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Chapter 13 Friday|2

highest crisis 麥克.克萊頓 20565Words 2023-02-05
4 War Room 2:15 p.m. Kathy was walking across the factory grounds, towards the Image Analysis Center, when her cell phone rang.It's Steve S., flight service representative based in Vancouver.Nieto called. Bad news, Nieto said, I went to the hospital yesterday.He is dead.The cause of death was cerebral edema.Mike.Lee wasn't there, so they asked me if I could identify the body, and Steve, she said, don't talk on the phone.Fax me. OK. But don't post it here.Send it to the flight test airfield in Yuma. really? Yes. OK. She turned off her phone and walked into Hangar 4.Plastic strips line the hangar floor.She wanted to talk to Lin Jie about the flying hat they found.That hat matters, and it's becoming increasingly clear to Casey now.

She remembered something and immediately called Norma, and listen, I think I know where the fax of the inflight magazine came from. Is it important? Yes.Call Santinella Hospital at the airport and find a flight attendant named Kaiyi Liang.Just tell her what I said.You better write it down. She talked like this on the phone for a few minutes, then hung up.Suddenly, her cell phone rang again. i am kathysingleton. Made yelled, "For God's sake, where are you now?" Hangar 4, she said, I'm You should be here, Mudd screamed, getting ready for an interview. The interview is at four o'clock.

They brought it up early.They have come now. Now? They're all here, the camera crew, all of them, they're setting up the machines.All are waiting for you.It's now, Kathy. She was sitting in a chair while a female make-up artist was busy applying make-up to her face.The war room was full of people, some installing headlights on light stands, and others taping foam sheets to the ceiling.Others stick microphones on tables and walls.A total of two filming groups are installing the machine, and each group uses two cameras for a total of four cameras, facing different directions.There were two chairs on either side of the table, one for her and one for the interviewer.

She didn't think it was appropriate to have them taping in the war room, and she couldn't see how Mudder would agree.She thought it was highly disrespectful to the house to do so.Where they've toiled, debated, and explored trying to figure out what's going on in an airplane, and now they've turned it into a TV show prop.It really made her feel out of place. Casey was very upset.Everything happened so fast.The female makeup artist kept telling her not to move her head, close her eyes, and then open them again.Mudd's secretary, Erin, ran over and stuffed a large folder into her hand, and John insisted that you take this.

Kathy tried to read the files in the folder. Hold still, said the make-up girl, I need you to hold your head up, just a few minutes. Producer Jennifer.Malone came over with a big smile all over his face. Is everything all right, Ms. Singleton? fine thanks.Kathy said the head was still up for the make-up artist to fiddle with. Barbara, Malone said to the female makeup artist, you must, ah, she waved at Kathy, making an unintelligible gesture. I will.said the female makeup artist. must what?Casey said. Let's retouch it a little bit, the female makeup artist said, it's nothing. Malone said: I will give you a little more time to finish the makeup, and then Marty will come to meet you, and we have to go through the content of what we plan to do before the official start.

OK. Malone is gone.The makeup artist Barbara continued to smear on Kathy's face, and I'll give you a touch under your eyes, so you won't look so tired, she said. Ms Singleton? Kathy recognized the voice immediately, a voice she had heard for years.The make-up artist stepped aside, and Kathy saw Marty.Reardon stood right in front of her.Reardon wore only a shirt and tie.He held out his hand, Marty.Reardon.Nice to meet you. Hello.she says. Thank you for helping us with the show, Reardon said, and we'll try not to make it too hard for you. good Of course you know we're filming, Reardon said, so if you make a slip of the tongue or something, don't worry.We'll cut it out.If at any time you want to rephrase, you just do it.You can say whatever you want.

good. We basically talked about Air Pacific.But I will also touch on some other situations.Following this main thread, I will talk about the business with China.If we have time, maybe I'll ask about the union's reaction to this.But I won't really get into other issues.I'm going to stick to the Air Pacific thing.Are you part of the accident investigation team? Yes. OK, very good.I tend to jump from question to question.Hope this doesn't bother you.We're here to make this matter as clear as possible. OK. See you later then.Reardon said with a smile and left. The female makeup artist came back to her again and looked up.she says.Kathy could only stare at the ceiling, he's a nice guy, the make-up artist said, maybe it wasn't what it looked like on the surface.He is very fond of his children.

She heard Malone shouting: How long will it be, guys? Someone said: five minutes. What about the stereo? Ready, just waiting for our voice audition. The makeup girl started powdering Kathy's neck.Kathy felt a sharp pain and flinched back in convulsions, you know, the woman said, I have a phone number, you can call and try. What are you doing? It's a great institution with great people.Mostly psychologists.Do it with absolute caution.They can help you. What help? Please look to the left.He probably beat you hard enough. Casey said: I fell by myself. Yes, I understand.I'm leaving my business card in case you change your mind, said the make-up girl and put on some more powder, well, I'd better put a little foundation in here to cover the bruise.She turned and took the makeup case, and took out a sponge dipped in foundation.She started rubbing it all over Kathy's neck, which I can't tell you how many times I've seen it at work, women always deny it.But domestic violence must stop.

Casey said: "I'm single. I know, I know, says the make-up woman, men rely on your silence.My own husband, God, he wouldn't go to a therapist.I ended up walking with the kids. Kathy said: You don't understand. I understand that when this violence continues, you think there is nothing you can do about it.It's a depression, a hopeless thought, says the makeup artist, but sooner or later, we all face the truth. Marlon comes over, did Marty tell you?We mainly filmed the accident, and he probably started from this.But he might bring up that deal with China and the union.Take your time and take your time.You don't have to worry about him jumping from one thing to another.He is that style.

