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Chapter 16 Section five

airport 阿瑟.黑利 15700Words 2023-02-05
Mel.Bakersfield decided he couldn't get into town at all tonight.He was now in his office on the administration mezzanine, tapping his fingers thoughtfully on the desk.He had just called to get an update on the operation of the airport. Runway 30 was not yet usable, because the Mexico Airlines jetliner stuck in the mud still blocked it.So overall runway usage has become quite tight and aircraft are getting longer and longer in the air and on the ground.In the next few hours, the closure of the airport may be announced at any time. At this juncture, the planes continued to take off over Meadowood, making enemies.The outcry on the phone from Meadowood property owners who stayed at home kept the airport and air traffic control switchboards busy.Mel also had word that a number of homeowners had attended the protest he heard about earlier in the evening.A few minutes ago, the duty officer of the control tower told him, and now there are rumors that they are planning to hold some kind of mass demonstration at the airport tonight.

Mel thought sullenly that he would have trampled the demonstrators underfoot. What is reassuring is that the third category of air emergency has just been declared lifted, and the KC︱135 aircraft of the Air Force that caused the disturbance has landed safely.But the end of one emergency does not mean that another emergency will not occur.Mel hadn't forgotten the unspeakable feeling of uneasiness that had filled him at the airport an hour before, a premonition of danger.This feeling of not being sure or provable still haunted him.However, even without this premonition, some other circumstances are enough to keep him at the airport.

Cindy, who is still waiting for his charity appearance, will of course make a fuss.However, he was already going to be late now, and she was already angry anyway, so she just didn't go there, just braced herself and let her vent her anger even more.He was planning to take her first shot right now and deal with it.He had spoken to his wife on the phone earlier, and the note with the city phone number was still in his pocket.He took out the note and dialed the phone. As before, it took a few minutes for Cindy to answer the phone.When she answered the phone, unexpectedly, there was no anger like when she was talking just now, but only a cold feeling.She said nothing, listening to Mel explain why he had to stay at the airport.What he didn't expect was that he couldn't give any reason, so he stuttered and finally found a few excuses that even he himself couldn't believe at all, and he stopped suddenly when he was talking.

The other party did not make a sound.After a while, Cindy asked coldly, have you finished speaking? It's over. Her tone sounded like she was speaking to someone who was boring and alienating.I'm not surprised at all, because I didn't expect you to come.You said you would come, and I knew right then that you were cheating as usual. He said angrily: I am not lying, and it is not a rule.I told you tonight, how many times have I I seem to hear you say that you have finished your sentence. Mel had to shut up.What's the use of saying it?He reluctantly gave in.Then you go on! Just as I was about to speak, you interrupted, as usual.

Cindy, for God's sake! Knowing you're lying, I have to think about it.She paused, and you said you were going to stay at the airport. this is what i want to talk about stay How long? Stay until midnight, maybe all night. Then I will go to your place.You wait, I will definitely go. I said, Cindy, this is not okay.This is neither the time nor the place. Then let's turn this untimely time into the right time.I can talk to you anywhere. Cindy, be reasonable!I too felt we had something to talk about, but Mel stopped again.He realized he was talking to himself because Cindy had hung up the phone.

He put down the phone, sat in the quiet office, lost in thought.Somehow, he picked up the phone again and dialed his home number.This is the second time he's called home tonight.It was Robert who answered the phone last time.This time it was Mrs. Sebastiani, who often took care of their children, who answered the phone. I just want to ask how the family is doing, Mel said, nothing wrong!Are the girls all asleep? Robert is asleep, Mr. Bakersfield.Libby is going to sleep now. Can I talk to Libby? Well, just for a while, and you have to promise to finish it soon. OK! Mel knew that Mrs. Sebastiani had always been a lecturer.When she came, not only did the children listen to her, but the whole family listened to her.He sometimes wondered whether the occasional appearance of the timid husband of the Sebastiani couple would cause emotional problems in the married life.He guessed probably not.Mrs. Sebastiani would never allow such a thing to happen.He heard Libby's footsteps running to answer the phone.

Daddy, said Libby, is our blood going on and on forever? Libby's questions were always new and strange.She would dig up fresh topics like presents under the Christmas tree. Not forever, dear; nothing lasts forever.Only spin around while you're alive.From the time your heart starts beating, your blood has been circulating for seven years. I can feel my heart, Libby said, inside my knees. He was about to explain that the heart is not in the knees, about pulses, arteries and veins.I changed my mind all of a sudden, because I will have time to explain these things later.As long as you can touch the heart, no matter where it seems to be is the key.Libby had an instinct for grasping at the substance of things; sometimes he got the impression that she was reaching out her little hands to pluck the stars of truth.

