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Chapter 12 twelve boots

freezing point 三浦綾子 7607Words 2023-02-05
About ten days after Tang Ziteng came to stay overnight, Qizao came back from get off work. As soon as he entered the door, he felt that the air in the house was different, and he heard lively conversations. you are back?Xia Zhi came out to meet him, holding the baby in her arms. Why did you come back early?Qizao couldn't help but beam with joy, thinking that Xia Zhi was also attached to home, and felt very comforted. Yes, because Yangzi's milk is not easy to buy. Are you tired in the car? Well, yes, but, thinking that it would be convenient to drink milk at home, I was in a hurry to come back.

Moreover, the hotel fee is expensive, and when the weather is cold, our house with a fireplace is the best for Yangzi. You see, there are many, right?The child does not cry and is not annoying at all. Really, never cry. Xia Zhi wanted to deliver the baby to Qi Zao, but Qi Zao stared at Xia Zhi with a straight face. Yoko comes home for the first time, don't you hug her? Only then did Xia Zhi realize that Qi Zao's expression was not right, so she took the baby in and put it on the crib.It was the crib where Archer and Mary slept. You only care about the baby, you don't care about me and Archer at all!Keizao thought to himself, go to the next room to change clothes.He thought Xia Zhi would come after him, but he only heard her voice saying:

Ah Zhu, please help Mr. change his clothes. Qizao's face was livid with anger, Xia Zhi has always helped Qizao change clothes in person, and never asked others to do it for him. Call Xia Zhi!Keizao yelled at Ah Zhu who reached out to pull the wardrobe drawer. Well the lady is changing the baby's diaper.Ah Zhu said in embarrassment. A feeling of loneliness permeated every corner of his body, and he tried his best to endure it. Ask her to change it and come.Keizao stood stiffly. Yoko, Yoko!Archer yelled happily. Oh, no, Archer, Yoko is going to sleep.Xia Zhi said softly. Keizao was still standing stiffly in front of the closet, waiting for Xia Zhi to come over.

I'm so sorry for leaving you alone for so long.At night, Xia Zhi apologized for leaving home. Um.Only then did I speak!Qizao said in his heart, but the anger towards Xia Zhi after get off work disappeared all of a sudden. Ah, your quilt is a bit damp, I will dry it for you tomorrow.Xia Zhi got into Qizao's bed, talking on the side. You seem to be thinner. Are you thin? Um.Well, not necessarily. You are a little fatter.Xia Zhi said softly, this proves that you are not debauched.Xia Zhi chuckled. What are you laughing at? You will never be loose. How dare you say so? Even if it tempts you, you won't.

You trust me a lot.Qizao thought of Lin Jingfu's long fingers, sourly, he hugged Xia Zhi with force. The wind strengthened, the rustling of the woods drifted over, and time passed silently. After all, houses with fireplaces are warm. Both Xiazhi and Qizao were sweating. I heard that Tang Wisteria lived here overnight? Yes, Archer is very happy.Miss Tang was wearing a western dress that day. ah!real?What's the matter with her? Change of mood?She doesn't look ugly in a kimono, but she's still pretty in a dress. Her calves are beautiful, neither thin nor thick. Is it because of dancing?

Where did Wisteria sleep that day? Upstairs, sleeping with Archer. What's the matter? Wisteria is really so beautiful? Yes, her calves and expression are beautiful. don't want! don't want! fool.Qi Zao kissed Xia Zhi's eyes. Xia Zhi silently drew something on Qizao's chest with her fingers. What is this sound? There was a slight pattering sound on the glass window, and both Qizao and Xia Zhi listened attentively. Ah, it might snow. Snow, oh, probably yes.Xia Zhi returned to her bed and asked: Have you registered Yangzi's household registration? Keizao bit his lip unconsciously.

