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Chapter 15 Chapter Thirteen, Illustration Catalog

Illustrator: John.Sir John Tenniel (1820 | 1914). British cartoonist and illustrator who briefly studied at the Royal College of Art. 1850 | 1901 Political cartoonist for Punch magazine.Because of Louis.Carroll's forty-two (Alice, s Adventures in Wonderland) "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" (1865) and fifty (Through the Looking Glass) "Alice into the Mirror" ( 1872) is famous for his illustrations. He was knighted in 1893. Tennier's illustrations of Alice are still recognized as classic masterpieces that best conform to the spirit of the original and the background of the times.

●Carroll drew thirty-seven illustrations by himself <excluding the ending song and Alice’s head> (Alice, s Adventures under Ground or called Underground Adventures) 1. Alice finds it boring when her sister reads (Ⅰ) 2. Open the low curtain with a golden key in hand, and there is a small door behind it 3. The shrunken Alice sat on the ground covering her face, with the mouse beside her 4. The more strange the Hanle long-necked Alice 5. Bigger Alice and Mr. Rabbit 6. Fall into the pool of tears 7. The mouse swims over 8. Lead everyone to swim ashore 9. Little Dodo and Big Alice (Ⅱ)

End song 10. Alice and the Birds Eleven, Alice, Mr. Rabbit (average size) Twelve, drink me Thirteen, drink me (2). Fourteen, the enlarged Alice filled the room 15. The big hand stretched out of the window scares Mr. Rabbit. 16. Second Master Bi was kicked out of the chimney. 17. Everyone on the shore listens to the way to keep warm 18. Cute puppy (Ⅲ) 19. Ask the Caterpillar 20. Master William Upside Down Dragonfly 21. Master William Somersault 22. Master William eats up 23. Master William's eel on the tip of his nose 24. Chin to foot Twenty-five, snake neck 26. The pigeon thought it was a long worm

Twenty-seven, zoom out to get into the house 28. Dye the white rose red (Ⅳ) 29. Here comes: Canker, the King, and the Queen 30. When playing croquet, the soldiers bend over to make the goal 31. Alice playing croquet: the red heron is the mallet, the ball is the hedgehog Thirty-two, Gu Chi Feng 33. Mock Turtle 34. Bone Phoenix and Mock Turtle Dancing Thirty-five, Alice, Gu Chifeng, Mock Turtle 36. Mr. Rabbit blows the trumpet 37. The Red Queen: Cut off her head Pages 38 and 90 (last page): Portrait of Alice Page 91: happy summer days THE END ●(Alice, s Adventures in Wonderland), John Tenniel "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" forty-two pieces

1. Mr. Rabbit Looking at the Pocket Watch (Chapter 1) <color painting> 2. Open the low curtain, there is a small door behind 3. Drink me <color painting> 4. Alice the Long Neck (Chapter Two). ★<color picture> 5. Scared away Mr. Rabbit 6. Fall into the pool of tears 7. It turned out to be a mouse <color painting> 8. Everyone gathers around to listen to the ways of mice to keep warm (Chapter 3) 9. The Dodo Rewards Alice <color painting> End song 10. Bigger Alice Stretches Her Arms Out of the Window (Chapter 4) 11. The big hand with spread fingers scares Mr. Rabbit

12. Erye Bi was kicked out of the chimney <color painting> 13. Miniature Alice and the Puppy <color painting> 14. Ask a Caterpillar (Chapter 5) <color painting> 15. Master William Upside Down Dragonfly 16. Master William Somersault 17. Master William eats up 18. Master William put the eel on the tip of his nose 19. The Fish and the Toad, the Big Envelope (Chapter 6) 20. Pepper Kitchen (The Duchess Holding the Baby, The Kitchen Mama, She County Cat, Alice) <color painting> 21. Alice holding a pig child <color painting> 22. Shexian cat on the tree <color painting>

23. The Shexian cat with only a smiling face left <color painting> 24. Crazy Tea Party: Hatter, March Hare, Dermouse (Chapter 7) <color painting> 25. The Hatter sings: Tingle 26. The End of the Crazy Tea Party: Put Dormouse in the Teapot 27. Paint white roses red (Chapter 8) <color painting> 28. The Red Queen: What's your name, kid? ★<color picture> 29. Alice's Croquet Bat Red Heron 30. The head of a cat with a smiling face. The executioner told the king that a head without a body could not be chopped off. 31. Alice chatting with the Duchess while holding a red heron (Chapter 9) ★<color painting>

32. The Sleeping Bone Chifeng 33. Bone Phoenix takes Alice to see the Mock Turtle <color painting> 34. Mock Turtle Dancing with Bone Phoenix (Chapter 10) Thirty-five, lobster dressing up in front of the mirror 36. Mr. Rabbit Blows the Trumpet (Chapter 11) 37. The hatter brings afternoon tea to court 38. The Hatter flees 39. Who stole the bread? (Chapter 12) ★<color painting> 40. Skirt Sweeps the Jury Box <color painting> 41. The king recites poems Forty-two, the deck of cards soared into the air, and flew down to hit her <color painting> ★Nursery Alice: 20 colored illustrations selected by The Nursery Alice.Cover picture: Alice dreams of a mock turtle, a bone phoenix, a pig child, a white rabbit with a fan, and a mouse.Back cover picture: full body March Hare.