Good night, Dad. Good night, my boy. Mel still couldn't say why he made the call, but it felt better after the call. As for Cindy, she always said what she could do, so it is entirely possible that she will come to the airport tonight.Maybe she was right to do so.They do have some fundamental questions to grapple with, chiefly whether the shell of their relationship as a couple is going to survive for the sake of their children.At least they could talk here in private, without Robert and Libby overhearing, and the kids had overheard too much of their fights before. Right now Mel has nothing concrete to do but wait so that he can be found anytime.He walked out of the office to the mezzanine level of the administration, overlooking the constant bustle of activity in the lobby of the main terminal building.

Meier thought to himself that within a few years, dramatic changes would take place in the lobby of the airport.Measures will soon be taken to change the current inefficient way for people to get on and off the plane. It is indeed too troublesome and too slow for a person to walk up and down like this.Each plane adds up to millions of dollars a year; at the same time, it costs more and more to keep them idle on the ground.Aircraft designers, and airline planners, are trying to increase revenue by arranging more flight time and reducing the amount of time planes spend on the ground, which is not profitable.

A plan has been drawn up for manned cabins, which are designed based on the current American Airlines-style domes that preload air cargo.Most other airlines have their own similar pod systems. The cargo domes consist of self-contained compartments just sized to fit snugly inside the jet's fuselage.Each pod is preloaded with cargo of the appropriate shape and size, can be lifted to the height of the fuselage by a crane, and can be fed into a jet transport aircraft in a few minutes.The interior of this transport aircraft is different from that of conventional passenger aircraft, and is generally an empty shell.Now when a plane specialized in carrying cargo arrives at the cargo terminal at the airport, the domes that were originally installed in the plane are unloaded and new ones are loaded.In this way, with the least time and labor, a whole jet can be loaded and unloaded quickly, and can take off again immediately.

The human cabin is modified according to the same design.Mel had seen the envisioned pattern.This kind of cabin is made up of comfortable small cabins, and seats are arranged inside. Passengers just take their seats at the airport check-in office, and then are sent to the parking position on the apron by a conveyor belt similar to the current baggage conveyor system.The passengers stayed put, and the capsule slid into an aircraft that had probably just arrived a few minutes earlier.Prior to this, the human cabin containing the arriving passengers had been unloaded. After the human cabin is loaded onto the aircraft and its position is fixed, its portholes are just in line with the portholes on the fuselage. Doors at one end of each cabin can be folded to allow stewardesses and passengers to move between cabins.Another galley cabin was loaded with new food supplies and the stewardess who had just come to work, and was also stuffed into the plane as a separate passenger cabin. This system has been improved and perfected, and finally it may be possible to send the human cabin into the urban area or enable passengers to transfer to other airlines without leaving their seats. A related idea is the sky lounge that has been developed in Los Angeles.Each lounge can accommodate forty passengers, which is half bus, half helicopter.When it is used on local routes, it can use its own power to drive on the streets of the suburbs or urban areas. When it arrives at the local heliport, it becomes a pod hung under a super-large helicopter. The whole device can quickly go back and forth. between airports. Mel predicts that these things will come true.Something like this is coming, if not exactly, and it's just around the corner.For those who work in the aviation industry, the fascinating thing is that strange dreams often come true very quickly. A sudden shout from the hall below interrupted his train of thought. Hi, Bakersfield!Hey, that guy up there! Mel's eyes searched for who was calling him.Fifty faces looked up at the same time, curious to know who it was.This made it