Looks good, said the make-up girl and started working on the other side of the neck.Kathy's head turned to the right again.A man came up and said: Ma'am, can I have this for you?He shoved a plastic box into her hand, and a string trailed from the back of the box. What's this?Casey said. Please look to the right, the female makeup artist said, this is a wireless microphone.I'll get it for you later. Her phone was in her handbag next to the chair on the floor when it rang. turn it off!Someone is shouting. Kathy reached for the phone and turned it on. It was mine. Oh, sorry.

She brought the phone to her ear.John.Made said: Did you get the folder Erin gave you? got it. Have you seen it? not yet.she says. Lift your chin up a little.said the female makeup artist. Made said on the phone: "Inside the folder are all the documents we talked about.Thrust reverser fairing parts report, everything is in there. hmm ok I just want to make sure you're all set. I'm all set.she says. OK, we're all counting on you. She turned off the phone and turned off the power. The chin is raised, the female makeup artist said, so obedient. After finishing her makeup, Kathy stood up.The female makeup artist brushed her shoulders with a small brush and sprayed some hairspray in her hair.Then she led Kathy into the bathroom and showed her how to thread the wireless microphone cord under her dress, past her bra, and pin it to the lapel of her suit.The wires looped back under her shirt and into the wireless box.The makeup artist hung the box on the belt of Kathy's dress and turned on the power switch. Remember, she said, from now on, you are connected to the machine.They can hear you no matter what you say. OKKathy said to tidy up her clothes.She felt the box against her waist, the thin wires touching the skin of her chest.She felt flustered and uncomfortable. The female make-up artist took her by the arm and led her back to the war room.Cayce felt like a Roman gladiator being led into the arena. In the war room, the shooting lights were blindingly bright.The room was very hot.She was ushered to a seat at a table, where she was offered a seat after repeated reminders to keep the camera cables out of the way.There are two cameras behind her, and two more cameras looking right at her.The photographer behind her asks her to move the chair an inch to the right.She complied.A man came over and adjusted her microphone position because he said there was a fabric rubbing noise. Across the way, Reardon was attaching the microphone himself, without bothering anyone else, chatting with the cameraman.Then he sat down easily in the chair.He looked relaxed and casual.He faced Kathy and smiled at her. Nothing to worry about, he said, a trivial matter. Malone said: "Let's get started, guys, the two of them are already in place."It's too hot here. Camera one is ready. Camera two is ready. The sound is good. Turn on the lights.Malone said. Kathy thought the lights for the filming had been turned on, but in an instant, new bright lights shone down on her from all directions.She felt that she was in a roaring furnace. Check the camera.Malone said. very good. we are doing well. All right, Malone said, and started walking. The interview begins. War Room 2:33 p.m. Marty.Reardon looked her in the eyes, smiled and pointed to this room, so that's where everything happened. Casey nodded. That's where Norton's experts meet to analyze flight accidents. Yes. Are you a group member? Yes. Been with the company for five years. Yes. They call this room the war room, don't they? Some people call it that, yes. She paused.She couldn't think of any way to describe the arguments and outbursts of anger that had taken place in this room, the chaotic scenes that occur in every effort to clear the air about an airplane accident.She said nothing so as not to let him play tricks out of context. She said: It's just a nickname. The war room, Reardon said, the maps, the charts, the battle plans, the pressure, the obsession, the tension under siege.Your company, Norton Aircraft, is under siege right now, isn't it? I'm not sure what you are referring to.Casey said. Reardon raised his eyebrows, Europa, the European Union Aviation Agency, is refusing to issue a license to one of your planes, the N|22, because they say it's unsafe. In fact, the aircraft has been licensed, but You are close to selling fifty N|22s to China, but now the Chinese are also said to be concerned about the safety of this aircraft. She didn't want to get