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Chapter 36 Chapter 34 Game Process

rainbow six 湯姆.克蘭西 16659Words 2023-02-05
Like life, things will always fall into a regular order.Chavez and his men spent most of their time with Wilkerson's men; mostly sitting in the Reaction Forces management center, watching the games on TV, though some would walk to different fields, Hoping to see things related to safety, but the real reason is to see the games in action and sometimes they even wander into the field because they have a universal pass that allows them to go all the way.Ding has seen the enthusiasm of Australians for sports, which can be said to be crazy.When he wasn't on duty, he used to hang out in a small bar; the beer was good, the atmosphere was friendly, and as soon as anyone knew he was American, he bought him a beer while watching sports on TV. show, and asked him some questions.There is probably only one thing he doesn't like, and that is the smoke in the room. In Australian culture, smoking is not considered a hated thing.Alas, no place is perfect after all.

Every morning, he and his men would work with Lieutenant Colonel Wilkerson, which made him discover that the Australian soldiers on the Olympic field were not much different from the American special forces.One day when they came to the Olympic pistol range, they borrowed an Olympic .22 automatic pistol to use, and he found that it looked like a toy compared to the .45 used by the Rainbow Troops.In addition, he also found that the target and scoring system here are not very similar to combat shooting in the real world.With his own experience and practice, Chavez thinks he should be able to draw with the team from Mali, but of course not as good as the American or Russian players; he thinks the players of these two teams are simply superhuman. Being able to accurately hit a target the moment a computer-controlled target flips over is just that the targets don't counterattack, which does matter.Plus, in the real world, if he hits it, it means the death of another person, not just punching a hole in the black target on the target paper.Ding and Mike.Pierce and their Australian colleagues believe that what they have done is absolutely impossible to become one of the Olympic competition projects, unless the ancient Roman combat competition is reproduced, but of course this is a fantasy.But Chavez has to admit that sometimes he thinks the games in the Colosseum are more entertaining; but he doesn't shout so that people don't think he is a barbarian.Long live Caesar!We salute you with death.It doesn't look like the Super Bowl, does it?Anyway, Domingo.Major Chavez, Mike.Sergeant Pierce, Homer.Johnston, George.Tomlinson, and secret service operator Tim.Noonan, now gets to watch games for free and can come and go as he pleases if he wears his uniform jacket.

Although it is a bit far away, it doesn't make any difference to Popov who stayed in the room to watch the Olympics.Watching these races gives him a break from whatever is going on in his head and the Russian team is of course his favourite. They're doing very well at the moment, but the Aussies are also very prominent in swimming. Swimming seems to be the Australian sport. favorite.The only thing that bothered Popov was jet lag; when Popov was watching the live broadcast in Kansas, he couldn't avoid staying up late, so whenever he rode with McLean and Kilger, the dark circles on his face could not be seen. However, this morning exercise has become his happiest time.

This morning is the same as the past ten days, with a slight coolness in the morning breeze, and the slowly rising orange sun casts a strange brilliance on the swaying wheat fields like waves.Cream knew him now and would make a snoozing gesture to him, and Popov would feed it some food like sugar cubes, and today he rewarded it with an apple from his breakfast.Popov knew how to saddle the saddle himself now; he fastened it quickly, then led Butter outside the barn and mounted it to join the others. Good morning, Dimi District. Good morning, Cork.Popov replied happily.A few minutes later, they had already arrived at the south side of the base, heading for the wheat field. This time the riding speed was faster than in the past.

So what's it like to be an intelligence officer?Kilger asked; they were about half a mile from the barn now. Actually our official title is Intelligence Officer.Popov tried to dispel the notion that they had been misled by Hollywood movies, and honestly, it was a pretty boring job, with most of the time spent waiting for a meeting, or filling out forms and waiting for approval from their superiors.The nature of the job is somewhat dangerous, but they will only be arrested, not killed.Moreover, modern intelligence work is quite civilized, and the arrested intelligence officers are usually exchanged after being locked up for a period of time.Of course, this has never happened to me, and I'm well trained.And he was lucky, but he didn't say that.

So no James.What about Pound?You never killed anyone, or anything like that?Cork.McLean asked. Oh my goodness, no.Popov smiled and replied that if necessary, there would be someone else to do it for you, but that was rare. How many? so far?I can hardly remember it.In the National Security Council, our main job is to obtain intelligence, and then report them to the government, which is more like a reporter, like your Associated Press.Most of the information we gather comes from publicly available sources, such as newspapers, magazines, and television, and your cable news network often has information available for use.