even more difficult to find out who was calling him.After a while, he found out that the person calling him was Egan.Jeffers.He was a tall, thin black man in light brown trousers and a short-sleeved shirt.He held out a strong brown arm, gesticulating anxiously. Come down, Bakersfield.Did you hear that?have your troubles. Mel smiled.Jeffers was a figure at the airport, and he held a shoe-shining charter in the terminal. This person is not outstanding, but has a pleasant smile.From his mouth, anything can be said, but there is nothing to do with him.I hear you, Egan.Jeffers, how are you coming up? He smiled and said: Just by you?Bakersfield!Don't forget I'm a tenant. I'm going to forget that you're gonna bring up the Civil Rights Act and read it to me. That's what you said, Bakersfield.Get off me now! You should be careful when speaking in my airport.Mel was still happy in his heart, and while thinking, he left the railing on the mezzanine floor and walked towards the elevator used by the airport staff. Egan.Jeffers was waiting on the concourse level. Jeffers runs four shoe shine booths in the terminal.Among the licenses issued by many airports, the shoe shine license is not a major one.By contrast, the revenues earned by airports from licensing car parks, restaurants, and newsstands are staggering.But this Egan who once shined shoes on the side of the road.Jeffers was defiant, as if the airport's financial success was entirely due to his maintenance. Between us, I have a contract with the airport, is that right? That's right. On that fancy blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.Is it this way? That's right. I said, man, you screwed up.Come with me, Bakersfield.They walked through the central hall to the escalator on the lower half of the floor, and Jeffers stepped down the stairs two steps at a time.As he walked, he warmly greeted a few people who passed by him.Mel followed, not so clean because he had to cherish his less powerful foot. At the foot of the escalator, near the booths of the Hertz, Avis, and National car rental companies, Egan.Jeffers pointed, right here, Bakersfield!Look, the guys and I've lost business! Mel looked at the reason for his complaint.It turned out that there was a large signboard in front of the counter of the Avis car rental company, which read: Utilize ticket signing time to shine shoes Dedicated service We strive for thoughtful service! On the ground under the signboard, there is a rotary electric shoe shine machine, which is just right, and whoever stands in front of the counter can polish their shoes as the signboard says. Mel found it very interesting; but also felt that Egan.Jeffers' protest was justified.Whether he meant it or not, Jeffers was entitled to protest.His contract stipulated that no one else in the airport except himself should shine shoes.Just like Jeffers wasn't allowed to rent cars or sell newspapers there.Every franchisee is guaranteed without discrimination, and the price of this security is that the airport receives a considerable share of the profits of the concessionaire. Egan.While Jeffers stood watching, Mel went to the car rental and pulled out of his pocket an emergency blotter, a slim little book with the internal phone number for the senior staff at the airport.He flipped through the book, and there was the phone number of the manager of Avis Motors on it.When he approached the counter, the girl behind the counter smiled back naturally.Mel said in a boss tone, let me use your phone. She disagrees.sir, this is not public I'm the airport manager.Mel reached for the phone and dialed the number.It often happens that someone does not recognize him in his own airport.Mel's work is mostly faceless, rarely in public, so the airport staff rarely see him. As he listened to the phone ringing, he wondered if other matters could be resolved as quickly and simply as this one. The phone rang a dozen times, and after waiting for a few minutes, the manager of Avis Motor Company came through the receiver.I am Ken.kingsley. Where did you go?Mel asked, what if I want to rent a car? I am playing with my child's toy train.Just to get me out of cars and people calling for cars for a while. How lucky to have a boy!Mel said, but I only have girls.Does your kid love anything mechanical? My eight-year-old kid is brilliant.Let me know when you want him to run your toy airport. It's a no-brainer, Ken.Mel turned to Egan.Jeffers