●Other illustrators ◆Helen.Helen Oxenbury After thirty years of illustration work, Helen.Ossenberry is already a world-renowned children's book illustrator. In the beginning, she was encouraged by Jan Pienkowski to start by drawing cards. After getting married and having children, she found that there were no suitable picture books for her children to read, so she came up with the idea of ​​becoming an illustrator and began to cooperate with Walker Books. For picture books, Helen believes that she needs to adjust her style according to the readers.She talks to readers of a set age group about her projects, and goes to a talent school for a field sketch.She will try to figure out the interaction between the characters by herself, and capture the subtle differences in the smiles, gazes and stances from a certain angle.Her characteristic humor and enthusiasm come through in her illustrations.Good at using pencil, watercolor and opaque watercolor.

Outside of illustration, Helen has a special interest in books and libraries: Introduce children to picture books as early as possible, as they are the stepping stones to a lifetime of reading and learning. The library is the source of reading for children. Reinterpreting "Alice in Wonderland" is the most difficult job she has always wanted to do.Everyone has their own imagination about Alice.I have to keep reminding myself to do it my own way and start from scratch.It took three years from her first drawing on paper to the completion of the project. Louis.When Kailo was thinking about this story, the protagonist in the story, Alice, was a real person (real name Alice Liddell).Perhaps it is because of the foundation that the personality of the protagonist Alice is so vivid.

After more than 130 years, the famous British illustrator Helen.Oxenbury (Helen Oxenbury), finally decided to reinterpret Alice, who has been deeply imprinted in her mind since she was a child, with a brush.As she said: I had a long struggle with how to create a modern version of Alice, because John.The traditional image of Alice, illustrated by Tenniel (the illustrator of the first edition, Sir John Tennial), is already too strong. After brewing the idea for many years, Helen accidentally found her modern Alice (real name Madeleine) by the river at a friend's wedding.I watched her playing with the ball and swinging, her movements were so free and comfortable.She is a child of our time.Children in Alice's era were not allowed to be naughty and run around. Helen also drew more characters and scenes in the story, and each character is more humorous and warm. The Queen of Hearts, who likes to cut off people's heads, looks much gentler. Helen's interpretive point of view has obviously been recognized by most people. This latest edition of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" picture book has attracted the attention of all parties as soon as it was published, and the sales and book reviews have been acclaimed.The British media book reviews all interviewed and reported on the legendary process of Helen meeting Alice in her mind. The following awards, in 1999 Kurt.Kurt Maschler Prize for Children's Literature. The highest honor for British picture books is awarded to Kate at the beginning of July every year.The Greenaway Picture Book Award (Kate Greenaway Medal, Note 1) was also awarded to Helen.This is Helen.Ossenberry won Greenaway's affirmation for the second time (winning in 1970 with "The Quangle Wangles Hat" and "The Dragon of an Ordinary Family"). The chairman of the selection committee said: Helen's interpretation of Wonderland is both modern and intimate, and she has created a millennial Alice, a modern child with warmth and humor!When winning the award, Helen said: This is the most difficult task I have ever undertaken as an illustration.For more than a hundred years, Alice has had too many obstacles. I step on these stepping stones, but I have to remind myself to use my own method to create. Helen.The Combination of Ossenberry and Alice was a grand event published in the UK in 1999. Currently, it has editions in eleven countries, including English, American, French, German, Dutch, Japanese, and Chinese. Helen.Ossenberry's winning record: ◎Won Kate twice.Greenaway Medal (Kate Greenaway Medal, 1970, 2000) ◎Won the Smarties Book Prize three times, winning works: "Were going on a Bear Hunt" (Were going on a Bear Hunt, Taiying Publishing), "Poor Duck" (Farmer Duck Taiwan Mike ), "So Much". ◎Kurt.Kurt Maschler Award for "So Much". ◎She/WH Smith Under Five Book Prize. ◆Jassen Ghiuselev was born in Bulgaria in 1964. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia in 1990, held his first solo exhibition at the age of nineteen, and began to draw illustrations and graphic designs for several important publishing houses at the age of twenty-one.His works were selected for the Bologna International Children's Book Illustration Exhibition, the Barcelona Illustration Biennale, and the Bratis International Illustration Biennale, etc.Juseleff's painting style is delicate and exquisite, fantastic and realistic, and has extraordinary taste and techniques in the composition of the picture and the creation of the atmosphere. In "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland", Juseleff drew the plot of the whole story into a single work.He uses the twisting of space and the change of perspective to subtly connect different scenes with each other, just as people's dreams are both coherent and fragmented, and they seem to be mixed together and have their own independent interests.Juseleff uses unique techniques to present a fantastic dislocation of time and space, creating an indistinguishable picture between reality and dream, which perfectly reflects the connotation of the story of "Alice in Wonderland".
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