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Chapter 38 Chapter 36

big scam 丹.布朗 1595Words 2023-02-05
Ming Weili was lying beside the excavation pit, his right arm reaching down the pit wall to collect ice water samples.It was true that his eyes were not hallucinating; his face was now only a yard or so above the water, and the fact was clearly visible. It's incredible! He pushed down again, twisting and twisting the beaker between his fingers, trying to touch the water's surface, only a few inches away. He could no longer extend his arm, so he moved forward, with the toe of his boot on the ice, and firmly pressed his left hand back on the mouth of the pit.He stretched his right arm as far as possible again.It's just that close.He moved closer.Once the mouth of the beaker touched the water surface, and the ice water flowed into the cup, he stared at it with disbelieving eyes.

Then, without warning, something completely inexplicable happened.A small particle of metal flew out of the darkness like a bullet from a gun.A fraction of a second later, this piece of metal hit Ming Weili's right eye. Protecting the eyes is an innate instinct of human beings. Although Ming Weili's brain knew that moving slightly might affect the center of gravity, he still flinched a bit.This shocking response was more surprise than fear of pain.Ming Weili made a reflexive movement with his left hand, which was closer to his face, and suddenly stretched out, trying to protect the eyeball being attacked.As soon as he made the shot, he already knew that he had made a wrong move.Because the center of gravity of his whole body shifted forward, the only left hand that maintained his balance suddenly moved away, and his body began to wobble.It was too late when he came to his senses.He let go of the beaker, trying to grab onto the slippery walls to avoid falling into the pit, but just slid forward and fell straight into the dark puddle.

The fall was only four feet deep, but as he plunged headfirst into the icy water, it felt like hitting his face on the pavement at fifty miles an hour.The liquid that engulfed his face was so cold that it was almost scorching acid, which immediately triggered a burst of panic. Mingwei stood up and down, in the darkness, lost his sense of direction for a moment, not knowing which direction the water surface was in.The thick camel hair coat protects the body from the icy water but only for a second or two.After finally regaining the head-to-foot posture, he struggled upwards to inhale. At this time, the ice water penetrated into his chest and back, surrounding his body, and the cold oppressed his lungs like a vise.

Help!He screamed, but the amount of air he inhaled was hardly enough to let out a whimper.He felt like he couldn't breathe from the blow. help help!He couldn't even hear his voice.Ming Weili struggled towards the wall of the excavation pit, trying to climb out of the hole.The ice wall in front of him was vertical, and he couldn't grab anything with his hands.Below the surface, his boots kicked against the walls of the pit, looking for a place to tread.Can't step on it.He rushed upward desperately, hoping to reach out to the mouth of the pit.Just a foot away. Ming Weili's muscles had begun to become unresponsive.He kicked harder at the ice water, hoping to rise to the surface and grab the top of the ice wall.His body felt like a lump of lead, and the lobes of his lungs seemed to have shrunk to nothing, as if being strangled by a giant python.The water-absorbed coat became heavier every second, dragging him down.He wanted to take off his coat, but the heavy material was already clinging to him.

help me! Now fear came flooding back like a torrent. Ming Weili once read that drowning is the most terrible way to die.He never dreamed that he was about to experience it himself.His muscles refused to cooperate with the brain.Now he's just struggling to keep his head out of the water.Waterlogged laundry dragged down, his numb fingers scraped the ice. Now he screams with only his brain. Then, something happened. Ming Weili sank below the surface of the water.Knowing that his death was near terrified him in a way he never imagined he would experience.And now here he was sinking slowly against the ice wall, into the bottom of a two-hundred-foot-deep pit in the glacier.Countless thoughts flashed before his eyes.Childhood events.his job.He wondered if anyone would find him in the puddle.Or he just sank all the way to the bottom of the pit to freeze and freeze in the glaciers, never to see the light of day.

Ming Weili's lungs begged for oxygen.Holding his breath, he still tried to kick back to the surface.breathe!He resisted the reflex and tightly closed his unconscious lips.breathe!He tried his best to swim upstream but in vain.breathe!At the same time, human reflexes fought a desperate battle with reason, and Ming Weili's breathing instinct overcame his ability to keep his mouth shut. Ming Weili made an inhalation movement. The water rushing into the lungs felt like scalding oil, irritating the sensitive lung tissue.He felt like his chest was on fire.Cruelly, water doesn't kill people instantly.For the next seven terrifying seconds, Ming Weili sucked in mouthfuls of ice water one after another, each mouthful more painful than the previous one, and each mouthful could not provide the substance that the body desperately longed for.

In the end, Ming Wei stood sliding down in the dark and icy water, feeling himself gradually losing consciousness.He embraced relief.In the water all around him, he saw tiny twinkling spots of light, the most beautiful sight he had ever seen in his life.
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