angry at the insinuations.She was so engrossed in Reardon that everything else in the room seemed to fade away. She said: "I don't know of any Chinese concerns. But you know, Reardon said, the background to these concerns about safety.There was a serious accident earlier this week involving an N|22 aircraft. Yes. Pacific flight 545.During the flight, an accident occurred over the Pacific Ocean. Yes. Three people died.How many people were injured? I think fifty-six.she says.She knew that no matter what she said, it sounded terrible. Fifty-six wounded, Reardon intoned, broken necks and broken legs.Shaking violently.Brain Injury.two people paralyzed for life Reardon's voice gradually softened and he looked at her. He asked no questions.She just said nothing.She waited in the heat of the lights. What are your thoughts on this? I think there's a lot of attention paid to aviation safety from top to bottom at Norton.That's why we can achieve three times the design life in aircraft testing Great concern.Do you think this is an appropriate response? Casey hesitated.What is he saying?I'm sorry, she said, I'm afraid I didn't understand Don't companies have a responsibility to build safe planes? Of course there is, and we've built safe airplanes. Not everyone agrees with what you say, Reardon said, Euro United disagrees.Wouldn't the Chinese probably also agree that it's not the company's responsibility to make design improvements to an aircraft it already knows is unsafe? what do you mean? I mean, Reardon said, what happened on Flight 545 has happened elsewhere before.Happened many times.On other N|22 aircraft.Isn't that true? no.Casey said. no?Reardon's eyebrows were raised high. no.Casey said unequivocally.She thought to herself, this is an opportunity, she can walk down from the cliff. Is this the first time? Yes. Well, said Reardon, maybe you can explain the list.He found a piece of paper and held it in his hand.She knew what it was, a list of slat accidents that had occurred since the N|22 entered the market in 1992.Eight events.Eight different events.Pacific Company's was ninth. This is not true. Well, then tell me why not. Casey explained, as briefly as possible, how the Airworthiness Directive occurred.She explained why such an order was issued to the N|22 aircraft, and why such incidents did not happen to domestic airlines after 1992. Reardon continued to listen with raised eyebrows, as if he had never heard of such a queer thing before. Then let me see if I understand, he said, according to what you mean, the company operates according to the rules.The fault is required to be repaired by issuing an airworthiness directive. No, Casey said, the company has fixed the glitch. Yeah?We did hear that the slat opening was the cause of the death of the passengers on Flight 545. This is not true.She's walking a tightrope right now, and she has to be careful and fine-tuned, and she understands that.If what he just asked her was, are the slats open?Then it will be difficult for her.She waited impatiently for his next question. Reardon said: "Was anyone who told us the slats open were wrong? I don't know how they know.Casey said.She decides to go one step further and yes, they are wrong. Fried.Buck, the former FAA investigator, was wrong too? Yes. Eurolink is also wrong? Yes, as you know, the delay in issuing permits by Eurolink is due to noise issues, and Let's talk about this for a while.Reardon said. She remembered what Gershon had said: he had no interest in information. Is Eurolink wrong?He repeated the question. She thought to herself, this problem is complicated.How can she make a long story short?They are wrong to say that this aircraft is unsafe. In your opinion, said Reardon, there is absolutely nothing solid in the criticism of the N|22? Completely correct.This is an excellent aircraft. Also a very well designed aircraft. Yes. safe plane. Absolutely safe. You are willing to take this kind of plane. Whenever possible. your family, your friends Absolutely. No hesitation no matter what happens? That's right. So, what was your reaction when you saw the footage of Flight 545 on TV? He'll let you just say yes and then give you a hard slap from the slant. But Kathy was prepared for it, and we all know it was a very tragic accident.When I saw the video, I was so sad for the victims. You grieve. Yes. Doesn't that shake your faith in this aircraft?Doesn't that make you suspicious of this aircraft? No. why not? Because the N|22 has an excellent safety