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Chapter 10 Aquarium Scaleless Single

Suiyuan Food List 袁枚 2012Words 2023-02-05
If the fish has no scales, the fishy smell will be doubled, so it must be cooked carefully, and ginger and osmanthus are better than it.As "Aquarium Scaleless Single". Soup eel Eel is the most taboo to leave the bone.Therefore, the physical property is inherently fishy, ​​and it should not be manipulated too much to lose its innocence, just like shad that cannot be scaled.For clear simmering, take one river eel, wash off the slippery saliva, cut it into inches, put it in a magnetic pot, simmer it with wine and water, put it into a pot with autumn oil, add winter pickled mustard greens to make soup, and reuse green onions, ginger and the like Kill its fishy.Changshu Gubibu's household fiber powder and dried yam are stewed, which is also wonderful.Or add seasoning and put it on the plate and steam it without water.The best steamed eel in Chia Chia Wah.Mix autumn oil and wine four to six times to make the soup float on itself.Especially when the cage is lifted, it must be just right, otherwise the skin will wrinkle and lose its flavor.

Red Stewed Eel Simmer the eel with wine and water, add sweet sauce instead of autumn oil, put it into the pot to collect the soup and simmer to dry, add fennel and aniseed ingredients to start the pot.There are three diseases that should be avoided: if the skin is wrinkled, the skin will not be crisp; if the meat is scattered in the bowl, it cannot be picked up by chopsticks;The family system of Zhu Fensi in Yangzhou is the most refined.Most of the people who simmer in red are most expensive to dry, so that the braised meat can be included in the eel meat. fried eel Choose a large eel, remove the head and tail, and cut it into pieces.First fry it with sesame oil, take it up; put the tender tips of the fresh Artemisia cabbage into the pot, and fry it thoroughly with crude oil, then spread the eel on the dish, add seasonings, and simmer for a stick of incense.The amount of wormwood is half that of fish.

Fried Turtle Debone the soft-shelled turtle, fry it with sesame oil, add a cup of autumn oil and a cup of chicken broth.This really determines Wei Taishou's family law. Sautéed Turtle Boil the soft-shelled turtle half-cooked, remove the bone, stir-fry in an oil pan, add sauce, water, green onions, and peppers, collect the soup into a marinade, and then remove from the pan.This Hangzhou law also. Bone Turtle If you want one that weighs half a catty, cut it into four pieces, add two or three ounces of fat, fry it in an oil pan, add water, autumn oil, and wine to simmer; Ginger, sugar.Soft-shelled turtles should be small rather than large.Commonly known as the boy's feet, the fish is only tender.

Green Salt Turtle Chop four pieces and fry them in a frying pan.For each catty of soft-shelled turtle, use four taels of wine, three fennels of anise, and one and a half cents of salt, simmer until half cooked, add two taels of fat, cut into small dice and simmer again, add garlic and bamboo shoot tips, start with green onions and peppers, Or use autumn oil instead of salt.This is Tang Jinghan's family law in Suzhou.Big turtles are old and small ones are fishy, ​​so you must buy one of them. Stewed Turtle in Soup Boil the soft-shelled turtle, remove the bones and break it into pieces, simmer two bowls of chicken soup, autumn oil, and wine to one bowl, take it out of the pot, and mix it with green onions, peppers, and minced ginger.Wuzhuyu home-made is the best.Only slightly use the gorgon to make the soup greasy.

