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Chapter 8 part four

strong drug 阿瑟.黑利 33716Words 2023-02-05
19771985 one The freight liner Santa Isabella came down the Armstrong Sound, and plodded majestically into the harbor of Honolulu with a majesty unmatched by any other means of transportation invented. Andrew and Celia were standing on the forward deck below the cockpit, along with the other passengers. Andrew took a telescope and carefully observed the docks and port buildings that had come into view. He was searching consciously. The blue sky of Hawaii was bright and sunny, and when the golden Aloha signal tower appeared, the ship steered steadily to the right.At this time, some tugboats on the right became busy, and their whistles sounded.The sailors on the big ship stepped up their preparations for docking.

Andrew put down the binoculars and peeked at Celia beside him.She was tanned and healthy, like himself.This was due to a life of leisure, mostly out of doors, for almost half a year. Remembering the mounting burden on her mind before they left home, he could see that she was now more relaxed and happy. There is no doubt that the tour has benefited both of them due to the relative isolation and complete absence of stress. He picked up the binoculars again. You seem to be looking for something.Celia said. He didn't turn his head when he answered.I'll tell you when I see it. Well, she sighed.It's hard to believe that this life is coming to an end.

It's about to end.Their long journey, which covered fifteen countries, basically ended here. After a short layover, they will fly straight home in Honolulu, ready to rejoin their old lives, no matter what changes await them.Although the so-called change mainly refers to Celia's aspect. She didn't know what would change. Since the day she left home in early March, she intentionally did not think about the future. Now that it is mid-August, she must face up to the issue of the future. She touched Andrew's arm and said: In my lifetime, I will never forget this time, the places we've been and everything we've seen and done

There are so many things, Celia thought, that are hard to forget.A picture emerged in her mind: Yes, the wonderful moonlight on the Nile, the sand and scorching heat in the pyramid area. Walking in the old city of Lisbon with a history of 900 years, the labyrinth of stone roads is full of flowers everywhere. The mountain in Jerusalem is the closest to heaven, and the people on the mountain can hear the voice of God with their palms behind their ears in the wind Rome's paradoxical mixture of earthly and heavenly Greek islands, diamonds in the Aegean Sea, a string of memories of blinding lights, terraced white villages, mountains, olive groves in oil-rich, thriving Abu Darby (Note: The capital of the United Arab Emirates. Translator's Note), together with Celia's sister Janet and her husband and children in India, this contrasting subcontinent, the other side of wanton pleasure is amazing filth and depravity.A picturesque pink city of Jaipur (Note: The capital of Rajasthan, India and the county seat of Jaipur County. Translator's Note) and then the Great Barrier Reef, Australia's coral home, a diving adventure hunter's fantasy in Near Kyoto in Japan, there is the emperor's hermitage and poetry place, the slim and dreamlike beautiful Shugakuin Royal Villa, which still prevents a large number of tourists from seeing the crazy pace of Hong Kong, it seems that time is running out, and it is true in this way!In Singapore, this very affluent place filled with humble food stalls is a foodie's paradise, serving Indonesian pilaf at the aptly named Glutton's Corner

It was in Singapore that Andrew and Celia boarded the Santa Isabella.They want to make a sea trip without rushing time, cross the South China Sea and enter the Pacific Ocean, and the end point is Hawaii.Now they have arrived. There were about twenty passengers on board, most of whom appreciated the leisurely pace and comfortable equipment and supplies on board.Because this kind of ship is not like an ordinary fast liner, there is no noisy and organized fun. The ship continued to move slowly, and Celia's thoughts were still wandering. So far, although Celia consciously did not think about the future, she could not help thinking of some past events.

Especially in recent days, she has been suspicious: she left Fielding so suddenly.Was Roth wrong?She was hasty when she quit, and she did it intuitively.Isn't it also wise to do so?Celia's doubts made her wonder: was she not about to experience regrets and pains worse than her present doubts? Apparently her departure didn't have much impact on the company and the listing of Montaigne.The drug launched on schedule in February and appeared to be a success.Before setting off on their trip, Celia and Andrew had learned from the trade press that many doctors were immediately prescribing Montanil.This drug is very popular, especially for women who must continue to work during pregnancy, so that they can avoid morning nausea and vomiting, which is very important.It seemed obvious that the new drug became Fielding.A great source of wealth for Roth.

When she was in France, she also learned that the Gironde Chemical Pharmaceutical Company, which developed Montaigne, also profited from the drug. It appears that Montaigny's reputation was not affected by the reports of the cases in Nusonville and Spain in Le Soir de France.In the United States, Maud.Dr. Stavely's arguments against the drug, too, received little heed and did little to stop the drug from being sold. When Celia stopped her thoughts, the boat was almost docking.It was going to dock at Pier Ten, where they would disembark and clear customs. Andrew beside him suddenly yelled: Over there!

what's there He handed her the telescope and pointed it at the second large window, above the pier, to the left of the clock tower. Out of nowhere she complied.What am I looking for? you will see. People around them have left one after another.Except Andrew and his wife, there were only two or three passengers left, and the rest went back to the cabin to make preparations for going ashore. Celia adjusted her binoculars, searched here and there, and in a moment cried out. I actually saw it, I couldn't believe it You can believe, said Andrew, that it was both of them. Lisa!Bruce!

Celia happily called out the names of the two children.Then she held the binoculars in one hand and waved them vigorously with the other.Andrew waved too, and she saw Lisa and Bruce behind the big glass window laughing and waving to them excitedly. Celia still had doubts.I don't understand, we didn't want the kids to come, how did they come? I want them to come, Andrew told her calmly, actually it was my arrangement.When we were in Singapore, it took me a few phone calls to get this done while you weren't around, but Celia was still dazed, as if she hadn't heard anything.Of course I am happy to see them, but they have to work during the summer vacation, how can they get away?

That's easy too. I just need to explain to them why I want them to come here.He retrieved the telescope and put it in its case. I still don't get it, said Celia, you want the kids here? That is, Andrew asked her to clarify her doubts.That way I can keep the promise I made years ago. To whom? to you. She looked at him, still puzzled. Andrew gently reminded: It was during our honeymoon.While we were talking you told me why you would rather spend your honeymoon in the Bahamas than in Hawaii.You say Hawaii makes you sad.Then you talked about your father dying at Pearl Harbor and sinking to the bottom of the sea with the USS Arizona.

