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Chapter 7 Chapter 5 Change and Defense

sum of fear 湯姆.克蘭西 21071Words 2023-02-05
Lane stayed in the VIP room of the American embassy, ​​waiting for the clock to move further.Ryan is about to take over Arden's position in the negotiations in Riyadh, but because he is going to meet an Arab prince, and the noble princes don't like their itinerary being changed arbitrarily, so Ryan has to stay here and stare at the This clock calculates when Arden's flight will arrive here.After three hours of watching satellite TV, he was rather bored, and a security agent walked him out for a walk.Normally, he would ask the security personnel to act as a tour guide and take him around, but not today.Now he wants to keep his thoughts neutral. When he comes to Israel for the first time, he hopes that his thoughts can be independent and not be affected by the TV images just now.

The streets of Tel Aviv were hot, but his next destination was even hotter.The streets of Tel Aviv are full of shopping crowds and businessmen.As he expected, the number of police here has increased a lot, but what is even more incongruous is that many civilians are carrying Uzi submachine guns on their backs, walking up and down the street as if nothing happened.Supporters of gun control in the United States will be shocked to see this (and opponents of gun control must feel sympathetic), and Lane thinks this is a good way to eliminate street crime.Ordinary crime, he knew, was low, but terrorists planted bombs and worse.And things are getting worse every day, but that's nothing new.

It occurred to Ryan that Jerusalem was a holy place for Christians, Muslims, and Jews.Its misfortune stems from its location, at the crossroads of the empires of Rome, Greece, and Egypt in Europe and Africa, and the empires of Babylon, Assyria, and Persia in Asia, and it is a constant fact in military history that there has always been power are competing for these intersections.Seven hundred years after the rise of Christianity, Islam began to sprout. It did not change the situation much, but it gave Jerusalem a lot of new definitions, and brought more profound religious significance to the crossroads where three religious believers were contending. .This will only make future wars more tragic.

In fact, this is a ridiculous thing.Wren believed that the First Crusade in 1086 was mainly due to overpopulation.The nobles and warriors of that time were very flamboyant and had more children than their castles and associated parishes could support.The sons of nobles were unlikely to farm, and the extra descendants of nobles had to have somewhere to go.When Pope Urban II ordered the Christian world to march eastward, these people seemed to see a glimmer of hope. They could use the name of taking back this religious holy place to find a territory for themselves and a group of serfs to be squeezed. On the trade routes to the east, taxes are collected from merchants.Everyone's goals may be different from everyone else's, but they are well aware of where these real interests lie.Ren can't help but wonder how many ethnic groups have left their footprints on the street in front of him, and how these crusaders combined their personal, political, economic and other selfish desires with their originally quite sacred goals.Of course, the situation is no doubt the same with Mohammedans. During the three hundred years since the death of Muhammad, there has been a lot of corrupt priests mixed with the pious believers, just like the situation in Christendom.Caught in the middle were those Jews who were not dispersed by Rome, or who returned on their own.Early on in the rise of Christianity, the Christians were probably far more cruel to the Jews than the later Moslems, but the situation has since changed, and probably more than once.

This place is like a bone, an immortal bone over which the hungry dogs of all ages fight. But the reason why this place is immortal, and why these hungry dogs have followed for hundreds of years, is mainly because of what the place represents, and so many historical entanglements.Many famous figures in history have stood on this ground, such as Jesus Christ, the Son of God, at least according to Wren's Catholic faith.Behind the land bridge where three continents and cultures intersect, and what this place represents, are the ideals and hopes that live in people's hearts, and these have been combined with this barren land, otherwise only a scorpion would fall in love with this place.In Ryan's mind, there are only five major religions in the world, and only three of them have truly spread to all parts of the world, not limited to the place of origin.The holy places of these three religions are all within a few miles of land in front of you.

Of course they will fight to the death for this piece of land. Blasphemy once prevailed here.Wasn't monotheism born here?Founded first by the Jews, and then carried forward by Christians and Muslims, here is the root of all these ideas.It seems strange that the Jewish people call them Israelites. They have stubbornly held to their faith for thousands of years, experienced national swords and stones such as ancestor worship and paganism, and then faced two religions that originated from Judaism. The greatest test of the millennium.It doesn't seem fair of course it's not fair at all but the wars of religion are the most barbaric of all wars.If they were fighting for God, they used almost every means of warfare.It is an abominable and damnable act to dare to be an enemy of God.Dare to question the power of God, then every soldier sees himself as the sword of God's own vengeance.To be kind to an enemy or to a sinner becomes the most unforgivable sin.Robbery, plunder, and genocide, the most despicable of all human crimes, have so far been taken for granted or even a duty or a sacred mission, and there is no crime at all.These soldiers are not just for the money, and not just for the thrill of committing a crime, but for them to be told that they can get away with all the crimes they have committed because God is really on their side.They even take this glory to their own graves.In England, the warriors who participated in the Crusades were buried after death. The pillars of the stone stele overlapped the sign of the cross to let future generations know that the dead had acted in the name of God. Their swords were stained with the blood of babies, and they raped all who attracted them. The woman with lonely eyes steals all the property that is not fixed on the ground, almost committing all kinds of crimes.The Jews are the main victims, but when it comes to the Jews in their turn to have force, they are no better, because human nature is the same.