What date of birth did you report?forgot? Um So forgetful. Xiazhi always thought that Qizao had registered his household registration early, and Qizao couldn't help but sighed. The baby had been adopted for nearly 40 days, but he hadn't registered his household registration yet. Qizao felt a little ashamed of Xiazhi.The date of birth requires a doctor's certificate. Keizao is a doctor, but he is unwilling to use his power.However, this is not the reason why he has not reported his household registration for a long time. So what to do?I don't know Yoko's birthday. Yeah?But you don't have to know right away?

Why not?If people ask when it was born, they can't say they don't know! Are you still planning to keep the child away from others for the time being? yes. Want to say to people, forty days old? If you don't say this, the date cannot be matched, because it is said that I was born. A child of more than four months is considered to be forty days old, which is too far away. If people see it, they will not think it is a monster. I don't show it to others. Look, Yoko doesn't cry, does she? Indeed, she never cried.How did you hear that Shi Tushui was made nervous by the child's crying?It seems that Xia Zhi's parenting method is excellent, Qi Zao thought, he felt that men and women are different after all.

I'm going to warm up the milk.Xia Zhi put on her coat and walked out of the bedroom. With complicated emotions, Keizao cast his eyes on the small bed in the corner of the bedroom.I wanted to love this child, so I adopted her. However, I couldn't pronounce her name. I couldn't keep up with Xia Zhi.Qizao said in his heart. No, it's because Xia Zhi didn't know that she was Shi Tushui's daughter, if she knew, she wouldn't adopt her.said another voice. This winter, Xiazhi has to get up every night to nurse and change diapers. Am I going to stand by and watch silently?Don't you feel any sympathy for Xia Zhi who doesn't know the details?

No, Xiazhi kicked Xiaoli out because of her tryst with Lin Jingfu, and now she should be punished. Xia Zhi returned with the bottle in both hands. It is indeed snowing outside, and it is already silvery white. Um.Qizao pretended to be sleepy. Early in the morning Archer went downstairs to Qizao and Xia Zhi's bedrooms to see Yangzi. Yoko, Yoko, ah, ah.Archer teases Yoko with a cute voice. Added a baby to the family, is it so lively?Keizao lay on the bed smoking a cigarette. Archer, is this baby cute? Well, cute, Yoko is cuter than Xiaoli. Cuter than Xiaoli? Well, Yoko doesn't cry.

