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Chapter 28 fourth quarter

airport 阿瑟.黑利 8439Words 2023-02-05
From the moment we met, Mel.Bakersfield has a heart for the lawyer Elliott, who leads the delegation of residents of Meadowwood.Freemantle resented it.Ten minutes had passed since the delegation had filed into Mel's office, and the antipathy had intensified into disgust. The lawyer gave the impression of being obnoxious.Even before the negotiation started, Freemantle made rude remarks, saying don't be ambiguous. Although Mel was very angry, he didn't care about it.After that, every time Mel answered, he couldn't listen to it, and rudely pushed back.Instinctively, Mel reminded himself that Freemantle was deliberately leading him into a trap, hoping that he would lose his temper and say something angry so that the reporter could record it.If the lawyer was playing tricks like that, Mel had no intention of helping him.He tried his best to be reasonable and courteous.

Freemantle said: The management of the airport is insensitive and indifferent to the family of the good citizens of Meadowood, that is, to the health and life of my client.He protested against this. Mel responded calmly that neither the airport nor the airlines that use it are insensitive or indifferent, on the contrary we acknowledge that there is a noise problem and that we have done our best to deal with it. Then, sir, your best efforts are wretched enough and insignificant!What have you done?Lawyer Freemantle said, based on what the client and I have seen and heard, you are just making empty wishes, and you are not paying lip service.Apparently, none of you here really take this matter to heart, so we're going to take it to justice.

Mel countered that the allegation was untrue because the airport had plans not to take off on runway 25, directly across from Meadowwood, if another runway was available, 25 Runway No. 1 is mainly used for landings only, and although this reduces the efficiency of the airport, it produces very little noise for Meadowood.In addition, airline pilots were instructed that, regardless of the runway used, all takeoffs toward Meadowood must adopt noise reduction procedures, which include turning away from Meadowood immediately after the plane leaves the ground.The air traffic control tower is all about working together.

Mel went on to say: Mr. Freemantle, you should understand that this is not the first time we have had talks with local residents. We have discussed our mutual issues many times. Eliot.Freemantle shot back: "Maybe I wasn't open enough the first few times. It's hard to say, but this time you'll figure it out. There is a lot of time lost, wasted energy, and broken promises that we have to figure out, and this last one doesn't refer to my client. In this regard, Mel decided not to answer.This kind of high-spirited talk is of little use to both parties, and perhaps it can only make Elliott.Freemantle stole the limelight.Mel noticed that the reporters were taking notes quickly; the lawyer was concerned with bringing the press to life.

Mel made up his mind to cut this conversation short as soon as possible, neatly.He was very sensitive, and Cindy was still sitting in the same place where the delegation came in.Right now, though, she seemed a little bored, as she always was when things involving airports were involved.But this time, Mel sympathized with her.Because of the seriousness of what they had just been talking about, he felt that the whole Meadowood case was a distraction to him. Mel has been preoccupied with Keith's problems.He wondered what was going on with his brother at the air traffic control tower.Should he just insist that Keith stop working tonight and continue their conversation.If the supervisor on duty of the command tower hadn't interrupted the conversation, maybe the conversation could have gotten a little closer?But it may be too late now, but there is still Cindy, and before considering Keith, she must be considered first; and at the moment, this half bottle of jealous lawyer Freemantle is still chattering endlessly.

Since you proposed the so-called noise reduction procedure, Elliott.asked Freemantle sarcastically, how is the procedure going tonight, may I ask? Mel sighed and said we had three days of snowstorms.His gaze scanned the rest of the delegation.As I am sure you are all aware, this blizzard created an emergency.He explained to them that runway 30 was blocked and that they needed to take off from runway 25 for the time being, so Meadowood had to be affected. Say so, another man in the delegation said.The man was broad-jawed and bald, and Mel had seen him in previous negotiations about airport noise.We know it's a blizzard, Mr. Bakersfield.The thing is, if you happen to live under the noise and you know why the planes are going over it, it doesn't make everyone's life easier, regardless of whether there is snow or not.By the way, let me introduce myself, my name is Floyd.Zanaita.I am the chairman of the meeting

Eliot.Freemantle took up the conversation naturally.Excuse me, but before we go any further, there is one more point to make clear. Obviously, the lawyer has no intention of giving up control of the delegation, even for a short time.As he spoke to Mel, he looked at the reporters.The noise not only flooded homes and ears at Meadowwood, although it was enough, it disrupted nerves, damaged people's health, and deprived children of much-needed sleep.And, there's the physical assault That's when Mel cut him off.The implication is that you are officially proposing that the airport be closed in order to avoid a situation like this tonight?