wait a minute!Celia's voice was barely a whisper.Yes, she does remember now, and remembers all these years ago. It was a honeymoon day on a beach in the Bahamas, and she was talking to Andrew about her fading father, Master Chief Willis.De.As long as Gray comes back for vacation, the house is always lively and happy.He was big, had a loud voice, made people laugh a lot, and loved children.he is still strong Andrew understood her then, and he has since asked: Have you ever been to Pearl Harbor? She once replied: Although I can't figure out why, I haven't planned to go so far. You will think my idea is strange, but one day I will be happy to go to the place where my father died, but not alone.I want to take my children with me. It was then that Andrew promised to say: When we have children, when they are sensible, then I will arrange this matter. This promise was made twenty years ago. The Santa Isabella slowly approached Pier 10, and the coiled cable was thrown out. At this time, Andrew whispered to Celia: We will go tomorrow, and everything is arranged.Go to the USS Arizona Memorial, to the ship where your father died.And let the children go with you, as you wish. Celia's lips trembled, and when she reached out to squeeze Andrew's hands, she seemed too excited to speak.She raised her head and looked at him eye to eye, with a look of fascination in her eyes that few men have ever seen. When at last she spoke, in a voice deep with emotion, she said: Oh, how beautiful your soul is, how beautiful! two At ten o'clock in the morning, the limousine called by Andrew had already been driven by the driver, and he was in Kahala.Waiting for their family in front of the Hilton Hotel.In late August, although the weather is hot, there is a slight southerly wind, so it is not uncomfortable. note).If it weren't for the sporadic cumulus clouds, it would be a clear sky. Their suite overlooks the Waialahai Golf Course, with the Pacific Ocean to the south.Lisa and Bruce had breakfast here with their parents early in the morning.Yesterday and today, the four of them have been talking cheerfully and endlessly, talking about their experiences and knowledge after a half-year absence, with vivid questions and answers.Lisa happily completed her first year at Stanford with great enthusiasm; Bruce was about to enter the senior class of Hill Middle School and has now applied to Williams College in Massachusetts, which has historical significance in its own right. consistent with that consistent primary interest. On the one hand, he is interested in history, and on the other hand, he also foresees today's events. Bruce said that he recently completed the research on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.He said solemnly: If you have questions, I think I can answer them. You are unbearable!But since you're willing to do it for free, I might as well stoop to it, Lisa said to him. At the breakfast table, Celia tried to entertain each other as much as the family did, but was uncharacteristically absent-minded; it was hard to tell what it was like.I just feel that today, a part of her past years seems to have returned or is about to return to her eyes.When she woke up this morning, she knew it was the big day she'd been looking forward to, and she should dress to match.So I carefully selected a very straight white pleated skirt, a navy blue and white tailored top, put on white sandals, and prepared to take a small white bag made of straw.The effect she wanted to achieve in this outfit was: neither casual nor overly formal, but chic and generous, and the words she wanted to think of were: mournful and respectful.As she checked herself before going to join her family, a sense of nostalgia for her father came over her.At first, she tried her best to control herself, and finally the nostalgia became clear: If only he lived to this day!He will be able to see me, his daughter, and my husband and children! Everyone seemed to have sensed Celia's mood in advance, and they didn't dress casually like usual.Lisa had been wearing jeans the day before, but today she was in a simple but beautiful floral print tulle dress that exuded her radiant youthful beauty.It was twenty-seven years ago that Celia saw herself in Lisa for a moment when she was nineteen. Andrew chose a light suit and put on a tie for the first time in days.Her husband, Celia was thinking, was nearly fifty, his hair all gray, and growing more handsome with the years.Bruce is serious but boyish; he wears a jacket with the Hill School logo on it, and an open-necked shirt underneath. When the Jordan family came to the car, the driver raised his hand and touched his hat as a salute, and opened the rear door.He asked Andrew, is it Dr. Jordan?I think you're going to the USS Arizona now? Yes, Andrew looked at a piece of paper, but they want me to tell you not to go to the visitor center, go straight to the dedicated pier of the Pacific Fleet. The driver