record.is one of the best in the business. Reardon, one of the best in the business, let out a smirk. Yes, Mr. Reardon, she said, let me ask you.Last year, 43,000 Americans were killed in automobile accidents.Four thousand people drowned.Two thousand people choked to death after eating.Do you know how many people have died in domestic commercial air travel? Rielden paused.He chuckled softly, and I have to admit you caught me off guard. That question is clear and understandable, Mr. Reardon.How many people died in commercial aircraft accidents last year? Reardon frowned, I would say I would say a thousand people. Fifty people, Casey said, only fifty people died.Do you know how many people died in commercial aviation accidents the year before last?sixteen people.Fewer people die than cyclists. How many people died on the N|22 plane?Reardon asked, narrowing his eyes, trying to catch his breath. not a single one.Casey said. your point of view is Forty-three thousand people die in cars every year in our country.No one expressed any concern about this.They get into cars drunk or exhausted and never give it a second thought.But these same people are intimidated by flying.The reason, Casey says, is that television keeps exaggerating the danger. You think this tape shouldn't be aired? I didn't say that. But you say it will make people afraid for no reason. Completely correct. Is this your opinion that videos like this shouldn't be played? She was thinking, where does he want to lead?Why did he say that? I didn't say that. I ask you now. I said, Casey replied, that the videos gave rise to an incorrect conception of the dangers of air travel. Including N | 22 type of risk. I have already said that the N|22 type is safe. So you don't think these videos should be shown to the public. What is he trying to do?She still can't figure it out.She didn't answer his question, she was just thinking hard, trying to see where he was going to go.She had a very clear feeling of sinking. In your opinion, Ms. Singleton, these tapes should be locked up? No.Casey said. They should not be sealed. No. Has Norton blocked any videotapes? Ah, she thought.She wanted to guess how many people knew about the tape.A lot of people, she counted: Von Ellen, Ziegler, people from the View Company, maybe a dozen people, maybe more Ms. Singleton, Reardon said, are you personally aware of any other footage of this accident? Lie when you have to, Imos said. Yes, she said, I know there is another volume. Have you seen that roll? seen. Reardon said: "The tape was painful to watch, it was horrifying.isn't it? She thought to herself: They have it in their hands.They've already got the tape.She had to proceed very carefully now. Very tragic, Casey said, what happened on Flight 545 was a tragedy.She was flustered with exhaustion, and her shoulders ached from tension. Ms. Singleton, let me ask you straight: did Norton Aircraft block this tape? No. Raised eyebrows, surprised look, of course you didn't make it public, did you? No. why not? That tape was recovered from the plane, Casey said, and is being used in our ongoing investigation.We don't think it's appropriate to release an investigation until it's fully concluded. Aren't you covering up the well known deficiencies of the N|22? No. Not everyone will agree with you on that, Ms Singleton.Because Newswire got a volume from a conscientious Norton employee.The man believed that the company was covering up the truth and that the tape should be made public. Kathy sat upright, motionless. Are you surprised?Reardon pouted contemptuously. She didn't answer.Her mind was racing.She has to plan her next step. Reardon smirked, a condescending smile.He is enjoying the moment. Have you actually seen the tape yourself, Mr. Reardon?When she asked the question she implied that the tape didn't exist and that Reardon had made it up. Oh yes, said Reardon solemnly, I've seen the tape.It's very sad and painful to watch.This is the horrific but true record of the accident on board the N|22. Have you watched it from start to finish? certainly.My colleagues in New York have seen it too. That means the tape has gone to New York, she thought. careful. Ms. Singleton, is Norton really going to release the tape? This is not our videotape.We should return it to its owner after the investigation is complete.It will be up to its owner to decide what to do with it. Reardon shook his head after the investigation, I beg your pardon, but for a company that you say is committed to flight