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Chapter 108 one hundred and eight

root 亞歷克斯.哈里 6323Words 2023-02-05
Chicken George slowed the galloping, sweaty horse so it could turn sharply from the road into the lane, and then he pulled on the rein abruptly to stop the horse.This is the place, but the sight in front of you is unbelievable!At the other end of the overgrown alleyway, the former pale yellow Li’s house looked mottled gray with peeling paint on the walls, the old window frames were filled with rags, and the tattered roof seemed to be collapsing. Even the adjacent farmland has become barren and barren.There was nothing but a few wilted and dry weed stalks scattered against the crumbling wall.

Shocked and overwhelmed, he let go of the reins and walked with the horse through the vines in search of an entrance.But when he got closer, he saw that the door of the big house was tilted to one side, the stone steps at the front door were also damaged and cracked, and the roofs of the slave row houses were all hollow and sagged, full of scars.When he led the horse through the big house to tie it up in the back yard, he didn't see a dog, a cat, or even a chicken. He was not prepared to see an old woman sitting bent over a large rock to pick up vegetables. She dropped the stalks at her feet and put the leaves into a cracked and rusty washbasin.He must have recognized her as Miss Malizy, but the unbelievable sight did not seem to be her.He yells loudly!A cry caught her attention.

Marisi stopped her work of picking vegetables.She looked up, looked around, and saw him.But he could see that Miss Malizy didn't seem to recognize him yet. Miss Malizy!He came closer and saw that she was still suspicious, so he stopped hesitantly.She squinted her eyes for a while trying to see clearly, and suddenly, she propped herself up from the log with her hands.George are you that George boy? Yes, Miss Malizy!He rushed to her now, hugging her weak body in his arms so excitedly that he almost cried!God, you boy, where the hell have you been?You've been running and jumping around here before!

There was some confusion in her tone and words, as if she didn't know that nearly five years had passed during this period.Miss Malizy, I've been staying across the sea in England!Where's my wife, mother, and kids who've been fighting cocks over there, Miss Marysey? Her face was completely expressionless, as if she would not be moved even if the sky fell.Boy, there's nobody here anymore!She sounded like she was surprised that he didn't know, they were all gone, and it was just me and the master Where have you been, Miss Malizy?He knew her mental faculties were failing.

With her swollen fingers she pointed to the willow grove a little beyond slave row: where your mother, Kizzy, lay, George felt a lump in his throat, and he quickly covered it with his hand. Sarah too, she's right there with the old lady in the front yard Didn't you see that when you passed by? Miss Marisi, where's Matilda and my baby? He didn't want to rush and disturb her, he knew she had to think about it. Matilda?Oh, Matilda is a good girl, yes she is.There is also a large group of children, you should know the owner sold them a long time ago Where, Miss Malizy, where?He cried out in a rage, "Miss Malizy, where is the master?"

Her head turned to the big house: it's in there, and I think it's still sleeping!He often gets drunk and sleeps in late and then growls whiningly that he's almost out of food for food, did you bring something to cook, boy? When he didn't float toward the confused old woman behind him, he rushed through the rickety kitchen, crashed into the hallway with peeling paint, came to the smelly and messy living room, and stood on the stairs. Below, he roared angrily at the top: Master Li! He waited a while. Master Li!He barked louder. He wanted to rush upstairs when he heard some movement.A short time later, an unkempt, haggard figure looked down from the doorway on the right.

Exasperated, Chicken George was left speechless in amazement at seeing his remembered owner become so scruffy, scrawny and unkempt.Apparently, he has been sleeping in this outfit.Master Li?He finally spoke. George!The old man twitched all over, George!He staggered down the creaking stairs.When he stopped at the bottom of the stairs, the two were staring at each other, Master Li's sunken face, his eyes were full of sticky gum.Giggling uncontrollably, he throws his arms around George, who steps aside immediately.He grabbed Master Li's bony hand and shook it violently. George, so glad to see you back!where have you beenYou should have come back a long time ago!

Yes Yes.Sir Russell has just let me go.And it took eight days to arrive here after disembarking from Lituman. Boys, come on to the kitchen!Master Lee took Chicken George by the wrist.When they got to the kitchen, he pulled out the two remaining chairs at the broken table: Sit, boy!Where's my wine bottle, Marissy?marissy Master, here comes the old woman's voice from outside.Since you left, this woman has become very stupid, unable to distinguish between yesterday and tomorrow.Master Li said. Master, where is my family? Boy, let's talk after at least one drink!Although we have been together for so long, we have never had a drink together!So glad you're back and finally someone to talk to!