rolled his eyes.There's one thing your son might be able to do right now.Let him install a shoe shine machine at home.As far as I understand, there happens to be one vacant here.You also understand this. The other party was silent for a moment, and then the manager of Avis sighed.Why do you people have to kill such a small business of no-deception? Mostly because we are narrow-minded and a little stubborn.However, we have to play by the rules.Do you remember the terms of the contract?Any changes in the display area must be approved by the airport management department in advance.There is also an article that says not to infringe on the sales of other tenants. I see, Kingsley said, Egan.Jeffers must have made a point. He can't feel better right now! All right!Listen to you.I'm going to tell someone to take that thing away.Be too busy! Well, said Mel, it's time to be busy in half an hour. you! He heard the Avis man giggle as he hung up the phone. Egan.Jeffers nodded with satisfaction, still cheerful.Mel was thinking: I get along well with everyone in the airport, talking and laughing, everyone is happy.He wished he was happy himself. You got that Avis guy down, all right, Bakersfield, Jeffers said, but you'll have to wait and see.He walked up the escalator solemnly, with a smile on his face. Mel followed, walking more slowly.There was a large crowd in front of the TWA counter in the central concourse, and behind the crowd there were two places where it read: The second flight︱Golden Huge Ship direct flight to rome register here Not far away, Tanya.Livingston was chatting and laughing with a group of passengers.She gestured to Mel and came over to him a moment later.I'm never done!It's like a madhouse here.I thought you went into town. I changed my plans and Mel said, you mentioned this and I thought you were off work? The Regional Passenger Manager asked me if I should not go yet.We are ready for the golden ship to take off on time.It is said that it is to maintain reputation, but I think the real reason is that Captain Demerest does not want to wait so long. You're letting prejudice rule you, Mel smiled.However, I do sometimes. Tanya pointed to a raised platform around a circular counter in the lobby a few yards away from them. That's what you and your brother-in-law were fighting about; why did Captain Demerest talk to you like that? make life difficult for.Is that the case? Tanya was referring to the counter at the airport that sold insurance policies.A dozen people crowded around the counter, many filling out forms for air travel insurance.Two pretty girls behind the counter were busy opening insurance policies, one of them was a blond girl who was particularly eye-catching, with two peaks protruding from her chest. Yes, Mel admits, that's mostly what we're fighting about, at least lately.Vernon and the Civil Aviation Pilots Association believe that our airport should cancel the insurance booth and the insurance policy vending machine.I disagree.We had a fight in front of the Airport Commissioner's Committee.It turned out that I won the argument, and Vernon wasn't happy, and he isn't happy now! I hear, Tanya stares at Mel.Some of us disagree with you.I think Captain Demerest is right on this point. Mel shook his head.So, we'll have to disagree.How many times have I said it; Vernon's arguments are nonsensical. Meyer argued that Vernon's argument didn't make much sense that day a month earlier when he attended a meeting of airport commissioners at Lincoln International.Vernon asked to speak, and he represented the Civil Aviation Pilots Association, which is launching a campaign to ban the sale of insurance in airports everywhere. Mel still vividly remembers the details of that meeting.It was Wednesday morning, a regular meeting in the conference room of the Airport Commissioners Committee.All five commissioners were present: Mildred.Mrs. Ackerman, a pretty, dark-haired housewife, was rumored to have been appointed because she was the mayor's mistress.The other four are men, one is a university professor who chairs a committee; two are local businessmen; and one is a retired union leader. The committee's meeting room is an oak paneled room on the mezzanine level of the terminal administration.At one end was a raised platform on which the commissioners sat on leather chaise longues, with a handsome oval table in front of them.There is also a less elegant table below