raised his eyebrows, you must be someone important. I'm not, Andrew looked at Celia with a smile, my wife is. Everyone got in the car and set off, Lisa asked: What is the captain of the ship, what did you say? It was Bruce's answer.That's short for Commander in Chief Pacific Fleet.Hey dad, you're doing something behind the scenes! Celia stared at Andrew curiously.How did you arrange all this? I carry your name, he told his wife.My dear, I'm afraid you don't know it yet, but your name is quite useful, and there are many people who admire you. The rest of the people asked him to explain clearly, so he said: If you must understand, then fine.I give Fielding.Roth's Hawaii area manager called. Celia interjects: Akamura Tano? It's him.He asked me to tell you that you are greatly missed.And it happened that Akamura's brother-in-law was an admiral, so the rest was easy.So we're going to take the admiral's private launch to the sinking of the USS Arizona. Dad, Bruce said, everything you have arranged is great! His father smiled.Thank you. I thank you, Celia said, and then asked, when you talked to Akamura, did you occasionally ask about the current situation? Andrew pondered for a moment, you mean Fielding.Roth about Montagni? right. He didn't want her to ask, but he had no choice but to answer: It seems to be going well. You're not done with what you know.Celia refused.Tell me the rest. Andrew said reluctantly: he said Montagnier was a big win.In his words, the sales were as good as hell. Celia nodded.This situation is actually not different from what everyone expected, but at the same time it further confirmed the news that Montaigny had just listed.It does, however, add to her recent doubts: Was she too rash and foolish to resign?Then she made up her mind to put the thought aside on this special day. The car drove quickly through the two high-speed arterial roads of Lunairo and Moanara, and passed through the busy downtown of Honolulu with modern multi-storey high-rise buildings.About 20 minutes later, they left the highway near the Aloha Stadium, and soon drove into Aye Aia Bay, which is exclusively used by the US Navy.The small pier dedicated to the fleet is surrounded by beautiful scenery, and it is the residence of military families. A 50-foot navy utility boat, the so-called admiral's boat, was waiting at the pier with its diesel engine running.The boat was driven by two sailors in white uniforms, and there were already six or seven passengers in the boat sitting under the canopy on the main deck. One of the sailors, a young woman, was in charge of the anchor cable at the bow, and she untied the cable when she saw the Jordans aboard the motorboat.The helmsman in the middle cab of the motorboat slowly drove the boat away from the pier and into the waterway where ships were coming and going in Pearl Harbor. The breeze felt earlier on land became stronger at sea; small waves patted the hull of the boat, and occasionally small water splashes splashed into the boat.The sea water in the harbor was a dull gray-green color, and things under the water were either hard to see or not at all. As their motorboat sailed counterclockwise around Ford Island, the sailor woman began to explain.Andrew, Lisa, and Bruce were all listening intently, but Celia was immersed in memories and her mind wandered, so she only heard some fragments. On Sunday morning, 7th December 1941, Japanese torpedo-laden dive bombers, fighter jets and pocket submarines made a surprise attack. The first attack began at 7:55 am and at 8:05 am the battleship berth bombing 8:10 USS Arizona is hit in her forward ammunition bay, explodes and then sinks 8:12 USS Utah is blown up USS California and West Virginia sink to the bottom of the ocean USS Oklahoma The total casualties of the capsize were: 2,403 dead and 1,178 injured It all happened so long ago, she was thinking about thirty-six years, which is equivalent to most of a person's life.But it doesn't feel so far away now.It's a feeling I've never had before. The launch pitched in the cove near the entrance to Pearl Harbor, and it rounded the southern tip of Ford Island before changing course.Suddenly, ahead was the white USS Arizona Memorial, bathed in bright sunlight. This is where things happen.I'm here at last. A few lines of poetry flashed through Celia's mind.Give me the peace of a scallop and I'll go on my way. (Note: The words are from the poem "A Lover's Journey" by British explorer Walter Rayleigh (1554︱1618).) When she looked forward to the bow, an irrelevant thought emerged: The memorial was different from what she had imagined, it looked like a long white train carriage with a hollow in the middle. The commentary sounded again.According to the designer, this structural form with a sunken middle and strong and powerful ends indicates initial failure and final victory. Did the designer think about this before or after the design?It doesn't matter anyway, what matters