Keizao accidentally dropped the soot on the quilt. In a few years, when Archer was a teenager, or when he discovered Yoko's life experience when he was young, what would happen?Keizao stared at Archer unknowingly, he seemed to see the youthful posture of Archer who was somewhat nervous and frowning.Archer resembles Keizao, and it is conceivable that he will become a young man with a strong sense of justice. I almost committed the wrong thing that made this only son grudge for life!Keizao secretly rejoiced that he hadn't registered yet, and sat up from the bed.In any case, the baby must be kicked out!he thinks. Archer, go get Mommy. good.Archer ran out of the bedroom. What's up?Xia Zhi was wearing an apron, and was secretly surprised when she saw Qi Zao sitting on the bed with a displeased face. The kid had to figure out a way. Xia Zhi didn't understand Qi Zao's words for a while. The baby is too noisy to sleep. Oh, it bothered you?I am so sorry.Xia Zhi apologized uncomfortably.However, Yoko doesn't seem to be crying, why bother you? A child who does not cry is annoying and, in short, emotionally restless. So, starting tonight, Yoko and I will move upstairs to sleep.Xia Zhi said softly. No, the kid's shaggy hair, those bushy eyebrows, and his refusal to cry bother me. ah!Do you hate Yangzi's strengths? The whole person hates it. In short, give it back to Takagi. Fortunately, he hasn't registered yet. Xia Zhi suddenly turned pale. Qizao, have you registered for a household registration?Not registering a household registration is a bigger blow to Xia Zhi than claiming to return Yangzi. Well, not yet. ah?you are so cruel, you Xia Zhi's lips were convulsed, without a trace of blood, and her eyes were like two thorns, shooting towards Qi Zao.Qizao felt a little embarrassed, he had never received such a sharp gaze from Xia Zhi.Xia Zhi's eyes were still fixed on Keizao, she walked to Yangzi's bed and sat down, stretching her arms around Yangzi, her attitude was full of hatred.Only then did Qi Zao realize that Xia Zhi was not easy to deal with. Qizao has always been used to Xiazhi's submissiveness, Xiazhi sometimes shows a little stubbornness or stubbornness, Qizao finds it very cute, because despite her stubbornness or stubbornness, her tone of speech and attitude towards Qizao are still gentle and considerate. Please, please, I'm desperate for babies.Xiazhi always begged Qizao like this, under her soft pleading, Qizao failed every time, but he failed willingly. However, this time, Xia Zhi's attitude was cold and firm.Ever since Xiao Li's death, Qi Zao has been holding a grudge against Xia Zhi, and when he found Lin Jingfu's hickey on her neck, he even felt murderous.However, this can be said to be a variant of the love for the wife.However, this is not what Qizao received from Xia Zhi now. What she gave Qizao was obviously only hatred.Keizo felt pain.Although he hates Xia Zhi, he hopes that Xia Zhi will be gentle to him, he hopes to be respected and loved. After a while, Xia Zhi walked out of the bedroom without making a sound. The matter of returning Yangzi can't be realized after all, so I want to be inspired.He approached the little bed and looked at Yangzi, who smiled innocently, babbling like talking. Didn't I regard loving this child as the mission of my life?Keizao said to himself, he looked at Yoko's eyebrows that looked like rocks and water, and looked back at himself. Love, what the hell is it?Keizo looked through the glass window at the courtyard where it was snowing for the first time, and the powdery white snow was blown away by the wind like smoke from time to time.Do I really plan to love this child for the rest of my life? Qizao didn't even want to say Yangzi's name, the ghost of Shi Tushui was always entangled in his mind. The child is innocent, Qi Zao thought.But although he was sensible, he refused to hug her, and he refused to smile at Yoko who was smiling innocently. Let's eat, Dad.Archer interrupted his train of thought by entering. Xia Zhi sat in front of the dining table with her head down, and Qi Zao stretched out her rice bowl towards her, but she didn't raise her head.Archer asked: Dad, is father really dad? Yes. Why are you called Dad? Because Dad wants to smoke a cigarette. Both Azhu and Archer laughed, but Xiazhi only gave Qizao a glare. So, why is mother called mother. Because my mother will make Manman for us to eat (Annotation: The Japanese pronunciation of Manman refers to something to eat). So, Ah Zhu is our mother? Both Qizao and Azhu laughed. Xia Zhi said: Archer, father and mother are in Chinese, not just because they make steamed buns. But, ba ba!It's better to call him father when he smokes, and mother when he makes steamed buns.Archer looked up at Keizao. Don't talk nonsense, Archer.Xia Zhi softly accused Archer. After Qi Zuo hastily ate this indigestible breakfast, he went back to his room and changed his clothes.Xia Zhi followed. Forget it, I'll do it myself. Xia Zhi took out the shirt without making a sound, stood behind Keizao, let him put it on, then Xia Zhi still pressed Keizao's shoulder blades, and