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Chapter 12 Chapter Twelve

Let's put it this way: We're welcomed into Baghdad like a tank of bastards breaking into someone's family reunion. As soon as people saw us, they ran away yelling and shouting, and some threw stones at us.We went through the streets, looking for a gas station, and Dan said we'd better stop and figure out some way to disguise, or we'd be in big trouble.We got out of the car and looked around.The tank was covered in dust and sand, and it was almost unrecognizable, except for the American flag painted on the side, which was slightly visible.Sergeant Kranz said it was a pity that there was no mud on the tank tracks, otherwise the American flag could be painted over with mud.Dan said that wasn't a bad idea, so he sent me to get some water from a roadside ditch to make mud.As a result, instead of clear water in the ditch, there was sewage, which made my task not so easy and pleasant.

When I came back with a bucket, everyone covered their noses and fanned the air, but they still mixed some sand into the sewage and painted it on the American flag.Dan said that if caught this time, he would probably be shot for espionage.Anyway, we all went back in the car, and Sergeant Kranz handed Sue the bucket with the slop filled bucket, in case the mud came off the flag and it had to be repainted. And that's it, off we go.We walked around for a while, and the disguise seemed to work.People looked up as we passed, but otherwise paid little attention.Finally, we came to a gas station, but it seemed to be unattended.Dan told Sergeant Kranz and me to check for diesel.We got out of the car and walked three or five steps before the commotion started.Jeeps and armored vehicles suddenly rushed from all directions and stopped opposite us.Sergeant Kranz and I crouched behind a trash can, waiting to see what was going on.

Immediately, a man with a thick beard, wearing a green military uniform and a red bonnet emerged from an armored vehicle.Everyone seemed to kowtow to him. son of a bitch!Sergeant Kranz whispered: It's Hussein! I squinted my eyes for a closer look, and sure enough, it looked exactly like the Haishan I had seen in the photos. At first, he didn't seem to notice us at all, walking into a building, but suddenly he stopped, turned sharply, and took a second look at our tank.All of a sudden, the Arabs around Hussein raised their automatic rifles and rushed forward to surround the tank.One of them climbed onto the car and knocked on the hood.I guess Dan and Sue thought it was us, because they opened the hood of the car and there they were facing about two dozen gun barrels.

The Arabs dragged them off the tank and told them to stand against the wall with their hands up.In fact, since Dan has taken off his prosthetic, of course he has to sit. Hassan stood before them both with arms akimbo, laughing at his guards. Look, he said: I told you, don't be afraid of these American soldiers!Look at the two guys who drive their best tanks, one is crippled and the other is ugly as an ape! Hearing this, Gong Su showed a painful expression on his face. Well, Hassan said: Since your tanks don't have identification marks on them, they must be spies giving them a cigarette, guys, ask them if they have any last words.

Looks like things are going badly, and Sergeant Kranz and I can't figure out what to do.There seems to be no reason to attack those guards, because there are too many of them, and we will just die for nothing.But you can't go back to the tank, because there are guards watching.Not even fleeing, because that's the act of cowards, and besides, where can we run? Now Dan was smoking his last cigarette and Sue broke off the one and stuffed it in his mouth to chew.I guess it thought it was the last meal.Anyway, Hussein turned abruptly and walked over to our tank and climbed in.After a few minutes he crawled out again and called the guards to take Dan and Sue over.In the blink of an eye, all three of them got into the tank.

It turned out that Hussein had never seen a modern tank and didn't know how to operate it, so she decided to give Dan and Sue a reprieve, at least until they taught him how to operate a tank. They entered the car for a long time, and the tank suddenly started.Slowly, the turret began to turn around, and the muzzle moved down until it faced the faces of the guards.The guards showed funny expressions and whispered to each other. At this time, Hussein's voice came from the loudspeaker of the tank, ordering the guards to put down their automatic rifles and raise their hands.They did as they were told, and Sue opened the hood right away and beckoned me and Sergeant Kranz to get in the car.As soon as we got in the car, Sue poured the bucket of sewage over the guard's face, and the tank drove away at top speed.From the dust rising from behind, we could see the guards covering their noses and waving their hands, gasping for breath.

In the car, Dan was driving with one hand, holding a gun in the other hand and pointing at Hassan's head. Forrest, saying, he handed me the gun: you take over and keep him.As long as he acts rashly, he will be destroyed! The bastard Hassan was so upset, yelling and cursing and calling out to his Allah. We've got to get oil, or the ploy is going to fail.Dan said. What strategy? Send this bastard back to General Schwarzkoff and throw him in jail or else let him stand against the wall and get shot like he did us. Now, Hassan puts her hands together and tries to kneel on the tank's inner floor to pray, begging for our lives and some other shit.