is the battleship.Now the shape of the battleship can be seen. It was incredible, just a few feet below that gray-green water. The memorial spans over the sunken battleship. This is my father's warship, and this is his home since he left home, and his burial place When I was ten years old, five thousand miles away in Philadelphia. Andrew reached out to hold Celia's hand, and neither of them spoke.All the passengers on the motorboat also seemed restrained and kept silent, as if they all felt the same. The helmsman neatly leaned the motorboat against the pontoon pier at the entrance of the memorial hall, the female sailor fastened the cable, and the Jordan family and other passengers got off the boat.As they walked towards the museum, they no longer felt the shaking under their feet, because the memorial hall was built on piles driven into the bottom of the harbor and had nothing to do with the sunken ship. Near the center of the memorial, Celia, Andrew, and Lisa stood in an open space of the concrete building, looking eerily close at the now-visible main deck of the underwater USS Arizona. Somewhere, right under our feet, was my dad's bones or wreckage.I don't know how he died, whether he died quickly and painlessly, or after experiencing pain.Oh, if only the first way to die! Bruce, who had walked away before, returned to them and said calmly: I found the name of my grandfather, and I will show you to see it.His parents and sister followed him until they came to a piece of marble, engraved with names and ranks densely on the stone.They stood beside many other people, all with solemn expressions. In the few minutes of the Japanese onslaught, 1,177 people died on the battleship Arizona alone.Since the ship could not be salvaged, the battleship became the final resting place of more than a thousand victims. The inscription on the marble reads: Loyal bones buried here in memory of Bruce pointed.There, Mom. Wei.De.Master Sergeant Gray They stood there reverently, each with their own ideas; in the end it was Celia who led the way back to where they had stood before, looking down at the hull where the deckwork had been cleared away.It was so close that she was mesmerized. While they were watching, an oil bubble emerged from the depths of the water, and the oil bubble melted on the surface of the water and floated on the surface like flower petals.Oddly enough, after a few minutes, the phenomenon repeated itself. These bubbles come from leftover oil in the tank.Bruce explained that the oil had bubbled up like this since the day the ship sank for who knows how long, maybe another twenty years. Celia reached out to pat her son. This is my son, your grandson.He was telling me about your battleship. I wish I had met my grandfather.Lisa said. Celia was about to say something when suddenly, without warning, her emotional defenses gave way and collapsed. It seems that although Lisa's simple and touching words are a very small weight, they have tilted the balance that was barely balanced.Celia couldn't bear the grief; it was sad that she spent so little time with her father, but she loved him, and after coming to Pearl Harbor, she was touched by the scene and brought back memories of her father; Ten years had passed; and with Celia's anguish caused by her latest misstep, it now appeared that she had been terribly wrong in her judgment, and dishonorably ruined her career.For more than six months she had resolved to put this latter thought aside, but now it deepened her grief like a debt that must be paid.She couldn't help it, and cried desperately. Andrew saw this and walked towards her, but Lisa and Bruce were faster than him.The two children hugged their mother, comforted her, and then wept without shame. Andrew stretched out his arms tenderly to embrace the three of them. That night, the Jordans were in Kahala.Dining at the restaurant of the Hilton Hotel.Celia's first words as she sat down were: Andrew, dear, I wish we would all have some champagne. Of course, of course.Andrew greeted the wine waiter and asked him for Taidingle champagne.He knew Celia liked this best, and said to her: You look radiant tonight. I feel the same way.She looked at them with delight as she answered. After the morning, there was not much talk about the trip to Pearl Harbor.When Celia was crying in the memorial hall, the people next to her turned their faces away on purpose.Andrew felt that the sinking of the USS Arizona brought back sad and sometimes tragic memories for many visitors, so such crying scenes were common. After a long sleep in the afternoon, Celia went shopping somewhere in the hotel and bought herself a beautiful red and white Hawaiian dress, which is what she is wearing now. Mom, when you don't like wearing this dress someday, Lisa said enviously, I would like to accept it. At this time, champagne was served.After everyone's glasses were filled with wine, Celia raised her glass and said, "Toast to you