the platform.Mel.Bakersfield chaired the meeting at this table, flanked by the heads of departments.Next to it is the news reporter's seat, and behind it is the public seat, because committee meetings are generally open to the public.The public seats are rarely visited. Today, besides these commissioners and the airport staff, the only outsider is Vernon.Captain Demerest.He was wearing a neat uniform of Transamerica Airlines, and under the illumination of the chandelier, the four golden bars indicating the level were particularly eye-catching.He waited in the public gallery, the two chairs beside him piled with books and papers.Out of courtesy, the committee asked Captain Demerest to speak before they discussed routine. Demerest stood up.He spoke to the committee in his usual confident tone, only occasionally looking at his notes.He said he was attending the meeting on behalf of the Airline Pilots Association, the association's local council chairman.However, the views he is about to present are entirely his own, and the pilots of the various airlines generally agree with him. The commissioners reclined in reclining chairs to listen to his speech.Demerest began by saying that the airport's sale of insurance was a ridiculous and antiquated holdover from the early days of flying.The insurance booths and policy vending machines themselves and their prominence in the airport concourse are an insult to the civil aviation industry.The safety record of air freight, measured by miles, is better than that of any other form of transportation. When traveling alone, at a train station or bus station or on an ocean liner, or driving one's car out of a parking garage, who still carries an insurance policy covering death and injury with him? What's more, these insurance policies were forced to him by various cunning methods?No. So why is the airline industry doing this stuff? Demerest asked and answered.The reason, he said, was that the insurance companies saw a huge profit in it at a glance, without considering the consequences. Aviation is still a new industry, and despite the fact that flying a commercial airliner has proven to be safer than staying at home, many people consider air travel to be dangerous.Airplane crashes are extremely rare, but when they do, pre-existing distrust of flying is greatly enhanced.The impact is substantial, and obscures the fact that far more casualties occur in other assumed modes of travel than in plane crashes. Demerest pointed out that insurance companies themselves have proven that flying is indeed safe.Airline pilots have far more opportunities for air travel than passengers, but they can purchase general life insurance at regular insurance rates; if they pass their own collective insurance, the insurance rate is lower than that of ordinary people.But some insurers, egged on by insatiable airport authorities and with the tacit approval of the airlines, continue to capitalize on the fear and gullibility of air passengers. Mel, listening from the staff booth, had to secretly admit that his brother-in-law was articulate, but felt that the reference to a greedy airport authority was unwise.This statement made several of the five commissioners, including Mrs. Ackerman, frown. Vernon.Demerest didn't seem to notice the situation.Ladies and gentlemen, now let's talk about the most important point and the most crucial point. He said the irresponsible and careless sale of insurance policies at airport counters, and the policy vending machines, posed a real danger to every passenger and all aircrew, which was the most important of.Spend a few dollars in insurance premiums and you can get back a large sum of insurance money and make a fortune. Demerest grew more and more irritable.If you want to put this kind of system in a better way, which endangers the people, just call it a system, but most drivers don’t want to call it a system. Open the door of convenience and let them wreak havoc and murder many lives.Their purpose could not be more clear, which is to gain personal advantage for themselves or their intended beneficiaries. captain!The commissioner, Mrs. Ackerman, leaned forward in her seat and interjected.From her voice and expression, Mel guessed that she was not satisfied with the words of the greedy airport authority, and was slowly starting to have a fit.Captain, we've heard a lot from you.But do you have any facts to prove all this? Of course there