These bastards must love killing and burning prostitutes.Ren was thinking gloomily while watching the police resolve the traffic dispute on the street corner.There must have been some good people behind the crusaders back then, what would they do?What do they think?I doubt what God thinks? But Wren is neither a Catholic priest, nor a Jewish or Muslim priest, but a senior intelligence officer, a tool of the state, and an observer and reporter of information.He continued to look around, putting all this history behind him. The weather was still unbearably hot, which could be seen in people's clothing, and the noise and busy streets reminded him of Manhattan, New York.Many people carried radios, and Wren walked past a roadside restaurant where he saw at least ten people listening to news reports on the radio.Ryan couldn't help showing a knowing smile. Their appearance was very similar to his usual habits. When he was driving, he would always tune the radio to the 24-hour DC news station.But he soon discovered that the eyes of the people on the street were vacillating, and there was a general vigilance.The eyes of these people are like the security personnel beside them, waiting for trouble that may happen at any time.This is also very reasonable.What happened on the Temple Mount did not lead to another wave of violence, but everyone is waiting for another wave of violence. These people in front of them have not yet seen a greater threat than violence, and Ryan is not sure about that. Surprised.The reasons for Israel's short-sightedness are fairly easy to understand.After all, the powerful enemies around Israel regard the Jewish state as a sacrifice. Therefore, Israel has sublimated paranoia into an art form, and the national security concerns are close to the state of obsession.During the 1,900 years that the Jews lost their kingdom, were persecuted everywhere, and faced planned genocide, they finally returned to their sacred land, but it was inviting another genocide , but this time they became Daozu, others became fish and meat, and they also learned how to make good use of Daozu in their hands.But this time history is as dead-end as last time.Wars usually end peacefully, but none of their previous wars really ended.They were either blocked or interfered with, that's all.For Israel, peace is but a temporary sojourn between burying the dead and training the next batch of fighters.The Jews, who nearly perished when they escaped Christianity, are now betting the survival of an entire nation on their ability to defeat Muslim states that once threatened to continue where Hitler left off.God may now have the same idea of ​​the conflict between the Jewish and Muslim states as Wren had of the Crusades.Unfortunately, miracles such as parting the ocean and setting the sun still only happened in the Old Testament.Human beings should be more rational nowadays, but human beings still often do things that shouldn't be done.In the book Utopia written by Thomas Moore, all human behaviors are based on moral rules. This ideal country has the same name as the title of the book.Utopia means nowhere.Ren shook his head and turned at the corner of the street. The street was full of white concrete houses.

Hello, Dr. Wren. The speaker was about fifty-five years old, and though shorter than Wren, was much fatter.The visitor had a big beard, carefully trimmed, but still with gray spots, which made him look not like a Jew, but like a commander of the Assyrian king Sinai Kereb. It seemed that he was still holding an ancient broad sword and hammer spear. If he hadn't been smiling, Ryan really hoped that Clark could be by his side at this moment. OK, Benjaco.I really didn't expect to meet you here. General Benjako in Mossad is equivalent to Wren's position in the CIA, and he is the deputy director of the Israeli Foreign Intelligence Agency.He is a heavyweight in the international intelligence community. He used to be a professional paratrooper officer and has a lot of experience in special warfare, so he was appreciated by Ai Tang and pulled him into this circle.He and Lane had met several times over the years, but always in Washington.Ryan respects his professionalism, but I don't know what Benjaco thinks of him.He is quite good at disguising his thoughts and feelings.

Wren, any news from Washington? All I know is what I see here in the embassy, ​​on cable news.No official notification yet, and if there was, you know the rules, even better than I do, Benjaco.Are there any good restaurants around here where I can have a good meal? Of course, all this is pre-arranged.Two minutes later, they were seated a hundred yards away in the back room of a home-cooked restaurant, perfect for two-man security keeping an eye on anything suspicious.Benjaco ordered two beers. Your next stop isn't selling beer. Benjaco, you are mean.Pretty mean.Ryan replied after taking his first sip of beer.

