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Chapter 16 [Second interview, Mr. and Mrs. Smith]

smith task 凱西伊絲杜伯斯基 2405Words 2023-02-05
Note: The patient missed the appointment. An hour later, Mr. Smith called to apologize, saying that he suddenly had to take a long trip, but he didn't want to directly make an appointment for the next time. He said he would call again after confirming with his wife. The next day Mrs. Smith called.She wondered if she could come on Tuesday, by herself.interesting [Second meeting, only Mr. Smith] Mr. Smith, second interview, here is the entire conversation, with my notes: Mr. Smith sat down in my office, and he apologized for being late, even though he wasn't late at all. The man looked tired, and I checked my notes: Mr. Smith runs an international construction company, travels a lot, has no kids, and has a busy life.

But his fatigue doesn't look physical, his eyes reveal that something else is wearing him down. I kept flipping through the paper, waiting for him to relax. I asked him if he wanted coffee or tea, and he politely declined, then pulled out a silver decanter and smiled the sort of coy smile a lady would fall for.He asked: Do you mind me? I looked at the clock. It was not yet noon, but the action seemed perfectly natural to Mr. Smith. There's a song that goes like this: It's five o'clock somewhere.he joked. John Smith was much more tactful than he had been in the first interview, and I found him to be a very kind, reliable, steady man, like the gentleman in an insurance company ad.This Mr. Smith seems um, not the same, a bit like James Bond, or Frank Sinatra, he has that rat gang-like chic.

He was gulping and casually drinking from the carafe, and I noticed he wasn't wearing a wedding ring. I checked my notes and he did wear the ring when Mrs. Smith was present at the first session. It might seem like a small thing, but it's something I make sure to pay attention to every time a married couple walks in.A wedding ring is not just a symbol, most people attach great importance to it. I don't know the reason why Mr. Smith doesn't wear a ring. I believe there must be an interesting story behind this. I turned on the tape recorder, hoping to find out why. Me: Tell me, Mr. Smith, why did you decide to come here alone?

MR. SMITH (shrugs, looks away): I don't know, really, I don't think we have a problem.I mean, I love my wife, I love my home, I love my life Note: He didn't finish this sentence, he swallowed the word but, and he seemed unable to say it. Me (probing): But? Note: Mr. Smith's eyes drifted further away, obviously he was replaying the painful scene in his mind, something must be bothering him, but he didn't know how to talk about it.Of course, this was not surprising among my male patients. So I took a step back and took a different approach. Me: Take it easy, Mr. Smith, we're here to chat, there's no right or wrong answer.Tell me about your wife. Why did she attract you in the first place?

Mr. Smith (begins to smile): She's charming and funny and mysterious Notes: Good, he let go. Me: What about now? Note: Mr. Smith's face fell and his eyes closed. Mr. Smith: No mystery. Note: I waited patiently for him to say more, but he just looked at me and shrugged like that was it.He fiddled with his wine bottle, took another sip of unknown wine, and then looked down at the floor, unable to hide his disappointment.I could see that he was having a hard time letting go, in fact, I believe it would be harder than heaven to get him to talk again.I tapped my pen on the table and thought about it.

Me: Mr. Smith, I have a little homework for you. Note: He glanced at me, as if to mean: Are you kidding me? Me: Don't worry, I promise you, I just want you to go home and write down how you feel. Note: Mr. Smith laughed out loud like I'd just told a big joke, and then he stopped, looking a little embarrassed. Mr. Smith: You're not serious, are you?no?Doctor, I'm not very good at writing. I'm in the construction industry and I'm more action-oriented. Did I tell you?And I'm so busy at work you can't imagine the shit that's going on over there in Atlanta

Me: Mr. Smith, I understand, but don't you worry, this is not a school assignment for an English teacher, it doesn't have to be beautifully written, or even complete sentences.It's just an exercise, an experiment, so to speak, and you don't have to show it to anyone. Mr. Smith: Anyone? Me: No one will watch. Mr. Smith: Won't you give you know of her? Me: Mrs. Smith?Oh no, you don't have to show her, not even me, of course you can show me if you want.I just want you to write down how you feel and find out what exactly is bothering you, sometimes we have to tell ourselves to know what we feel.

Note: Mr. Smith picked up the bottle and took another sip. He seemed to notice that I was counting the number of times. He quickly screwed the cap on and stuffed it into the pocket of his suit jacket. MR. SMITH (shrugging): Never mind.He's smiling like it's no big deal, I mean, well, I'll give it a try, there's no reason not to, right?You are a doctor, aren't you? I am fine. Mr. Smith: But I can't guarantee anything. Note: Mr. Smith got up to leave, he shook my hand like we were best friends from a high school reunion, and headed out.He stopped suddenly and turned around.

Mr. Smith: Uh, doctor? Me: Yes, Mr. Smith? Mr. Smith: So, how do I start? Me (smiling): Just start with the first memories, think about how you met your wife and try to remember why you fell in love in the first place. Mr. Smith: Okay, great, I see! Note: Mr. Smith rushed out the door as if the school bell had just rung. I made a hasty note and shook my head. I'm not sure I'll ever see or hear from Mr. Smith again. (It turned out that I did see Mr. Smith again. To see Mrs. Smith's file notes, please turn to the cover and refer to the text in the fourth section.) (End of the book)

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