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Chapter 31 Postscript and Acknowledgments

Darwin's conspiracy 約翰.丹頓 1352Words 2023-02-05
postscript Thomas, a contemporary of Darwin.Carlyle called history a filter for gossip.It is with this attitude that this book was created.This is a novel in which the historical characters are all real and exist, and all their behaviors are roughly consistent with the historical records. However, there are a few places where I did a lot of processing. One is the unfortunate Robert.McCormick's end.He was the Darwin-hating rival on the Beagle. The other is to Elizabeth.Shaping of Darwin's image.Little is known about her condition.I took full advantage of this historical gap to create this character, and invented a descendant that is consistent with the content of my adaptation.

The modern characters in the book are all fictitious. In the Galapagos Islands, diachronic studies of evolutionary change in ground finches are well known.This is described in detail in the Pulitzer Prize-winning book "Exploring the Galapagos Islands with Birds".I have borrowed the relevant descriptions as specific scenes from the story of this book, and extracted from them the content of natural selection.However, any resemblance to real people in it is not intentional by the author, but purely coincidental. thank you When an author, even if he admits to crossing the boundaries of scholarship, needs help writing fiction, the scholars and institutions that collect and study Darwin's writings are extremely generous.Among them, I would like to express my special thanks to my long-term work in "Charlie.Frederick A. Darwin CorrespondenceThe guidance of Burkhard and his colleagues, and Adam C.Perkins.I am also grateful for the publication of Darwin's work John.Murray Press, the Linnean Society of London, the Darwin Center at the Natural History Museum in London, and Downhouse in Kent.They provide a wealth of information on Darwin's life, research and writings.At the same time, I would also like to thank the Field Museum and its curator John Jr. W.McCarter and his board member Donald.Stewart, they sponsored that important and memorable trip to the Galapagos in July 2002.

The literature on Darwin studies is so rich that it could fill an entire wing of the library.Some of them I think are particularly worthy of reference.Janet.Brown's two-volume biographies, Naval Voyages and The Power of Place, are indispensable.I also learned from Ellen.Moorsheed borrowed a lot from his well-read Darwin and the Beagle.I have taken some details of life at Downhouse from Anne's Pencil Box and A Fragment of Time, and picked some of Darwin's supporters and opponents from Apes, Messengers of the Gods and Famous Victorians , referencing that circumnavigation of the world from HMS Beagle and the tragic fate of Captain Fitzroy from The Captain of Evolution.Jonathan.Winner's Companion of the Birds describes the groundbreaking evolutionary research that took place on Damien Major Island in the Galapagos Archipelago.It provided me with extremely important information (even including the nickname of the welcoming mat at the mooring) which I used in my corresponding description of Chinonbrae.

On a personal note, I would also like to thank my editor, Phyllis Glenn, for reviewing and correcting my manuscript, my publisher, Sani Mehta, for his suggested revisions, and my agent, Kathy Robbins, for her valuable comments and warm words. Work.I would like to thank Bill Keller, executive editor of The New York Times, for granting me a three-month vacation, and Marion Keller of The Times London editorial office.Windhill collected relevant information for me. Finally, I would also like to thank my family, my brother Bob and my children Kayla, Lisa and James for checking the manuscript for me.Here, I would like to thank my wife Nina in particular.She read every word in the book, discussed every key point with me, and assisted me in creating every character image, but she never complained of suffering or tiredness.

(End of the book)
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