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Chapter 16 Chapter Sixteen

forced truth 賈德諾 1130Words 2023-02-05
Ke Baisha kind of ate raw rice, using her office chair as a rocking chair, rocking back and forth.Eyes are as hard as diamonds in hands. Mr. Gu Meidong, you have to listen to me, she said: You should be considered a big shot.Of course you have seen the world. What do you mean, you came here and deceived us, saying that you are looking for Hong Guoben, but what you really want is his girlfriend? Gu Meidong squirmed uncomfortably. I've heard the private eye society sometimes blackmail their clients the other way around, saying: So, I'm hiding a little bit of my background.I absolutely can't make my name have anything to do with Bai Nanshi.If I had told you what I really wanted, I would have no way out.

So, Baisha said: You pretend that the eyes are above the top.To tell you the truth, what I hate about you the most is that when you walk in, you first want to lower us a little to show your prestige.Pretend that you are not familiar with our detective agency, that Lai Tangnuo is too small for the task, and that I am bad because I am a woman. Take out your checkbook, Mr. Gu Meidong, let me make you feel bad too. You promised us a certain amount of travel expenses Gu said weakly: I will give you more, that’s right, but Baisha's chair suddenly stopped moving forward, she leaned her elbows on the desk, and looked at Gu Meidong with flickering eyes.In fact, you lied to us, we took a lot of unnecessary roads, and you led Lai Tangnuo into a very dangerous situation.you

I know, I know, I know it all. He said: I'm going to pay a little extra. How much? I will always remember that Lai Tangnuo gave me the best advice on going to court. Gu Meidong said: I have to pay some bonuses for this. Gu Meidong took a long breath.I want you to keep your mouth shut at all, he said: Not a single word of my purpose should be revealed.I want complete confidentiality. How much?Baisha asked. Gu Meidong reached into his pocket and took out a check that had been written long ago.I wrote a check for ten thousand yuan.He said: I give it to you as travel expenses and bonuses.

Baisha's jaw dropped.The mouth opened, and the two pairs of eyes slapped and blinked several times. His grandma's.she says. Then, in a flash of light, it was her hand with the diamond ring, grabbing the check. I have to tell you one thing, Gu Meidong said: My current outlook on life and lifestyle have all changed.I hate living in an artificial environment, all day money, money, money. From now on I will develop my innate abilities.In short, I want to completely change myself.I already have a new address.It was 817 Pilling Street.I want to move into Hong Guoben's vacated apartment.

The guy beamed at us with a beaming face. Baisha folded the check in half and said: His grandma is not right to his grandma's grandma. Gu Meidong smiled and said: Don't think you are old.Put on a bikini, take you to Earl Golf, and enjoy sunbathing. I walked over, this time I held his hand very hard, very hard. (End of the book)
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