As far as I know, you will replace Arden in the Riyadh conference. How can a pawn like me possibly replace Dr. Arden anywhere? You will present your government's proposal almost at the same time as Adler's visit to our government is scheduled.We'd love to hear the proposal first. I think you'll have to wait this time. Wouldn't it be okay to take a look first, and not even reveal a little bit to another professional in the same industry? Especially colleagues, let alone let them take a look first.Ren took a big sip in one breath, and he saw that the menu on the table was written in Hebrew.Guess I'll have to rely on you to order Arden you bloody idiot!I've been left behind to clean up other people's asses before, but I've never cleaned things up like this.

Arden.This is not a problem.He is about my age.God, he should know that experienced women are more reliable and understand men's difficulties better.Even when discussing matters of the heart, Benjaco uses intelligence terms. He can even put his heart on his wife a little more. Benjaco smiled and said: I always forget that you are a standard Catholic. It has nothing to do with that, Benjaco.Is there that madman who needs more than one woman in his life?Ren asked the expressionless man in front of him. He has been ruined, this is the assessment of our embassy in the United States.But what is the meaning behind this? may be.No one ever asked my opinion.I really respect him.He gave the President good advice, he listened to us, and when he disagreed with the Bureau, he usually had good reasons.He caught one of my mistakes six months ago, and the guy is really smart.But playing with women like him I think we all have flaws.It's really stupid to lose his job like this, is it that hard to fasten his belt?And at this time, Ryan felt resentful. People like this cannot be public servants, they are too easily tempted. Old Russia doesn't play pink trap anymore and this girl is Jewish, isn't she?Is it one of yours, Benjaco? Dr. Wren!would i do something like thisIf beer could laugh, it would definitely have a laugh similar to Banjaco. It can't be your actions, there is clearly no blackmail element in it.Ryan almost lost his sense of proportion.Benjaco's eyes narrowed slightly. This is not our action.Do you think we are crazy?Dr. Elliott will replace Arden. Ren looked up from the beer.He hadn't thought of this level yet.oh shit She is our friend and your friend.Banjaco scoffed. In the past twenty years, how many cabinet candidates have you agreed with? Of course not one. Ryan sniffed, finished his beer, and said: You said something earlier, about the professional veteran, remember? We all work the same.Sometimes our luck is better, and the higher-ups will occasionally listen to us. And sometimes when they listen to our advice, they make a mistake and blame us When Ban Yake heard this sentence, he looked at Ren with steady and relaxed eyes.It's just another sign of Wren's maturing.He really likes Ren in the personal and professional fields, but personal likes and dislikes don't count in the intelligence business.Something important must have happened.Otherwise, Adler wouldn't have gone to Moscow, and then went to the Vatican with Rennes to pay a visit to Bishop Antonio.Ryan was originally scheduled to visit the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs with Adler, but Arden's shocking scandal changed everything at this time. As far as a professional intelligence officer is concerned, Benjako knows a lot.Ryan wondered whether Israel is the most reliable ally of the United States in the Middle East.And in Benjako's view, regardless of what Wren was thinking, future historians may conclude that most Americans feel that Israel is their most reliable friend.Therefore, Israel has heard more information from within the US government than any other country, or even more than the intelligence collected by the British, and the UK and the US also have formal channels for information exchange. American sources tipped off to Benjako's men that Wren was behind something.It seemed unlikely that Lane was very smart, for example, almost as smart as Arden, but Lane had always positioned himself as a servant, not a master; an implementer of policy, not a maker.Besides, the current president of the United States doesn't like him, and he doesn't hide it from his own people.Benjaco knew it too, and Elliott was said to hate him.Maybe it was something that happened before the election, maybe it was a dismissive attitude when they met, or a rude word.Damn, these cabinet members are some people who can hold grudges.Unlike Ryan and himself, Benjako thought.Both he and Ryan had faced death more than once, and maybe that was what differentiated them from those people.The two of them don't necessarily have to hold the same attitude in everything to respect each other. Moscow, Rome, Tel Aviv and Riyadh, what's the point? Adler was hand-picked by Secretary of State Tabor as a highly skilled professional diplomat.Tabor is also pretty smart.President Fowler himself may come across as an underwhelming one, but his cabinet and personal advisers were chosen on a whim.Benjaco corrected himself immediately, except for Elliott.Tabor usually sent Adler