Told him to shut up, Dan said: He made it hard for me to concentrate.Moreover, he said: This offal is really stingy.Earlier I asked him if he could give me some oysters for my last meal and he claimed there were no oysters.Who has ever heard that the king of a country will not get oysters if he wants them? Just then, Dan slams on the brakes. There is a gas station.With that, Dan reversed the tank back to a tanker.An Arab came out to see what was going on, and Sergeant Kranz lifted the hood and motioned for him to fill up the tank.The Arab shook his head and croaked and tried to send us off when I grabbed Hassan and stuck his head out of the hood of the car with the gun still pointed at him.

Seeing this, the Arab shut his mouth and showed a shocked expression.Hussein was now smiling and begging the other party, and this time Sergeant Kranz asked the Arab to fill up the oil tank again, which the guy did. In the meantime, Dan talks about improving the camouflage of the tanks, because we're going back, through the whole Arab army.He suggested finding an Iraqi flag and tying it to a radio antenna.This is not difficult to do, because there are probably a million Iraqi flags in Baghdad. That's what we did.Me, Lieutenant Dan, Sue, Sergeant Kranz, and Hussein, we all huddled in the tank and headed home, so to speak.

The desert has the advantage of being flat.But the desert is also very hot, especially with five people crowded in the tank, it is even hotter.While everyone was complaining about this, suddenly there was another complaint, which was that a whole Arab army appeared on the horizon, heading straight for us. What should we do now?Sergeant Kranz asked. Pretend.Dan said. How to pretend?I asked. Look at my amazing skills.Lieutenant Dan said. He was galloping straight toward the whole Arab army, and I thought he was going to run into it and kill us.But that's not what Dan intended.Just as we were about to hit the Arab tank, Dan slammed on the brakes and turned the car around as if we were joining the Arabs.I guess they were so intimidated by General Schwarzkoff that they didn't take us to heart at all.Anyway, as soon as we got in among the Arab tanks, Dan slowed down and let the Arabs pass us by, leaving us alone in the desert.