Master, I'm not here to chat!where is my family Marissy! coming Her huge body crossed the threshold, put the found bottle and glass on the table, and went out again, seemingly unaware that Chicken George and Master Lee were talking there. Boy, I'm so sorry about your mother.She was too old to go away without much suffering.I buried her in a good cemetery Master Lee poured him wine. snort!Matilda and the child were deliberately not mentioned.Chicken George flashed the thought through gritted teeth, still the same as before, still as cunning and dangerous as a snake Remember the last thing you said to me before I left, master?You said you would set me free as soon as I got back.OK, now I'm back!

But Master Li didn't show any signs of hearing, and just pushed a three-quarters filled wine glass over to him.Then, raising his own glass, he said: Boy, you're back.Let's drink this to celebrate your return I needed this so Chicken George gulped it down.He felt a stream of grilling liquid running down his body, heating him up. He tried again, obliquely: Master, I am also sorry to hear Miss Malizy say you have lost your wife. After drinking, Master Li muttered that she would never wake up one morning.I don't want to see her go, even though she hasn't given me a moment of peace since the cockfight, I still don't want to see her go.I don't want to see anyone go!He hiccups and says we all have to go

His situation was not as bad as that of Miss Malizy, so he cut to the point and said: Master, where is my Matilda and the children?miss marissy said you sold them Master Li glanced at him: yes, boy.Forced to do so!Misfortune has left me impoverished.I ended up having to sell the land, everything, even, fuck, the chickens! Chicken George, who was about to get angry, held back his temper again. Boy, I'm so poor that I can eat whatever I can find with Marizy!He suddenly giggled, damn it, I have nothing like before!Then he was serious again: But you're back now, and we can come back and restore this place to its former glory, do you hear?I know we can do it! The reason Chicken George didn't jump up and yell at Master Lee to vent his anger was because his life's experience told him what the consequences of attacking white people would be, but he felt that his anger was about to erupt like a volcano: Master , when you sent me away, you said you would set me free!But now that I'm back, you've sold my family too.I want that file back, and where my wife and kids are, master! I remember telling you!They were on the Murray Tobacco Farm not far from the railroad factory in Alamance County. Master Li narrowed his eyes and said, boy, don't shout at me! After the Alamance Murray Railway Factory engraved these important words in his mind, Chicken George said regretfully: Master, I'm sorry, I was too excited just now, I didn't mean it The master's expression hesitated for a moment, and then seemed to forgive him.I must get back the document that set me free.Chicken George thought.At this time, the owner bent forward and said: Boy, I have been depressed!He squinted his eyes and yelled again, did you hear that?No one knows why I've been depressed!It's not just money. He pointed to his chest and said: Right here!he seems to want an answer Yes. Boy, did I see the real world!Those sons of a bitches who used to keep chanting my name as I walked across the street now hear them laughing at me behind my back.You son of a bitch!A thin fist hit the table hard, and I swear in my heart that I am Tom.Li must give them a good look!Now that you're back, let's get another set of chickens!Never mind I'm eighty-three now and I can still fight, boy! Owner Master Li squinted at him: boy, I forgot how old are you this year? Master, I am fifty-four years old now. Nonsense, you didn't! Master, I have.Soon to be fifty-five God, I was watching you the morning you were born!A wrinkled, straw-colored little nigger, Master Lee, giggled, damn it, I took your name! After Chicken George waved him off, Master Lee poured himself another small glass of wine, then peered around as if to make sure they were the only ones present: they thought I had nothing left now He gave Chicken George an odd look , I still have money!Not a lot, I stashed away!Nobody knows where but me!He looked at Chicken George: Son, do you know who these things belong to when I die?I have ten more acres, in the bank!Land is like money!Everything about me is yours!Baby, you are the only person I am closest to right now. He seems to be baiting.He leans closer furtively: You have to face the fact that we're related, boy! He actually has the face to say that!Chicken George's heart tightened and he didn't say a word. Stay a little longer, even for a while, george he begged, i know you're not the ungrateful type Just before I left, he showed me the written and signed Liberty Deed, and said he would hide it in an iron box.Chicken George felt he had to get Master Lee even more drunk.He looked at his face carefully, paleness was the only color left on him. Master, I will never forget your upbringing, there are very few white people like you His wet eyes lit up: You were just a little nigger, I remember. yes!You and Uncle Mingo Old Mingo!yes!He's the best gamecock trainer He keeps his hesitant eyes on Chicken George and doesn't keep Mingo until you learn well and start taking you to gamecocks I hope you and the master believe that I can feed those chickens well.Recalling Uncle Mingo's poignant words made his heart ache more than ever. Master, do you remember we're going to a big game in New Orleans? certainly!But it never happened. His brow furrowed. Uncle Mingo's death was the main reason. yes!Old Mingo was under those willow trees now. There are also my mother and Sister Sarah, and Miss Malizy who will also go in the future. It just depends on