is, madam.I have enough for the truth. Vernon.Demerest had already made full preparations.He graphed that the average number of verified air accidents caused by bombs or other acts of violence averaged one and a half per year.While motivations vary, a generally consistent reason is to gain financial advantage from flight insurance.In addition, there have been a number of explosion attempts that were unsuccessful or prevented; some crashes that may have been sabotage have not been confirmed. He cites some major accidents: Canadian Pacific Airlines in 1949 and 1965; Western Airlines in 1957; National Airlines in 1960 and one in 1959, Potentially disruptive; Aeromexico, twice in 1952 and 1953; Venezuelan Airlines in 1960; Continental Airlines in 1962; 1964 It was Pacific Airways; in 1950 and 1955 it was United Airlines and in 1965 one could be disruptive.In nine of these thirteen accidents, all passengers and crew on board were killed. Of course, once the sabotage is verified, the insurance policy of the person involved will naturally be invalidated.In short, you can't get anything out of sabotage, and sane and informed people know that.They also knew that, in the event of a fatal aerial tragedy, just finding the wreckage would tell if there had been an explosion, and generally, how it had exploded. Demerest drew the commissioners' attention to the fact that bombings and brutal acts of violence were committed not by sane people, but by deranged, psychopathic, criminal, insane, murderous criminal.Such people often don't understand the situation, and even if they do, their psychopathic minds only think about what they're going to do.Twisting facts into something that fits their fancy. Mrs. Ackerman interjected again, this time clearly angry with Demerest.I'm not sure any of us, not even you, Captain, are qualified to talk about what a psychopath is thinking. I'm not talking about that, said Demerest impatiently. Anyway, that's not what I'm talking about. Sorry you are talking about this.And that's exactly where I think the problem is. Vernon.Demerest blushed.He was a man accustomed to giving orders, not to be contradicted.He lost his temper as soon as he said it, and it came up all at once.Ma'am, are you born stupid, or are you pretending to be stupid? The chairman of the committee banged on the table with his gavel.Mel.Bakersfield wanted to laugh, but held back. Mel thought, it seems better to stop here.Vernon should concentrate on flying, which he is good at, and avoid diplomacy like he just did.Right now, it is completely impossible for the airport committee to do what Captain Demerest requested, unless Mel comes to help Demerest.He turned his head around, wondering if he should do this favor.He felt that Demerest hadn't realized that he had gone too far.Still, there was time to turn what had just happened into a laughing stock for everyone, including Mildred.Mel has a very good way of doing this kind of thing, which can not only smooth things over, but also save the face of both parties.And he knew in his heart that she was Miri.People Ackerman likes, they get along really well.No matter what Mel said, she always listened. But he made up his mind again, let it go!If he was in this situation, his brother-in-law might not help him.Or let Vernon find a way to relieve himself.Anyway, Mel was going to give his opinion in a few minutes. Captain Demerest, the chairman of the committee coldly pointed out that what you just said is unnecessary and inappropriate, please take it back. Demerest was still blushing.He hesitated for a moment, then nodded.Well, take it back and take it back.He glanced at Mrs. Ackerman.I apologize to the lady.She probably understood that I, like most civil aviation crews, had strong opinions on this issue.As long as it seems to me to be very obvious, he will stop talking about it here. Mrs. Ackerman stared.Mel felt that such an apology was not wise.Even if he wanted to calm down now, it was too late. One of the other commissioners asked: Captain, what exactly do you want from us? Demerest took a step forward and said in a persuasive tone, I beg you to abolish the insurance machines and the sale of insurance policies in this airport, and promise not to rent space for this purpose in the future. Do you mean to outlaw the sale of insurance altogether? Yes, at all airports.Ladies and gentlemen, I can say that the Airline Pilots Association is urging other