But what kind of intelligence are you gathering? Mainly diplomatic or political intelligence, the purpose is to detect the intentions of the opponent.There are also people who gather technical intelligence, like how fast a plane can go or how far a cannon can go, but that's not my area of ​​expertise.You can also call me an expert in dealing with people. I meet different people, send messages back and forth, and bring the answers back to my country. Who are you talking about? Popov thought about how to answer, and then decided to tell the truth: In your terms, he is a terrorist. oh?like what?

Mostly Europeans, but some in the Middle East.My language skills are not bad and I can easily converse with people from different countries. Is it difficult to communicate with them?asked Dr. Kilger. That's okay because we share the same political beliefs and my country will provide them with weapons, training and equipment.While I'm a frequent traveler myself, I occasionally suggest they attack certain targets in exchange for our sponsorship. Do you have any money?This time it was McLean's turn to ask questions. Yes, but not many.Stocks of the strong Soviet currency are limited, so we don't pay people too much, at least not me.Popov said.

So you guys send terrorists on missions to kill people?This time ask Kilger. Popov nodded: Yes, most of my work is like this.That's why Dr. Braling hired me, he added. oh?McLean asked. Dimi District began to consider whether to continue this topic.Yes, he asked me to do similar work for Horizon Corporation. You're the guy who cracked the joint in Europe? I reach out to different people and advise them on how to carry out their actions.Yes, some bloody work has been done through my hands, but we don't have to take that kind of thing too seriously, do we?It's just work, and I've been doing it for a while.

Well, that might be good for you, Dimi, because that's why you're here.McLean said, John took great care of his men, you must have done a good job. Popov shrugged: Maybe, but he never told me why he did these things, but I did help his friend Henriksen to find out something about the Sydney Olympics. now it's right."It's very important to us," Kilger said in affirmative tones.It will be a while before we see results, but the epidemiologist thinks they will. But why? The doctor and engineer hesitated at the direct question; the two exchanged glances before Kilger spoke.

Dimi District, what do you think of the current environment? what you mean?here?It's beautiful here.And you have taught me a lot in these morning rides, my friend.The Russian replied, choosing words carefully, sky and air, beautiful fields and wheat fields.I never knew the world was so beautiful, I guess maybe it's because I grew up in Moscow.It had been an ugly and filthy city, but they didn't know it. Yes, but that wasn't the case here either. I know that, John.In Russia, well, our country doesn't take the environment as seriously as you Americans. They killed almost all living things in the Caspian Sea, and the atomic bomb research institute in the east of the Ural Mountains turned the local area into a barren land. I also heard that people who passed there There are signs on the highway warning drivers to pass at the fastest speed to avoid radiation pollution. Right, that is it.If we are not careful, we will destroy the whole planet.McLean chose his words carefully. It's a crime, like a partisan of Hitler.Popov went on to say that this was a massacre, an act of savage brutality, and the videos and magazines in my room made it clear enough. Dimi, what do you think about killing people?Kilger continued. That depends on who was killed.In my opinion, some people just deserve to die, but you Americans in the western world who keep emphasizing human rights can't even kill criminals, I think it's weird. What about the crime of murdering nature?When Kilger said this, his eyes were looking into the distance. I don't understand. Well, what about things like harming the entire planet, killing living space, polluting land and sea? Cork, this is also a barbaric act and should be severely punished.But how do you know who the criminal is?The entrepreneurs who dominate and profit from it, or the people who get paid to do things? What did they say at Nuremberg?Kilger continued. Do you mean the Nuremberg