to complete the important prerequisites for him first, and when it came to formal negotiations, Adler was always by his side. Most surprising of all, none of Mossad's informants knew what had happened.They reported that something important was about to happen in the Middle East.Not sure about that sort of thing just heard the CIA Wren was involved in which the report ended. This should be infuriating, but Benjako was used to it.Doing intelligence is like playing a game of poker with no cards in sight.His younger brother, a pediatrician, had a similar problem.A sick child can't usually tell what's wrong with him, of course his younger brother can ask, touch or poke Ryan, you need to give me something so I can deal with my superiors.General Benjaco said flatly. Come on, General.Ren turned around and ordered another bottle of beer.Tell me, what the hell happened on the Temple Mount? The guy was now insane.Currently in the hospital, they sent a special nurse to watch him around the clock to prevent him from committing suicide.His wife had just ditched him, and he was under the influence of a religious fanatic, and Benjaco paused.I really don't like to see this kind of thing. That's true, Benjaco.Do you have any political salvage? Ryan, we're already dealing with this I think so.Benjako, you're a smart intelligence officer, but you don't understand what's going on this time.You really don't understand. So you have to tell me. I don't mean you don't know what happened, but what it means.The events of the last few days have completely changed the situation, General.You must understand. Transform into what? I'm afraid you'll have to wait a little longer.I also have orders from my superiors. Does your country intend to threaten our country? threaten?That's impossible, Benjaco.How can it be?Wren warned himself that too much had been said.This guy is good, Ryan reminded himself. But your country cannot decide our foreign policy for us. Wren replied: You are a wise man, general, but I still have orders.You have to wait.I'm sorry that your people in DC can't help you, but I can't help you either. Ban Yake didn't give up, and changed his tactics again and said: I even treat you to lunch, and our country is not as rich as your country. Ren laughed.Good beer, and like you said, I can't get beer like that in the country you're referring to, if I'm going there Your flight crew has come up with a flight plan, I've seen it. You know so many secrets.Ryan took another bottle of beer from the smiling waiter.Benjako, let's get out of this subject for a moment.Do you really think that we will do anything to harm your country? Yes!The general thought so, but of course he couldn't say it.Instead, he remained silent.But Wren ignored this, and used the opportunity to change the subject himself. I heard you are now a grandfather. Yes, my beard has turned quite a bit grayer because of my daughter.She gave birth to a daughter named Leia. I can assure you: Leia will grow up in a stable country, Benjaco. Who can see it?Benjaco asked. Certainly our generation.Ren felt that his answer was quite good.The poor fellow was anxious to know something, and Wren was saddened that Benjaco should be so obvious.Even the best hands in the business have a day when they are cornered. Ban Yake firmly remembered what Ryan said just now, and he could collect further information the next time we met.This general doesn't like to lose at anything. Arden was brooding in his office.Of course, he is not resigned.That would hurt the Fowler administration.His resignation letter has been signed and placed on the green notebook until the end of the month.But this is only for outsiders to see.Today he has completely lost his authority.He just came to work, read the briefing, and wrote the instructions, but Elliott had now taken over the briefing.The president had expressed regret, but maintained a nonchalant expression.So sorry to lose you as a general, really sorry, especially now, but I'm afraid there's no other way. Even though he's full of rage, in the Oval Office he's still trying to maintain his dignity.Even Van Damme acted more human, saying only: Oh shit, Arden!Van Damme was outraged at the political harm he had done to Fowler, but at least there was a dash of humanity and private sympathy in his anger.But Fowler is different. He has almost no humanity at all. Elliott was even more ruthless.That haughty bitch stared at her with her charming eyes, without saying a word.She will take all the fruits of his efforts to herself, and she will be able to reap the rewards without any effort.She knew it well and had already tasted the sweet fruit of his hard work. It will be announced this morning that his imminent departure has leaked to the press.Everyone is guessing who revealed it?Is it the contented Elliott?Or Van Damme, eager to reduce the damage?Or one of dozens of others? The transfer of power in Washington is carried out quietly and quickly.This feeling can be felt from the embarrassed expression on his secretary's face and the forced smiles of other staff