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Chapter 17 Chapter fifteen

da vinci code 丹‧布朗 645Words 2023-02-05
It's time. Silas felt refreshed when he got out of the Audi, the evening wind blowing his baggy priest's coat.The ever-changing wind was blowing.Knowing that the task at hand required more delicacy than violence, he left the pistol in the car.This thirteen-turn Heckler.The Keqi USP 40 pistol was provided by the instructor. There are few people in the square in front of the church at this time, and the only thing you can see is a couple of teenage prostitutes in the distance of the Saint-Sulpice church square showing their artifacts to night tourists.Their developed bodies provoked an unbridled urge between Silas' thighs.

That desire vanished in a blink of an eye.For ten years, Silas had completely refrained from his sexual desires, not even masturbating.This is the way.He knew that he had sacrificed many things in keeping with the teachings of Opus Dei, but he had received much more in return.The vow of celibacy and the renunciation of all personal possessions were hardly sacrifices.There was nothing wrong with being celibate, given his former poverty and the sexual horrors he endured in prison. Now, for the first time since his arrest and deportation to prison in Andorra, he is back in France. How much pain you can endure, how much faith you have, the teacher once warned him.Silas was no stranger to suffering, and he was desperate to prove himself to his mentor.His mentor had told him that everything he did was authorized by a Greater Power.

Opus Dei, Silas muttered in Spanish, and started walking towards the church entrance. He paused in the great shadow of the porch and took a deep breath.Only now did he really realize what he was about to do, what was waiting for him inside. Keystone!It will lead us towards our ultimate goal. He raised his pale fist and thumped the door three times. After a while, the bolts of the huge wooden door began to loosen.
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