safety, there seems to be a long-standing cover-up. Cover up the truth? Ms. Singleton, if there is a problem with this aircraft, a serious problem, a long-standing problem that has been unresolved, a problem that the company knows about, would you tell us? But there is no such problem. There's none?Reardon looked at the papers in front of him. If N|22 is really as safe as you say it is, Ms. Singleton, how do you explain that? He said and handed her a piece of paper. She took it and glanced at it. Jesus.Christ.she says. Reardon gets his exaggerated orgasm, a reaction in which she's completely disarmed and off balance.She knew it would look embarrassing.She knew that no matter what she said from now on, there was nothing she could do to save the situation.But she still stared blankly at the piece of paper in front of her. This is the cover page of a photocopy of a report three years ago. Privileged Confidential Information For Internal Use Only norton aircraft co. Internal Analysis Committee Administrative summary Unsteady Flight Characteristics of N|22 Aircraft Next is a list of committee members.Because she is the chairman of this committee, her name is listed first. Casey knew there was nothing inappropriate about the study, nor the conclusions contained in it.But all of that, and even its headline unsteady flight characteristics, seemed impossible to roll over.This really made her speechless. He has no interest in information. This is an internal company report, she thought.It should never have been made public.It was made three years ago and few people even remember it ever existed.How did Reardon get it? She glanced at the top of the copy and saw a fax machine number and the sender's station: Norton Quality Control. It was from her own office. How is this going? Who did this? Richman, she thought grimly. Richman put the report in a press kit on her desk.These materials were passed on to Newswire by Casey, who asked Norma. How did Richman know about the report? Made. Madd knows all about the research.Mudd had been the project manager for the N|22 aircraft, and it was he who ordered the study.And now, in her TV interview, Mud deliberately arranged for this research to be disclosed, because Ms Singleton?Reardon said. She raised her head, and her face was illuminated by a light again, um. Do you recognize this report? Yes, I know. Is that your own name at the bottom? Yes. Reardon handed her the other three pieces of paper, the rest of the summary. In fact, you're the chairman of this secret committee within Norton that investigates the flight instability of the N|22, right? What should she do next?she thinks. He has no interest in information. It's not classified, she said, it's the kind of research we often do on the flight of an aircraft once it's in service. By your own admission, this is a study of flight instability. Look, she said, this kind of research is a good thing. good thing?Eyebrows raised, startled. Yes, she said, after the first slat opening incident four years ago, there was a question of whether the aircraft had unstable operating characteristics in a certain configuration.We do not evade this question.Nor do we take this issue lightly.We tackled this head-on by setting up a committee to test the aircraft under various conditions to see if that was the case.So we conclude Let me read it, Reardon said, your own report.The basic stability of the aircraft relies on the computer. Yes, she said, all modern aircraft use When the flight attitude changes, the aircraft shows obvious sensitivity to hand control operations. Kathy is looking at these pages now, listening to him, yes, but if you read the rest of the sentence, you will Reardon interrupted her, interjecting: The pilot reported that the plane was out of control. But you are taking it out of context. Am I doing this?The eyebrows are raised again, these are what your own reports said.A confidential Norton report. I thought you said you wanted to hear what I had to say.She was starting to lose her temper.She knows she's showing it, but she doesn't care. Reardon leaned back in his chair and spread his arms out in a reasonable manner, Say what you want, Ms. Singleton. Then I'll explain.This study was carried out to determine whether the N|22 had stability problems.Our conclusion is that it does not, and is that true? I thought I was allowed to explain further. certainly. Then I'll put into context what you just quoted, said Casey, reporting that the N|22 is computer dependent.All