in the west wing office when they saw him.But after the official announcement, everything became clear: like the blinding light from an exploding planet, the end of public office followed.These are all masterpieces of the media. At this time, the phone on the desk was already ringing and almost knocked down.Early this morning outside his house, nearly two dozen journalists gathered waiting for him to go out. The camera had already been set up, and the strong light followed his face everywhere.In fact, they already knew the answer before they asked the first question. That stupid little bitch!Her eyes like a cow's eye, her breasts like a cow's, and her broad, thick hips like a cow's.How could he be so stupid!The dignified Dr. Arden sat in his expensive chair, staring stupidly at his expensive desk.He felt his head was about to explode from the stress and anger, and he felt right.But he didn't know that his blood pressure had been pushed to new highs by the recent stress, almost double its normal level.In the past week, he forgot to take his blood pressure medicine again.A typical professor like himself tends to forget such small things when his organized mind is preoccupied with other, more difficult problems. It happened quite suddenly, and happened to a weakness that he originally had in the ring of William in his brain.The ring of William is the band-shaped blood vessel of the brain. When some blood vessels in the brain may become blocked over time, the ring of William is responsible for bypassing these blood vessels and continuing to carry a large amount of blood to supply blood to various parts of the brain.Arden's twenty years of high blood pressure, plus two decades of remembering to take his meds only before he went to the doctor, and now seeing his career end in disgrace in a personal scandal, set off his brain. The ring of William vessel on the right side of the chest ruptured.What had once been a brutal migraine instantly became the cause of his death.Arden's eyes widened and he clutched his head like it was about to explode, but it was too slow.The opening in the blood vessel has become larger, and more and more blood is flowing out.Two parts of his brain could not get the oxygen brought by the blood, which further increased the intracranial pressure, and finally caused other brain cells to be squeezed and die. Although he has been paralyzed, his consciousness has been maintained for a while, and his sharp mind still clearly records the current events.Even if he couldn't move, he knew that death was coming.It took thirty-five years to climb to this position.The books written, the semesters, the bright young students I taught, the speeches, the talk shows, the campaigns.It's all about being here.I can get something important done right away.Oh my God!Die like this, die like this!But he knew that death had come for him, and he was ready to meet him.He hoped someone would forgive him.He's not a bad guy, is he?He once tried to change some things and make the world a better place, but now, at the moment of something that may have a far-reaching impact, if he can achieve something that is good for the whole world, who told him to ride this stupid horse? Heifer the world would still be a better place for him, he thought at the last moment, if his learning and intellect could make it happen Arden's shame and fiery attitude kept his death from being discovered for a long time.Unlike his secretary who was on the phone every few minutes, his death was not discovered until an hour later.His secretary has been blocking all calls for him, and no calls are allowed.In fact, even if it is discovered early, it will not help, but she will still blame herself for it for a while.Finally, when she was about to leave work, she thought it would be better to talk to him.She pressed the call button on the intercom, but there was no response, so she tried again, and still nothing.She finally stood up and knocked on his office door.Finally, she couldn't help but finally opened his door on her own, and when she saw what was going on inside, she screamed so loudly that even the security personnel outside the Oval Office on the other side of the White House could hear.The first to arrive was Helen, the president's personal bodyguard, who happened to be walking through the hallway here as she had been sitting all day. Shit! , and immediately pulled out her standard revolver.She had never seen so much blood in her life, all from Arden's right ear and onto the desk.She immediately sent a warning over the radio.Arden must have been shot in the head.Her sharp eyes searched the room behind the Smith & Wesson 19 in her hand.The window is not broken.She rushes to the other side of the office and there's no one there, so what to do? Then she felt Arden's carotid artery with her left hand.Of course there was no jump, but the rigorous training forced her to check once.Outside this office, all the entrances and exits of the White House have been blocked, the security personnel have drawn their weapons, and all the visitors dare not move