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Chapter 24 twenty one

stone monkey 傑佛瑞.迪佛 3670Words 2023-02-05
Half an hour later, the doorbell rang.Thomas went out to answer the door, and when he came back, he was followed by a stocky Chinese man in a neatly buttoned gray suit, white shirt, and diagonal tie.As soon as he entered the door, he saw Lyme in a Storm Arrow wheelchair, and a room full of criminal science equipment filled in this classic Victorian house, and there was no expression of surprise on his face.The only thing that surprised him a little was that Sachs was drinking Chinese herbal tea, and he seemed to be familiar with the taste of that herbal medicine. My surname is Cai. After introducing himself, Lime asked again: Are you used to speaking English?

OK. Mr. Cai, we have a little problem and hope you can help. Do you work for the governor? That's right. In a way we do, Rhyme thought, raising an eyebrow and glancing at the still jittery Sellitto. After asking Tony Cai to sit down, Lime explained to him what happened on the Fuzhou Dragon and the stowaways hiding in the city.When he mentioned the name of the evil spirit, Cai Dongni's expression changed slightly, but soon returned to normal.Rhyme nodded to Deng Eddie, let him go on to explain that they suspect that the killer may be a minority from China. Tony Cai nodded, thinking about what they said, his two eyeballs turned quickly behind the huge glass lenses for both near and far.We all know the evil spirit, he has done many things to hurt us.Will I help you with this minority?Not in Chinatown, but I'll check around the area.The relationships I have are just okay.

This matter is very important, Sachs said to him: Those ten people, and the witnesses, if we don't find them quickly, they will probably be killed by the evil spirits. Of course, Tony Tsai said sympathetically: I will definitely try my best to help.Please ask your driver to take me back, I will start to make inquiries immediately. Thank you so much.Sachs said.Sellitto and Rhyme also nodded their thanks. Tony Cai got up and shook hands with everyone one by one.Unlike most of the other visitors who came here, he didn't reach out to Rhyme at all, and didn't even move at all, but just nodded to him.From this alone, Rhyme saw that he was a man of great self-control, who, despite his apparent insouciance, was in fact highly intelligent and perceptive.

Rhyme is happy to be assisted by someone like him. However, when Tony Cai walked towards the door, Sonny Li suddenly shouted in Chinese.stop! He means wait.Eddie Dun explained to Rhyme in a low voice. Tony Cai turned around, frowning.Li Sangni immediately stepped forward, accompanied by exaggerated gestures, and said a few words sharply.The gang leader also moved closer to Li Sonny, and a heated conversation immediately broke out between the two. Rhyme thought they were about to fight. Hello!Sellitto yells at Lee Sonny: What the hell are you doing? Li Sangni ignored him, only blushed, and said something to Cai Dongni unceremoniously.Cai Dongni seemed to be unable to explain him, so he closed his mouth, lowered his head, and stared straight at the floor.

Rhyme looked at Eddie Dun, but he just shrugged his shoulders.They were talking so fast I couldn't keep up. Li Sang Ni continued, but his attitude was much calmer.Cai Dongni nodded a few times and replied a few words.Finally, after Li Sonny asked a question, Cai Dongni extended his hand and shook Li Sonny's hand. Tony Cai nodded to Lime again, still showing no emotion on his face.Then, he left. what is going on?Sachs asked. Why did you just let him go like this?Lee Sonny yelled at Rhyme: He's not going to help you at all. Who said that?He has said yes. No, no, no.Whatever he says, the stakes are too high for him to help us.He has family and he doesn't want them to be hurt.He won't give you any information at all, that limo can't fool him.He stretched out his hand towards the room.He knew the governor had nothing to do with it.

But he said he would help us.Sellitto said. Chinese people don’t like to say no, Li Sanni explained: We are used to finding an excuse, or we agree first and then deliberately forget about it.I said, once Tony Cai returns to the office, he will immediately forget about you.He said he was willing to help, but what he really said in his heart was that there was no way.Do you know what it means to have no doors?It means: I won't help you, get out of here. What did you talk about?Why are you arguing? No, we are not arguing, we are negotiating.You know, it's a business.Now he is going to find the minority you want, and he will really do it.

Why?Rhyme asked. Because you pay him. What?Called Sellitto. Not much, it only costs you 10,000 yuan.It is US dollars, not RMB. Absolutely not.Aaron.Coy said. Jesus, Sellitto said: We don't have the budget for that. Rhyme and Sachs looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. Li Sangni sneered and said: Your city is so big, of course there will be money.You have Wall Street and the World Trade Organization, so there must be a lot of money.Hey, Tony Choi wanted more at first. The money couldn't be paid, and Sellitto spoke again. Come on, Ron, Rhyme said: Don't you pay the informants?Moreover, technically speaking, this is a case of the federal government, and the Immigration Service should pay half of the money.