all!"I love you deeply and thank you!I want you all to know: I will never forget what happened today, or your comfort and understanding.But you should also know: I'm fine now.I think, in a sense, crying is a process of clearing up accumulated thoughts, how do you say that word? Emotional cleansing, Bruce says, is actually a Greek word for cleansing.Aristotle used it to Oops, don't get excited!Lisa leaned forward and slapped her brother's hand across the table.Sometimes you are too pretentious! Andrew laughed, and everyone else laughed, including Bruce. Lisa urged her mother: Mom, go on. Well, said Celia, I have made up my mind that I shall not be sorry, and that I shall be fully restored to my old life.It's been a fantastic vacation, the best it's ever been, and it's only two days away.She looked at Andrew affectionately.I take it you're ready to go back to the clinic? He nodded.Ready and impatient. I understand the feeling, said Celia, because I feel it.So I won't be idle at home.I am going to look for a job. Bruce asked: What job are you looking for? Celia took a sip of champagne before replying: I've thought about the job for a long time, and I've asked myself many questions, but the answer is always the same: I'm most familiar with the pharmaceutical business, and it makes sense to continue doing this . Andrew agreed: Yes, that's right. You can go back to Fielding.Is Roth going?This is Lisa asking. Mom shook her head.I've lost my way out.I'm sure even if I wanted to go, Fielding.Roth is not willing to accept it at the moment.So I want to try another company. If some companies don't rush to catch you, then they have a big problem with their vision.Andrew said, which companies have you considered? After thinking about it, Celia went on to say thoughtfully, among all the pharmaceutical companies, there is only one I admire the most, and that is Merck.If you ask which is the most famous company in the pharmaceutical industry, it will be Merck.It's the Rolls Royce of cars, so I'll apply there first. What about next? I also like Smith Crane, and Upjohn, these are two companies that I would like to work for and be proud of, and I can make a list if necessary. I guess you don't have to think about it any further.Andrew raised his glass.This glass of wine is toasted to the one who won Celia.Jordan's lucky company! During the drunken meal, Bruce asks: What shall we do tomorrow? Since we only have one full day left in Hawaii tomorrow, Celia said, how about going to the beach and relaxing? It was agreed that they needed nothing more than a day of leisurely play with it. three It was only a few minutes before six o'clock in the morning.In the bedroom of the Jordans' suite, the bedside phone blares harshly.The bell rang again after a short pause. Celia was fast asleep.The ringing phone alarmed Andrew beside her, waking him up from his sleep. Before going to bed last night, they did not close the glass sliding door leading to the balcony, so there was a gentle breeze and the sound of gurgling sea water.It was dawn at this moment, and the outside of the house was gray, everything could just be seen out of outline, as if a stage manager was slowly coming from the darkness, illuminating a new scene.In fifteen minutes, the sun will rise above the horizon. Andrew sat up, the phone rang wide awake.He picked up the phone. Celia moved and asked sleepily, "What time is it?" Too early!Andrew said into the microphone, um, what's the matter? An operator's voice said: Someone wants Celia.Mrs. Jordan answered the phone. Who is calling? There was another woman's voice on the phone.It's Fielding, New Jersey.Seth of Roth.Mr Feingold. Does Mr Feingold know what time it is here? I know, sir.he knows. Celia sat up, and was now fully awake.Is it Seth?Seeing Andrew nodded, she said: I'll pick it up. He handed the microphone to Celia.After the operator made another connection, Celia heard the voice of the old auditor.Is it Celia? Yes, I am. Sorry to hear we woke you up.But it's noon here, and we can't wait. She was puzzled.Who are you referring to?Can't wait for what? Celia, listen carefully to what I am about to tell you. Feingold's voice sounded a little nervous.She said to him: Speak. I am entrusted by the board of directors to call you on behalf of the board of directors.First of all, I was ordered to inform you that when you resigned, we all knew that you were right, while the rest of them faltered and then went on to say that all of us were wrong except you. She was confused, she didn't know if she heard it wrong or she didn't wake up.Seth, I don't understand, you're not talking about Montagne, are you? Unfortunately, that's exactly what I said. But from what I've heard and read in the papers, Montagnier's success has been considerable.She still remembered what Andrew relayed yesterday, Fielding.Tian Ye, the manager of Roth's Hawaii region, was so sure at the time. Until recently, we always thought that.But