casually based on their positioning.Secret Service operatives are thoroughly searching the entire building. damn it!Connor scolded as soon as he entered this office. Search is complete!The message sounded on both of their earphones at the same time.There are no suspects in the building.The Eagles are already at safety.Eagle is the Secret Service code name for the current president.The codename's relationship to the president's name, and its incongruity with his political style, reveal the operators' special sense of humor. The ambulance arrived in two minutes!Communication Center added this sentence.They can find an ambulance much faster than a helicopter. Take it easy, Helen.Connor said: I think he suffered a stroke, not being assassinated. Step aside!Said a naval medic.Secret Service operatives are trained in first aid, of course, but there is always a team of medics on call at the White House, and this paramedic was the first to arrive on the scene.He carried a device similar to a general field first aid kit, but seeing Arden's situation, he didn't even have the motivation to open the bag.There was so much blood in front of him, it was a big puddle.He didn't move the body. It could be a crime scene, and the Secret Service guy had mentioned to him the rules about it. Most of the blood came from Arden's head.There was a little bleeding from his left ear, too, and he could see part of Arden's face had gone pale.It is difficult to determine the cause of Arden's death. He was dead, probably for nearly an hour.cerebral hemorrhage stroke.Has this guy been under a lot of stress lately? Yes, I think so.Helen thought for a while and replied. It must be determined after an autopsy, but it should be a rupture of a cerebral blood vessel. Then the doctor arrived. He was a colonel in the navy. After observing the deceased, he had the same opinion as the medical worker just now. Here's Connor calling, tell the ambulance to take it easy.The pilgrim died, apparently of natural causes.Repeat, Pilgrim is dead.The operator leader said into the radio. A post mortem can reveal many things, of course poisoning is the possibility that draws the most attention at hand.But the diet and air in the White House are constantly being monitored.Helen and Connor exchanged glances.It should be true, he had high blood pressure before, and today is the worst day in his life.They probably wouldn't be much better off there today. How is he?Everyone in the room turned their heads. It was the voice of an eagle, and it was the president himself, who squeezed into the office surrounded by security personnel, and Elliott followed behind.It occurred to Helen that they had to give her a code name, which they must not forget.Helen didn't know if the four words ecstatic with heart were enough to describe the feeling in this bitch's heart.Helen doesn't like Elliott.In fact, none of the president's guards liked this bitch.But they're not paid to like her, or the president himself. He is dead, Mr. President.the doctor replied.Apparently it was related to a cerebral hemorrhage. Fowler was expressionless when he heard it.The bodyguard next to him remembered that the president's wife had fought with the disease for many years before she died of multiple arteriosclerosis during his tenure as governor of Ohio.They believed that the process must have exhausted Fowler, and hoped that his wife would soon be relieved.It must have made him hard-hearted.Of course, he wasn't so heartless, he groaned, shook his head speechless, turned his head and left. After Fowler left, Elliott immediately took his seat and looked over an operator's shoulder to get a better view. Instead, Helen wanted to know her inner feelings.Helen knew that Elliott liked to wear thick makeup, but all she could see was that the face of the new National Security Adviser turned pale under the makeup.Helen also understood that this scene was quite terrifying. Arden's blood was poured on the desk like a can of red paint. Oh my god!Elliot snorted. Please get out of the way!cried a new voice.It was an operator carrying a stretcher, who rudely pushed Elliott away.I saw that she was still so shocked that she even forgot to be angry, her face was still so pale and her eyes were dull.Secret Service Agent Helen felt that no matter how strong a bitch she thought she was, she was still not as strong as she imagined.This thought brought Helen a little pleasure. Feeling weak, Elliott?Helen, who had just graduated from the secret service school for less than a month, was eliminated in a training session. When the target, an instructor who played the role of a murderer, killed her, she could never figure out why the instructor pulled out a large The automatic pistol even fired a shot in her direction, though not at her.She earned herself the nickname Dagger, because she could pull out her gun and immediately aim at the center point of a humanoid target thirty-seven feet away and fire three times in a row, every shot was sure to hit, just as easily as in an ordinary shooting range.She herself had never dared