looked at the depth gauge, far away!He said. So what's got us stuck? I have no idea.Hal said honestly. look!cried Roger.Something drifted into the beam of the searchlight.It looks like two giant eyes through the window. It couldn't be the eyes, Hal said, nothing could have eyes that big.They looked as big as the portholes of a ship. These giant eyes are like two deep pools, and from the depths of the pools, an angry green light shoots out. Probably a giant octopus.Roger guessed. No, Hal said.Even the largest octopuses have tiny eyes and, moreover, don't shine like this.This looks like phosphorescence. Something that looked like a giant snake flew past the porthole. Hal yelled: I know what it is.A cousin of the giant octopus, the supergiant squid is as big as ten giant octopuses. How big do you think this one is?asked Roger. From the size of those eyes and those tentacles we've just seen, I figured it might be ten to eighteen meters long.Hal said. Roger whistled, what a huge monster!It's only a monster, it can't hurt people, right? Do not hurt!Hal exclaimed, Come to think of it, people here call it a Pacific nightmare, and another name for it is the manta ray.Fortunately, few people come across it, because it likes to stay in the deep sea.Lo and behold, those tentacles are at it again.Look at those big plates growing on top of the tentacles. Like an octopus' sucker.Roger said. It's that kind of thing, though, quite different.The plates on the octopus' tentacles are meant to be sucked onto other things, they're suckers.The calamari dish is for killing something else.He aimed his searchlight at one of the plates, and saw that there were large sharp teeth lined up on the plate. As long as any animal or person was bitten by those plates, they would die before falling into the mouth of the giant squid.Its mouth is even more dangerous.Let's see if we can find its mouth.He moved the searchlight down from the giant eyes, and finally, it stopped on the monster's huge bird-shaped beak. It looked as hard as iron, Roger said. How could such a limp animal have such a terrible mouth? With just this mouth, it can bite a shark to pieces, Hal said, or bite your head off like you crack a walnut. Roger is getting impatient, we can't stay here forever.Why does it keep blocking our way and not go away? It is too interested in us.It is probably wondering if it can crack open this walnut and get us in the mouth. Let's go, suggested Roger, and if you can't push it, why don't you go up a little and get rid of it? I'll try it, Hal said.He activated the jet pipes under the boat, which should have lifted the boat up, but the deep-sea craft didn't even move. The monster must have wrapped one of its tentacles around the top of our boat. Annoyed by the prey's attempt to flee, the monster entangled its other tentacles on the deep-sea vessel, some nearly covering the plexiglass windows. Roger is worried, I think, he is clamping us with its eight tentacles. Ten, said Hal, your old friend the octopus has eight tentacles, and the squid has two more.Hal hit full throttle again. The big iron ball still didn't move.They could hear the sound of the giant jaws gnawing on the steel hull, and the monster was fighting frantically with the big iron ball.Those sharp teeth on the tentacles are constantly scratching at the hull. Hal turned the engine off, it didn't help, we still couldn't get out, he said, and we had to wait. The stingray keeps nibbling and clawing, and it has never encountered such a difficult enemy.This iron ball is too big to swallow whole.However, it is not so easy to bite it open.The troll's anger grew. My nerves can't take it!Roger said. Don't worry, it can't bite through such a strong steel shell. But when a giant squid attacks a porthole, they can't help worrying.Plexiglass is very tough, but it's not steel after all.It can take amazing pressure, but something sharp can puncture it.The bird-shaped beak that is desperately pecking at the porthole is sharp enough. Hal estimated the size of this giant squid, and its circumference was about three.Six meters tall and weigh at least 450 kilograms. It's a good thing it's big, he said, even if it can peck through the little porthole and keep it out. I'm not afraid of it coming in, Roger said, but if it pecks open a small hole, the sea will come in, and what then? Hal didn't want to frighten his brother, but he had to tell the truth, and I'm afraid we'd both be screwed.The pressure of seawater is at least one hundred times the air pressure inside the sphere.Should the porthole be pecked through, the water would rush in with astonishing speed and drown us in a few minutes. The action of the squid drew a large audience.All the fish, big and small, in different shapes and sizes, came to see what was going on.Under searchlights, they form a colorful rainbow. Behind the rainbow, something floated across the water like a cloud. Guess what that is?Roger asked curiously, so big, it couldn't be a fish.Maybe it's just a shadow. The thing was getting closer and closer, and it looked like a huge and heavy shadow. I wish Howl would talk, but he didn't say what he wanted.He was disappointed when the shadow drifted away past their ship. However, after a while, it came back again.This time, it was right in the searchlight.Its gigantic head was as big as a bus, with a gaping mouth and huge, gleaming