everything changed suddenly.We're in a bad place right now. please wait a while. While covering the microphone, she said to Andrew: I don't know what happened.But go to the extension and listen. There is an extension in the bathroom.Celia waited for Andrew to get there before saying into the microphone: Seth, let's talk. What I just told you is the first thing, Celia.The second thing is, the board asks you to come back. She still couldn't believe what she was hearing.After a while, I said: I think you'd better start from the beginning. OK, I'll start from the beginning. She felt Seth gathering his thoughts.As she waited, she wondered why he called and not Sam.Hawthorne playing? You remember the reports of baby victims from Australia, France and Spain?It's about those creepy-sounding vegetable babies? of course I remember. There are many more reports of this kind, from the countries I just talked about and from other countries.There are many such reports.Doubt no longer: the source is Montagnier. God!Celia covered her face with her free hand.Her first startling thought was: Can't let this be true!It was just a nightmare, nothing like this happened.I don't need to prove I'm right, in this horrible way.The bathroom door was open, and she saw Andrew's gloomy face, and noticed that the dawn outside was getting brighter, and then she knew that what happened was not a dream, but a reality. Seth went on talking, giving details.Two and a half months ago, some sporadic reports were received, all of which were similar to those found before, and then the number increased. Especially recently, there have been continuous reports of those mothers who used Montanil during pregnancy. So far, sick and disabled newborns all over the world Already close to three hundred Obviously there will be more, especially in the United States, because the sales of Montani in the United States have only been seven months The more she listened, the more creepy she became, Celia closed her eyes.Hundreds of newborns should be normal, but in the future they will have no thoughts, no one will even be able to sit and stand, and they will not be able to live normally for the rest of their lives, and the number of such newborns will increase. She really wanted to cry, to vent her anger and disappointment.But to whom should I cry?no object.It doesn't matter if you cry or get angry, it's useless, it's too late. Could this terrible tragedy have been prevented if she had worked harder in the first place? OK! Instead of keeping her mouth shut, she could have spoken out after her resignation and publicly expressed her suspicions of Montagnier.But will it work?Will people listen to her?Probably no one listens, although a few people might.Even if she saves a newborn baby, her energy will not be in vain! Seth, who was 5,000 miles away, seemed to have guessed her mind. He said: Celia, we have all asked ourselves here. There are many nights when we can't sleep well and our conscience is disturbed. We will inevitably go to God with a little guilt.But you can have a clear conscience that you did all you could.As for your warning not being heeded, that's not your fault. Celia was thinking: It is easy and comfortable to accept this view.But she knew she would doubt it to the end of her life. A new and worrying question suddenly occurred to her. Seth, did you let everyone know what you told me?Has there been an emergency announcement?Has there been a warning to stop Montanil in pregnant women? Well not quite that way, only sporadically announced, but strangely not many. It was only then that Celia remembered that she had traveled with Andrew all the way and had not heard any news that was not good for Montaigne, and this was the reason why. Seth went on: It seems that no one in the press has put together the bits and pieces so far, but we fear they will soon. you are worried She got it, the company clearly wasn't planning to make it public, which meant Montagni was still being sold and used.Celia recalled what Andrew had said yesterday, using the exact words of Montagnier in the field: the sale was as good as hell. Have steps been taken to stop the sale of the drug and take back all stock? She trembled nervously when she asked this question. Seth said cautiously: Gironde informed us that they were going to stop selling Montagnier in France this week.I understand that the UK is preparing to make a statement.The Australian government has banned the sale of this medicine. She raised her voice and shouted: I'm asking about America. I assure you, Celia, that we will do everything the law requires of us.Fielding.Everything Roth received was passed on immediately to the FDA in Washington, without reservation.Vincent.Lord took care of the matter himself.We are now awaiting the bureau's decision. Waiting for a decision!God, what are you waiting for?Is there any other decision besides discontinuing the sale of Montani? Seth argued that our lawyer