imagine this.So Helen was now in the circle of Secret Service operatives, and she was also a member of the pistol shooting team there, which performed better than the army's elite Delta Force.She was strong, Elliot was not, no matter how proud the latter was.Don't you dare, ma'am?But Helen hadn't imagined at this moment that Elliott would be the Eagle's main adviser on national security affairs in the future. The meeting was rather quiet, as never before in any gathering Polk had attended.There is no adulation among revolutionary fighters.His old comrade-in-arms Qati is usually a talkative person, proficient in five languages, but today Qati in front of Polk is very silent, the smile that often hangs on his face has disappeared, and the exaggerated expression when speaking is also greatly restrained , Polk wondered if he was not feeling well. I was quite sad when I heard the news of your wife.Put personal matters behind you, Qati said. Thank you my friend.Polk decided to put on a dignified look in front of his friends, and said: Compared with the sufferings of your compatriots, this is nothing.Revolutions always suffer some setbacks. Today, the setbacks of the revolution are too many, and both of them know this.The best weapon in their profession was good intelligence, but Polk's sources of information had long since disappeared.There were many sources of intelligence for the Red Army in the past, including their own people in the West German government, East German intelligence agencies provided a small amount of but useful information, and the co-owner of the intelligence agencies of Eastern European countries, the National Security Council.A large amount of information from various small countries was undoubtedly provided by the National Security Council, and Polk never doubted the reasons for these countries to assist them.After all, world socialism itself has to go through countless tactical moves.It had been, he corrected himself. Now all the help he could get was ruined.Eastern European intelligence kicked them off like dogs.The Czechs and Hungary even openly trafficked their intelligence to the West.東德已經揚棄了自己的社會主義理想,投入大德國懷抱下的合作及兄弟之情。東德德意志民主共和國已經不存在了。現今它只是資本主義德國的附庸。而蘇聯無論過去他們提供的支援多麼不直接,目前已經蕩然無存,可能永遠不再支援他們。隨著歐洲社會主義的消逝,過去許多援助過他們的國家情報組織不是變節,就是變為雙面間諜;或者對社會主義的未來失去信心,停止對他們的協助。好似在一聲令下之後,歐洲革命戰士最佳與最有效的武器便頓然消失。 所幸在此不同,夸提亦不同於那些個歐洲的社會主義叛徒。以色列人雖然兇狠,但他們卻一樣愚蠢。波克和夸提曉得,世界有一個不變的事實,便是以色列人對於促進和平的無能。他們在打仗時雖然相當可怕,但是在和平方面卻總是無望。再加上他們能夠完全主宰自己的外交政策,有時好像完全把和平拋在腦後。波克雖對世界史不熟,但他懷疑從前是否有像以色列這樣的國家。以色列國內的阿拉伯人以及佔領區內的巴勒斯坦人持續不斷的反抗,已經成為這個國家精神上一處血流不止的傷口。以色列警察以及對內的情報單位以往能夠隨心所欲地滲透進阿拉伯組織內,但由於阿拉伯人的反抗心理愈來愈強烈,這類滲透也愈來愈難。至少夸提正在指揮一項反間諜行動。為此波克相當羨慕他,即使夸提面臨的狀況相當困難。夸提另一項優勢反而是敵方的效率所賜。以色列情報機構已經對付阿拉伯自由鬥士有兩代之久,那些不機靈的同志幾乎皆成為莫薩德幹員的槍下亡魂,而剩下來像夸提這些人物,都是生存者,達爾文物競天擇下適存的產物。 你們怎麼對付告密者?波克問道。 我們上週發現一名。夸提帶著殘忍的微笑道:他死在我們的手裡之前,已經指認了他的以色列聯絡官。現在我們正監視著這名以色列人。 波克點頭稱是。在從前,這類以色列聯絡官馬上會被刺殺,但夸提學聰明了。藉著監視他們極度小心,而且只能間斷地加以監視他們或許能夠抓出更多的告密者。 俄國人呢?這問題引來強烈的反應。 Those pigs!他們只給了我們一些無價值的東西。我們只能靠自己,一向也是如此。夸提氣憤填膺地說道,臉上激動的表情今天還是頭一次見到。不過這只是稍縱即逝,他的表情馬上又恢復剛才疲倦的模樣。 你似乎很累,我的朋友。 今天日子可真長,我想你也是這樣想。 波克容許自己打一個哈欠,伸一下懶腰。一直到明天? 夸提點點頭,起身帶領他的客人到房間休息。波克進門前緊握著他的手,他們彼此相識幾乎已有二十年之久。夸提回到客廳,走到外面和各處警戒中的安全人員說一下話,因為忠心是來自對於自己人的重視。然後他也要上床睡覺,不過當然得先做完晚禱。波克是個無神論者多少有點令他困擾,雖然波克是個勇敢、聰明、專注的人,卻無信仰。他不曉得有多少人沒有信仰還能繼續向目標進行多久。 continue?他有些許繼續的跡象嗎?夸提在床上躺下時自問。他酸痛的手腳終於嘗到休息的滋味,雖然疼痛的感覺依然存在,至少有所改變。波克已經完了,不是嗎?倘若碧翠死在那些GSG隊員的手裡,也許對波克還比較好一點。那些德國反恐怖突擊隊員一定想宰了她,但謠言傳說,她被捕時,左右乳房正哺育著那一對雙胞胎,破壞這景觀似乎不是堂堂男子漢的作為。即使是夸提自己對他痛恨的以色列人也做不出這種事來。這麼做是對神本身的冒犯。他想到碧翠時不禁在黑暗中微笑。他曾經跟她上床過一次,當時波克有事外出。她很孤單,而他也剛在黎巴嫩完成一次危險的任務,刺殺一名基督教民兵的以色列顧問成功後,正感到熱血沸騰無處發洩,自然而然地兩人就分享了這一次革命的熱情達兩個鐘頭之久。 不曉得波克知不知道這回事?碧翠有沒有告訴他? 或許她告訴了他,這無所謂。波克不是這種人,不像阿拉伯人對於這種事情可以兵戎相見。歐洲人對於這種事情相當隨便。夸提對他們如此隨便就相當不解,但生命中本來便有許多事情是不容易理解的。波克是他的朋友,他可以確定,波克對他的友情跟他對波克的一樣堅毅。歐洲局面會變得如此,使得他朋友落得這樣的境地,他覺得相當難過。波克的女人被關,兒女被搶走,這一切令夸提不寒而慄。他們兩人把孩子帶來這個世上本就不智。夸提從不想結婚,但經常跟女人在一塊。十年前在黎巴嫩時,他遇上一些歐洲女孩,有些才十幾歲。她們所做的一些事,阿拉伯女人絕學不會這些東西。她們是如此的熱情,又急於展示在這方面的技巧。他曉得這些女人是在利用他,不過他也在利用她們。夸提那時年輕,具有年輕的精力。 那些熱情已逝,他不曉得它們會不會再回來。他希望會,主要是因為他希望自己病情好轉的程度,足以讓他同時應付兩件事情。醫生說治療進行得相當不錯。他比大部分的人更能容忍這種療法,醫生還說,倘若他老是覺得疲倦,不時覺得噁心,絕對不能氣餒。這種現象相當正常不,正常的現象還不如他現在的反應好。真的還有希望,他的醫生每次門診時都對他這麼說。他的醫生對他保證這絕不是安慰他的話。他的情況真的很樂觀,機會真的很大。夸提心知,重要的是,他的目標仍然值得他活下去。他有目的,他肯定那是令他活下去的動力。 How's it going? 繼續進行你們的工作。凱伯特透過衛星通訊網路回答。亞登在桌前中風死了。頓了一下,又說:也許這對那可憐的傢伙比較好。 艾略特接手一切? right. 雷恩緊緊地閉著雙脣,宛如嘴裡含著很苦的藥。他看過他的錶,凱伯特起得相當早打來這通電話,以指示他們下一步的行動。雷恩和這位頂頭上司並不算是真正的朋友,但這次任務的重要性令他們捐棄了成見,雷恩告訴自己,艾略特也許也會如此。yes boss.我九十分鐘後就要起飛,按照計畫,我們得同時進行。 一路順風,雷恩。 謝謝您,局長。雷恩關掉保防電話。走出通訊室,回到自己的房間。他的行李已經整理好了,他只須打上領帶。西裝放在他肩上,這裡已經夠熱了,他待會兒要到的地方會更熱。不過他到那兒還是得穿上西裝,這是禮儀,為了達成恰當的禮儀便要使一個人穿上最不舒服的衣著,真是奇怪的規定。雷恩拿起袋子走出房門。 要不要事先對錶?等在門外的艾德勒笑道。 嗨,艾德勒,這可不是我的主意! 這有道理有一點。 I think so.好了,我還得趕搭飛機。 它沒你也無法起飛。Adler pointed out. 這可是服公職的好處之一,不是嗎?雷恩看了一眼走廊,空蕩蕩地沒有一個人,不曉得以色列人在此是否安裝竊聽器。即使真的如此,他們也能干擾這些東西。你認為成功的機率有多高? Easy as pie. 有那麼好嗎? Yes.艾德勒笑道:雷恩,這一次是千載難逢的機會,這全部得歸功於你。 It's not just me.反正我絕不會得到任何功勞,沒人會曉得我。 我們都知道。Let's get to work. 讓我知道以色列聽完之後有何反應。祝好運,老兄。 我想恭喜這個字眼比較恰當。艾德勒握著雷恩的手,說道:一帆風順。 大使館的大轎車將他直接送到飛機旁邊,它的發動機已經啟動等著。他們有優先滑行起飛的權利,因此他登機後不到五分鐘,這架專機就已經升空了。這架VC|廿B先向南飛,其下方匕首形的那塊土地就是以色列,然後他們向東飛過阿卡巴灣,進入沙烏地阿拉伯的領空。 他在飛機上總是習慣看著窗外的景觀,而他的腦裡則開始計畫該做些什麼,不過已經練習一個禮拜了,所以儘管他有心事,眼睛還是注意著窗外。