trials?Obedience to an order was not a plea, as it seemed.He hadn't been taught this concept at NSC Academy, where he had only learned that the country was always right. That's right.The epidemiologist agreed, but you also know that no one was going to arrest Truman for ordering the bombing of Hiroshima. Because he won, you fool, Popov thought.Are you asking if this counts as a crime?No, it doesn't count, because he's stopped another, bigger demon to restore peace, and sacrificing these people is necessary. So what if you want to save the planet? I still don't understand. If the earth is dying, what should people do?How can it be saved? The discussion was almost indistinguishable from the debates about Marxists at Moscow State University, with all the idealism and philosophical purity it should have had, and it had real-world implications.To destroy the whole earth?This is impossible; perhaps only a full-scale nuclear war could bring about such an outcome, but it will not happen, because the world has changed, and the United States is the protagonist of this change. Could it be that these two Didn't the Druids know that? My friend, I never thought about it. We have.McLean replied, Dimi, what some people are doing right now could endanger all living things; someone has to stop them, but how? It's not just about simple political actions.The former NSC officer answered carefully. No, because it's too slow, and not many people will listen.Kilger pulled the reins and ran to the right, the others following, fearful that more drastic measures would be required. How to do it?Kill people all over the world?Dimi District.Akadevich deliberately concealed the meaning of ridicule in his words, but the other two showed quite disapproving expressions; this made Dimiqu's heart suddenly cold, but there were also thoughts in his mind that he had never seen before. new ideas.These people are fascists, and fascists with a central belief; that's bad.Will they take action to live out their beliefs?Can anyone implement it?Even the most brutal Stalinists oh no, they are not crazy, they are just products of political romanticism. Just then, the morning silence was cut by the noise of an aircraft; it was one of Horizon's Gulfstream jets, taking off from the runway in front of the camp, climbing to the right, and then Flying east is probably to fly to New York to bring more planned people?Maybe.At present, the camp is about 80% full, Popov estimated; although the speed of moving in has slowed down, people are still coming in one after another.The cafeteria is nearly full at lunch and dinner, and the labs and other work camps are often brightly lit at night, but what are they doing? Horizon, Popov reminded himself, was a biotech company specializing in pharmaceuticals and medical devices.Kilger was a doctor, and McLean was an engineer specializing in environmental engineering; both were druids and nature worshippers.John.Brelling seems to be the same kind of person, as can be seen from their conversations in New York.So, what do these people and their companies believe?Dimi District remembered the content of the printed material in the room: Human beings are parasites, they do more harm to the earth than they contribute, and these two people just mentioned that these people who destroy the earth will be sentenced to death. Obviously, they think that everyone is harmful of.So what are they going to do?Kill everyone?This is simply ridiculous.Now the door to the answer was opened a little more, his head was thinking much faster than the cream, but still not enough. They rode quietly for a few minutes, and then suddenly a shadow passed across the ground, and Popov looked up. what is that? red-tailed falcon.McLean looked at it and replied, looking for prey. They watched as the eagle climbed to about 500 feet, then spread its wings and circled up the thermal, its head down, trying to spot unwary rodents on the ground with its impossibly sharp eyes.The three of them stopped advancing tacitly, and sat on the horse watching what happened in front of them.That eagle looks very beautiful, but also scary.It hovered for a few minutes, then folded its wings and charged straight down, then flapped its wings and accelerated like a feathered bullet, then spread its wings again, belly forward, extending its yellow claws handsome!McLean