insisted on advising us that it would be best for the FDA to rule on this juncture. Celia was about to scream, but she restrained herself and said: The FDA is taking things slowly, and it may be weeks before it's up and running. I think that's possible.However, the lawyers all insisted that if we take the initiative to withdraw the drug, it is tantamount to admitting that we have made a mistake, and we also admit that we are responsible.Even now, the economic consequences Pregnant women are using Montani, talking about money?when the fetus Celia paused, realizing that there was no use in arguing, that there could be no result.Then she wondered again: Why wasn't Sam talking to her?Hawthorne, but this auditor? She said flatly: I have to speak to Sam. Sadly, this can't be done, at least not right now.There followed an uneasy pause.Sam he oh, he's fine himself, he's got some personal problems.We ask you to need you back, and that's one of the reasons. Celia preemptively said: What does it mean to say something in and out? She heard the other party let out a long sigh. I wanted to tell you about this later, and I knew you would be upset.Seth's voice was low and melancholy.You should remember that Sam had a grandson before you left us. Juliet's doll, I remember.Celia recalls the jubilation in Sam's office, where she was there, but later spoiled by her suspicions of Montagnier. Apparently Sam gave her Montaigne when Juliette was pregnant with nausea and vomiting in the morning. Hearing Seth's last words, Celia's whole body was cold, and she had a premonition of what was going to be heard next. Last week, doctors confirmed that Juliet's doll had been harmed by the drug.Seth's voice changed dramatically.Sam's grandson was mentally handicapped, unable to move his limbs, and like other babies of this type, was a vegetable. Celia let out a groan that was all suppressed.Then doubt got the upper hand again.How could Sam do something like that?當時蒙泰尼還沒有獲准使用哩! 你知道內科大夫那兒是有樣品藥的,薩姆用的就是這個。這事除了茱麗葉外,他沒對任何人講。我猜想他對蒙泰尼深信不疑,認定沒有危險,這藥跟他本人也有關聯,或許是自豪感吧。不知你是否記得,蒙泰尼的產銷專利是薩姆親自從吉倫特公司弄來的。 對,我記得。西莉亞這時腦子裡一片混亂沮喪、氣憤、痛苦、憐憫交織在一起。塞思打斷了她的思緒。 西莉亞,我說過我們需要你,你看,我們確實需要你。你想像得出,薩姆因悲哀和內疚十分痛苦,目前不能履行職責;不過這只是部分原因。眼下這裡全亂套了,我們像條沒舵的破船,需要你來估計它受損的程度,把它接管起來。一來唯有你具備足夠的知識和經驗,另外,我們大家包括董事會都敬重你的判斷力,尤其是現在。還有,對啦,你回來就擔任常務副總經理。關於報酬待遇,我不細說了,不過,那將是優厚的。 擔任費爾丁.羅思的常務副總經理,只比總經理低一級,比分管銷售的副總經理要高,這後一職務本來是準備提拔她擔任的,由於她的辭職而失去了。 西莉亞心想,在過去,要是給她剛才提出的這一職位,她必定喜不自勝,把這看成是她一生中閃光的里程碑;可是多麼奇怪,眼下這職位突然變得無關緊要了。 你可能已猜到,塞思說,我旁邊還有幾位董事,他們在聽你我談話,我們都等在這裡,望你答應下來。 西莉亞發現安德魯從浴室那裡給她打手勢。於是,自從談話開始以來,她第二次對著話筒說:請等一等。 安德魯掛上電話走了出來。西莉亞同先前一樣捂住話筒問他:你有什麼想法? 他告訴她說:這決定得由你自己作,但要記住一點:如果你回去,你辭職而去的事人家是不管的,蒙泰尼的混亂局面就將由你來收拾。 I know.她思考了一會兒,但是我在公司待了很長時間,那是美好的歲月。現在他們需要我,我只有回去。當然,要是 她回過來對著話筒說:塞思,你講的話我都仔細地聽了。我可以回去,但是有個條件。 You say it. Fielding.羅思必須今天起就停止銷售蒙泰尼,公開聲明此藥危險。不要等明天,不要等下個星期,也不要再等食品藥物管理局作出決定後。要今天就做。 西莉亞,那是辦不到的,我已把我們律師的警告給你講清楚了,這涉及責任問題,會招致數以百萬元計的訴訟,足以把公司弄得破產的。 反正總會有訴訟的。 We know this.不過我們不願把局面弄得更糟。肯定很快就會撤回蒙泰尼。你回來我們再商量好了 我不要商量,我要你們去辦,我要的是今天就在電視、廣播上向全國宣布,二十四小時以內要在美國各地見報。我會收看、收聽的。你們不辦就拉倒。 這次輪到塞思來說請等一等了。 西莉亞聽得見電話那頭放低聲音的交談,顯然意見有分歧。接著她聽見塞思說,她態度強硬,過了一會兒又聽見,當然她是說一不二的。別忘了,是我們有求於她,不是她有求於我們。 紐澤西那邊的辯論又繼續了幾分鐘。大部分西莉亞都聽不清楚。最後塞思對話筒說話了。 西莉亞,我們接受你的條件,你堅持要辦的事,我們立刻去辦,不出一小時就去辦。這我本人可以擔保。現在最快你什麼時候能回來? 她對塞思說:我打算乘離開這裡的第一班飛機。明天在辦公室就可以見到我。 Four 他們總算弄到聯合航空公司七四七班機上的四張二等票。該機下午四點五十分離開檀香山,直飛芝加哥後再轉乘另一班機,將於當地時間上午九時飛抵紐約。西莉亞打算在途中盡可能睡上一覺,然後在當天上午就去費爾丁.羅思總公司上班。 莉薩和布魯斯原來計劃在夏威夷多玩兩天,臨時決定隨父母同機回去。 莉薩是這麼說的:我和弟弟很長時間沒有見到你們,想盡可能多地和你們待在一起。再說,要是光剩我自己,我知道我不會快活的,想到那些可憐的畸形兒,說不定我還會哭起來。 在喬丹夫婦的套房裡匆匆忙忙進著早餐時,接了幾次有關他們離開夏威夷事宜的電話,後來由安德魯給孩子們講了這悲劇事件。 這事我會跟他們談的,西莉亞曾對安德魯說,不過別見怪,暫時我不想再談。我想你可以說我給嚇懵了。即使現在,她還不知道答應回去是否做得對。但她提醒自己,她堅持立即撤回蒙泰尼,至少會挽救一些胎兒和他們的母親,使之免遭厄運。 Fielding.羅思對西莉亞的許諾顯然兌現了。在他們離開飯店去機場前不久,電臺的一個音樂節目中插進了一條特別的新聞簡報,報導了停止公開出售蒙泰尼的事,因為它可能產生一些有害的作用,目前尚在調查,並告誡醫生們應停止開這藥,孕婦應停用這藥。 隨後不久,在正常的新聞廣播中,對撤回蒙泰尼一事的詳細報導作為頭條消息播出。在機場時,《檀香山明星報》晚刊在頭版登載了美聯社發出的有關消息。看來很清楚,連珠炮似的宣傳業已開始,並可能繼續下去。 對喬丹一家人來說,這一天過得與前一晚計劃好的大不相同。他們原來準備去海灘安安靜靜玩一天的。 飛機裡乘客很擠。好在他們四人並排的座位在後艙,至少可以互相講點悄悄話。過了一會兒,西莉亞向另三人說:謝謝你們的耐心等待。現在你們想問什麼就請吧。 布魯斯第一個發問。 媽媽,怎麼會發生這一類事情呢?已經認可的藥,忽然又有那麼糟糕的副作用? 她整理思路後才回答。 你首先要記住:任何一種藥,對於人體都是外來的化學物質。人吃藥通常由大夫處方目的是要治療體內某種毛病。但藥雖有治病作用,也可能有害,這有害的作用稱為副作用,當然副作用也可以無害。 安德魯補充說:還有一種所謂的利弊的權衡。醫生為取得治病效果,對使用某種藥必須作出判斷,看值不值得去冒使用它的風險。用有些藥時冒的風險要比別的藥大,但即使用成分簡單的阿斯匹靈都有風險,有時風險還很大,因為阿斯匹靈可以引起內出血。 莉薩說:可是,藥品出售前醫藥公司肯定做過試驗。照說,食品藥物管理局就是檢查它有無危險,檢查危險有多大的。 不錯,這一切都是事實,西莉亞承認說,不過人們往往不了解的是:時至今日,試驗還是有局限性的。要試驗一種新藥,先是在動物身上做,看動物試驗的數據沒問題,就在自願應試的人身上做試驗。這得花好幾年時間。即使人體試驗做完後那藥在各方面看來都不錯,也只有幾百人或許千把人用過而已。 安德魯說:而且這些人之中,可能誰也沒受到任何有害的影響,或者說受到的影響只是微不足道、無關緊要的。 西莉亞點頭同意,接著說下去,但是那藥上市後,用的人就有成千上萬,或許有好幾百萬,不利的反應可能在少數人身上出現,有時他們在人口中所占的百分比極小。那些不利的反應都是在試驗中不可能預見到的。當然,如果百分比相當大,新出現的反應又很嚴重或足以致命,那藥就必須收回,禁止使用。關鍵在於,除非經過廣泛使用,否則無法斷定一種藥究竟有多安全。 布魯斯說:那些反應,都該向有關方面報告,是嗎? 是的,只要醫藥公司聽到反應,就要報告。在我們國家,法律要求我們把聽到的反應向食品藥物管理局報告,通常是這樣做的。 莉薩皺眉說:只是通常嗎? 西莉亞解釋說:因為有時很難判斷,反應真是由某種藥物引起,還是由別的因素造成。這問題往往需要科學鑑別,還要容許出自真心、坦誠相見的不同意見。另外要記住:倉促的決定有可能斷送一種也許可救人性命的好藥。 不過,至於蒙泰尼,安德魯提醒大家,情況卻正好相反。他對莉薩和布魯斯說,對於蒙泰尼有爭議的反應,你們母親的判斷是正確的,其他人的判斷全錯了。 Celia shook her head.就連這一點也不完全符合事實。我只是憑直覺,不是科學鑑別。直覺有可能是錯的。 可這回沒錯,安德魯說,這點很重要。