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Chapter 14 Chapter Fourteen

forced truth 賈德諾 4094Words 2023-02-05
Even with the short cut via Pudisto and Lido, it's still a long way from Mexicali to El Golfo.But at least one thing is certain, no one is going to Earl Golf for a missing witness. After passing the Lido, the straight road is like a completely abandoned ribbon in the barren desert. It can be driven to a place where the road begins to descend, descending from the highlands to near the bay. Newly born. A few more miles to Earl Golf in Santa Clara.A small fishing village, beautiful and unique.The common people here are day and night, all day at sea.There is an old amphibious vehicle water duck, which shuttles between boats and land, distributes fresh water, brings back food, catches fish and transports people.

All fish caught are given priority to use by local seafood restaurants, and the excess is refrigerated and shipped out in batches. It is also the source of clams and mussels throughout California.The long, flat coast has regular tides that bring in countless marine life.At night, clam hunters use illuminated boats to drive the boat motor outside the boat to the mud flats, and wait for the tide to recede at a certain time before they can pick up clams and mussels immediately.When the next high tide happens to float the boat full of clams and mussels, although it is only a living in the local area, it is worth a lot of money to transport it to a large restaurant in California.

In addition to catching fish and clams, the sunshine and tranquility of Earl Golf are unforgettable for travelers who have been here. The motels in this area use the water from the shower to clean the bathroom.The whole bathroom floor is wet after a shower, and the water in the shower is always room temperature. Nan Shi is very naive, I know she can throw everything away and be happy for herself first. All the way south, I had the opportunity to get to know her a little better. You must think I'm a bit cheap?she says. Why? I have done so many things for Hong Guoben, and I am also close to Gu Meidong.I have other boyfriends.

I could see that she wanted to talk, so I just paid full attention to driving. She said: It is not easy for outsiders to comprehend the way of life of our writers. I still keep silent. She said: We have our own kind of world of sympathy.All have cordial friendships.It is not as sensitive to different genders as ordinary people.Kind of like an organization where there's only one gender, but everyone in it loves each other.We have a lot in common to want and do. In this world, life is a struggle.We are self-sufficient and self-sufficient, and it's hard work, but it's also a lot of fun.

What we pay most attention to are the envelopes that are delivered by the postman every day.Of course, most of them are rejected manuscripts, and even a check. Most of the promising ones are small publications, religious magazines, cheap publications, and only fillers, sketches, and short articles can be sold.If you can sell a short story, you are considered a great writer. Most people are just vying to be one step faster than the landlord asking for the rent.If someone sells two or three short novels in a row, everyone in the circle will rejoice.But experience tells us that as long as the rent cannot be paid for a period of time, it will never catch up.

I can't tell you clearly about Pilling Street.Kind of like Greenwich Village, New York, from what I heard back then. Gu Meidong, do you deserve to be in this kind of place?I asked. He is absolutely unworthy of going to this kind of place, she said: This is what worries me about him.Mego wanted us to accept him as a friend, and even called me Mego, but anyone who looked at him knew he didn't belong to this area.If I were to marry him, I would also be excluded from this environment I love.If I lived in a luxurious house, or traveled on a yacht, I would not be used to it.If friends come to visit, I will not be the host, and my old friends will not be comfortable.

At present, Gu Meidong is trying his best to become one of us, but no matter how he performs, he naturally does not belong to this region. You call him a hypocrite?I asked. No, no, no, don't get me wrong, she said: Meg thinks I live a poor life, and he's going to rescue me from it.That's what he thought, to save me.He will marry me as soon as he is free.Give me big house, servants, yacht, everything his wealth can buy. And you just don't like it? I don't like it at all.I like Gu Meidong.Actually liked him a lot.If I didn't restrain myself, I might fall in love with him.But I love the life I'm living more now.This kind of living that barely pays the rent.This kind of life that reads writers' magazines every day, researches which kind of articles, and sends which magazines, is more likely to be published.

There were times when I couldn't pay my rent, and a few times I didn't even have money for stamps.But I'm one of the gang.We help each other, care.It's such a great way to live, I can't bear to part with it. Maybe you're thinking in the wrong direction.I said. What's the meaning? Maybe you should save Gu Meidong. save him what? Save him from the way he lives now.I said. hey she said.After thinking about it, she smiled and said: He will be so happy. I said: This guy's seven orifices only have banknotes coming in and out.First thing in the morning he reads the economics section of the newspaper and orders the brokers how to buy and sell stocks.I only hear numbers all day long, and I don't have a successful married life.You can save him from that life, no problem.