applauded. The bird of prey slaughters its prey mercilessly with its sharp claws, and after a few moments of tearing, gracefully flaps its wings and takes off with its prize, heading north back to its lair.The caught prairie dog probably has no chance of survival; nature is like this, just like the human world.Especially on the battlefield, no soldier will give his enemy a chance, because it is neither safe nor wise to do so; if the other party lacks the wisdom to protect himself, that is only his problem, not yours.Take this eagle as an example, it peeps down from the high altitude with the sun behind it, and does not let its shadow disturb the dog sitting at the door of its house, and then ruthlessly captures and kills it; The dog, which looked like nothing more than a brown sock, would soon be dismembered and digested by predators. It was a beautiful scene.McLean said. It's brutal, but also beautiful.Popov said. That's what nature is, man.Both cruel and beautiful.Kilger watched the eagle disappear into the distance. I must catch one and train it.Macklin declared loudly, train it to follow my command to hunt. In this way, isn't the prairie dog dangerous? No, it's impossible.Kilger replied that predators control the numbers and never wipe them out entirely.Nature will maintain its own balance. So how do humans fit into this balance?Popov asked. They never can.Cork.McLean replied that humans just screw things up because they're too stupid to see how nature really works, and they don't care about the damage they do, and that's the problem. What is the solution?Dimi asked.Kilgor turned and looked him squarely in the eye. We are the solution. Edward, this pseudonym must have been his long-term use.Clark countered that the IRA hadn't seen him in years, but they recognized the name. Makes sense.Edward had to admit it on the other end of the phone, so, uh, do you really want to talk to him? Well, Edward, it's no big deal.do you know?He instigated some people to kill my wife, daughter and grandson, and two of my men lost their lives because of it.You said, so I still can't get authorization to contact him?Rainbow Six made the request from his office. Sitting in the office on the top floor of the CIA headquarters, CIA Director Edward.Foley couldn't help but hesitate.If he lets Clark do it, not only can Clark get what he wants, but the principle of reciprocity still applies.But in this way, Sage.Nikolaevich might call the CIA and ask for information, and he, Mr. Foley, would have to give it, or the veil of whitewashing the international intelligence community would be gone.But right now, Foley can't predict what the Russians will ask for, and both sides are still spying on each other, so the principles of goodwill in the modern intelligence enterprise may or may not apply.You have to assume they are friendly, but remember to operate on the premise that they are unfriendly.Such contacts were indeed rare, and Glofko did them a great favor twice and never asked for anything in return, perhaps because those actions themselves benefited his country indirectly or directly, since Saji was not the type to ask for nothing. return person I know what you're thinking, Edward; but this guy cost me two of my men, I've got to find him, and Sage can help me identify the bastard. What if he had something to do with it too?Foley has compromised a bit. You really think so?Clark snorted. Well no, I think we can deny that. That's right, so hey, if he's really a friend, we can ask him a friendly question and maybe get a friendly answer.The price is that we have to have Russian special intelligence agents train with us for a few weeks and I'm going to make that in exchange. It would be absolutely futile to try to argue with John, Clarke was he and his wife, Mary Fu, and now the CIA deputy director, the training officer in charge of operations, well, John, I approve; who is in charge of contact? I have his phone number.Clark assured the chief. Go ahead, John.The CIA director agreed without hesitation. Anything else? Report sir, no more, thank you.How are Mary and the children? They are all good.Where is your grandson? not bad.Peggy is doing a great job, and Sandy is taking good care of little Chavez. Little Chavez? John.Connor.Chavez.Clark specifically stated. That's a complicated name, Foley thought, but he didn't say