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Chapter 20 Twenty deadly leopard whiskers

African adventure 威勒德.普萊斯 3477Words 2023-02-05
The brothers were watching the boa constrictor go to dinner.The boa constrictor was nearly six meters long and as thick as Roger's body.The body is colorful like a rainbow, and the graceful lines are like a girl.But now, it's running wild like a wasp.There are ten people in the cage.One person hugged the snake's head, another around the neck, and the others hugged the snake's body until its tail.People try to straighten the boa constrictor, but the boa constrictor wriggles desperately to wrap itself around someone.If you are really entangled by it, you will die.In front of the snake's head is Tutu, who is trying to stuff chunks of meat down the python's throat with a broom handle.The newly caught boa constrictor is frightened and frightened, will not eat, and may starve to death if it is not force-fed.

Tutu is on a dangerous mission.It is a fact that pythons are not poisonous and do not sting.But it can bite, and those teeth are all curved inwards. Once it bites your hand or foot, it will be firmly stuck. Unless you kill the python, you won't be able to fight it out. Therefore, every time Tutu puts meat into the python's mouth, he is very, very careful not to get his hands bitten by those terrible teeth.The meat must be pushed into the python's throat with a broom and slowly into its esophagus, otherwise it may spit out the meat.To prevent it from spitting up, a strap is tied around its throat, just in front of the bulging bag of meat.Afterwards, the team members massaged the python with their hands until the piece of meat was sent to the python's stomach.After the meat enters the stomach, another belt must be tied in front to prevent the meat from being ejected by the boa constrictor like a cannonball.

This troublesome procedure has to be done over and over again.Every time you feed a piece of meat, loosen the first strap to let the meat enter the throat, and then tighten it.Then push the meat to the belly, loosen the second strap to let the meat into the stomach, and tie it again.And each time, with the twisting of the boa constrictor's body, ten people were pushed to one side and then to the other side, just like dancing a strange primitive dance. After feeding all the pieces of meat, the first belt can be removed, and the one on the stomach needs to be tied for more than ten minutes to allow the strong gastric juice to work and the meat will not be spit out.

Boas love water, so the cage has a large water tank.It slipped into the sink as soon as people left.It finally calmed down and lay comfortably in the water with only its head out of the water. The brothers went further to see the giraffes, who were also eating.The dining table is five meters high, not exactly a table but several boxes, tied to the upper part of the cage, filled with acacia leaves. Why put the food so high?Because giraffes are used to eating leaves on the top of trees.They eat all day long, and if they droop their long necks for a long time, they will be overwhelmed and even die.

Hippo is very happy.It's nice to be so happy when there's no river to soak and wallow in.Its cage is covered with palm leaves to shade it from the sun. When they came to the cage with the three big buffalo, two of them were as angry as before, but the one that Hal had taken care of gave him a friendly moo. The hyena walked back and forth in the cage, with its head down, looking preoccupied. The two little leopards, Chu Chu and Cui Cui, didn't need to be put in a cage. They played crazy with Lulu and the little baboon in the camp.The old mother Baboon Babe sat there and watched. If her son played too wildly and knocked over the cook's pots and pans, she would go up and slap her son, and then taught her son in the language of the baboon: behave!

Their group of baboons, about three hundred of them, came to the edge of the camp every day, as if to persuade it: Why don't you go back to the woods with us? But it politely declined.He wanted to stay with the friend who saved his son's life.The baboons seem to understand this too, because they often come here to see these human friends, and the many foods that people throw to them undoubtedly deepen this friendship. Some small animals and birds are kept in some small cages.This is what everyone caught in their free time, including mongooses, honey badgers, jackal dogs, bush monkeys, warthogs, pelicans, cranes, and heron eagles (called secretary birds in English).

So much to gain means hard work and sometimes danger, but it's worth it. When the brothers sat down to dinner, they were both very satisfied.They think those African friends are doing a good job.They were even happier to see their father limping out of the tent to eat with them. While they were waiting for the cook to bring the food, Hal noticed Joro talking to a stranger behind the tent.The man was black and they seemed to be having a heated argument.The sight of the stranger drawing a knife and brandishing it was frightening.Howl wanted to go up and help Jolo, but decided to wait and see what was going on.Since father and Roger were sitting with their backs to the tent, only Hal saw this scene.