airports to do the same.We also ask Congress to act to outlaw the sale of insurance by airports. Given that air travel is international, what good does it do for the US alone? Demerest smiled faintly.The movement is also international. What kind of international law? We are actively supported by driver groups in forty-eight other countries.Most people think that if the United States or Canada lead the way in North America, other countries will follow. The commissioner dubiously said, I think this is your extravagant expectation. exactly!The Chairman interjected that if the public wanted to buy air travel insurance, they had the right to do so. Demerest nodded in agreement.Of course you can buy it.No one said they couldn't buy it. But some people say you can't buy it, so you say it.Mrs. Ackerman interrupted again. The muscles around Demerest's mouth tightened.Ma'am, anyone can buy as much travel insurance as they want.He only needs to have at least the foresight to go through the formalities through insurance brokers or even travel agencies in advance.He glanced at the other commissioners.Today, a considerable number of people travel with a comprehensive accident insurance policy; this way, they can travel wherever they like and be always insured.There are many ways.For example, several large credit card companies Dynas, American Express, and discretionary companies all provide permanent travel insurance to credit card holders; it can be automatically extended every year, and the fee will be charged. Demerest points out that most businessmen who travel a lot have at least one credit card issued by one of the companies he mentions, so banning the sale of insurance at airports doesn't embarrass them, nor does it make them feel inconvenient. And these pooled insurance policies, the insurance rate is very low.I know that because I bought this insurance policy myself. Vernon.Demerest paused, then went on. As for the policies, the point was that they were sold through some channel.The application form is handled by someone with experience; there is a day or two between the application and the policy being issued.This opens up a greater chance of spotting a psychopath, lunatic or insane person and querying the person's intentions. It is also worth noting that a psychopath or insane person is a guy who acts on the spur of the moment.In the case of air insurance, the airport insurance kiosks and insurance offices ask nothing, and the hastily sold policies cater to this impulse. I think all of us here understand what you are going to talk about, the chairman said sarcastically, you are repeating what you said, captain. Mrs. Ackerman nodded.I agree.Personally, I would like to hear Mr. Bakersfield's opinion. All eyes of the commissioners were on Mel.He accepted the request.Yes, I do have some opinions.But I would like to wait until Captain Demerest has finished his speech before expressing my opinion. He's done talking, Mildred said, and we've just made up our minds. One of the other commissioners laughed, and the chairman tapped the gavel.Yes, I totally agree.Mr. Bakersfield, please speak! As Mel rose, Captain Demerest slumped back to his own seat. I'm still going to get my point across, and Mel starts to say that my point is the exact opposite of what Vernon just said.I think you could call this a family dispute. Commissioners know Mel and Vernon.Demerest was an in-law, and they smiled.Melton suddenly felt the tense atmosphere of a few minutes ago ease.He was used to these meetings and knew that informality was always the best approach.Vernon should understand this, too, if he cared to inquire. Here are a few questions we should think about, he went on. Let's first face the fact that most people are born afraid of flying. I believe that no matter how much progress we make, no matter how high our safety record is, this The feeling is always there.By the way, I agree with what Vernon said, that our safety record is pretty high. He continued: Because of this inherent fear, many passengers buy air travel insurance to feel more relaxed and at ease.They need this kind of insurance, and they hope it can be bought at the airport.The bulk of the sales at the insurance vending machines and at airport insurance offices attests to this fact.Passengers should have the right to buy insurance or not to buy insurance, and it is their freedom to provide them with convenience.Most of them never thought of buying insurance in advance.Plus, Meier said, airports, including Lincoln International, would lose a lot of revenue if they sold flight insurance that way.He smiled when talking about airport revenue.The airport commissioners also laughed. Of course Mel knew this was the crux of the matter.The income obtained by the airport from the concession of selling insurance policies is considerable and cannot be easily given up.Lincoln International Airport took half a million dollars a year in commission on the insurance policies it sold, though few buyers knew that the airport took a quarter of a cent for every dollar of insurance premium.