it.Well, well, go ahead and do it.Goodbye, John. Thanks, Edward.goodbye.Clark hit the shift button on the phone, and Bill, we've got it. Very good!Tawney replied, when are you calling? Would it scare you if I said now? Don't mess things up.Tawney warned. don’t worry.After Clark finished speaking, he pressed another key, which was the key to start the recording function, and then pressed another key to dial directly to Moscow. Six sixty.A woman answered in Russian. I have to talk to Sage.Nikolaevich speak in private, please tell him I am Ivan.Sajijevic.Clark spoke in his best Russian. OKThe secretary replied, wondering how this man had the chairman's direct line number. Clark!A man's voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone, are you okay in England?The competition has officially begun.The restructured head of Russia's foreign intelligence service already knew where Clark was and what he was doing, but he would never reveal his sources. The weather here is not bad, Chairman Gloverke. The new unit you lead is very busy. How about the attack on your wife and daughter? That's irritating, but they're all right, thanks to you, all right.These conversations were all in Russian, and Clark's Russian sounded like a real Leningradian, no, a St. Petersburger, John corrected himself. Another old habit that never dies.And I'm already a grandfather. real?Grandpa?congratulations!What a great news.It hurts me to hear someone attack you.Groveko said in a sincere tone.Russians are inherently a sentimental people, especially when children are involved. I am also very uncomfortable.Clark went on to say, but it's settled, and I caught a jerk with my own hands. This is the first time I've heard it.Mr. Chairman went on John wondered if he was lying.So what is your call today? I want you to help me find a name. what name? It's a cover-up: Selov, Aioshef.Andreyevich.Probably an official. No, it should be said that a former official is very active in the Western world.We have reason to believe that he was the instigator of many acts of terror, including the attack in Hereford. We have nothing to do with that, Ivan.Groveko immediately spoke in a serious tone. I don't think it's about you either, Sage, but we've confirmed that this guy has Russian citizenship.He gave money and medicine to the IRA, and the Irish have known him for a long time, so I think he might have been an NSC guy, and I still have his physical description.Clark explained carefully. Serov, the name you mentioned is a bit weird Yes, I know. Is this important to you? Saji, in addition to killing two of my men, this operation also directly threatened my wife and daughter.Man, yes, it means a lot to me. This made Grovek quite curious.He knew Clark as a man, had only met him eighteen months before; a field officer of extraordinary talent and amazing good luck, a dangerous enemy, a top intelligence officer, If he remembered correctly, he also had a young partner, Domingo.Chavez.Glofko also knew that Clark's daughter had married this young man named Chavez.But he had only recently learned of the news. Someone had given the information to Kirilenko in London, but he couldn't remember who it was. If this guy is really Russian, he is indeed probably a former NSC official.Getting involved with terrorists Well, that's not good news for his country.Should he cooperate?Mr. Chairman asked himself.If he agrees now, then he has to cooperate with the follow-up actions, otherwise the US CIA and Western intelligence units may take an uncooperative attitude towards him.Is this in the national interest?Is this in the interest of his unit? I'll try my best, Ivan.But I can't guarantee it.Clark heard it.That's good, at least the other party is thinking about it. This is very important to me personally, Sage.Nikolaevich. I understand.Let me see if I can find some intel. Very good.take care my friend. The same to you. Clark took out the tape and put it in a drawer.Fine, buddy, let's see if you can come in handy. There is a gap between the computer systems of Russian intelligence agencies and the computers in the Western world, but the technical difference mainly comes from the users, because their brains can't even match the speed of those antique computers.And now Glofko had to learn to use a computer, because he didn't like to leave his work to others; within a