All right, Dan pointed at Hussein, and said: Let's send the bastard who invaded Kuwait to headquarters. From then on, the road went smoothly, at least until we got close to our own army.At this point, Dan said it was time to identify himself.He stopped the car and told Sergeant Kranz and I to get out and take down the Iraqi flag and scrape the mud off the American flag from the car.That's what we did.As far as the job goes, let me put it this way: For the first time in all the mud I've scraped, I really felt like I was accomplishing anything.In the end, that was the last time. In other words, because the American flag on the tank body was clean and shiny, we passed the American army safely.Along the way, we passed through puffs of smoke that Hussein ordered his troops to blow up Kuwait's oil fields.We all thought it was sour grapes.We asked the gendarmes for directions, then spent five hours in circles until we found General Schwarzkoff's headquarters.Afterwards, Sergeant Kranz said that guiding the direction is not the specialty of the military police, but arresting soldiers is for this. Dan's response is that Forrest Gump is a living proof. Sergeant Kranz and I went into the general's headquarters to tell him who was in our tank.Inside the headquarters, General Schwarzkoff is holding a large-scale press conference, briefing on the day's actions, the camera is spinning non-stop, and the flash is on and on.He was showing reporters a video taken with a camera mounted on the nose of an Army jet that was swooping down on a bridge, dropping bombs and blowing it up.Just in front of where the bomb exploded, a tank vehicle was speeding across the bridge. When the bridge collapsed, the tank vehicle fled to the other end of the bridge in a nick of time. Look here, everyone, General Schwarzkoff pointed at the tank with a ruler and said: This guy looking back in the rearview mirror is the luckiest guy in the entire Arab army!Hearing this, everyone in the room roared with laughter, except me and Sergeant Kranz.Sergeant Kranz was freaked out because we were the ones crossing that bridge in the video! Anyway, we didn't tell anyone about it because that would have messed up the General Schwarzkoff story, so we waited until his briefing was over and Sergeant Kranz went up and whispered to him.The general was a big man with a smile on his face, but now he showed a strange expression, and the sergeant chief whispered something to him again, and now the general's eyes really popped out, and he grabbed Sergeant Kranz's arm, asking him to lead the way.As for me, I followed closely behind. Once outside, General Schwarzkoff climbed onto the tank and stuck his head in the hood.After a while, he withdrew his head violently.God!Saying this, he jumped to the ground. Then Dan pushed himself off the hood and sat on the platform of the tank and Sue climbed out too.Dan and Sue bound Hassan's hands and feet while we were in headquarters, and put a cloth over his mouth to keep him from babbling on and on. I don't know what the hell is going on, the general said: But you guys messed things up. ah?Sergeant Kranz said, momentarily forgetting manners. Don't you understand that it was against my orders to capture Hussein? What does that mean, sir, Dan asks: He's enemy number one.He's why we're fighting here, isn't he? Uh, uh, yes.But my orders come directly from President George W.Herb.Walker.Bush. However, the officer, Sergeant Kranz, interrupted in the middle of his speech. My order, said the general, looking around to make sure no one was paying attention.Clear instructions not to take any prisoners of your shit strapped to tanks.And look at what you've done!You're going to make me and the President miserable! Oh General, Dan said: I'm sorry, we didn't know.But, I mean, we've got him, haven't we?I mean, what are we going to do with him? send him back.said the general. Send him back!we shouted together. General Schwarzkoff waved his hand and told us not to shout so loudly. But, sir, Sergeant Kranz said: You should understand that we nearly died trying to get him.We're at war with Iraq, and it's not easy to have only one of our tanks in Baghdad at a time like this. Yeah, said Dan: What's worse, the whole Arab army is back in Baghdad right now, waiting for us! Well, brothers, the general said: I know how you feel, but an order is an order, and I order you to send him back. But, sir, I said: can we just drop him in the desert and let him walk back by himself? I'm happy to do this, but it's too inhumane, General Schwarzkoff said with morality: "However, let's send him four or five miles away from Baghdad so that he can see his hometown with his own eyes. Then let him go. Four or five miles!we shouted together.But the general was right, an order is an order. Anyway, we filled up the gas, ate something to eat in the meal tent, equipped the tank, and were ready to go back.It was getting dark by now, but we figured at least the nights wouldn't be so hot.Sergeant Kranz got Hassan a big plate of greasy pork, but he said he didn't want a bite, so whether he was hungry or not, we were on our way. The desert is a wonderful scene. The fire from the oil field illuminates the desert like a huge sports field.But we walked pretty fast, because we had to dodge a whole army of Arab litter along the way.It seems that during their occupation of Kuwait, they also seized the goods of the Kuwaiti people, such as furniture and Mercedes-Benz cars, because they left in a hurry and had no time to take them away. The trip back to Baghdad was quite boring. To pass the time, I took Seb out of Hassan's mouth to see what he had to say.I told him to take him home and he actually started crying and yelling and praying because he thought we were lying to him and were actually trying to kill him.But we finally calmed him down and he started to believe, but couldn't figure out why we did it.Ensign Dan told him it was a gesture of goodwill. I stepped in and told Hassan that I was friends with Khomeini and had in fact discussed business with Khomeini. That old bastard, Hassan said, got me in a lot of trouble.I hope he will go to hell, go to the frying pan, and eat pickled pig's feet forever. I can see that you are a man of deep Christian compassion.Lieutenant Dan said. Haishan didn't answer this sentence. Before long, we saw the lights of Baghdad flickering in the distance.Dan slowed the tank