Not only do I ask you to close the airport, we can force you to do so.Just now I mentioned physical assault and I have to prove it in court on behalf of my client.We will win this case. Other members of the delegation, including Freud.Including Zanaita, they all nodded in agreement. Just when he let everyone understand his last sentence, Elliott.Freemantle was thinking.He decided that he had almost exaggerated.Although Freemantle was deliberately trying to provoke the anger of the general manager of the airport, the other party did not show any anger at all.This trick was often used by him before, and it worked well.It's a brilliant move, because angry people always end up in bad news.This is the focus of Freemantle.Despite Bakersfield's apparent annoyance, he was too shrewd to be fooled.Eliot.That's okay, Freemantle thought, because he's tried and tested in the past.He had also seen reporters painstakingly recording his speech, which, stripped of the sneer and bravado, would have read brilliantly in the papers, and he believed to have been more profound than what he had said earlier at the Meadowood convention. Be nicer.

The whole process, Freemantle realized, was of course no more than an exercise in words and nothing would come of it.Even if Bakersfield, the airport manager, was persuaded to agree with them, it was practically impossible to do so, and he himself had little or nothing to do.This airport is a reality in life, and its location and business nature cannot be changed.This is impossible.Part of the purpose of being here this evening was to attract public attention, and from the point of view of lawyer Freemantle, it was mainly to convince the residents of Meadowood that they had found a strong representative so that the lawyer commissioned Books (and checks) would flow into Freemantle and Thayer's offices.

It's a pity, Freemantle thought, that some of the others from Meadowood were waiting downstairs and didn't come up to hear him berate Bakersfield on their behalf.But they can see the report in tomorrow's paper; and Elliott.Freemantle didn't think at all that what was happening here was the last of Meadowood's activities at the airport tonight.He had promised television reporters to speak after the current negotiations were over.The reporters were waiting downstairs because they couldn't get the equipment up.He hoped that by now the television cameras in the main hall of the terminal would have been set up at his suggestion.Although the black police lieutenant forbade any demonstrations there, Freemantle had his own idea that, with clever arrangements, the TV interview could be turned into a demonstration.

