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Chapter 40 Chapter Thirty-Nine

February 9, 2000 AD Kaliningrad region When the mobile phone rang, Gregory.Shadov and Nikita are getting ready to get into firing position.Gregor strapped his mobile phone to his belt, and in order to keep silent, he also set the incoming call to vibrate mode. He continued to replace the AK assault rifle in his hand with a new magazine, pulled the trigger and completed the loading procedure before handing the gun to Nikita, reached out for the mobile phone, pressed the call button, and said softly: Hello? it's time.The voice on the other end of the phone was very grim and powerful, but it didn't make any sense because it was the effect of the electronic voice changer.Although Gregor didn't know who this person was, what was certain was that he was the one responsible for this series of tasks.In Gregor's work, it is very common to not know who the employer is, and usually the connection between him and the employer is through several layers of relationships.The only unusual thing is that this time Gregor really doesn't know who he is working for, he only vaguely knows that it is a high-level person in the government, and he may also be able to guess who will choose these targets, but he has a hunch, this time It is better for him to know little about the inside story of the cooperative relationship.

Have you selected your target yet?Gregor asked. Yes.A satellite ground receiving station in Kaliningrad. Gregor nodded. He didn't ask why this particular target was chosen, and he didn't need to know.Are there any special requests?Gregor didn't have to explain his problem, he just needed to know if there was a specific need to get rid of someone, or who would survive. No, just be thorough. Gregor nodded again, understanding. And one more thing Gregor's hand tightly gripped the small mobile phone, and the short one more thing often turned into a troublesome thing that gave him a big headache.

This task should be completed as soon as possible. Gregor breathed a sigh of relief, but there was no sign of relaxation in his tightly pursed lips. How fast?He asks: We need time to plan, to scout tonight.The other party said, the voice is still cold and firm, the slowest is tomorrow night. impossible Gregor's protest was interrupted by the other party only halfway through.Fees can be doubled. three times.he haggled. If the man had been a man, his tone of voice would have remained the same without hesitation, and he would have agreed immediately: Agreed, and now Gregor couldn't help but think to himself, he should raise the price a bit more.Just have to finish it by tomorrow night.

Will do. Gregor turned off the phone, turned around and returned the gun to Nikita, and fired a round at the target. let's go.When the magazine was empty, he said: We have something to do.
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