said: I will not return Yangzi, if I must, I would rather die. Qizao's heart relaxed, and he felt that it would be better to be scolded than to fight silently. It's my fault, maybe it's the lack of sleep. Xia Zhi knelt down and waited for Kezao to put on his shoes as in the past. She first rolled up the socks, put them on from the toes of Qizao, and then put the rolled socks back into place.The person who waits and the person who is served cooperate seamlessly because of long-term habits.Keizao put his feet on Xia Zhi's tender legs after forty days of separation, and asked her to wear socks. He couldn't help but think with attachment: This is a couple! Then, although the action of putting on socks was coordinated, the hearts of the two are now in opposite directions.Keizao believes that the sex life of couples is the same as wearing socks, it is proficiency due to habit.The true union of husband and wife should be not only the physical but also the deep bonding of the soul, right?Now besides our sex life, do we still have feelings to communicate with each other? Why don't you sign up for an account?Xia Zhi asked while tidying up the pajamas that Qizao had taken off. I have nothing to say, because I am too busy. It's been more than a month, no matter how busy you are, you can't be busy for so long, right? Well, Qizao was thinking about the words and sentences of his defense, and I thought every day: Let’s go today, but I’m busy every day, I can’t imagine that it’s been so long, time flies so fast! You are not such a confused person.Xia Zhi's voice has turned gentle. I didn't mean to procrastinate on purpose. You know, the work of the hospital is related to people's lives. There are always unexpected things happening, and it is not easy to follow the schedule. I know you're busy, but can't even spare thirty minutes?Xia Zhi has never been so stubborn. Just kidding, let alone thirty minutes, even lunch is too busy to eat. They are patients in the outpatient department in the morning and inpatients in the afternoon. During this time, they have to find time to go to the clinic, and the job of a doctor is not just to diagnose diseases with a stethoscope. The head of the general affairs section, the attending physicians, pharmacists, X-ray technicians, etc. all have to meet with me to solve problems, as well as nurses’ love affairs and patients’ troubles. Xia Zhi, who lowered her head, raised her face, ah, you are so busy, how can you support me?I don't know a thing, I'm so sorry.She's disturbingly gentle, I know you well, anyway, I'll do it myself today. Keizao seemed to have been hamstrung, which was very embarrassing. Oh, that's all right, you're doing me a favor. Although Qizao said so, he was 10,000 unwilling in his heart. He looked forward to a miracle and gave Yangzi to others.I had the courage to adopt her, but I didn't have the courage to report her to my account. Keizao walked to the entrance, where there was already a pair of boots. Dad's boots are so long.Archer said. Qizao nodded and said to Xia Zhi: It snowed last night, so it may be inconvenient for you to go out. I will go to the city hall first, and you call the hospital and inform them that I will go to work later today. ah!Are you willing to go today?Xia Zhi's face lit up. Um.Once you enter the hospital, it is impossible to come out to do private affairs.Qizao worried that if he persisted in not declaring his household registration, Xiazhi would doubt Yangzi's background. Amid Xia Zhi's courteous voice, Qi Zao was sent out of the house and set foot on the snow-covered road. I have seriously considered that it is my life's mission to love Yoko.Qizao thought that he regretted shouldering this heavy burden.If I love her dearly, I won't be hesitant about her household registration. Keizao got into the bus in a daze, got off the bus in a daze, and was about to cross the road when a jeep drove over and almost brushed the tip of Keizao's nose.He was startled suddenly, and took a step back. Several young American soldiers in Jifu's car turned around and smiled at him. Keizao unconsciously showed a wry smile, he was so focused on Yoko's problem that he almost got into a car accident. When he came to the ancient gate of the city hall, Keizao hesitated again.Do I really want to adopt Yangzi?he asked himself.The snow started to fall again, and Keizo turned up his coat collar. According to my original intention, it is impossible for me to love Yoko.I adopted Yangzi because I wanted Xiazhi to raise the murderer's child.Xiazhi betrayed me and committed adultery with Lin Jingfu, and Xiaoli was killed. I adopted this child in order to wait for the painful day when Xiazhi learned about Yangzi's life experience.Therefore, seeing Xiazhi being kept in the dark and loving Yangzi with all her heart, I was comforted. Can't I treat Xia Zhi's infidelity as a temporary fault and forgive her?Yes, I did that on purpose.After Xiao Li died, Xia Zhi was so sad that she almost went crazy, and I forgave her at that time.But if she was truly saddened by Xiao Li's death, she wouldn't let Lin Jingfu hug her again. Keizao