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Chapter 24 twenty-three

In a minute, the plane will fly over Buenos Aires.Sivier, who continued to struggle, wanted to hear it, to hear it be born, make a booming sound, and disappear, like the terrible steps of an army marching through the stars. He walked among the secretaries with his arms folded.Before a window, he stopped, listened, thought. If he grounded once, the goal of night flying would be lost.He walked ahead of the weak, so tomorrow he will be criticized by those weak, but tonight, he let the staff go. The words victory and defeat mean nothing.Life is built under these images, but new images are constantly being built.

A victory weakens one nation, a defeat awakens another.The defeat that Hivier once suffered may be a promise that brings true victory closer.Only what is in progress is important. After five minutes, the radio station will notify the stations.In the space stretching fifteen thousand kilometers, the vibration of life will solve all problems. There is already a sonata rising, and it is the plane. Slowly, Xivier walked back to his work station from among the secretaries.Under his relentless gaze, the secretaries went to work.Great Sivier, victorious Sivier, he bears the burden of victory. (End of the book)

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