The stranger seemed to overwhelm Joro.Jolo held out his hand and made a gesture, as if to say, well, I'll do as you say.Then he walked to the supply cart and got in.After a while, he came out and walked slowly towards the campfire.A pot of antelope meat was simmering on the fire, which was a dish for dinner.The cook is busy with other dishes.Choro stood with his back to the pot, hands behind his back. Will he put something in the pot? After a while, Jolo walked away, head drooping.If he did something, it could be seen that he didn't do it willingly. The cook has brought up the fruit.Roger and Dad gobbled up bananas and mangoes, while Hal ate nothing.

what happened?Roger asked his brother, no appetite? Don't look back, something funny happened!Hal said.The cook had already put the antelope meat into a basin, and placed the basin in front of the hungry Hunter and his son.Roger couldn't wait to put it in his mouth, Hal said loudly: Wait!Then he turned to his father and said, Dad, do you think there is anything wrong with this stew? Why is there a problem? Maybe it's ok, but I just saw what Joro put in the pan. The taste is very fragrant.After finishing speaking, Old Hunter scooped up a spoonful with a soup spoon and watched it carefully, it didn't look like it was poisoned.

Hal's imagination, Roger speaks again, eat! wait!What kind of hairs are these, my father warns, like little bits of bristly hairs that have been chopped off.He looked at it for a while, then said with a dark face: I never believe that Qiao Luo would do this! What did you do?Roger wanted to eat, a little impatient. I will explain later.And now, I'm going to test Joro.I'm sure he's a leopard man, but I still don't believe he's going to kill us.Pretend nothing happened, pretend to eat but don't really eat. Old Hunter stirred the fragrant stew with a spoon, then scooped up a full spoonful, and slowly brought it to his mouth.

gentlemen!Someone called, it was Jolo, and he came quickly to the table. What's the matter, Jolo! Two hippos, not far from the shore. Leave me alone now, said old Hunter, and we'll see after dinner. But they will run into the river, so it will be very difficult to catch. Only after eating will you be energetic, and there will be no difficulties.Hunter insisted on eating first, and then acted like he wanted to eat, which was really delicious. Choro stopped him: No, no, it's not good.The cook made a mistake, he cooked rotten meat, you will get sick if you eat it. nonsense!Old Hunter said that this antelope was hunted this morning and it was very fresh. Qiao Luo became more and more excited: I beg you not to eat!But the father and son did not listen to his dissuasion, and lowered their heads and brought their mouths closer to the plate.Jolo snatched Roger's plate in a panic, dumped all the meat on the ground, and then emptied old Hunter's and Hal's plates as well.The cook came to ask what was going on, but Qiao Luo couldn't take it anymore, and started crying, shaking uncontrollably. I did it, he admitted, the cook had nothing to do with it, I did it.I put the damn thing in it.He was shaking like a patient with a high fever. Old Hunter stood up from his seat, stroking Joron's trembling shoulders with his hands. Take heart, Jolo, we understand you.I know you're a leopard man, I guessed it that night in the woods.I know, how the Leopards control its people, they make you swear to kill.Well, all is well, we didn't eat any mustache, so you don't have to worry about it. beard?Roger yelled and stared at his father with wide eyes, as if his father had suddenly suffered from a mental illness. Yes, beard.Jolo, bring the leopard skin here. Choro hesitated, but went back to the supply cart.When he came back, he brought a leopard skin, which was the skin of the leopard that Hal drowned that night. Old Hunter took the leopard's head in his hands and turned it face up so that Hal and Roger could see it. See what's wrong? Not quite what it used to be, Hal said, especially around the mouth. Roger saw the difference: Mao!The white bristles around the mouth are gone. correct.You should also pay attention, it is not cut off, but pulled out by the root, then chopped into small pieces, and put them into the food. But can a little leopard fur hurt someone?Is it poisonous? It is not poisonous at all, but it can also kill people.Instead of being digested in the stomach, they can pierce the stomach wall, create cysts, become inflamed, and cause peritonitis.Africans can't name the disease, but they know that after eating the beard of a leopard, it will hurt terribly and eventually die. Hal caught Joro looking at the trees in the distance.He followed Qiao Luo's line of sight and saw the strange black man at a glance.The man was full of anger, and immediately turned and ran away. Hal told his father what he had just seen. Old Hunter said: He will go back and report to the Leopards: Choro refuses to carry out his oath. What will happen to them? I have no idea.One thing is certain, they will take action, and whatever it is, it will certainly not be to our liking.
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