還有,你堅持己見,有道義上的勇氣以辭職來維護原則,這種事很少人辦得到。對於這些,親愛的,我們一家都為你感到驕傲。 布魯斯也應和著說:我要說,是這樣! 莉薩靠過去親了親她母親。媽媽,我也一樣。 飯送上來了。安德魯在他的盤子裡挑來揀去,卻沒有食欲。他評論說:對飛機上的伙食只有一點可說:它有助於打發時間。 不久,他們又回到大家心中都在考慮的話題上來。 布魯斯說:有件事實在難以相信,媽媽,報紙和電視臺竟不知道蒙泰尼出了什麼問題,至少並不了解詳細的情況,至少今天以前不了解。 是安德魯作的回答。 會出現這種事的,以前就出現過,幾乎跟這次一樣。那次是酞胺呱啶酮。關於那事件我讀到過大量資料。 在好幾個小時裡,西莉亞這才第一次露出了笑容。她說:咱們家有兩個歷史迷。 安德魯說:一九六一、六二年期間,美國新聞界對酞胺呱啶酮在歐洲造成的災難不聞不問,甚至在美國內科醫生海倫.陶西格博士去國會作了證,放映了畸形兒的幻燈片,議員們看了嚇一跳之後,美國報紙還是隻字不提。 It's hard to believe.莉薩說。 她父親聳聳肩。這取決於你對新聞界怎麼看。有些記者就是懶。派去參加聽證會的那些記者沒出席,事後又不看正式記錄。不過有人勤快,他叫莫頓.明茨,是《華盛頓郵報》記者。他把所有的零星情況湊起來,第一個捅出了酞胺呱啶酮的事。這事自然立即成為轟動的新聞,就跟蒙泰尼目前正在形成的情況一樣。 西莉亞對孩子們說:我應該告訴你們倆,你們的父親一直是反對蒙泰尼的。 莉薩問道:爸爸,是不是由於你認為蒙泰尼會產生現在這樣可怕的結果? 安德魯回答說:絕對不是。只因我是醫生,我認為不該為一點不舒服,或一點自身局限性的症狀就用藥。 莉薩又問:什麼叫自身局限性? 懷孕期間噁心嘔吐的症狀就是。在正常情況下這種症狀局限在懷孕最初幾個月裡,不久就會消失,不致留下任何後患。妊娠期間用任何藥都不明智,而且總要擔點風險,除非是出現某種緊急情況。你們媽媽懷你們時就沒用過藥。對這事我是不含糊的。安德魯盯住他女兒,輪到你時,我的大小姐,如果你想要個結實健康的寶寶,什麼藥也別吃不能喝酒,也不能抽菸。 莉薩說:我答應。 西莉亞聽到這裡時,突然想到個主意,或許這主意有朝一日會把費爾丁.羅思的這次壞事變成好事。 安德魯仍在繼續講。 我們當醫生的,在對待藥物上有不少毛病。譬如說,我們處方太頻繁。有許多時候其實不必處方;有時則因為大家覺得,病人沒拿到處方就離開診所會以為白來求醫了。又譬如,把開方子當成打發病人走路的簡便辦法,好讓下一個病人進來。 今天準是個懺悔日。布魯斯說,醫生們還做了一些什麼錯事? 我們許多醫生對藥品的情況不很熟悉,至少沒有達到應當熟悉的程度,特別是對藥物的副作用,對一種藥和其他藥的相互作用了解不夠。當然不可能把藥物的一切情況都記得非常清楚,可是,通常醫生懶得動或者自尊心太強,不願當病人的面查書。 西莉亞說:要說有醫生敢當病人的面查書,我就能指個又可靠又講良心的給你們看。你們的父親就是一個。我親眼見過他這樣做。 安德魯笑了。當然在藥品方面我有著有利之處,不過那是因為和你們的母親生活在一起的緣故。 有沒有醫生在用藥上出過大差錯?莉薩問。 安德魯回答說:這種情況相當多。但也有另一種情況,警覺的藥劑師往往對處方提出疑問,從而使處方醫生免於出錯。一般說來,對藥物的了解,藥劑師要比醫生高明得多。 布魯斯機靈地問:但是承認這情況的醫生多嗎? 安德魯回答說:可惜不多。有的醫生往往不把藥劑師看成是自己事實上的同行,而把藥劑師看得比他們低一等。他微笑著補充說,當然藥劑師也犯錯誤。有時病人自己也胡來,用的劑量比處方上的高出一兩倍,為的是據他們後來躺在救護車上解釋為了療效來得快些。 這些問題太複雜,西莉亞斬釘截鐵說,我這疲倦的藥商一天裡解決不了。我想我得試著睡覺了。 她說睡就睡,在抵達芝加哥前的時間裡大半在睡覺。 在去紐約的班機上,一路無事,只是更舒服些。因為,全家人訂到了頭等票,而在檀香山出發時沒法訂上頭等的。 到紐約後,出乎西莉亞的意料,費爾丁.羅思有輛配有司機的豪華轎車等候在甘迺迪機場,準備把他們接到莫里斯城。她有點面熟的司機朝她招呼了一下,遞給她一個信封。她拆開封口,裡面是塞思.費恩哥爾德寫的信。 親愛的西莉亞: 歡迎你歸來!從任何意義上說。 公司董事會謹贈送帶司機的小車一輛,作為你常務副總經理的專用車。 你的同事和下屬,包括本人在內,等你休息過來之後,企盼與你相見。 你的塞思 回到莫里斯城的家中,喬丹一家和溫妮、漢克.馬奇又高興地見了面。 溫妮大腹便便,再過幾星期就該分娩了。先是莉薩、布魯斯,然後是西莉亞、安德魯,一一擁抱了她。溫妮警告說:別摟得我太緊,親愛的,要不這小東西馬上就會蹦出來的。 安德魯大笑。從我做實習醫生之日起那是很久以前了我就沒有給人接過生,不過,我很願意試一試。 漢克和他妻子不一樣,向來寡言少語,只高興地衝著他們笑,一面忙著卸行李。 過了不大工夫,外面還在忙著,廚房裡只有溫妮、西莉亞和安德魯三人在談別後的情況,這時西莉亞突然想起一個可怕的念頭。 她幾乎不大敢問,只說:溫妮,你在懷孕期間吃過什麼藥沒有? 你是說預防早晨噁心嘔吐吃的藥嗎? 西莉亞越發害怕起來,回答說:不錯。 像那種叫蒙泰尼的藥?溫妮指著攤開在碗櫃上的當天《紐華克明星紀事報》,第一版上的顯著位置登著一篇關於蒙泰尼的報導。 西莉亞沉悶地點點頭。 替我檢查的大夫給了一些樣品藥要我服用,溫妮說。我本想服的,因為早晨總是噁心。只是她瞟了安德魯一眼,喬丹大夫,我可以說嗎? 他鼓勵她說:可以。 在你們倆出發前,喬丹大夫對我說他說這是他和我兩人之間的祕密如果醫生給我蒙泰尼,叫我不要吃,把它扔到廁所裡去。我就是照那樣辦的。 溫妮熱淚盈眶地先瞧瞧報紙,再望望安德魯,我懷上這寶寶可真不容易!所以啊,上帝賜福給你,喬丹大夫! 西莉亞這才鬆了一口氣,滿心歡喜,她把溫妮摟到懷裡,久久不放。 five Sam.霍索恩像個走動著的幽靈。 西莉亞回到費爾丁.羅思的第一天,見到薩姆這副模樣,嚇得說不出話來。因此,薩姆先開了口。 噢,這次光榮歸來,證明你做得對,品德高,而我們這幫人又錯又沒良心。你有何感受?很得意吧? 這話很不友好,那粗厲的聲音已不像發自薩姆之口,這使西莉亞越發驚愕不止。從她上次見到薩姆至今才七個月,可他看來起碼老了十歲。他面容消瘦蒼白,顴骨四周的肌肉鬆垂;無神的兩眼似乎凹陷了進去,下面是一圈圈深色浮腫的肉;兩肩無力下垂。他瘦得厲害,使身上的衣服顯得很不合身。 不,薩姆,西莉亞說,我並不得意,只為我們大家難過,對你的外孫我感到萬分痛惜。至於我回公司來,只是想幫幫忙而已。 啊,是這樣。我想你會盡力表示 She cut him off.薩姆,咱們是不是找個僻靜一些的地方。 他們是在走廊碰見的,交談時有人在旁邊來去。西莉亞剛同塞思.費恩哥爾德和另幾個董事開完會出來。 總經理辦公室離他們碰面處不遠。薩姆不吱聲就朝辦公室走去,西莉亞跟在後面。 進了辦公室,外面的門關好後,他扭身對著西莉亞,仍是那種粗魯尖酸的腔調。我剛才要說的是,我料你會盡力表示痛惜,那很容易。現在為何不接著說你真正的想法呢? 她平靜地說:你最好告訴我,你認為我的想法是什麼。 我知道得一清二楚!你在想,我沒等蒙泰尼被批准就給茱麗葉用,這是不負責任,是作孽;你在想,是我,是我自己把茱麗葉和德懷特的寶寶,把我的外孫害到這地步的成了徒有人形的廢物,只是個薩姆的後半句話噎住了說不出來,隨即轉過臉去。 西莉亞默默地站在那兒,既同情又難過,心酸如絞。她考慮著講什麼話合適,終於說道: 薩姆,如果你要聽我的真心話看來現在時機正好不錯,我是那樣想過,我看現在我還那麼想。 她往下說時,意識到薩姆直盯著她,唯恐漏掉一個字。 但還有些別的你要盡力記住。那就是:事後把問題看清楚並不難;還有,我們大家都會判斷錯誤 你沒有判斷錯。這件事你沒有判斷錯。一系列的錯誤也沒有我這一次的錯誤嚴重。話還是那麼苦澀。 我犯過別的錯誤,西莉亞說,主事的人都要犯錯誤。有些錯誤之所以後果嚴重,往往是由於倒了楣。 我這一次錯誤最嚴重。薩姆在桌後往椅子裡一倒。對所有的畸形兒,包括沒出生的,我都有責任 不對,她堅定地說,那不是事實。就其餘那些嬰兒來說,你是跟著吉倫特公司幹的,又聽了科技人員的意見。不光你一個人有責任,其他有責任的人也和你一樣痛苦。 但你是例外。什麼使你這樣特別,沒有被蒙住呢? 她提醒他說:開始,我也被蒙住過的。 薩姆兩手抱頭。啊,主耶穌呀!我把事情弄得多糟!He looked up.西莉亞,我對你不公道,態度惡劣,是嗎? It doesn't matter. 他的聲音變低了,也不那麼惡狠狠了。我很抱歉,真的向你道歉。我想如果講真話,我會說我妒忌你。除妒忌外,我還在想:要是聽了你的話,接受你的忠告該多好。接下去的話就東一句西一句的了。一直睡不好覺,一連幾小時醒著,想啊想,回憶了又回憶,只覺得良心不安。女婿不和我講話,女兒不願見我的面;莉蓮想調解一下,又不知從何下手。 薩姆停住,猶豫一下又說:還有件事,那事你不知道。 什麼事我不知道? 他把頭掉過去。我絕不會告訴你。 薩姆,西莉亞堅定地說,你必須控制情感,你這樣折磨自己,不管對你對別人都沒有任何好處。 他彷彿沒聽見似地說:我在這裡完了。你是知道的。 不,我一點也不知道。 I want to resign.律師們說,我絕不能那樣做,目前還不能。我必須留在原位。他又沉悶地說,還必須維持門面,保住公司。不能給那些如虎如狼的律師提供更多的炮彈,不能讓他們拿著要求賠償損失的起訴書向我們逼近。所以我還坐在這位子上,為了股東們的利益,暫時仍當著總經理。 聽你這麼說,我很高興,西莉亞說,我們是需要你來管理公司。 He shook his head.那事要你去幹了。你沒聽說?董事會已決定了。 塞思剛才向我略略提了一下。可是我需要你。 薩姆望著她,眼裡含著無言的極度痛苦。 西莉亞突然有所決定。她走到辦公室的外門,把門鎖上;又把通祕書房間的門也鎖上。她拿起電話話筒說:我是喬丹太太,我與霍索恩先生在一起,別讓人來打擾。 薩姆仍舊坐在辦公桌前,一動也不動。 西莉亞問他:這事發生後,你哭過沒有? 他似乎感到意外,接著搖搖頭。哭有什麼用? 有時,哭一哭就好受些。 西莉亞走到他眼前,俯身摟住他。薩姆,她悄聲說,鬆快一下吧! 薩姆一個閃縮,盯著她的臉看,主意不定地猶豫著。接著,像閘門突然被沖開,他孩子般地把頭靠在西莉亞肩上哭了。 西莉亞第一天同薩姆會晤之後,很快就看出他已是個垮掉的悲劇人物,先前的奮發精神煙消雲散,對公司的領導工作已無所作為。西莉亞既深感憂慮,也只好接受現實。 薩姆每天來上班,還是開著他那銀灰色的囉爾斯.本特利轎車,在走廊層上停車。偶爾他和西莉亞同時到。西莉亞乘的是公司那輛司機開的專車,為此她心裡很感激,因為這一來,上下班途中她也可以工作,讀文件了。 同時到達時,她就同薩姆一起走過玻璃走廊,到主樓裡乘專用電梯到主管人員占用的十一層。他們有時閒聊幾句,但總是西莉亞先開口。 薩姆一進辦公室,就基本上待在裡面不出來。沒有人打聽他具體在幹些什麼,反正除了一些不痛不癢的備忘錄外,重要文件也不送到他那裡。業務會議雖然事前都一一通知,但惹人注目的是薩姆絕不露面。 因此,從回來的第二天起,西莉亞無疑已在管事了。 凡是需要領導決策的最重要問題都交她處理,其他一些懸而未決的問題也請她解決。她以自己的敏捷果斷、見多識廣、意志堅強等特長,一一予以處理。 占用她大量時間的是與律師們一起開會。 有關蒙泰尼和撤回該藥的事公諸於世之後,第一批控訴書就提出來了。 有些控告看來內容真實。有幾個畸形兒,其中也有早產兒,已在美國出生,他們與其他國家畸形兒一樣,母親們都在懷孕期間用了蒙泰尼。 這類內容確鑿的訴狀今後必然會增多。公司內部作了估計,蒙泰尼在美國造成的畸形兒總數約為四百出頭。這是按法國、澳大利亞、西班牙、英國等國的統計估算出來的,考慮
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