Eliot.What Freemantle has just said about the legal action he has earlier assured the residents of Meadowood that this action will be the main activity he will undertake on their behalf.What I do is the law, he told them then, the law and nothing else.Of course this wasn't true; Freemantle's strategy was always backfired and improvised. What legal action are you going to take, Mel.Of course, Bakersfield points out, that's your business.But I have to remind you that despite the proximity of residential areas, the court upheld the right of the airport to carry out its activities for the convenience and needs of the public. Freemantle raised his eyebrows.I didn't realize you were a lawyer too. I am not a lawyer.And I'm sure you're well aware of that. Oh, I'm not sure for a moment.Eliot.Freemantle was all smiles.Because I'm a lawyer, you know that, and I have some experience with this kind of thing.Furthermore, I dare say there are legal precedents which have worked in my client's favour.He ran through the appealing-sounding cases America v. Cosby, Griggs v. Allegheny County, Thunberg v. the Port of Portland, Martin v. the Port of Seattle, as he had done earlier at the convention. Mel finds it funny, but he doesn't show it.He was familiar with these cases.He knew of other cases where the verdicts were quite different, and Elliott.Freemantle either didn't know, or deliberately avoided talking about it.Mel suspected that the other party was evasive, but he had no intention of starting a legal argument; if he wanted to argue, he would only meet in court. However, Mel didn't want that lawyer to be more repulsed by him now than to get the upper hand everywhere.Meyer explained to the entire delegation why litigation should be avoided, and added that while everyone was here, I wanted to talk to you about airports and noise. He saw Cindy yawning. Freemantle immediately said, I doubt it is necessary.In our case, the next step OK.For the first time, Mel changed his gentle posture and stared at the other party fiercely.Can I understand that after I listened to your words patiently, you and your side don't want to reciprocate courtesy, so listen to me? Zanaita, the representative who had spoken earlier, looked at the others.i think we should snapped Mel, leaving Mr Freemantle to answer. To be honest, the lawyer smiled flatteringly. Nobody has to raise their voices, or be rude! So, why have you been doing both things since you came in? i didn't realize But I was, I was aware of it. Have you lost your temper, Mr Bakersfield. No, Mel smiled.I'm sorry I let you down, I just didn't lose my temper. He knew he had taken a good opportunity to catch the lawyer by surprise.He went on to say that you have said a lot, Mr. Freemantle, and you are not at all polite.However, there are a few points I would like to make, and hopefully also put on the record.I am sure that the press will be interested in both views, though no one else will be. Cough, we are very interested!It's just that we've heard enough of the empty, boring excuses. As usual, Elliott.Freemantle quickly returned to normalcy.But he secretly admitted that he had been paralyzed by Bakersfield's earlier mildness, so the sudden counterattack caught him off guard.He found that the general manager of the airport was smarter than he looked. I didn't say excuses or no excuses, Mel pointed out.I just want to review the noise problem in airports in general. Freemantle shrugged.What he resents most is opening up a new newsworthy avenue because it would draw attention away from himself.However, he couldn't think of any countermeasures at the time. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for Mel to speak, and as soon as you're here tonight, someone says both parties need to be clear and to the point.Mr Freemantle has done so, and now I will speak frankly. Mel realized that he had completely captured the attention of the two women and four men in the delegation, as well as the journalists.Even Cindy was watching him stealthily.He continued calmly. You all know, or should know, that our Lincoln International Airport has taken measures against the problem of aircraft noise, in order to make life more comfortable and quiet for people living near the airport.I have already mentioned some measures, and there are others, for example, when we test the engines, we use the outlying areas of the airport, and only for the specified time. Eliot.Freemantle, already fidgeting, interjected, but you've admitted that these so-called systems don't work. Mel pushed back immediately.He said, I have not admitted such a thing.These institutions worked in many cases as well as any compromise could.I admit that they didn't work tonight because of special circumstances.Frankly speaking, if I were the pilot and took off in such weather, I would not reduce the horsepower immediately after takeoff, nor would I want to turn while rising.Besides, it's sure to happen again from time to time. in many circumstances! No, sir, let me finish, please!Mel didn't stop, but continued talking.The truth is: Airports, here and elsewhere, have pretty much gone to great lengths to reduce noise.You may not listen to it, and not everyone in this industry admits this, but the reality is that no one can make more efforts.It's impossible to tiptoe anywhere with a three-hundred-thousand-pound high-powered machine.So, to fly a jumbo jet in or out is bound to shock some people who live nearby.A few people laughed quickly, and Freemantle didn't laugh, but wailed.And so, if we need to have an airport, obviously we need some people, some places, to put up with some noise, or to move, Mel said. Now it was Mel's turn to watch the reporter scribble his words with a pencil. Yes, Meier continued, aircraft manufacturers are working on noise reduction devices, but I have to tell you the truth, very few people in the aviation industry take this device seriously, and it certainly does not take as much effort as developing a new aircraft.This device is at best a palliative.Believe it or not, I can remind you that although trucks have been in use many years before airplanes, no one has yet invented a truly effective truck muffler. One thing that should also be considered is that until one type of jet engine is a little less noisy, and if it is at all less, a newer, more powerful engine is put into service, and even with a muffler installed, it will be noisier than the original engine. big.I've said hello, Mel said, and I'm telling the whole truth. A woman in the delegation said listlessly and gloomily: It is true. Meier said: "This makes it necessary for me to talk about the future.A new type of aircraft is coming.These are another class of aircraft that came after the Boeing 707, including giants like the Lockheed 500, which are about to enter service.It wasn't long before the supersonic Concorde and others followed.Aircraft like the Lockheed 500 are subsonic.That is, they travel below the speed of sound and are as noisy as we are now, only slightly louder.Supersonic jet engines would also be loud, with sonic booms when they break the sound barrier, more problematic than anything else we've encountered so far. Like me, you may have heard or seen some reports with good news but not bad news, saying that the sonic boom will appear at high