That's right, she smiled and said: Don't think I haven't thought about it that way.If I really married him.Maybe it really changed part of his fortune.Before long, at the breakfast table he was still reading the economic version, and what he said all day and what he told his brokers, I couldn't get in because they had their jargon.I just sat there like a fool.I think you know what I mean. I understand, I said.Why didn't you tell Gu Meidong to forget about the money in the bank, live in Piling Street, and tell him to write by himself and spend as much as he earned.You might feel better that way.

She smiled wryly and said: It's a good joke, tell him and see if he can laugh. What about Ah Guo?I asked: How about Hong Guoben? Ah Guo is a member of this gang.He is a friend. God, it was me who gave him the drug smuggling opportunity.But this is also a job that men can do that women can't do. So I gave the news to Hong Guoben, but I also tried my best to help him from the sidelines. What can you get? It depends on what Ah Guo can get.He will share it with me. Would you accept it? She looked at me in surprise: Of course, I will accept.Why do you think I'm working so hard.

I thought it was just paying. Don't be silly, she said: I like Ah Guo, but I want to live, just as he also wants to live. So the two of you are collaborating in this matter? She nodded. Work closely? She nodded again. After a while, she said: I really don't understand you.Even your basic intentions are not clear.It is strange that I will listen to you and have confidence. I said: I am a private detective.I must be loyal to the client who pays me to hire me.I'm not as much protected by the law as a lawyer.So I have to protect my clients and protect myself at the same time. For example, if the police need it, I can't just grab the evidence and not tell them.For another example, in the same case, if I know that the police are also investigating, the evidence I found cannot be concealed privately.If I violate the above rules, I will be in trouble. But you are hiding me now!she says. No, I'm not hiding you, I told her: I'm just taking you to a place where you won't be harassed by newspaper reporters. Newspaper reporter? Yes.Have you seen the evening paper? No, haven't watched it yet. Tonight, I said: Big publicity Los Angeles millionaire, arrested for murder. But he didn't mention me a word.Yeah? He didn't mention you, but don't underestimate the reporter's ability. But Gu Meidong's arrest, how could the reporter implicate me? They will interview Gu Meidong's lawyer, I said: His lawyer will speak mysteriously, and he will try not to mention names.But Hong Guoben's name will be mentioned in this case.Then the reporter will visit Kunimoto. Do you think he can talk?she asked. Do you think he will talk?I asked her back. She thought for a while and asked: But why didn't you take him away too? Because, I told her: Kunimoto is a witness.He's already on the surface of the case.A private detective lost Hong Guoben, and the police would never forgive him.They can't imagine that I got you away for a while.Besides, I am not hiding you, but sending you to a place where you will not be harassed by reporters, so that you can have a few days of quiet sleep. Well, even if you're right.I am also really afraid of being disturbed, I hope there is a place where I can sleep well.she said with a smile. By the time we got into Earl Golf I felt very familiar with Nancy, and she was such a nice girl.I can see where she stands.I don't know how long she has had this idea, but I know that sooner or later she will marry, and sooner or later the idea will disappear.My client probably doesn't know how to approach her heart, but that's not something I can do as a private eye. In Earl Golf, I found a motel and asked for two rooms.I told Nan Shi that if necessary, there are highway buses that can be used here.From now on, you will not hear any news from me, nor will you hear from anyone.Unless someone can find you. So what if someone can find me? Then everything is up to you.I said. Where shall we have breakfast together? By the time you have breakfast, I've already left.I told her: I still have work to do. I filled up the car again and took Nancy to a small restaurant.It was very late, but the restaurant still got us some fried shrimp.I could see her compliments on the ingredients on her face. You have to be careful not to fatten yourself up.I warn her. How can I pay the bill here?she asked How much money do you have? Very little. I smiled and said: I have Gu Meidong's funds for my expenses here, you won't refuse to accept a little, right? To be honest, Tang Nuo.You give me money, ask me to do anything, I will not hesitate. I handed her one hundred yuan. She watched with wide eyes in amazement. I said: You can live on these for a while.There is no need to keep an account, just spend what you need, I can record an expense of one hundred yuan here.If you have extras when you go home, you don't have to return them. But it's your money. The person who gave it to me still has a lot of money. She hesitated for a moment, folded up the bill and put it in her purse.I know she has never seen so much money at one time. We had a very late dinner.I bought several large bottles of Mexican mineral water for her and put them in her room, telling her that drinking mineral water in Mexico is much more at ease than drinking tap water. When I said good night to her, she automatically kissed me goodbye. Tang Nuo, she said: I found that you are a good person both in public and in private.
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