walked past the city hall, then walked back, lost in thought. Except for Xiazhi, I have never once held a woman's hand, and female patients certainly cannot be classified as ordinary women.Lin Jingfu should know how much I love Xiazhi, but both Jingfu and Xiazhi betrayed me. The two purple hickeys on Xia Zhi's snow-white neck were like two pieces of fiery red iron, burning his heart. Should Yangzi be registered as a householder?Keizo leaned against the gatepost of the city hall and thought, if Takagi saw this hesitant gesture, what would he say?Keizao felt ashamed, Takagi's deafening laughter seemed to ring in his ears. What!Is this what you really are?Love your enemies?Ha, don't make people laugh out loud, you still love your wife!What a fool. Yes, I am a big fool. My own child was killed, but I adopted the murderer's child and gave her the property."Love Your Enemy" is only five characters in number, but it contains such a profound meaning. I really acted as a fool, Qi Zao thought, and at the same time recalled a sentence he said to Takagi: What's the matter if there is such a fool in the world?Is the price for me being a fool to punish Xia Zhi? Suddenly a Jeep stopped in front of Qizao. Dean, long time no see! The car door opened was Lin Jingfu, his long eyebrows were darker and more beautiful than before, maybe because he lost a little weight. Ah, long time no see.Can I come out for a walk? Not yet, but I can go to Toya to recuperate in a few days.The car door was still open, but Lin Jingfu didn't seem to get out of the car. Hemoptysis later?Qizao looked at Lin Jingfu's bright red lips, the hickey was made by these two lips! Hemoptysis is not common recently.I'll take you to the hospital. No, I'm coming to register.He couldn't take his eyes off Lin Jingfu's lips. Oh yes, congratulations.There was a mocking smile on the corner of Lin Jingfu's mouth. Qizao remembered Wang Ruiqi's words: Dr. Lin said that the dean's wife can no longer have children. Saying congratulations is not congratulations. how? Hi, to be honest, Xia Zhi has undergone surgery for contraception, so I am relieved that it seems that the operation will fail. Lin Jingfu's mocking smile disappeared, he bit his lip lightly, and looked at Qizao suspiciously. Because of the birth of a girl, Xia Zhi was overjoyed. Lin Jingfu's expression obviously turned to disappointment. Well, take care.Qizao turned around, turned his back on Lin Jingfu, and strode into the city hall. After completing the account registration, Qizao was in a peaceful mood all day long, and he worked very hard on his work. I had two chapters with Takagi, which was to keep the birth secret and love Yoko.Keizao was thinking while walking hurriedly on the dark road.The snow that had fallen in the morning had melted, and my boots were muddy, and my steps were heavy.As he got closer to his home, Keizao's mood lost his tranquility again. At the same time, he felt a sense of uneasiness and loneliness expecting others to rescue him, and he also felt nervous like a relay runner standing at the starting line. Xia Zhi would rush to the door and ask: Is the household registration completed? What account do you apply for?Qizao wanted to pretend not to know, but also wanted to shout loudly: Xia Zhi, the household registration has been completed! I don't know how long I have been troubled about Yangzi's household registration, but Xia Zhi didn't know it.How much more suffering will I have to suffer for Yangzi's affairs in the future?How many gods have I hurt just by keeping my birth a secret!But this is the path I chose, and I have to endure all the troubles alone! Qizao calmed down for a while, and then opened the door. Xia Zhi's ears are always sensitive, once Qi Zao opened the door, she would have come out.However, Xia Zhi didn't come out today, neither did the others, and there was laughter in the room. Qizao rushed back excitedly to report that his household registration had been completed, as if he had been poured cold water on it.With a straight face, he took off his heavy boots that were covered in mud, and his palms were also stained with mud. There was no one in the living room, and cheerful laughter came from the bedroom on the other side of the corridor. Ah, look, got it!Archer, shake your hand again.Xia Zhi's voice said. Qizao quietly opened the door to peep, although he thought in his heart: I can quite open the door with a bang!But somehow, he couldn't do that.Xiazhi hugged Yangzi, while Archer and Azhu surrounded Yangzi from both sides.Qizao left the bedroom door without taking off his coat, and sat slumped on the sofa in the living room. Everyone laughed again. You have all forgotten Xiaoli?Keizao struck the match and felt that tears were about to fall. He recalled the scene of hugging the dead Xiaoli by the stream.Poor thing, I lay down and died by the stream all night. Hahaha, the third laughter came, Keizao stood up, and the bedroom door slammed open. what happened?It's so loud!Xiao Li died less than the anniversary, what is there to be happy about?
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