altitudes, far away from cities and airports, and will have little impact on the ground.Don't believe this one!Bad luck for us, and I mean all of us, people like you who stay at home; people like me who run airports; The equipment they must use for a long time or go out of business.Take my word for it, there will come a day when we all wish we could just put up with a simple noise like the one we talked about tonight. See what you're saying to my client?Eliot.Freemantle asked sarcastically, do you want them to go to the madhouse now, before you and your giant plane drive them in later? No, Mel said emphatically, that's not what I meant to them.I'm just going to be honest about what you've asked me to say that I have no easy solutions; nor will I make you promises that the airport can't keep.I mean, in my opinion, airport noise is going to get louder, not quieter.I would like to remind you all that this is not a new problem.It has been a problem since the invention of trains, since trucks, buses, and cars; it has been a problem when highways are built through residential areas;All these things are for the public good or so we all think but they make noise.Despite all measures, they continue to generate noise.The problem is that trucks, trains, highways, planes, and so on exist.They are part of our way of life, and unless we change our way of life, we have to live with noise. In other words, should my clients give up the idea of ​​tranquility, uninterrupted sleep, undisturbed and peaceful life, within their lifetime? No, said Mel, I see they'll have to move in the end.What I say now is certainly not official, but I believe that this and other airports will have to spend billions of dollars in the future to buy the residential areas around them.Quite a few places will become industrial areas that are not afraid of noise.Of course, reasonable compensation will be given to those who own houses and those who are forced to evict. Eliot.Freemantle stood up and motioned for the rest of the delegation to do the same. Your last sentence, he said to Mel, was the only sensible thing I heard tonight, but the restitution may come sooner and in a larger amount than you think.Freemantle nodded slightly.You wait to hear from us!I'll see you in court. He walked away, and the others followed. From the door leading to the reception room, Mel heard one of the two female representatives shout, You are amazing, Mr. Freemantle.I want everyone to know. Oh, thanks.Thank you very much. The voice gradually faded away. Mel walked toward the door, trying to close it. I'm so sorry, he said to Cindy.Now that the two of them were alone again, he didn't know what else they had to say. Cindy said coldly: OK!You should marry Airport.At the door, Mel saw one of the male reporters return to the reception room.He was Tomlinson of the Tribune. Mr. Bakersfield, may I have a word or two with you? Mel said impatiently: What's the matter? It seems to me that Mr. Freemantle is not a very good man in your mind. Are you trying to quote me? No such meaning, sir. Well, you're right. I thought you'd be interested in this, said the reporter.This refers to Elliott.Freemantle Power of Attorney circulated at Meadowood Residents' Meeting. Mel looked at the power of attorney and asked, where did you get it?The reporter introduced the situation. How many people attended that convention? I counted them.There were about six hundred people. How many signed power of attorney? I can't say, Mr. Bakersfield.I estimate that 150 copies were signed and returned.The others promised to send him their commissions.Mel thought angrily: Now he understands Elliott.Why did Freemantle put on such a pretense; he also understood who the lawyer wanted to please and what his purpose was. I think you've done the same thing I did, said the reporter named Tomlinson. Mel nodded.The sum is not small. No!It would be nice if I could get some of it myself. We both probably picked the wrong jobs.Did you cover the convention at Meadowood? Yes. Did anyone point out that the legal fees totaled at least 15,000 yuan? Tomlinson shook his head.Either no one thought of it, or they didn't care.Besides, Freemantle is a character, kind of famous, I think you'd call it hypnotism.He charmed them as if he were Billy.Graham (Note: American pastor, eloquent, known for his demagogic sermons. Translator's Note). Mel returned the printed power of attorney to the reporter.Are you going to put this in the story? I'm going to write it in, but if the editor of the city's news deletes it, it's commonplace.They have always been cautious about the legal profession.Besides, I think you are just making a fuss about it, and there is really nothing wrong with this kind of thing. There's nothing wrong with that, Mel said, but maybe it's immoral, and I don't think the Bar Association would approve of such a thing.However, it is not illegal.What the people of Meadowood should do, of course, is to join forces and hire lawyers in the name of the group.But if people take other people's word for it and make lawyers rich, I think that's their business. Tomlinson smiled.Can I quote a few words of yours? You told me just now that your newspaper will not publish these things.Besides, nothing I say can be published.Remember? All right. Mel thought to himself: If it is beneficial, he will let the air go out. As for whether the newspaper will attract him or not, it depends on luck.But he knew it would not be beneficial to do so.He also knows the country like Eliot.Lawyers like Freemantle, who are used to fanning the flames, are busy gathering a group of people to sign the contract, and then go to the airport and airlines to quarrel, and sometimes quarrel with the pilot. Mel is not against quarreling, because it is everyone's right to go to court.The problem is that the property owners who are the principals are often deceived. They are whimsical and one-sidedly choose a property owner like Elliott.To quote some of the lurid jurisprudence that Freemantle has mentioned tonight.The result is a series of costly and time-consuming legal actions, most of which are doomed and benefit only the lawyers involved. Mel thought to himself that he would have known what Tomlinson had just told him earlier, so that he could tell the delegation his opinion, ask them to beware of Freemantle, and explain that the residents of Meadowood What a trap the district has fallen into.However, it is too late now. Mr. Bakersfield, said the Tribune reporter, I want to ask you a few other things, generally related to the airport.I wonder if I can give you a few more minutes? Any other time is welcome, Mel raised her hands in a powerless gesture.But now there are fifteen things happening at the same time. The reporter nodded.I see.Anyway, I have to stay here for a while.I hear the Fremantle guys are up to something downstairs.if you are free in a while I try to fight for it, Mel said.In fact he wasn't going to see him again tonight.Mel respected Tomlinson's inquisitiveness in interviewing him; however, he wanted nothing more to do with delegations and reporters tonight. As for what Furxing Mantle and the people from Meadowood wanted to do downstairs, he decided to let Lieutenant Ordway and his policemen worry about it.
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