to make less noise. Well, I reckon it's about five miles away.Dan said. No, Haishan said: about seven or eight miles. That's unlucky for you, man.We've got other bird stuff to do, so that's it for now. With that said, Sergeant Kranz and I carried Hassane out of the tank.Sergeant Kranz then forced Hassan to strip down to her boots and bonnet before pointing to Baghdad. Let's go, scum.Sergeant Kranz said, kicking Hassan's ass hard.The last time we saw him, he was skipping across the desert, covering his head with his hands, his hips. That being said, our journey back to Kuwait seemed to go smoothly, so to speak.I'm thinking about little Forrest, but at least I'm back with Lieutenant Dan and Sue again, and besides, I reckon I'm almost done with my commissioner. The inside of the tank was pitch black and silent, only the humming of the engine, and the instrument panel glowed faintly in the darkness. Well, Forrest, I think we've fought our last war.Dan said. I wish.I said. War is not a good thing, he said straight away: But when there is a war, we have to fight.We are professional soldiers.We're little shit in peacetime, but when the drums sound, Tom, take up the guns we're the saviors of the country. Well, maybe that's true for you and Sergeant Kranz I say: But me and Sue, we're peace people. Well, but you're always there when there's a war, Dan said: Don't think I don't appreciate it. I'll be happy when we get home.I said. Oh oh.Dan said. What? I said: oh oh.Dan stared at the instrument screen. what happened?Sergeant Kranz said. We are locked. What?who is it? Someone locked us.It's an airplane.I figured it must be our plane. Our side? Well, the Iraqi Air Force doesn't have a single plane left. But why?I asked. Oh oh!Dan said again. What? They opened fire! toward us? Otherwise, to whom?Dan said.He had begun to turn the tank around, but then a violent explosion literally blew the tank in half.We were all thrown away by the shock, and thick smoke and flames filled the compartment. get out!go out!Dan screamed.I pushed out the hood of the car, turned around and grabbed Sergeant Kranz who was following closely behind.He crawled out and I put my hand out for Sue again, but he was lying on the back of the car, hurt and pinned down.So I leaned in and grabbed Dan, but he couldn't catch my hand.At that moment, our eyes met, and he said, "Damn, Forrest, we almost made it." Come on, Dan!I shouted.At this moment, flames were everywhere in the carriage, and the smoke was getting thicker and thicker.I kept reaching down to touch him, but it didn't work.He smiled and looked up at me.Well, Forrest, we had a good fight, didn't we? Come on, Dan, grab my hand.I scream. Goodbye, buddy.That's all he said, and then the tank exploded. I was thrown into the air by the shock and suffered slight burns, but nothing serious.But I really can't believe the truth.I got up and just stood there, watching the tank burn.I wanted to go back and rescue them, but I knew it was useless.I stayed with the Master Chief for a while, until the fire died down, and the Master Chief said, Let's go, Gump.We still have a long way to go. Walking back across the desert that night, I was in such a bad mood that I couldn't even cry.They were my best friends and now they are gone too.That feeling of loneliness is unbelievably sad. The military held a small memorial service for Lt. Dan and Sue at the fighter base.I couldn't help thinking that one of those pilots was responsible for their deaths, but I figured he must be very sad about it himself.Then again, we shouldn't have been in the desert, just because we had to get Hussein back to Baghdad. The two coffins lay side by side on the runway, covered with national flags, steaming in the morning heat.But there was nothing inside the coffin.In fact, what was left of Dan and Sue wouldn't fill a can of beans. Sergeant Kranz and I were in the ceremony with a small group and he turned to me and said, You know, Gump, they're good soldiers, the two of them.Even the ape.It never shows fear. Probably too stupid to know how to be afraid.I said. Well, probably.Kind of like you, huh? I guess so. Well, I'll miss them, said Sergeant Kranz: We've had a great trip. Well, I said: I guess so. After a chaplain said some prayers, they prepared a band to beat time, and a salute fired a twelve-gun salute.The ceremony is over. Afterwards, General Schwarzkoff came over and put his arm around my shoulders.I guess he saw that my eyes were finally weeping. I'm sorry, Soldier Gan.He said. Everyone is the same.I told him. Uh, I hear these two guys are your friends.We can't find their files in the military records. They are volunteers.I said. That being the case, the general said: Perhaps you would like to take this.One of his aides approached with two small jars with small plastic American flags on top. The military undertaker thought it appropriate to hand it over to you.General Schwarzkoff said. I took the jar, thanked the general, not knowing why I thanked him, and went back to my troops.As soon as I got back to the company headquarters, the internal staff was looking for me. Where have you been, Forrest Gump?I have important news. It's a long story.I said. Well, guess what?You are discharged. Yeah? Not really.Someone found out you have a criminal record Huh?You shouldn't have been admitted to the military in the first place. So what should I do now?I asked. Pack your things and get out.he replied. That's what I did.I learned that I had to take a flight back home that night, and I didn't even have time to change clothes.I put Sue's and Dan's urns in my backpack and filled out the discharge form one last time.Boarded the plane, the cabin was only half full of passengers.I took a seat in the back and sat alone, embarrassed because my clothes, uh, smelled of death.We fly over the desert, the moon is full and full, and the clouds are silvery, covering the horizon.The cabin was dimly lit and I started to feel lonely and depressed, and suddenly I looked across the aisle to the seat where Jenny was sitting, looking at me!She also had a sad look on her face, and this time, she didn't say anything, just looked at me with a smile. I just can't help it.I reached out to hold her, but she waved her hand to stop me.But she's been sitting in the seat across the aisle, I suppose, to accompany me all the way home.
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