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Chapter 23 Chapter Twenty Two

January 6, 2000 AD Moscow The Peter the Great Club is a favorite hangout for gangsters, government officials and dignitaries, and Yuri.Forstoff comes three or two times a week to relax in the hot tub or steam bath.He always arrives on time at noon, and every time he is accompanied by at least two women. Forstorf considered it a source of material enjoyment as well as its curative properties, but he would not let the pleasure get too much of his way.This is because a few years ago, when he was about to celebrate his fiftieth birthday, he suddenly found that his sexual ability had declined, and even after a few embarrassing experiences of powerlessness in bed, he began to worry that he would Not impotent.Although he had a long list of young women, all of them attractive, none of them aroused his sexual desire.His life became lifeless, living like a walking dead, until one day, a friend who worked in the government gave him the advice of a threesome, something he had never done before; he found a couple who were willing to live with him Sisters, so they started a different life.

Only then did he realize that he was a person who didn't care about quality, even when enjoying food and wine. The greatest joy in life is to enjoy all the things you love at once. Today, his partners are Nadia and Shveta, not the original pair of sisters who solved his midlife crisis.The two of them are not related, but they share the same passion and desire.Nadia, with brunette hair and near-white skin, wore a pair of shiny gold hoop earrings and was completely naked; Shveta, a red-haired beauty with brown skin, chose gold ankle chains to match her smooth carcass.They were kneeling in front of Frstoff at the moment, and Frstoff was leaning on the wooden bench, watching the two of them serve him with satisfaction, fully enjoying the pleasure of being a man.

Just as the three of them were in ecstasy, there was a sharp and fast knocking sound outside the door. It seemed that Fostov and the two women had been poured cold water, and they were at a loss for what to do.Nadia and Shveta looked at Forstov with horrified eyes; he came back to his senses, frowned, and cursed the bastard who ruined his good deed in his heart. Who?he yelled angrily. I'm sorry, Mr. Forstoff.The voice of the waiter in the sauna came from outside the door.your mobile phone Telephone?Didn't I say don't bother us?he cursed angrily. I know, sir, but it keeps ringing, and

idiot!enough!Forstoff stood up, took a towel and wrapped it around his waist, then opened the door and stretched out his hand.There was still hot steam curling around his fleshy wrists!give it to me! After the waiter handed the phone to him, he quickly retreated.Forstoff closed the door and pressed the call button. Hello?he said. Ah, Yuri, I hope I didn't bother you.Forstorf immediately recognized Qiu Teng's voice, and couldn't help frowning again. You are bothering me already!He said through gritted teeth. Forgive me, because I called your office and couldn't find anyone.

Forstorf didn't listen carefully to what Qiu Teng said, he just squinted his eyes to see Nadia and Shweta sitting on the bench, whispering to each other and giggling constantly.He thought, did I miss something funny? never mind!There was impatience in his tone.What's up? I've been unable to get in touch with an acquaintance we both know. I'm sure you can sense that I'm getting impatient. Hey, I told you not to look for him, why didn't you listen?Forstoff said: And don't involve me! hello dude.In a gentle tone, Qiu Teng clearly said word by word in Russian: You have been involved too deeply, and you can't get away.

Frstoff's face turned pale and he was speechless.You know what I mean, I'm not going to be the sounding board between the two of you all the time. Of course, but Qiu Teng, who introduced you to this business, paused for a while, and then said: Let me put it this way, it may not be a big deal if the communication channel is not smooth, at least our communication is still quite warm; however, I Your back office bosses need you to reassure that things will proceed according to the results of the previous discussions. Frstov turned his back on the two women and said in a low voice: Listen, I'm not going to ignore them!Whatever you're implying, my part is over.You want me to call our friends, no problem, I will, but this is just a favor based on friendship, not my obligation, understand?

Qiu Teng didn't say a word, and after a while, he said kindly: "Okay."But you do well to remember that in the search for truth, it is very easy to go astray and very easy to get right. Forstoff cringed. Damn, these Asians always hide their anger in incomprehensible ways! What the hell do you mean? You gotta figure out what your interests are, man, and it's a shame if it's in conflict with ours; I've got a lot of people behind me, and they've got a pretty good memory for the little things Incredible. Frstoff's stomach was churning, and he could even feel a fire burning inside.Damn it, he thought, I haven't had a stomach ulcer like this in ages.