white teeth. sperm whale!Hal yelled, maybe it can get us out. What can it do?asked Roger. It can save us.We won't be drowning here, Hal said, if it would.Squid is one of the favorite foods of sperm whales.It's not the kind of small squid that floats close to the water surface and is only about half a meter long, but the kind of plump giant that lives in the deep deep sea.Ah, if only it was hungry. The sperm whale came again, but it swam away again only two or three meters away from the giant squid. I bet it's scared.Roger said. It has every reason to be afraid, too many whales have been eaten by giant squids. I thought he always won, said Roger, for he was much bigger than the giant squid. is much larger, but it doesn't have those ten tentacles.Those tentacles are more than nine meters long and have so many sharp teeth. The Sperm Whale swam back and stopped to stare at his opponent with his tiny eyes.The giant squid's small eyes look oddly set against the giant squid's large wheels-like eyes. After a while, it swung its tail violently and rushed forward.Its huge mouth is like an open door, taking its favorite food straight.It can enjoy this meal by itself, and no other animal dares to mess with this super giant squid.Sperm whales have razor-sharp teeth. They are not good at chewing, but they bite very hard. The giant squid let go of one of its tentacles attached to the steel ball, and swung it vigorously towards the swimming opponent.With a click, the sperm whale had firmly bit the giant snake-like tentacles between its teeth.It's a tooth-to-teeth fight.When it comes to fighting with their teeth, the giant squid and the sperm whale can be said to be evenly matched.The hundreds of needle-sharp teeth on the giant squid's tentacles must have dug into the sperm whale's tongue, the most sensitive part of the whale's body. The sperm whale turned around and fled, with its mouth open trying to escape the torture. But the giant squid refused to let go.As a result, the deep-sea ship was dragged across the canyon at a frightening speed, and the two passengers on board were knocked dizzy.Trying to shake off the tentacle that was tormenting it, the sperm whale writhed wildly, as if in convulsions.As it swings, the big iron ball suddenly jumps up, and then rolls quickly to both sides.The two children were thrown back and forth, and they were bruised and bloody from being bumped against the bulkhead. They were speeding towards the cliff on the other side of the canyon, and the constantly shaking searchlights shone on the rock cliff, which went straight up and down, steep and hard. At the last moment, the sperm whale turned around and left the cliff, but the big iron ball hit the wall heavily.The rotation has turned the bottom of the deep-sea ship upside down, and the violent collision with the rocky cliff nearly knocked two children who were standing upside down.At this moment, their tugboat was dragging them to the other rocky cliff of the canyon, where they were likely to suffer the same violent blows and collisions again. But seeing that he couldn't get rid of the toothy tentacle, the sperm whale snapped it off.The sudden severe pain made the giant squid's whole body turn red. It let go of the other nine tentacles that were holding the deep-sea ship, and used them to cover the sperm whale's head and eyes.All the blades on the giant tentacles plunged into the flesh of the sperm whale, and the blood turned the sea red. However, the sperm whale would not admit defeat.Its head is entangled, and its tail can swing freely.The tail cannot reach the giant squid on its head, but it can reach the deep-sea ship.As smart as its distant relative the dolphin, the sperm whale smacked its tail at the deep-sea vessel, sending the big hard steel ball slamming at the limp mass of giant squid above its head. The giant squid was smashed into patties immediately.If no one touches it, after a while, the giant squid will puff up again. But the deep-sea ship not only smashed the giant squid flat, but also threw it into the open mouth of the sperm whale. Immediately, the huge mouth bit down a large piece of squid meat, which was as big as a donkey. In this way, the deep-sea monster will no longer be able to resist.The sperm whale tasted the remaining giant squid leisurely, and the two children touched the bruises and bruises on their bodies, trying to calm themselves down. Not only were they exhausted, but they were too cold.Only after looking at the thermometer did they realize that the temperature in the cabin was two degrees away from freezing. I think the further you go, the colder it gets.said Roger despondently. It appears that he was right.However, after they rushed through another thermocline, the situation finally changed. Only one.After six kilometers we reached the bottom of the valley.Hal said. He looked carefully at the thermometer, it seemed to be getting warmer. how could be? I don't know, but I can guess.There may be volcanic flames beneath the ocean floor.In some mines it gets hotter the lower you go, you know that.Geothermal heat beneath this canyon may have warmed the underlying water.At any rate, there was no doubt that the mercury on the thermometer had risen a little. This gave Roger new worries.Will they be cooked when they reach the bottom of the ocean?Perhaps, they will fall into an underwater volcano.He shared his