modern aircraft rely on computers for stability in flight.The reason is not that the pilot cannot operate it.they can.There's nothing wrong with that.But today's airlines need very fuel-efficient and efficient planes.The greatest fuel efficiency comes from the least drag in flight. Reardon waved his hand, it was a gesture to say nothing, sorry, but all of this To minimize drag, Casey continued, the plane has to maintain a very precise flight attitude, or position in the air.The most effective position is with the nose slightly up.The computer keeps the plane in this attitude during normal flight.There is nothing unusual about any of this. Nothing abnormal?Flying unstable?Reardon said. He's constantly changing the subject and never letting her keep up, I'll get to that right away. We were all eager to listen.A public sarcasm. She struggled to control her anger.No matter how bad things are now, if she loses her temper again, it will be even worse. You read a sentence just now, she said, let me finish it.The aircraft exhibited a noticeable sensitivity to hand controls during changes in flight attitude, but this sensitivity was well within design parameters and presented no difficulty to properly trained pilots.Here's the rest of the sentence. But you have acknowledged operational sensitivity.Isn't that the same as unstable? No, she said, being sensitive doesn't mean being unstable. The plane was out of control.Reardon said shaking his head. It can control. You did this research because you have a guilty conscience. We do a study because it's our job to keep aircraft safe.And we're now confident that it's safe, she said. A secret study. It is not confidential. Never distributed, never shown to the public This is an internal report.she says. Have you nothing to hide? No.she says. Then why don't you tell us the truth about Pacific Flight 545? the truth? We've heard that your accident analysis team has a preliminary conclusion report on the possible cause of the accident.is this real? almost.she says. Ms. Singleton, do you have a tentative conclusion, or not? Kathy stared at Reardon.The question still echoed in mid-air. I'm sorry, said a cameraman behind her, but we have to change the straps. Camera change tape! Change belt! Reardon looked as if he had been slapped hard in the face, but he recovered immediately and said it later.He smiled at Kathy.He is very relaxed.He knew he had defeated Casey.He stood up from his chair and turned his back to her.The headlights went off with a bang.The room seemed to turn into darkness in an instant.Someone turned the air conditioner back on. Casey stood up too.She unhooked the wireless microphone case from her waist.The female makeup artist hurried over with a powder puff in her hand.Kathy held up her hand and waited a moment.she says. After the headlights went off, she saw Richman walking towards the door. Casey hurried after him. Building 64 3:01 p.m. She catches up to him in the hall, grabs him by the arm, and spins him around, you bitch! Hey, says Richman, don't get mad.He smiled and nodded behind her.She looked back to see a sound engineer and a cameraman coming out of the house into the foyer. Kathy angrily shoved Richman all the way back into the women's bathroom.Richman started laughing, oh my god Kathy I didn't know you cared They went in the toilet and she pushed him back against the row of sinks, you little bastard, she said angrily, I don't know if you know what the hell you're doing, but you leaked that report, I want You can't do anything.Richman said, his voice suddenly hardened.He slammed her hands away from him, and you still don't understand, do you?It's all over, Kathy.You ruined this business with China.You are screwed too. She stared at him, unable to make out what he meant.He seemed confident now and was a completely different man. Egerton was screwed too.Business with China is over.You are screwed too.He laughed, exactly as John had foreseen it would happen. It's Made, she thought.Ma De is the mastermind behind this matter. If the business with China cannot be done, Ma De will also have to leave.Egerton will do it. Richman shook his head in pity, no, he can't do it.Egerton is in a daze in Hong Kong now, and he will never understand how he was beaten.By noon on Sunday, Mudd was the new president of Norton Aircraft.He only needs to talk to the board of directors for ten minutes to finalize the matter.Because we made a bigger deal with South Korea.One hundred and ten aircraft, and thirty-five