minute, he had called out a whole page of information related to that cover identity. Popov, Dimi District.Akadevich, it says on the screen.It has a serial number, date of birth, and time of joining.He retired as a colonel when the NSC first cut its staff by nearly a third.Glofko noticed that his superiors had given him good reviews, but the field he specialized in was no longer needed in the Bureau, so almost all the personnel in his department were laid off, and the pension he received In their country, they can only feed a person for five days a month, and the rest of the time they can only drink northwest wind.Well, Glovoko can't do anything about it, because no one noticed that such units are more needed in this shrinking country Yes, he has to help with this, because it will be an excellent bargaining chip for him to ask the Americans later.Saji reminded himself that Clark had been a respectable adversary in the past; and that a former NSC officer involved in an attack on Clark's family was a tricky business for him. In the intelligence community, attacks on non-combatants are Prohibited.In the past era of the Cold War between East and West, the wife of an intelligence officer might be given a slight warning, but she would never be seriously injured, because this would only cause mutual vendetta, and make it impossible to collect intelligence on a serious basis. delay.Since the 1950s, the intelligence business has been a civilized, predictable affair, and predictability has always been a quality that the Russians want to see in the Western world because it facilitates communication.Clark is a predictable character. After making his decision, Glofko printed the information from his computer. so what?Clark asked Bill.Tony. The Swiss are a bit slow, but the account number Gladi gave us is probably correct Then what?John asked, he thought maybe the next news would not be good, so it might come to nothing. Well, actually this account is still in use.At the beginning, there was a deposit of 6 million U.S. dollars, but later hundreds of thousands were withdrawn.On the day the hospital was attacked, the account was withdrawn, leaving only 100,000 US dollars; as for the rest of the money, it was transferred to another bank account. which bank? They said no comment. oh?That's it.Then please tell their Minister of Justice, next time we will let those terrorists slaughter their people!Clark said dissatisfied with this. John, they have their laws.Tawney pointed out that what if the guy had an agent to handle the money transfer for him?The confidentiality privilege between the agent and the client must be respected, and no country can break this practice.The Swiss do have laws governing criminally obtained money, but do we have proof?We can work on the law, but it's going to take time, man. Shit!Clark said indignantly, then thought about it quietly and said: Is the account opened by the Russian? Tony nodded seriously, yes, isn't this very logical?He opened their account for them, and if something happens to these terrorists, he still knows the account number, right? Damn it!So he put them together and took the money again. Very likely.Tauni said cautiously that Grady said in the hospital that there were six million, and the Swiss side also confirmed this figure.He needs hundreds of thousands to buy trucks and other necessary transportation for them The police have these records and the rest of the money stays in the account.Then the Russian thought they didn't need the money anymore, so why didn't he just take the money.I thought, there's nothing wrong with that, right?The intelligence official asked, you know, the Russians are notoriously greedy. So he took the money and also gave them information about us. I'm fine with that, John.Tawney agreed. All right.Let's think about it for a moment.John suggested, put aside his temper for a while, this Russian boy showed up, disclosed our information to these terrorists, and then got funds from nowhere to assist this operation. The funds must not come from Russia, because number one, There's no reason for them to make such a move; and second, they don't have that much money to waste.So the first question is, the money Don't forget, there are those drugs. OK, where did the drugs come from? Perhaps it would be easier to trace the source of the drugs.The