I can't guarantee that.Coy reached out and fiddled with the red hair on his head, and said a little anxiously. All right, then I'll sign the bill.This surprised Coy, Rhyme said decisively, and he didn't know whether to laugh or not.Call Peabody, and Darry, and ask them to contribute a little too.Rhyme said loudly, and then looked at Li Sonny: What's your condition? I'm talking about a good deal.He gave us our names first and then we paid him.Of course, he wanted cash. of course. That's all.I need a cigarette now, boss, can I take a break?I really want a good pack of cigarettes, the cigarettes in your country are just terrible, they don't taste like anything at all.Also, I need to eat something.

go ahead, sonny.This is what you deserve. After the Chinese policeman left, Thomas asked: What should I do on the evidence list?He glanced at the whiteboard.How to write about Tony Chae and the gang? No idea, Sachs said: If I were, I'd probably be writing about witchcraft-style evidence. Nevertheless, Lincoln.Rhyme still spoke in a more constructive way.Why not write this: The suspect's accomplices are from ethnic minorities in China. He dictated that he is currently tracking down his whereabouts. The ghost, along with the three Turks, drove into the streets of Queens in a stolen Chevrolet Trailblazer to Sam Chang's house.

He was as careful as ever, deliberately driving slowly to avoid any possibility of being pulled over by the police.He drove the car, thinking about Tang Jerry's death.He didn't have the slightest thought of letting go of this betrayer at all, and he didn't even delay the time to teach him a little bit.In Confucius' philosophy, betraying one's own king is the most unforgivable crime.Tang Jerry abandoned him on Long Island. Given the dangerous situation at the time, if he hadn't been lucky enough to find a car parked outside the restaurant with the engine turned on, he would have never been able to escape from that place.Therefore, the man must die, and he must be allowed to die painfully.The evil spirit thought of King Zhou, the emperor of the Shang Dynasty.Once, King Zhou realized that his minister Ji Chang was unfaithful to him, so he killed Ji Chang's son Bo Yikao, boiled soup and forced him to drink it, and then told him the ingredients used in the soup.The evil spirit thought that such retribution was perfectly reasonable, but it was not enough to satisfy him.

Just a block away from where Sam Zhang lived, the ghost parked the Trailblazer SUV on the side of the road. hood.He said. Yusuf immediately lifted the bag and took out some ski hoods. The evil spirits figured out how to attack the family.He knew that Sam Zhang had a wife and an elderly father or mother, but the main danger would likely come from his older children.For teens, life is like a video game, and when ghosts and others rush in, teenagers at this age may risk their lives to fight them with a knife alone. Kill the children first, and the evil spirit instructs them: kill the father first, and then the old man.He thought for a while, and then said: Don't kill his wife, we will take her away. The Turks were obviously quite aware of his intentions, and they all nodded in agreement. Evil spirits observe this quiet street.There are two very long warehouses across the street, with an alley sandwiched in the middle, just in the middle of the block.According to the map, Zhang Sam's residence should be on the other side of the warehouse.Sam Chang and his son or father would probably be watching at the gate, so the evil spirits decided they should use that alley and slowly go around to the back of Sam Chang's house.They wanted to rush in through the back door together, leaving only one Turk guarding the gate to prevent anyone from the Zhang family from escaping through the gate. The evil spirit said in English: Wear the hood as a hat, and then pull it off when you get to the house. The Turks nodded again, and did as the evil spirit said.Their dark complexions, combined with their woolen ski hats, made them look like weird black singers on a rap show. The Goblin himself put on a ski hood. For a moment, he felt a little scared.At such times, he often felt this way just before launching an attack.Sam Zhang may have a gun on his body, and the police may find the family one step ahead of them, take them to the detention center, and then guard the house with full armor, waiting for the evil spirits to visit them. However, he reminded himself right away: Fear is part of humility, the politeness of successful people.He thought of a passage from his favorite chapter of the Tao Te Ching. The crooked makes the whole, the crooked makes it straight, the hollow makes it full, and the hollow makes it new. At this time, he himself added a sentence behind: Be fearful and be brave. He glanced at Yusuf, who sat next to him in the passenger seat.The Uyghur responded with a firm nod.Then, with skilled techniques, they began to check the weapons in their hands.
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