futures.The total is 16 billion US dollars.The Board of Directors would be mad with joy. South Korea?Casey said.She wants to connect all these things.It's a huge order, the largest in the company's history, but why? Because he gave them the wings, Richman said, they were more than willing to buy a hundred and ten planes in return.They don't care about the loud, sensationalized American press.They know the plane is safe. He gave them the wings? certainly.This is an excellent deal. Yes, Casey said, it would kill the company. It's a global economy now, says Richman, and jump on the bandwagon. But you guys are destroying the backbone of the company.she says. Sixteen billion dollars, Richman said, would send Norton stock into the sky as soon as the announcement was made.All will benefit. Everyone except this company, she thought. It's a deal done, Richman said, and all we need is someone to come out and publicly smear the N|22.You just did that for us. Kathy sighed, shoulders slumping. She saw herself in the mirror behind Richman.The makeup pastels on the neck were a cake, and they're all cracked now.Her eyes were darkened and she looked haggard and exhausted.She failed completely. So I propose, said Richman, that you ask me, very politely, what your next step is.Because, your only option now is to follow orders.Do what I say, be a good girl, and maybe John will pay you some severance pay.For example, three months' salary.Otherwise, you're fucked. He moved closer to her. Did you understand what I said? understood.Casey said. I am waiting.Ask politely. Although her body and mind were extremely exhausted, her mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about all possible options, trying to find a way out.But she can't see any way out. Newsline will broadcast the report.Mudd's plan will be successful.She's been utterly broken.Lost from the start.Richman was doomed from the moment he appeared. I'm still waiting.Richman said. She looked at his bald face and smelled his cologne.The little bastard is getting carried away.After a burst of anger and deep righteous indignation, she suddenly saw another possibility. From the very beginning, she worked hard and toiled to do all the right things to solve 545's problems.She has been open and honest, and stick to principle, and all this has caused her nothing but trouble. Isn't that the case? You can't help but face reality, and here, Richman said, it's all over.You can't do anything. She walked away from the sink. Just wait and see.she says. She walked out of the bathroom. 5 War Room 3:15 p.m. Kathy sat in a chair.The sound engineer came over and pinned the wireless microphone box to the belt of her dress. Would you please say a few words to try the sound?Try the sound effects. Audition, audition, I'm tired.she says. very good.Thank you. She saw Richman slip into the room, leaning his back against the opposite wall.There was an imperceptible smile on his face.He doesn't look worried.He was so calm that he thought there was nothing she could do.馬德做成了一筆大買賣,他要把機翼也給別人做,他對公司來了個釜底抽薪,而且他利用凱西來達到目的。 瑞爾登在她對面的椅子裡坐下,聳聳肩膀,緊一緊領帶。他向她笑笑,你挺累的吧? I'm alright. 這兒真熱,不是嗎?他說著瞟了一眼手錶,我們差不多要完成了。 馬龍走過來,對著瑞爾登的耳朵悄悄說話。耳語持續了幾分鐘時間。瑞爾登說:真的嗎?接著他的兩道眉毛揚起來,點了好幾次頭。最後他說:明白了。他開始整理他的文件,翻著面前的文件夾。 馬龍說:各位?都準備好了嗎? 一號機準備完畢。 二號機準備完畢。 音響準備完畢。 走帶。she says. 就這樣辦吧,凱西想。她深深吸口氣,向瑞爾登投去期待的目光。 瑞爾登朝她微笑。 你是諾頓飛機公司的行政管理人員? Yes. 幹了五年。 Yes. 你是一名受到信任、地位很高的管理人員。 She nodded.他要是知道實情就好了。 現在我們再來談談545航班事件。涉及到一架被你說成是絕對安全的飛機。 right. 然而已經有三人死亡,五十多人受傷。 Yes. 我們大家已經看到的這些連續的鏡頭太讓人感到恐怖了。你們的事故分析小組這幾天一直在夜以繼日地幹著。現在我們聽說你們已經有了發現。 Yes.she says. 你知道在那個班機上發生了什麼。 careful. 她得非常非常謹慎地處理這事。因為事實是她並不知道究竟發生了什麼;儘管她已經有了一種很強烈的懷疑,他們還得先把事情的發展理出個順序來,證實事情是按一定的先後次序發生的,是一連串互為因果的關係。他們目前尚不能肯定。 我們已經接近得出一個結論了。Casey said. 不用說,我們都急切地想聽到。 我們將在明天宣布。Casey said. 在燈光後頭,她看見里奇曼大驚失色。他沒有料到這個。這小雜種正想看看她會走到哪一步。 那就讓他試試吧。 桌子的另一頭,瑞爾登朝旁邊轉過身去,馬龍又湊到他耳旁輕聲說些什麼。瑞爾登點點頭,轉過來面對凱西,辛格頓女士,如果你現在已經知道,為什麼還要等呢? 正如你自己說的,因為這是一次嚴重的事故。從各式各樣的消息來源已經有了大量的未經證實的猜測。諾頓飛機公司覺得負責任的處理是非常重要的。在公開宣布之前,我們必須在飛行測試中對我們的發現進行確認。測試將使用涉及事故的同一架飛機。 你們什麼時候做飛行測試? 明天早晨。 啊,瑞爾登遺憾地嘆了一口氣,不過,那對我們的播出就太晚了,你明白嗎?你正在拒絕給你們公司對那些嚴厲指控做出答覆的機會。 凱西的答覆早已準備好了,我們已經預定明天早晨五點鐘做飛行測試,她說,飛行測試之後,我們將立刻召開一次記者招待會明天中午吧。 中午。瑞爾登說。 他臉上是無動於衷的表情,但她知道他正在計算。洛杉磯的中午是紐約的下午三點鐘。有足夠的時間在紐約和洛杉磯的晚間新聞中播出來。諾頓公司的初步結論在本地和全國新聞網上將會得到廣泛的報導,而《新聞線》在週六晚十時才播出,那就成了過時新聞。這取決於記者招待會上發布的內容。《新聞線》這檔節目是前一天晚上編輯好的,到時候就成了昨日黃花,弄不好還會變成難堪的笑柄。 瑞爾登歎一口氣,好吧,他說,我們也應該對你們表示公平吧。 of course.Casey said. 諾頓行政辦公大樓下午四時十五分 狗屎,馬德對里奇曼說,隨她現在幹什麼都無關大局。 但她預先安排了一次飛行測試 誰在乎?Made said. 我想她會讓電視臺的人去拍節目的。 so what?飛行測試只會使這件事更糟糕。她對事故的原因一無所知,而且她對這架飛機上天之後會發生什麼也沒有底。