forensics team said the cocaine was of pharmaceutical-grade purity; in other words, it probably came from a pharmaceutical company.Countries all over the world have strict controls on cocaine. Ten pounds of cocaine is quite a lot, enough to fill a suitcase, which is equivalent to ten pounds of cigarettes.That's a lot, John, and anyway, it's impossible for a regulated and guarded warehouse not to leave clues. Do you think this could all come from within the United States?Clark asked. possible.The largest pharmaceutical factory in the world is either in the United States or in the United Kingdom.I could get some people to look into Distillers, Limited, and others for missing cocaine.I hope your US Drug Enforcement Administration will do the same. I'm going to call and raise this with the FBI.Clark immediately said, So, Bill, what clues do we have? Assuming that what Glady and the others said about Serov is true, then we have met a former NSC official.He was behind the Hereford attacks and hired Grady's gang to carry them out, paying them money and drugs.After the attack failed, he got the money back for some purpose I assume he took it for himself.Normal russians don't do piracy like this so i guess he's a russian gangster because these guys are looking for jobs now, just i don't see why he would target us; our rainbow unit It shouldn't be any threat to them. That's right.Clarke agrees. So, we found a lot of drugs, and six million dollars, and a Russian guy who was in charge.Because of the drugs and a lot of money, I'm tentatively assuming that the source of this operation is from the United States. How do you see it? John, I can't confirm this, maybe it's my sixth sense. So how did he get to Ireland?John asked, actually thinking that Tawney's intuition should be right. We don't know yet.He must have been on a plane, it was careless to do so with such a large amount of drugs.I'll have to ask my friends over there. Telling the police is a big deal, we have to get the flight schedule and track down the source of the drugs. knew.Tawney made a note of it. Is there anything missing? I'll send someone from MI|Six to track down this ex-NSC officer who's been involved with the terrorists, but I still think that ten pounds of drugs is our best lead. Clark nodded and said, "Okay, I'll call the Bureau." Ten pounds, eh? Yes, Dan, and medical grade purity.Dude, these cocaines are a hot commodity, and there must be some extra space in some company's warehouse. I'm going to call the drug control bureau and ask them to be more careful.The FBI director agreed, what's your take there? We've got to let some wind down in moderation, Dan.John told him that for now, let's assume that the source of the operation plan is from the United States.Then he explained to Murray why there was such an assumption. You said that Serov, a Russian, is a former official of the National Security Council, who is responsible for dealing with terrorists; there are not many such people on their side, and we have some information about them. Bill has asked people from MI|6 to investigate, and I have also told Edward.Foley talked about it, and even Sage.I've dealt with Groveko's side. Do you really think he's going to help with this?Chief Murray asked. The big deal is just being rejected by him.Rainbow Six said clearly. Right.Dan agreed. How can we help here? Let me know if I think of anything, man. ok john.By the way, have you watched the Olympics? Yes, and I have a team there. oh? It's Ding.Chavez and some others.The Australians wanted us to be there to give them some advice on the security measures, but Ding said they had done a very good job. It's not bad to visit the Olympics for free.said the FBI director. I thought so too.Anyway, if you have any news, please remember to let me know, okay? Take it easy, John.Goodbye. Well, bye, Dan. Clark hung up the phone, then leaned back in his chair, trying to figure out if he missed anything.He tried to recall each missing link, hoping that someone, somewhere, might find an answer that seemed unrelated but would lead to another related fact.He never thought that it would be difficult for the police to deal with crimes. The car driven by the gangsters might be an important clue.It's just that it's completely irrelevant to his training, so he can only trust the police to do their jobs. They do work.In London, the police let Timothy.O'Neill sat in the usual inquiry room and served tea. But this is not good for O'Neal, because he doesn't want to say anything.But Sean.Grady seemed to have given something to the police, and he was shocked, his loyalty and resolve were beginning to waver, and he said something; and once it started, it was hard to stop. 