He glanced back at Sylvia and Nadia, who were still whispering and didn't seem to care about him at all.Desire is like the weather, he can't help sighing, it can turn a man from a dirty animal to the top of the world, and then make him fall into the bottomless abyss. I will call my friend immediately.Then hang up the phone. Nadia leaned towards him, hoping to bring him back to the land of tenderness.Right away!As he spoke, he pushed her away.Just wait until I get through this nasty business. He picked up the phone and dialed. It was the minister's personal line, and none of the secretaries knew the number existed.Five bells later, he heard an exasperated greeting and it seemed the Minister's reaction was the same as his.

Hello, Mr. Minister.he responded. Forstoff?Are you crazy?Actually called the office to find me? I'll make a long story short. That's not the point, the line is not safe Listen, Mr. Minister, I don't like politics, and I'm starting to regret getting into this muddy water, but since I've chosen to do it, I have to do it willingly. Can you stop talking like a philosopher?Get to the point!Remember, we may not be the only ones listening to the phone. Well, then I have some advice for you. You can do what you want, but be careful. What's the matter? Our overseas partners feel you are neglecting them, he said

That guy isn't my buddy, he's just a mouthpiece for people to use in turn. I don't care, you have to talk to him anyway, that's the point. Don't you know, Verstoff, that I'm trying to drive a pile here?I don't want to listen to his clamor. If he thinks he has full control over my time, he will pay the price, and so will his behind-the-scenes bosses! Talk to him, Mr. Minister, even if it is perfunctory.I don't want to have someone watching over my back. I don't like his tricks of creating conflict between the two sides!He'll just have to wait until I'm ready to talk to him, or let him play by himself.

Minister, you know, he's capable of wrecking the whole thing Hey, we have a lot to attend to ourselves and no time for him!According to intelligence, there are signs of American activity in Kaliningrad. Although I don't know exactly what is going on, it may cause us trouble; if necessary, we must act as soon as possible.I think, in this situation, you should prove that you are still useful.Mr. Minister said a series of words in one breath, not giving Verstoff a chance to clarify. that's not my thing, i've been No, you still have to go on, I need supplies, equipment, maybe more manpower.Don't think you can pat your ass now and walk away! Fucking politics, I shouldn't have anything to do with these things in the first place! You can't help yourself in the rivers and lakes, Forstoff.Life is politics, and we've been playing politics since childhood, competing with our siblings and parents for the things we want.Family is as dangerous as Judas, our brothers are our enemies, you know? I don't know, you've let me down so much. Yeah?That doesn't matter, as long as you don't forget, you are also a part of that ship in Khabarovsk. Is it just that?Forstoff asked ironically. Of course it's more than that, I want you to use all your connections, now it seems that you can do some tricks to cover the sky with one hand.There are many groups out there with goals like ours, and I thought it would be wise to open a window of light for them. What's the meaning?Forstoff asked puzzled. Nationalist, separatist, communist, and radical reformers who must be very interested in blocking foreign aid.And the KGB and the military, who have been unfairly oppressed and prevented from gaining a higher status at the mercy of the enemy, don't you think someone should come forward and ask how they feel?And shouldn't churches and organized crime benefit?My dear Verstov, the more pressure Starinov and his Western allies put on us, the sooner we can achieve our ultimate goal.You have men of all ranks, and I think it's time to use them. The Verstorf you speak of hesitated for a while, but it is not something that can be done in a moment. Then I suggest you start now.Remember, Verstoff, a man is a loser if he cannot prove his usefulness!Is there anything else you want to discuss with me? You haven't given me an answer to the things I've called to ask you, the man you call him a megaphone As I said, I want him to play by himself!The minister almost roared and said: From now on, I will only talk to his superiors, and at the right time as I think, do you understand?If you can't handle even this little thing, Verstoff, you're nothing but a puppet!You go and fix it for me right away, do you hear me?Goodbye, hope you're ready the next time I need you. Wait, don't hang up!Hello?fuck you, are you still listening?Hey Hey hey!However, there was only a monotonous dial tone from the mobile phone.He angrily threw it against the corner. damn it. A slight noise turned his attention to the two girls; they were huddled in a corner, watching him with horrified eyes. What the fuck are you looking at?Why don't you hurry up and help the uncle to prove that you are useful?This is exactly what the other party used to say on the phone just now.it works?snort!He sat in a chair and waited while the two girls approached him hesitantly.Forstoff close your eyes, fuck politics, dirty games!He still prefers to engage in other activities.
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