who goes first, you or her.He wondered how the other would survive if one was lost. Boy, do you remember when I gave you a travel pass to chase the chicks you wanted? Chicken George forced himself to fake a belly laugh and slammed the table, so the master continued: I did it right, because you are the hottest person I have ever seen.The two of us play a lot of girls every time we go out!I know you well and you know me well. Yes!That's right, master! I give you money to bet when you start playing sub cockfights and you win the house! Indeed, master, it is true!It's true! Boy, we used to be the best work mates ever, absolutely! Chicken George began to reminisce excitedly; and he also felt that the whiskey was starting to make him dizzy.He reminded himself not to forget the mission.So he stretched out his hand, picked up the wine bottle, took a sip for himself, but used his hands to conceal the amount in the glass, and then took the wine bottle and poured a full glass for the host.He hid the wine glass in his palm, staggered deliberately, his voice pretended to be vague: To the best host in the world!Like those Brits say! As Chicken George sipped his drink, he watched his master gulp it down: I'm so glad you feel that way, boy Another drink!Two glasses collide, the best nigga I've ever had!They drank the contents of their glasses. After wiping his mouth with the back of his hand full of veins, the master, who was coughing from the strong whiskey, began to slur his speech: Don't mention the Englishman to me, what's the boy's name? Sir Russell, my lord.He has more money than he can count.There are more than four hundred of the best breeds of chickens to choose from and then after a deliberate pause, he said, but, master, none of those game cocks can compare with yours. boy, are you serious? Not that smart is one of them, and he's not like you, he's just rich and lucky.He is not so noble as you, my lord.Chicken George thought he had heard Eric.Sir Russell said to his friends: George's master is the master of gamecocks that everyone praises. Master Lee's head was lolling back, his eyes trying to fix Chicken George. Where is the iron box?Chicken George thought that the power of life and death in his life depended on the signed document. Master, can I have some more of your wine? You're so stupid you can drink as much as you want boy I tell a lot of Brits that I have the best master in the world and no one has ever heard of me living there Hi, your glass is almost bottomed, master. Just a little boy you never got into any big trouble No master, we're going to drink enough and they drank again, some whiskey dripping from the corner of the master's mouth to his chin.Chicken George suddenly sat up straighter, aided by the whiskey, watching his master's head bob from side to side. Master, you've been kind to the other niggers too. His head continued to sway, then slumped to the table: as best I could, boy, as best I could his voice was muffled. He was so drunk that he passed out.he thinks.Yes, you and Mrs. she is a good woman The owner's chest is now also touching the tabletop.After quietly removing the chair, Chicken George waited a moment and went to the door, then stopped and called: Master!Owner! George turned suddenly like a cat, and in a few seconds he was rummaging through all the drawers in the furniture in the front room.He paused for a moment, hearing only his own breathing, and then rushed upstairs again; cursing as he ran, the creaking old stairway kept creaking. As soon as he entered the white man's bedroom, he was stunned and could not help but take a few steps back.After a quick glance at the messy room, he calmed down and stepped in, but was immediately choked by a mixed smell of whiskey, uric acid, sweat and a pile of unwashed clothes scattered among the empty wine bottles. fall.After that, he searched everywhere like a maniac, turning everything over and throwing it aside, but still found nothing.Maybe under the bed!So he knelt down and peeped like crazy, and he saw the iron box! He grabbed the iron box, rushed downstairs in three steps and two steps, ran to the doorway, and saw the owner still slumped on the table drunk.So he turned around and rushed out the front door quickly.When he ran to the big house, he stopped, trying hard to break open the locked iron box.Get on the horse and go!Open it later.He thought to himself, but he also felt that he had to make sure that the freedom document was in it first. The firewood board in the backyard immediately came into his sight, and there was an old ax on the ground beside it!He rushed over, picked up the ax and slashed hard.The banknotes, coins and folded documents inside were immediately scattered all over the floor. When he picked up the document and looked at it, he immediately recognized that it was the right one. What are you doing, boy? The blood in his whole body was almost rushing out.Fortunately, it was Miss Malizy, who had been sitting on the log, looking at him without saying a word. What did the master say?she asked flatly. I have to go, Miss Malizy! well, i think you'd better go quickly, then I'll say hello to Matilda and the kids for you Very good, child, then you have to take care all the way Okay, he ran over and hugged her tightly in his arms.Should have taken another quick look at the cemetery.he thought.But he also felt that it would be best to remember his mother and Sister Sarah forever.So when Chicken George cast a last glance at the broken home where he was born and raised, he burst into tears unconsciously.Holding the freedom document tightly, he ran over and jumped onto the back of the horse carrying his two bags of personal belongings, and galloped away through the tall weeds of the alleyway without looking back.
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