他們也不大可能重現已發生的事件。說不定還可能發生別的難以預料的事。 For example? 那架飛機經歷過非常嚴重的重力負載,馬德說,它可能還有沒發現的結構損傷。飛機上天時任何情況都可能發生。馬德輕蔑地揮揮手,這改變不了什麼。 《新聞線》週六晚十點到十一點播出。週六晚開始的時候,我將通知董事會,將發生對我們不利的宣傳活動,我們必須在星期天上午召開一次緊急會議。哈爾不可能來得及從香港趕回來。董事會裡他的朋友們聽說一百六十億美元的生意時,自然就會拋棄他。他們手裡都有股份。他們知道這樣宣布這筆大生意將會對他們手中的股票產生什麼樣的影響。我將是這家公司的下任總裁,沒有人能做任何事來阻止這一切。Hal.埃格頓也休想。當然更別說凱西.辛格頓啦。 我說不上來,里奇曼說,我想她也許正在策劃什麼事。她是非常精明的,約翰。 還沒精明到那一步呢。Made said. 作戰室下午四時三十分 攝影機打包收箱。白色泡沫片從天花板上取下,微型麥克風拆了,電器控制盒子和攝影機箱也移走了。但是談判還在慢吞吞地拖延著。法律部的頭頭愛德.福勒在那兒,還有飛行員泰迪.羅利,以及另兩位搞飛行測試的工程師。他們負責回答有關的技術問題。 《新聞線》方面,由馬龍一個人負責談話,瑞爾登在背後踱步,偶爾停下來對她耳語兩句。隨著強燈光的消失,他那居高臨下的權威派頭也跟著消失了。他現在看上去是既疲勞又煩惱,缺乏耐心。 馬龍開始時先說,因為《新聞線》正在做一個完整的有關N|22型飛機的專題,所以讓《新聞線》攝製組拍攝飛行測試過程應該是符合諾頓公司利益的。 凱西說那不成問題。飛行測試將由幾十臺攝影機進行拍攝錄影,攝影機有的裝在飛機內部,有的裝在飛機外部。《新聞線》節目組的人員可以在地面上通過監視器看到整個測試過程。他們也可以在事後得到錄影帶,用於播出。 不,馬龍說,那還不夠。《新聞線》的攝製組成員要真正登上飛機才行。 凱西說那不可能,沒有哪家飛機製造公司曾經允許過外部人員參加飛行測試的。她說她已經做了讓步,讓他們在地面上看電視實況。 馬龍說這還不夠好。 愛德.福勒插進來解釋說這是個責任問題。諾頓不可能讓未經保險的非公司雇員參加測試,你明白,當然,在飛行測試中肯定有危險。它是難以避免的。 馬龍說《新聞線》可以接受任何危險,並且在責任狀上簽名。 愛德.福勒說他可以起草有關文件,但這必須得到《新聞線》律師的批准,而且這樣做沒時間了。 馬龍說她可以在一個小時之後弄到《新聞線》律師的批准書。白天或晚上任何時候都行。 福勒換個理由。他說如果諾頓讓《新聞線》看到飛行測試的話,他要求確保測試的結果得到準確的報導。他說編輯好的片子必須經過他的認可。 馬龍說新聞記者的職業道德不允許這樣做,而且也沒有時間這樣做。如果飛行測試在中午左右結束,她就得在車上編好節目,然後立刻發送到紐約去。 福勒說公司的問題依舊存在。他要求飛行測試得到準確報導。 他們來來回回地討價還價。最後馬龍說她將在片中保留諾頓發言人一段三十秒鐘、未經剪接的有關飛行測試結果的評論。這段評論將從記者招待會上拍下來。 福勒要求一分鐘。 他們最後以四十秒達成妥協。 我們還有個問題,福勒說,如果我們讓你們拍飛行測試,我們就要求你們不使用今天弄到的事故實況錄影帶。 沒門兒,馬龍說,這段錄影肯定要放。 你聲稱這卷帶子是從一名諾頓雇員手中弄到的,福勒說,這不正確。我們要求它的來源得到準確表述。 好吧,我們的確是從為諾頓工作的什麼人手裡弄到它的。 不對,福勒說,你們不是的。 他們是你們的一個分包商。 不,他們不是的。我可以向你提供一份國內收入署關於分包商的定義,如果你想要的話。 這一點還可以 我們已經從接待員克麗斯汀.巴倫那裡取得了一份宣誓過的聲明。她不是諾頓飛機公司的雇員。她事實上也不是視圖公司的雇員。她是從一家代理機構來的臨時工。 這有什麼要緊的? 我們要求你準確表述事實:你們是從公司以外的來源弄到這卷帶子的。 馬龍聳聳肩膀,我想這一點還可以吧。 那還有什麼問題? 馬龍想了一會兒,行。she says. 福勒把一張紙從桌子這邊推過去,這份簡短的文件上表達了我們的諒解。Sign it. 馬龍看看瑞爾登。瑞爾登聳聳肩。 馬龍簽了字,我不明白這麼大驚小怪是為什麼。她把它朝福勒推回來,然後頓了頓。 飛行測試中,兩名攝製組人員上飛機。這是我們的協議吧? 不,福勒說,我們從來沒有這種協議。你的人將在地面上觀看測試。 This will not work. 凱西說《新聞線》攝製組可以到測試現場,他們可以拍攝測試的準備、起飛、降落,但他們在真正飛行時不能待在飛機上。 Unfortunately.馬龍說。 泰迪.羅利清清喉嚨,我想你並不明白情況,馬龍女士,他說,飛行測試時,你在飛機裡是不可能拍攝的。飛機上的每個人都將捆在一個固定的安全套具裡。你甚至不能站起來去撒尿。你也不能使用燈光或電池,因為它們生成磁場,可能會干擾我們的數據。 我們不需要燈光,她說,我們可以使用任何現成的可見光進行拍攝。 你不明白,羅利說,那上頭可能是相當危險的。 這就是我們非得去那兒不可的原因。馬龍說。 愛德.福勒也清清嗓子,讓我把話完全說清楚,馬龍女士,他說,這家公司在任何條件下都不會允許你的攝製組人員登上那架飛機的。這是絕對不可能的。 馬龍的面孔變得僵直凝固。 女士,羅利說,你必須明白,我們在沙漠上空進行測試是有原因的。那是一大片無人居住的空間。 你是說飛機可能墜毀。 我是說我們不知道將會發生什麼事。這事你得聽我們的:你們要待在地面。 馬龍搖頭說:不,我們的攝製組人員必須登上飛機。 女士,將會有巨大的重力負載 凱西說:整個飛機上裡裡外外布滿了三十臺攝影機。這些攝影機將會覆蓋各個可能的角度駕駛艙、機翼、乘客艙,所有的地方。你們將會獨家得到這些錄影。不會有人知道這些鏡頭不是由你們自己的攝影機拍攝的。 馬龍沉著臉,但凱西知道自己講得有理,馬龍也就無話可說。這女人只關心弄到什麼勞什子電視素材。 我要求我們自己裝攝影機。she says. 啊羅利說。 我必須能向別人講我們把自己的攝影機裝在飛機上,馬龍說,我必須能這樣講才行。 到最後,凱西反反覆覆討價還價後做出了妥協。《新聞線》獲准在飛機的任何部位安裝兩臺固定的攝影機來錄製飛行測試過程。他們可以直接使用這兩臺機子拍攝下的鏡頭。最後,《新聞線》還被允許在總裝線所在的64號大樓外拍一段瑞爾登站立主持的鏡頭。 諾頓公司將向《新聞線》攝製組提供當天晚些時候前往亞利桑那測試中心的交通,將安排他們在當地的一家汽車旅館過夜;將在第二天上午送他們去測試現場,然後下午送他們回洛杉磯。 馬龍把文件推還給福勒,成交。she says. 瑞爾登隨馬龍離開去拍單獨評說鏡頭時,煩躁不安地看著他的手錶。凱西則和羅利及福勒留在作戰室。 福勒嘆了一口氣,我希望我們做的是正確決定。他轉過身對凱西說,我按你早些時候從視圖公司打來的電話上說的意思辦了。 是的,愛德,她說,你幹得無可挑剔。 但我看過錄影了,他說,真讓人覺得恐怖啊。恐怕不管飛行測試是什麼結果,人們將只會記住這卷帶子了。 凱西說:那得看是不是有人能看到這個錄影。 我擔心的是,福勒說,《新聞線》無論發生什麼情況,終歸要放這卷帶子的。 我認為他們不會放,凱西說,在我們跟他們把事情了結之後,他們就不會放了。 福勒又嘆了一口氣,我希望你是對的。賭注下得太大了。 泰迪說:你最好叫他們帶上厚衣服。你自己也是,寶貝兒。還有件事,我觀察過那女人。她以為她明天篤定能上飛機。 是的,也許吧。 你也想上,對吧? Maybe.Casey said. 你最好認真想想,泰迪說,你見過快速存取記錄儀顯示的數據,凱西。那架飛機出事時超出了它設計重力負載的160%。那傢伙讓這架飛機遭受了無法忍受的重力。明天,我飛上天後還要把這次事件重新來過一次。 她聳聳肩膀,多赫迪檢查過機身,她說,他們用X光檢查過,而且 是的,他檢查過,泰迪說,但並不徹底。通常情況下這種檢查要進行一個月的時間,然後飛機才能重新服役。我們必須對飛機上所有的接頭部分進行X光檢查。這件事還沒做。 你直說了吧。 我是說,泰迪說,當我把飛機再次置於相同的重力負載時,這架飛機有可能出事。 你想嚇唬我嗎?Casey said. 不,我只是告訴你事實。這很嚴肅,凱西。世界上什麼事都可能發生。 64號大樓外下午四時五十五分 歷史上從來沒有一家飛機製造公司,瑞爾登說,允許電視報導組拍攝飛行測試的實況。但這次試飛對諾頓飛機公司的前途那麼重要,他們對測試的結果又是那麼充滿信心,於是他們居然允許我們的攝製組來現場進行拍攝。所以今天,歷史上頭一回,我們將看到涉及545航班事件的那架飛機,那架人們為之爭論不休的諾頓N|22型飛機的真實鏡頭。批評者們說這是一個死亡陷阱。公司方面說它無比安全。飛行測試將最終證明孰是孰非。 瑞爾登停下來。 It's done.Jennifer said. 你想多拍一點,準備到時剪輯用嗎? Yes. 他們到底在什麼地方搞飛行測試? 尤瑪。 OK瑞爾登說。 他站在下午的陽光中,64號大樓前,低頭看著自己的腳,用低低的、信任的口氣說:我們現在正在亞利桑那州尤瑪的諾頓試飛中心。現在是早晨五點鐘。諾頓公司的工作人員正在做545號起飛前的最後準備。他抬起頭,黎明是什麼時候? 我要知道就好了。珍妮弗說,把這個也講一下。 OK.瑞爾登說。他再一次低頭看看自己的腳,低聲吟誦,就在黎明到來之前,緊張的心情在加劇。在黎明前的黑暗之中,緊張的心情在加劇。隨著拂曉降臨,緊張的心情在加劇。 這段可以用。Jennifer said. 你打算怎樣處理結尾?He said. 做兩手準備才有把握。 瑞爾登再一次低下頭眼望自己的雙腳,飛機著陸了,整個隊伍喜氣洋洋。四周都是興高采烈的面孔。飛行測試取得成功。諾頓公司證明了自己的看法是正確的。At least for now.他吸了一口氣繼續往下講,飛機著陸了,整個隊伍鴉雀無聲。諾頓公司上下全都傻了眼。有關N|22型飛機致人死命的辯論繼續激起公憤。他抬起頭,夠了吧? 她說:你最好把辯論繼續激起公憤這句話面對攝影機說一遍。 good idea. 馬蒂總是認為讓他出頭像是好主意,他不喜歡配畫外音。他直直地挺立著,把下巴一沉,擺出一付堅毅的模樣,面對著攝影機。 然而,有關N|22型飛機激烈的辯論將不會停息。這裡,在製造飛機的廠房裡,職工們堅信這是一種安全可靠的飛機。但是N|22型飛機的批評者們仍不能信服。天上還會再發生一次死亡事件嗎?只有時間才會告訴我們。我是馬丁.瑞爾登,《新聞線》,從加州伯班克向您報導。 He blinked. 太老套了?太過頭了? 棒極了,馬蒂。 他說著已經摘下麥克風,把無線盒從腰帶上取下。他在珍妮弗臉頰上啄了一口,我現在得走了。他朝一輛正等著的小汽車奔過去。 珍妮弗轉過身,對著她的攝製組,把東西收起來,各位,她說道,我們馬上就去亞利桑那。
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