Whole Shell Turtle Shandong Yangshen Jiang’s home made soft-shelled turtles, removed the head and tail, took the meat and skirts, added seasonings and simmered, and still covered them with the original shells.For each banquet, a soft-shelled turtle is offered in a small plate before each guest.Those who see it are still, but still worry about its movement.It is a pity that the method has not been taught. Shredded Eel Soup Boil the eel half-cooked, cut into shreds and remove the bones, add wine and autumn oil to simmer, slightly use fiber powder, and use day lily, wax gourd and long onion as soup.It is inexplicable that cooks in Nanjing turn eel into charcoal.

fried eel Disassemble the shredded eel and fry until slightly charred, just like frying broiler chicken, do not use water. Duan eel Cut the eel into inch sections, simmer it according to the method of stewing eel, or first fry it with oil to make it firm, then mix it with wax gourd, fresh bamboo shoots, and mushrooms, slightly use soy sauce, and reuse ginger juice. Shrimp Balls Shrimp balls follow the method of fish balls.Simmer it in chicken broth, or dry fry it.Probably, it should not be too fine when pounding the shrimp, for fear of losing the taste.The same goes for fish balls.Or peel the shrimp meat and mix it with seaweed, which is also good.

Shrimp Cakes Shrimp cakes are made by pounding prawns into pieces, balls and frying them. Drunken shrimp Scorch the shells with wine, add clear sauce and rice vinegar to simmer, and stuff them in a bowl.Put it on the plate before eating, and its shell is crisp. fried shrimp Stir-fried shrimp follows the method of frying fish, and can be served with leeks.Or add pickled mustard greens, but you can't use leeks.Those who beat and flatten their tails and fry them alone also find it new. crab Crabs should be eaten alone, not with other things.It is best to cook it in a light salt soup and eat it by yourself.Although the flavor of the steamer is complete, it is too weak.

crab soup Peel crabs for soup, that is, simmer it with the original soup, without adding chicken juice, it is better to use it alone.Seeing ordinary cooks add duck tongue, shark fin, or sea cucumber to it, it will only take away its flavor and make it fishy, ​​which is extremely bad! Fried Crab Noodles Freshly peeled and fried crabs are the best.After two hours, the meat will be dry and lose its flavor. Shelled Steamed Crab Shell the crabs, take the meat and yellow, put them in the shells, put five or six crabs on the raw eggs and steam them.When it comes to the table, it looks like a crab, but the claws and feet are removed.It is newer than fried crab noodles.Yang Lanpo Mingfu mixes crab with pumpkin meat, which is quite strange.

clams Peeled clams and stir-fried leeks are good.Or for soup.Get up late and dry up. clam There are three ways to eat cockles: spray them with hot water, cover them when they are half-cooked, add wine and autumn oil to get drunk;But it is advisable to start quickly, and the flesh will dry up if it is too late.Clams come from Fenghua County and are sold on pincers and clams. Claw Slice the pork belly first, and use it as a stuffing.Wash the gnat claws and fry them in sesame oil, and cook the meat slices in marinade.The autumn oil should be heavier to have a flavor.You can also add tofu.The gnat claws come from Yangzhou, and if they are worried about damage, they take the meat from the shell and put it in lard, so that they can travel far.Sun-dried ones are also good.Put it in chicken broth and cook it, the taste is above the dried razor clams.Smashed clam claws are used to make cakes, fried like shrimp cakes, and it is also good to add seasonings.

Cheng Zegong Dried Clams The merchant Cheng Zegong made dried razor clams, soaked them in cold water for one day, boiled them for two days, and removed the soup five times.One inch of dry, two inches of hair, like fresh razor clams, before being put into chicken soup and simmering.People in Yangzhou have learned it, and they can't match it. fresh razor clams The method of cooking razor clams is the same as that of clams.It can also be fried alone.He Chunchao's tofu in razor clam soup is so wonderful that it is a masterpiece. water chicken Remove the body and use the legs of the water chicken, first burn it with oil, add autumn oil, sweet wine, melon and ginger, and cook it.Or remove the meat and fry it, the taste is similar to chicken.

smoked eggs Simmer the eggs with condiments, smoke and dry them slightly, slice them and put them on a plate, which can be used as a side dish. tea eggs One hundred eggs, boil two sticks of incense with one tael of salt and thick tea leaves.For example, if there are fifty eggs, only five coins of salt are used, and they are added and subtracted according to the number.Can be used as a snack.
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