worries with Hal. It can't be that bad, I think, Hal said, and whatever it is, we'll see right away.He stared at the depth gauge.Only thirty fathoms away.Twenty Fathoms, Eighteen Fathoms, Fifteen Ten.Sit tight, it may vibrate quite violently. However, there was no turbulence at all, and the deep-sea ship landed on the bottom as soft as a feather mattress, and the mud barely passed the porthole. The muddy water stirred up when the deep-sea ship touched the bottom is slowly being clarified. They looked out of the window, and this place was the deepest of all known oceans.Deep in the Grand Canyon of Colorado.Six kilometers, but here is nine deeper than the Grand Canyon.seven kilometers.Mount Everest is the highest mountain on earth, and they dive deeper than the height of Mount Everest.Edmund.Sir Hillary has climbed Mount Everest, he climbed to the peak of 8848 meters above sea level.People say that's an amazing feat, and it's amazing.However, the two children have dived 11,033 meters from the sea level, and in a few minutes, they will climb up again, faster than Edmond.Hillary still has to climb an additional 2,185 meters.Of course, with a deep sea vessel, it's much easier to climb up.They've proven that the ship can withstand the incredible pressures of the deep, as strong as Picard's bathyscaphe. A deep-sea vessel is more like a submarine than a bathyscaphe, though no submarine has ever dived to such depths.What is learned from this experiment may be very useful to those who build submarines, and they will be able to build submarines that can dive much deeper than 100 meters below the surface. But is there life in the horribly deep ocean?This has not been confirmed yet.August.Picard once claimed that he had seen creatures on the bottom of the sea here, and he took pictures of them, but because the sea water was blurred, nothing could be seen after the pictures were developed, so no one took his report seriously.It is almost impossible to convince people that any creature can withstand such great pressure. Look, cried Hal, isn't this thing moving? It wasn't just a lump of mud, it was a living thing.It floated up from the bottom of the sea, and then slowly swam away.A few minutes later, it returned with three other living creatures. It was a flounder, shaped like a shoe sole, about thirty centimeters long and fifteen centimeters wide. Look, there are two eyes on its head. I think there's something wrong with your head, Roger said. You're dreaming, like Picard. See for yourself.Hal said. Roger had to believe that there were indeed two wide-open eyes, and they were indeed growing on top of the flounder's head. All shoe-sole or skate-like flounder have eyes on their heads.Hal reminded him. But what does it have eyes for?Roger retorted that if there were no searchlights, it would be impossible to see anything down here.Live in places where eyes are not needed, and animals lose their vision. I've always thought that way before, Hal agreed, but you've seen for yourself that it's not always right, at least not always.I have to take a picture of it. He adjusted the brightness of the searchlight to the maximum, illuminated the flounder, checked the exposure meter carefully, and pressed the shutter.His camera was an instant print, so, minutes later, they saw the result, with the flounder clearly showing on the photo. What are those little things?Roger asked. They were like red shrimp. It is red shrimp.As he spoke, Hal took a few more pictures. The thin, meandering marks above the mud suggested that there must be more creatures down below. There is also a fish that I have never seen in my life.Hal said. This fish looks as scary as a nightmare.The huge and ferocious mouth is more than 30 centimeters wide, and it is full of sharp teeth. They can crush hard-shell crabs and lobsters without much effort, and can bite off human arms in one bite.The mouth seemed to be almost its entire body, and the part below the head became smaller and smaller, and finally only a thin tail remained.The tail is covered with fluff-like things, but it must be a special kind of scales.Hal took a picture of it, then clamped it with the steel manipulator's pliers. What do you want it for?asked Roger. I can guarantee that this is a new discovery in science.Hal said, of course, it's going to die before we bring it back to the Undersea City.That way, I put it in a jar of embalming and send it to the museum to be classified and named. Why do you think scientists haven't discovered this fish yet?asked Roger. Of course I'm not sure, Hal said, but in all the animal guides I've read I haven't seen anything like it.I believe we have discovered a new species of fish. It's not easy to convince Roger, but scientists have discovered almost all living things, and we can't expect to discover anything new. why not?Every year, new animals are discovered, Hal said.Not long ago, the Smithsonian collected fish in the Marshall Islands.They caught 481 species of fish, of which 79 were new, that is, one out of every six species was new.In fact, humanity's understanding of the mysteries of the ocean has only just begun.And it can be said that nothing is known about such a deep sea. Hey, said Roger, I've got a name for it.Nightmare Huntier [Note]. 