而保險這一行在特許權中居第四位,是個大戶。只有停車場、餐館和計程車的特許權給空港帶來更大的收入。在其他大型空港,來自保險的收入大體相同或更多一些。梅爾想,弗農.德默雷斯特談到貪得無厭的空港管理處,他當然可以這樣說,不過這一筆錢本身也有它的說服力。 梅爾打定主意不暴露他的想法。一語帶過收入的問題就行了。熟悉空港財務的專員們自會心領神會。 他看了看資料。這些資料是在林肯國際營業的一個保險公司昨天向他提供的。梅爾並沒有索取這些資料,也沒有對辦公室以外的任何人提到過今天要進行有關保險的辯論。可是保險公司的人不知怎麼聽說了,奇怪的是他們總能事先得到風聲,隨即採取行動保護他們的利益。 要是資料不符合他出自肺腑的主見,他是絕不會引用的。妙就妙在這些資料和他的看法並不是背道而馳的。 現在,梅爾說道,說一說搞破壞的問題潛在的或是相反。 他意識到委員會的成員們都在聚精會神地傾聽他的發言。 弗農剛才談了很多,但我細聽之後認為有必要指出,在我看來,他所說的似乎大都是言過其實的。事實上,為了取得保險金而進行爆炸所造成的飛機失事,業經查實,為數寥寥。 德默雷斯特機長從旁聽席上一下子蹦了起來。God!我們還嫌機禍少嗎? 主席用木槌猛敲桌子。機長請你坐下。 梅爾等德默雷斯特安靜下來後,平心靜氣地接著說,既然提出了這一個問題,回答是我們希望一起事故也不發生。更現實的問題是:即使在空港買不到保險,是不是就不會發生機禍了呢? 梅爾稍停了一下,好讓大家都想透他的論點後,再繼續說下去。 當然人們會說,如果空港不賣保險,我們現在談論的機禍就根本不會發生。換句話說,這些因一時衝動而造成的犯罪行為是因在空港可以很容易買到保險而引起的。同樣,人們會說,即使犯罪行為是預謀的,但如果買飛行保險不那麼方便的話,這些罪行也許就難以實現。我想這些就是弗農的論點,也是民航駕駛員協會的論點。 梅爾望了望他的姐夫。他除了滿臉怒容之外,沒有別的表示。 這些論點最站不住腳的地方,梅爾強調說,在於它們純粹是假設性的。在我看來,策劃這種犯罪行為的人,不大可能因空港買不到保險而不幹壞事,他完全可以從別的地方弄到保險。正如弗農自己所指出的那樣,這是不費吹灰之力的事。 梅爾指出,從另一個方面看,飛行保險看來只不過是想搞破壞的人的次要動機,而不是犯罪的主要原因。搞空中破壞的真正動機,是人們由來已久的弱點如三角戀愛、貪婪、買賣破產、自殺。 只要世界上有人,梅爾論證說,就肯定不可能消除這些動機。因此,凡是對飛行安全和防止破壞行為表示關切的人,應該不是要求取締空港的飛行保險,而是要求加強空中和地面的其他預防措施。措施之一就是嚴格控制炸藥的銷售,這是當今大多數破壞分子使用的主要工具。再就是建議研製一種探測器,檢查行李中的炸藥。梅爾向聽得出神的空港專員們透露,有一種這樣的裝置已經在試用了。 第三個辦法是飛行保險公司提出的,要求在起飛前打開旅客的行李進行檢查,就像現在海關檢查一樣。不過,梅爾認為,這最後一個辦法,實行起來顯然有困難。 他要求嚴格執行目前禁止在民用飛機上攜帶輕型武器的法律。同時,飛機的設計也應考慮到破壞行為,以提高飛機防禦內部爆炸的能力。在這方面,保險公司還推薦了一個辦法,即行李艙的內壁要比現在做得更堅實和厚一些,甚至不惜增加重量和減少航空公司的收入。 聯邦航空局,梅爾指出,曾研究過空港經營保險的問題,結果是反對禁止空港出售保險。梅爾朝弗農.德默雷斯特瞟了一眼,看見他兩眼冒火。他們兩人都很清楚,聯邦航空局的研究正是民航駕駛員耿耿於懷的事,因為這事是由一個保險公司的董事負責進行的,此人自己就是個飛行保險商,他是否公正是很值得懷疑的。 保險公司的資料裡還有好幾條梅爾尚未觸及,但他肯定自己已經講得夠多的了,何況剩下的論點中有些並不那麼有說服力。他甚至對他剛才講過的關於行李艙的建議產生了很大的懷疑。他說不上那增加的重量攤在誰的身上是由乘客,航空公司,還是由保飛行險的公司來承擔?不過,他覺得其他一些論點都是強有力的。 所以,他最後說,我們要決定的是,要不要根據假設,再也沒有很多別的什麼理由,就取消公眾顯然需要的一個服務項目。 梅爾回到他座位上時,米爾德瑞德.阿克曼太太馬上用加強的語氣說,我認為不能取消。她向弗農.德默雷斯特得意洋洋地盯了一眼。 其他幾個專員也以最簡單的手續紛紛表示同意,隨即休會,其他問題留待下午再研究。 Vernon.德默雷斯特在外面的走廊裡等著梅爾。 Hello!弗農!梅爾在他姐夫開口之前,搶先開腔,爭取同他和解。我想你不會介意的吧!朋友和親戚之間時常還會意見不一致的嘛! 朋友這個詞兒當然有點過甚其詞。儘管德默雷斯特娶了梅爾的姊姊薩拉赫,梅爾.貝克斯費爾德和他彼此之間都沒有好感,而且兩人心裡也都清楚。近來,這種惡感已經尖銳化,發展到公開頂撞了。 你算說對了,我就是介意的。德默雷斯特說。他的氣頭已經過去,但眼睛裡依然冒火。 專員們魚貫走出委員會的會議室,他們好奇地看著他們倆。他們是去吃午飯的。過幾分鐘,梅爾就要去和他們一同進餐。 德默雷斯特輕蔑地說,像你這樣的人,整天留在地面上,坐在寫字檯旁邊,不搞飛行業務,說得倒輕鬆!要是你跟我一樣經常在天上飛,你的看法就不一樣了。 梅爾生氣了,他說:我過去也不是專門駕駛寫字檯的。 ah!forget it.別在我面前賣弄你那戰鬥老英雄的一套了。你現在的飛行高度是零,你的想法就證明了這一點。如果不是待在地上,你就會同任何有自尊心的駕駛員一樣看待那保險的買賣了。 你說的肯定是自尊心,不是自我陶醉嗎?梅爾打定主意,如果弗農要幹一場,就隨他的便,反正沒有別人在一旁聽著。你們大多數駕駛員的問題在於你們太慣於把自己看作是超凡入聖,是雲層的主宰。你們還總以為自己的腦袋特別靈。可是,除了一點點專業的東西外,你們的腦袋並不靈。有時我覺得由於自動飛行代替了你們的工作,你們在稀薄的空氣中待得太長了,你們剩下的那點腦子都給搞糊塗了。於是一旦有人提出坦率的見解,同你們的看法相反,你們就像那些慣壞了的小孩那樣撒癡撒嬌。 我不計較你說的這一套,德默雷斯特說,如果說有人耍小孩子脾氣,那你現在就是在耍小孩子脾氣。更重要的是你不講實話。 你聽我說,弗農 坦率的見解,這是你說的,德默雷斯特用鄙夷不屑的口吻說,坦率的見解,天曉得!你剛才在裡面講話的時候,用的是保險公司的臭稿子。你是在照本宣科。我坐在那兒看得一清二楚,我自己也有一份,所以我清楚得很。他摸了摸他帶著的一疊書本和稿紙。你真不要臉,懶得自己動手寫發言稿。 梅爾的臉通紅。他的姐夫這下可抓住了他的辮子。他本應自己準備講稿的,或者至少把保險公司的稿子改寫一下,重新打一遍。會前一連幾天他都特別的忙,這是事實,但不能作為藉口。 你總有一天要悔悟的,弗農.德默雷斯特說,到時如果你悔悟了,我隨時可以奉陪,讓我提醒你今天的事。在你表示悔悟之前,沒有必要的話,我們還是再也不要見面的好。 梅爾還沒來得及答話,他的姐夫已經轉身走了。 眼下在主候機樓大廳想起那件事,坦妮亞又在身旁,梅爾不知道打那以後他曾好幾次這麼想他為什麼不能更為妥善地處理他同弗農的矛盾。他完全可以同姐夫的看法不同,而且至今他還認為沒有任何理由要改變自己的觀點。不過,他完全可以平心靜氣一些,避免不講究策略,而這正是弗農.德默雷斯特,而不是梅爾的性格。 從那天以後,他們兩人一直沒有見過面。今晚在空港咖啡廳同德默雷斯特也算照了一面,這是空港專員會議後梅爾第一次看到他姊夫。梅爾一向同他姊姊薩拉赫是不親近的,他們互相很少串門。不過,梅爾和弗農.德默雷斯特遲早總要見面的,即使不是為了解決分歧,至少也把這一分歧掛起來。 梅爾覺得,從措詞強烈的抗雪委員會的報告來看這份報告無疑是受弗農的對立情緒所左右的越早見面越好。 要是我知道說起買賣保險的事竟會把你攆得離我那麼遠,坦妮亞說,我就不會提起這事了。 儘管在他腦子裡一閃而過的往事只出現了幾秒鐘,梅爾又一次體會到坦妮亞對他多麼知心體貼。在他的記憶中,別的人都沒有這種猜透他心事的本領。這表明他們倆在天性上是親近的。 他知道坦妮亞在盯著他看,她的目光溫柔,心領神會,在溫柔之外還有一種女性的魅力和性感,本能告訴他這種感情是會像火一樣燃燒起來的。突然間他想讓他們的親近感變得更親近一些。 你並沒有把我攆得老遠,梅爾回答道。你把我拉得更近了。眼下我非常需要你。他們的目光緊緊相遇時,他又加了一句,各方面都需要你。 坦妮亞一貫心直口快。我也需要你,她微微一笑。長期以來,我一直需要你。 由於這一種衝動,他真想建議兩人現在就走,找個安靜的地方兩個人在一起坦妮亞的寓所也可以至於後果嘛,管不得那麼多。接著,梅爾想起了他心裡一直很清楚的情況,他不能走。反正,現在還不能走。 咱們晚些時候還見面,他對她說,我是說今天晚上。我說不準多晚,不過,一定要見面。我不來陪你,你就不要回家。他真想伸出手去把她抓住,甚至把她的身子緊緊地貼在他的身上,可是大廳裡人來人往,他們周圍都是人。 她伸出手,指尖輕輕擱在他手上。這個觸覺像是一股電流。我一定等你,坦妮亞說,你要我等多久,我就等多久。過了一會兒,她走開了,頓時消失在環美航空公司櫃檯前的擁擠的旅客群中。
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