這個俄國人,塞洛夫,這位警探開口了,你說他是搭飛機前往愛爾蘭的? 老兄,游泳可是很遠的呢!歐尼爾開玩笑地回答。 沒錯,開車也蠻難的。這位警探同意道,他是怎麼入境的? 這次他以靜默代替回答。雖然讓人失望,但也不令人意外。 告訴你一些你不知道的事,提摩西。警探試探地說,打算開始今天的對話。 What's up? 這個塞洛夫幫你們在瑞士開了帳戶,以便存放他帶進來的錢,對吧?我們剛才得知,瑞士方面已經停止了該帳戶的運作。 What? 在你們行動的那一天,有人打電話給銀行,幾乎把所有錢都轉了出去。所以,你們的俄羅斯朋友一手把錢給你們,然後另一手又把錢拿走。You look at this.警探把一份報告遞了過去,這是帳戶號碼,這是轉帳的代號。六百萬美金,你們買卡車之類的東西是花了一些,但剩下的全都被他轉走了;我敢打賭一定是都轉到了他自己的戶頭裡。你們這些人可是交了壞朋友,提摩西。 這個吸血的混蛋小偷!歐尼爾忍不住破口大罵。 是啊,提摩西,我知道你們是不會做出這種事的,不過這個塞洛夫可就不一定了,小子。 歐尼爾嘴裡碎碎唸地詛咒著這件事。他知道帳戶號碼,也知道西恩有寫下來,所以這條子所說的應該沒錯。 他是搭乘私人飛機來到香農,但我不知道是從哪裡飛來的。 real? 也許是因為他要帶那些毒品吧。警方不會去搜查有錢人的飛機,不是嗎?這些吸血的有錢人都是一個樣。 你知道那架飛機的機種嗎? 歐尼爾搖了搖頭:它有兩具發動機,尾翼像個丁字,但我不知道那架鬼東西的名稱。 那他是怎麼到會面地點的? 我們有部車去載他。 是誰開車?警探緊接著問。 我說過了,我是不會告訴你的。 對不起,提摩西,但我還是得問,這你是知道的。這名警探道了歉。他一直非常努力想要贏取這位恐怖份子的信賴,西恩信賴這位塞洛夫根本就是個錯誤。在你們行動開始之後的兩個小時,錢就被轉出去了。我們懷疑他當時一定在現場附近監視著,當他見大勢已去,就把你們的錢給搶走。俄羅斯人都是貪婪的乞丐。這名警探表示同情地說道,但他並沒有因為獲得新情報而露出喜悅的表情。這個房間當然安裝了竊聽器,市警局的警察立刻撥了電話到愛爾蘭。 愛爾蘭國家警察一般被稱為加達一向都與英國警方合作無間,這次當然也不例外。於是,當地的資深警探便立即前往香農調查飛航記錄,設法查出十磅的非法毒品是如何進入他的國家。愛爾蘭共和軍這次所犯的戰略錯誤讓警方頗為惱怒;雖然他們當中有些人基於血濃於水的種族情感,對於北方所進行的革命行動確實抱持著同情的態度,但是一說到毒品交易,他們可是一點都不容情,因為全世界的警察都認為毒品交易根本就是最惡劣的罪行。 香農的飛行管制員在文件上記錄了從機場起飛、降落的每班飛機的時間,而助理管制員不到三分鐘就找到了正確的記錄。沒錯,當天早晨的確有一架灣流式商用客機抵達此地,並在加油之後馬上離開。文件上有機尾編號,和飛行組員的名字。更重要的是,這架飛機是在美國註冊,隸屬於一家大型通運公司。愛爾蘭警方接著來到移民局和海關,發現這位名叫約瑟夫.塞洛夫的人在當天早晨通關入境。之後,這名資深警探把相關文件的影印本帶回警局,並立即傳真回位於都柏林的加達總部,然後再送到倫敦,最後傳到了華盛頓特區。 asshole!Dan.摩瑞在桌前罵道,真的是從我們這裡開始的,呃? 看來的確是如此。負責犯罪部門的助理局長查克.貝克如此說道。 立刻進行調查,查克。 是的,丹,這次我們一定會給它查個清楚。 三十分鐘後,兩位聯邦調查局幹員來到了這家位於紐澤西州德特波羅機場的通運公司。他們很快就確定這位約瑟夫.塞洛夫的確曾經搭乘過這家公司的飛機,而他的付費方式是以花旗銀行的支票支付,帳戶沒問題,名字也是他。不過他們沒有該名顧客的照片。 幹員們複製了一些文件之後,很快地來到塞洛夫開戶的銀行,結果銀行裡沒有人記得曾經見過他,而他留下的地址則和他的信用卡記錄一樣,都是同一個郵局信箱。 這時,聯邦調查局終於取得塞洛夫的護照相片不過在比對身份時,這些照片通常都沒啥用處;摩瑞局長心想:這大概只能用來辨認飛機失事的罹難者,而無法拿來搜查一名活生生的人。 不過,相關的檔案正在不斷地增加,這也是摩瑞第一次覺得案情有些希望。他們已經逐漸搜集到相關資料,遲早會找到他的落腳之處不管他是不是受過訓練的國安會官員,一旦他出現在聯邦調查局的搜查雷達螢幕上,九千名技術純熟的調查員就會開始搜尋,除非被告知停止,否則絕不罷手。照片、銀行帳號、信用卡記錄這些都找到了,下一步就是找出這些錢是如何進入他的帳戶。他一定有雇主或資助者,而從這個人或團體本身一定可以榨出更多的訊息;現在只是時間的問題,摩瑞心想,而他們絕對有這個時間跟這個人周旋到底。能遇上一位訓練有素的對手可不常有,而這些人通常都是遊戲中最難捉摸的,因此,如果能從僅有的資訊中設法把這個人揪出來,那種樂趣可是什麼都比不上的。恐怖主義和販毒,這對一名美國檢察官來說,還真是不可放過的案子呢。 Hello.Popov said. Hello.那人回答道,你不是本地人。 Dimi District.波卜夫。這位俄羅斯人伸出了手。 福斯特.胡尼卡特。兩人握了手之後,這位美國人接著說:你在這裡做什麼? 波卜夫微笑道:在這裡我什麼事都不用做,不過我正在學騎馬。我是直接為布萊林博士工作的。 誰噢,這裡的大老闆? That's right.how about you? 我是名獵人和嚮導。這位蒙大拿人說道。 太好了,那你不是素食主義者囉? 胡尼卡特說道:我本來就不是。我和其他人一樣喜歡紅色的肉,不過和這奇怪的肉排相比,我還是比較喜歡麋鹿。他說著,同時帶著嫌惡的表情看著盤中的肉。 麋鹿? 美洲麋鹿,全世界最大的鹿。一隻發育良好的鹿可能會有四到五百磅重,全身的肉都好極了。鹿角也不錯。 鹿角? 長在牠頭上的角。熊肉也不錯喲。 你這段話可能會讓這裡的許多人吹鬍子瞪眼喔。基爾格說道,同時努力吃著盤中的食物。 聽著,老兄,打獵可是最直接的保育行為,因為如果不去照顧這些生物,就會沒有東西可獵。所以我認為,如果想真正瞭解這些動物,那麼當個獵人是最好的方法。 這我可沒意見。這位流行病學家說道。 也許我不是個乖寶寶,也許我獵殺動物,但我吃我殺的動物,不會只因為想看牠們被殺而開殺戒,而且他再加上一句,反正我以後也不打獵了。不過那些趾高氣昴的傢伙,我倒是不介意宰他個幾個。 這不就是我們來這裡的目的嗎?麥克林臉帶微笑地問道。 沒錯,有太多人用電動牙刷,開著車,用醜陋的房子把這地方搞得烏煙瘴氣。 是我引領福斯特加入計劃的。mark.瓦特豪斯說道,他認識麥克林已經有好幾年了。 你全都知道了嗎?Kilger asked. 是的,而且我很適應這裡的一切。do you know?我一直想知道當個吉姆.布里吉或是傑德第亞.史密斯會是什麼感覺,也許再過個幾年我就會知道了。 大約五年吧。麥克林說,這是公司計劃的估計。 布里吉、史密斯又是什麼人?Popov asked. 他們都是拓荒者。胡尼卡特告訴這位俄羅斯人,他們是第一批見到西部世界的白人,也是探險家、獵人、對抗印第安的戰士,他們是不朽的傳說。 沒錯,印第安人的恥辱。 Maybe.胡尼卡特略表同意。 你是什麼時候來的?麥克林問瓦特豪斯。 我們是今天開車來的。馬克回答道,這地方大概快住滿了吧?他不喜歡擁擠。 That's right.基爾格表示贊同,他也不喜歡人多的地方,不過外面還是不錯的。你騎馬吧,胡尼卡特先生? 不然住在西部的人是怎麼打獵的?我可不是開著豪華休旅車喲。 所以你是打獵嚮導? That's right.胡尼卡特點頭道,我曾經是石油公司的地質探勘師,不過很久以前就和他們撇清關係了,你知道的,扼殺地球讓我覺得厭倦。 又是一個拜樹的德魯伊教徒,波卜夫心想。不過這倒不至於令他太過驚訝,只是這傢伙一直說個不停,對他來說真是疲勞轟炸。 不過,這位獵人繼續說,後來我終於知道什麼才是最重要的。接下來他花了好幾分鐘解釋什麼是棕色斑污。我拿了錢,然後就走人。我一直很喜歡打獵,因此就在山裡蓋了一棟小木屋,還買了一座舊農莊,然後以打獵為生。 噢,你可以整天都打獵嗎?Kilger asked. 看情況啦,因為一直有一名保育警察會來煩我嗯,不過他現在已經不會再來煩人了。 在這位老粗說話時,波卜夫瞥見瓦特豪斯對基爾格眨了眨眼,剎那間他才瞭解這個叫作胡尼卡特的人殺了一名警察,然後四處逃竄。這個計劃雇用這種人來做什麼? do not care.我們早上要去騎馬,你要加入嗎? certainly!我愛死騎馬了。 我自己也開始愛上它了。波卜夫加入談話。 迪米區,你一定有庫薩克人的血統。基爾格笑道,好啦,福斯特,明天早上七點以前來這裡吃早點,我們再一起出去。 no problem.胡尼卡特高興地答應了。 波卜夫站起身來,對不起了,奧運馬術比賽再十分鐘就要開始了。 迪米區,別想這麼快就騎馬跨越障礙,你的技術還沒好到那種地步。麥克林告訴他。 但我可以用看的呀,對不對?這位俄羅斯人說著就走開了。 這人來這裡做什麼?胡尼卡特在波卜夫離開之後問道。 就像他說的,他在這裡無所事事。不過他幫計劃走上了重要的方向。 oh?這名獵人問道,怎麼會? 記得那些發生在歐洲的恐怖事件嗎? 當然,那些反恐怖團體對那些混蛋所採取的攻擊真是帥呆了,幹得真是漂亮。迪米區有參與嗎?胡尼卡特無知地問道。 是他策劃了所有的行動。McLean said. God.mark.瓦特豪斯反應道,所以,是他幫比爾取得那些奧運合約的? 沒錯,如果不是他,我們怎麼可能把濕婆送過去? 好傢伙。瓦特豪斯下了結論,同時喝著他的加州紅酒,計劃開始後他一定會懷念這酒的味道的。
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