【Note】Hentier is Hunter's nickname. Hal laughed, nightmares are good.Well, Huntiere, I'm sure they wouldn't name it after us, don't get too fancy.let's go up. At first they rose slowly, the thick water holding them back.Slow, they don't care, in this way, they can calmly watch the movement around them.Time and time again they were thankful that they were protected by the hard hull of the big steel ball. A manta ray (sea bat) peers out a porthole into a deep-sea boat.The distance between its two wingtips is more than six meters, its body length is almost equal to the width between the wingtips, its entire body looks like a warehouse door. Sea bats aren't man-eaters, but they can cause trouble nonetheless.It would float under a boat and tip it over; it could fly more than three meters in the air, and if a boat happened to be under it as it fell, it would be wrecked by its two-ton body.Its mouth is already one and a half meters wide, but even so, it probably won't be able to swallow a deep-sea ship.However, it is not interested in this big steel ball.It loves to play, and at this moment, it is having fun around the big steel ball, pushing it once or twice from time to time, and then swimming away again. Behold a train!Roger screamed.It really looked like a dragon, and it writhed and swam into the light of the searchlights, looking very scary.Its body is more than nine meters long, and its body is a bit flat, like a tendon, not round like a snake.Its small mouth and deep-set eyes are terrifying. But the most special and amazing thing is the horse-like mane that stands on its head and neck. These fluttering manes seem to be dancing in a supernatural, mystical undersea light.Two dagger-sharp thorns stand on the back of the head. Hal said: Sailors occasionally saw it swimming close to the water surface and thought it was a sea snake. In fact, its real name was oarfish, because its body was flat like a paddle.At sunset, it floats to the surface, but it spends all day in the very deepest waters, like here, all day. The next passer-by was a five-and-a-half-meter-long stingray. This fish has a violent temper and dared to provoke anything that stood in its way.Now, the big steel ball is in its way, and it immediately attacks it.It covered the steel ball like a bed blanket, trying to stab it to death.But it fell short.The deep-sea ship continued to rise, but at a much slower rate because of the weight of the huge mass on top of it. If only we could get rid of this guy.Hal said. Let's activate the jet pipe on the top of the boat.Roger suggested. Good idea, just as Hal finished speaking, the stingray was pushed up by the strong airflow and left the steel ball. What a parade of demons and ghosts!Slowly swimming past the deep-sea ship the man-eating shark is a terrifying monster of the Western Pacific, the most vicious of all sharks.It was more than twelve meters long and had many rows of jagged teeth that were as sharp as a razor. Look, there's a mackerel over there.Hal said. Roger watched the fish carefully.Not mackerel, he said, and mackerel would never grow that big. There are many kinds of mackerel, Hal said, and this one is called mackerel.The people here have another name, the tiger in the sea.Most mackerels are peaceful, but this one is a constant mess.The swimmers had their legs broken by it, but they didn't know what bit them. They thought it must be a shark, but in fact, the culprit was often this kind of tiger. Geez, that guy over there is a real thrill, Hal yelled, I gotta take a picture of him. What's the matter, it's just a shark!Roger said. It's the goboshark, Hal said. Its fossil remains have been found in many parts of the world, but no one has ever reported a living goboshark, so scientists think this shark is extinct.But, lo and behold, it's here, alive.Naturalists once asserted that many creatures have become extinct or extinct, but these creatures still exist in some corners of the world, hidden in dense forests or deep in the ocean, and the sword-nose shark is just one of them. He took pictures of the swordnose shark.People think that some creatures have been extinct for hundreds of millions of years, but they are still alive.Authors of marine biology books make a list of these creatures.This photo of Hal will make them have to add the swordnose shark to the end of this list. When they were more than 60 meters away from the water, they used the telephone to get in touch with the magic carpet.They were glad that they had returned to the flying wing submarine, which was much more spacious and comfortable than the big steel ball just now. How deep did you dive?asked a geologist. all the way to the end.Hal said. Why go all the way down? We are ordered to do so.Dr. Dick wants us to see what it's like down there. But we already know what's down there, said the young geologist, and there's nothing.Nothing could survive under that much pressure.Picard had taken a picture below, and nothing could be seen in the picture. Just look at these photos.Hal said. In these photos, they clearly see four flounder, red shrimp and a fish with feathery scales that Roger named Nightmare Huntier. 要不是親眼看到這些照片,我怎麼也不會相信。駕駛員說。 不過,這些都是小東西,地質學家中的一位說,看來,說深海底下可能有龐然大物的那些科學家都是胡說八道。 不全是,哈爾說,我們看到了鯨魚和巨魷的一場廝殺,大槳魚和一條大蝠鱝,還有吃人鯊。 別忘了,還有刺鰩。Roger said. 還有劍吻鯊。Hal said.地質學家瞪大了眼睛。 你們準搞錯了,他說,我見過劍吻鯊的化石照片,這種魚在好幾百萬年前就滅絕了。 以前,我們都這麼以為,哈爾表示同意,但是,看看這張照片吧。 留在飛翼潛艇上的三個人興致勃勃地研究了那些照片。 唔,依我看,一位地質學家承認說,向狄克博士匯報時,你們所掌握的情況很有一點兒分量呢。
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