這兒的天氣十分晴朗,一路上萬里無雲,眼前所見全都是蓋滿沙石的荒原。僅有的一些植物在空中看不清楚,整個看起來就像一張未刮鬍子的臉孔。雷恩曉得,以色列從空中看起來也是如此,就像西奈半島一樣,此處曾經打過數次裝甲戰,他不禁奇怪,人類為什麼選在像這樣的地方死亡。但事實便是如此,此地的戰爭幾乎可以回溯到人類一開始出現在這個星球時。人類第一次組織化的對壘亦是在此進行的,至今依然尚未停止。至少目前還沒有。 利雅德,沙烏地阿拉伯的首都,這個國家的面積相當於密西西比河以東的美國大小。由於此地的空中交通不算太過擁擠,這架專機得以相當迅速地降低高度,飛行員把飛機帶到利雅德國際機場時,氣流還算平穩。幾分鐘後,這架灣流式客機滑入貨機的場站,機上的人員打開前機門。 在冷氣間兩小時之後,雷恩此時好像走入了火坑。陰影下的溫度高達華氏一百一十度,但此處根本沒有陰影。更糟的是,柏油路面宛似鏡子,將強烈的太陽光反射到人們的身上,使得雷恩的臉部好像有如萬針刺痛一般。來接他的是大使館裡使節團的副團長,以及安全人員。不一會兒,他滿身大汗地坐入另一輛大使館轎車內。 飛行愉快吧?這位副團長問道。 還不錯,這兒一切都準備好了吧? Yes, sir. 雷恩被叫長官覺得很舒服。好吧,讓我們完成它。 上級指示,最多只能陪您到門口。 That's right. 您也許想知道,目前還沒有新聞界向我們詢問這件事。華府這次保密得很周全。 五小時後這種情況馬上會改變。 利雅德是個乾淨的城市,但不太像西方的大都會,跟以色列城市的差異更為明顯,眼前的一切幾乎都是新的。坐飛機只要兩個小時。但此地從不像巴勒斯坦曾為歐亞非三洲的交會點,古老的貿易通路便遠遠地避開阿拉伯半島的酷熱,而沿岸的漁港和貿易城鎮雖然因朝聖者的關係,十分繁華,但內地的環境卻不易生活,只有一些游牧民族游走其間。而兩者皆因他們信仰的回教結合在一起,回教也生根於此處的兩個聖地麥加和麥地那。但兩件事情改變了這一切,首先英國人在第一次世界大戰時,利用此半島牽制奧圖曼土耳其軍隊,以免這些軍隊調到對德國和奧匈帝國更有利的地方。然後在一九三○年代,此地發現了石油。石油蘊藏量之大使得美國德州的油田頓然失色,因此阿拉伯世界改變了,接著世界情勢也隨之改觀。 從一開始,沙烏地跟西方的關係就相當微妙。整個國家呈現著原始及先進的奇異面貌。在這半島上有些人的上一代,尚過著跟銅器時代幾無兩樣的游牧生活。同時在另一方面,這兒也有備受崇敬的可蘭經法典的傳統,一種相當嚴厲但公平的法典,相當於猶太法典的地位。在短短的時間裡,這裡的人們已經習慣於突如其來且難以估計的財富。因此精緻的西方人只視他們為新興暴發戶國家名單上的最新成員,然而事實上美國也是名單上的新成員之一,本身也是個暴發戶,雷恩看到一些建築物時不禁報以同情的微笑。有著幾個錢的人早已忘了粗野的祖先當初起家的方式也不怎麼正大光明看到其他靠著自己發財的人享受一下,心裡總是不舒坦。對個人如此,國家亦然。沙烏地阿拉伯及其他較無財力和影響力的阿拉伯弟兄們,還在學習治國之道,但這個過程對於他們及友邦而言,都是令人興奮的。其中經驗甘苦皆有,但最近他們北方鄰居的蠢動便是一個代價很高的經驗。在大部分的時候,他們學得都相當好,雷恩也希望眼前這一步會更好走一點。一個國家的成就應是以促進和平為要,而非在戰爭或貿易競爭上展現實力。美國從華盛頓時代一直到老羅斯福總統才學到這一點,而羅斯福總統的諾貝爾獎至今依然置於白宮的羅斯福室裡,供後人瞻仰。我們花了將近一百二十年的時間才學會。雷恩看著座車轉彎並放慢速度時想到。老羅斯福只是解決了一點雞毛蒜皮的邊界紛爭便獲此大獎,而我們正要求一些國齡不到五十年的國家,協助美國安定文明世界裡最大的火藥庫。我們那有資格和理由瞧不起這些民族? 在此一場合中,所有的動作皆有如事先排演過。轎車過去稱為馬車抵達後,一名員工過去被稱為門房打開大門。當訪客步下車子時大官威嚴地坐在會客室裡面等著。倘若訪客較客氣的話,他還會向門房點頭致意,雷恩也是如此。另一位更資深的員工先迎接訪客,然後引導訪客到大官面前。兩旁排滿了警衛,都是一些著制服的武裝士兵。由於今天是機密會談,原有的攝影師已被引開。諸如此類的儀式若在華氏一百度下舉行會舒服得多,不過至少雷恩被引見給大官時,上面有罩篷的陰影擋著。 歡迎到我的國家,雷恩博士。阿里親王對雷恩伸出一隻有力的手。 謝謝您,大人。 請你跟我來,好嗎? 榮幸之至,大人。在我熔化之前。 阿里領著雷恩和那名副團長入內,後兩者在此便分道揚鑣。這棟建築為一處宮殿利雅德有不少宮殿,因為親王人數太多了但雷恩認為此處應稱為辦公宮殿,可能比較精確一點。它比雷恩在英國拜訪過的此類建築都小一些,眼前所見令雷恩多少有些吃驚。可能是此地氣候乾燥且潔淨,與骯髒潮濕的倫敦空氣截然不同。這兒也有空調,室內的氣溫剛好在華氏八十五度以上,似乎令雷恩感到舒適。親王身著長袍,頭上還有頭巾什麼?雷恩感到奇怪。先前的簡報應該告訴他這一點,不過他知道已經太晚了。亞登本來應該在此。亞登對中東地區比他熟太多,而但亞登已經過世,雷恩只得接手。 國務院和中情局視阿里為不管事親王。他比雷恩年輕,而且更高更瘦,負責在外交和情報方面為沙國國王提供意見。可能沙國情報機構由英國人訓練得向他報告,但其職權並不明確,無疑這也是英國人的遺風,他們對於情報機構的祕密性比美國人慎重得多。雖然美國人有關於阿里的個人檔案有厚厚的一疊,但大多為其背景資料罷了。他在劍橋大學受教育之後,成為一名陸軍軍官,後來在美國的列文渥斯及卡萊爾營兩地接受專業訓練。在卡萊爾營裡,他是班上最年輕的學生二十八歲便當上校皇親國戚的身分對事業有極大的幫助他在班上是第三名畢業,班上的前十名畢業生不是當上師長便是有相當的職位。雷恩行前,一名阿里過去的同學,現為美國陸軍的將軍,對雷恩概略地描述了這位親王的特性,他覺得阿里是個有天賦,而且具有領導潛力的年輕人,他相當喜歡這位親王。在波灣戰爭時,他是說服沙國國王接受美援的主要角色。美國方面認為他喜歡迅速地下決定,而且有人浪費他的時間時,馬上會表現出不悅,就像此時,即使阿里依然顧到宮廷禮儀。 親王辦公室門前站了兩名衛士,很容易認出來。第三名衛士馬上為他們打開那扇門,並在他和親王通過時,三人都鞠躬致禮。 我曾經聽過許多你的事情。阿里隨和地說道。 希望都是一些好事情。雷恩答道,試著放輕鬆一點。 阿里轉身且帶著頑皮的微笑。我認識的一些英國朋友,你應該也認識,譬如約翰爵士你應該很熟。你現在還常練習手槍的射擊技巧嗎? 現在實在太忙,大人。 阿里揮手請雷恩坐下。有些東西再忙也得撥出時間。 兩人坐定之後,話題便轉為正事。此時出現一名端著銀質咖啡盤的僕人為兩人倒咖啡,隨即退去。 我誠摯地為亞登博士的去世感到哀傷,一個如此優秀的人竟然這樣就走了願神憐憫他的靈魂。同時我期盼見到你也有一段時間了,雷恩博士。 雷恩啜了一口咖啡,覺得濃烈得苦口。 謝謝您,大人。同時您同意在此接待高級官員的場所接見在下,亦令我十分感激。 外交上最有效的努力通常皆是以非正式的方式開始。好了,我到底有何處能為你效勞的?阿里靠在椅子上微笑,手指玩弄著嘴邊的鬍子。他的眼睛黑如燧石,雖然隨和地望著眼前的訪客,但現在的氣氛很像是談生意,雷恩覺得這一切都好快。 我國希望能夠尋求一種方法一項可減輕此地區緊張情勢的方案。 當然還有以色列。我猜艾德勒眼前在以色列也同時提出相同的方案? 沒錯,大人。 這聽起來很戲劇化。這位親王面上依然帶著悅色。請繼續說下去。 雷恩開始投出第一球,說道:大人,我們最重視的問題仍然是以色列的實質安全。在您我尚未來到這世界之前,美國和其他國家眼睜睜看到六百萬名猶太人被希特勒屠殺時,未置一詞。這種罪惡深深地烙印在我國人民的心目中。 阿里點點頭後說道:我就是不懂這一點。也許你們當初可以做得更好一點,不過羅斯福和邱吉爾在戰前制定的戰略政策卻不算有錯。至於一船一船的猶太人在戰前沒有國家肯收留則是另一回事。我真的覺得很奇怪,貴國當時沒有對這些可憐的猶太人提供庇護。然而退一萬步來說,當初沒有人會料到這種事,猶太人或是其他人也沒有想到,到了事情明朗時,希特勒已牢牢控制住歐洲了,貴國根本不可能直接干預。當時貴國的領袖發覺只有儘快結束這場戰爭,才能終止這場大屠殺。這是很合邏輯的作法。他們也許在希特勒的終極滅絕進行時,我想應該是這個字,在政治方面做了一個決定,不過又覺得在實際上,可能行不通。反過來說,他們可能錯了,不過他們的決定可是有其歷史背景。阿里頓了一下,先撇開他的歷史課,說道:無論如何,我國都會了解並有條件接受貴國保護以色列的理由。據我了解,我國接受貴國提案的與否,則視貴國是否忽略其他非猶太民族的權利而定。在這個地區除猶太人外,並不是只有野蠻人而已。 大人,這便是我國所提出之方案的根本構想。Ryan replied.倘若我國能夠兼顧到其他民族的權利,貴國能否接受我國作為以色列國家安全的保護者?雷恩來不及喘氣立即聽到答案。 當然接受。我國的態度還不夠明顯嗎?除了美國,還有哪個國家能夠為以色列提供安全保證?無論貴國必須在以色列駐軍以令他們安心,或是他們要貴國簽定正式協防條約,我們都能夠接受,但阿拉伯人的權利呢? 對於阿拉伯人的權利,您覺得我國應該如何做呢?Ryan asked. 阿里親王幾乎被雷恩的問題嚇呆了。難道雷恩的任務不是向我們提出方案嗎?他幾乎想發脾氣,但阿里是個聰明人,曉得這不是個問話的陷阱,而是美國的政策完全改變了。 雷恩博士,你為了一個理由問了一個問題,但這是個不求回答的問題。我相信,你的問題是需要貴國自己作答的。 雷恩告訴阿里美國的構想,阿里想了三分鐘才說話。 阿里悲傷地搖搖頭,說道:雷恩博士,這方案對我國而言,是可以接受沒錯,但即使我們接受,以色列也絕不可能同意這項提案更精確地說,他們會以我們同意為由,反對這項和平計畫。當然,他們應該要同意,但他們不會。 貴國同意這個計畫嗎? 當然,我必須先呈給其他人看一下,但我想我國的回應會是肯定的。 有任何反對的地方嗎? 這位親王停下來喝完他的咖啡,他越過雷恩的頭頂看著遠處的牆壁思考著,說道:我國可能會提出一些修改的建議,不過應不會大幅更動貴國提案的重點。事實上,我認為這些枝節問題的協商可以輕易且迅速地解決,因為對其他參與的國家並沒有影響。 您認為何人可當作此次會議的回教代表? 阿里向前傾,說道:這個問題容易,每個人都曉得人選應該是誰。他是阿夸沙回教寺院的院長,名為約西夫,是一名學識深厚且精通數種語言的回教教士。來自整個回教世界的學者常向他請教理論方面的看法。什葉派和遜尼派教徒在某些方面皆相當敬重他。他甚至還出生在巴勒斯坦。 那麼容易嗎?雷恩不禁閉起眼睛鬆了一口氣。他在人選方面事先猜得沒錯。約西夫在政治方面並非是個中間派,曾號召阿拉伯人將猶太人趕出約旦河西岸。但他也多次以回教教義公開唾棄過恐怖主義。他不算是完美的人選,但如果阿拉伯人認為他適合,他就夠完美了。 雷恩博士,你非常自信。阿里搖搖頭。太有自信了。我得向你坦白,你的計畫比我和我們政府預期的要公平得多,但這不可能會實現。阿里再度停下來,看著雷恩,問道:現在我必須問清楚,貴國是不是認真的,或者只是作作秀,顯示美國的大公無私而已。 大人,福勒總統將於下週二在聯合國大會的演講中,正式提出這個計畫,現場實況彩色轉播。而我也被授權向貴國提出邀請,參加梵蒂岡此次條約的協商會議。 這位親王訝於自己竟然相信美國人這套異想天開的構想,說道:你真的認為你們辦得到嗎? 大人,我們勢將竭力一試。 阿里站起來,走到桌旁,拿起電話撥號後,以阿拉伯語特有的快速語調對話筒說話,雷恩一點也聽不懂。雷恩突然想到,阿拉伯文跟希伯來文一樣,都是由右向左書寫,雷恩納悶這樣是不是會把人搞得昏頭轉向。 他媽的,雷恩暗想,這計畫可能真的行得通! 阿里放下電話,轉向他的客人說道:我想該是我們一同去晉見國王的時候。 so fast? 這是我們政府型態的優點之一,當一位閣員想見另一位閣員時,只需打電話給他的堂兄弟或叔伯。我們是家族企業。我相信貴國總統是個一諾千金的人。 他在聯合國的講稿已經寫好了,我曾經看過一遍。他也準備面對國會裡偏向以色列的議員的攻擊,他已有心理準備。 雷恩博士,我曾經看過這些人的議事動作。甚至在我們的士兵和美國人並肩作戰時,他們還是否決我國國防所需的武器銷售案。你想這有可能會改變嗎? 蘇聯的共產主義結束了,華沙公約聯盟也崩潰了。構成我過去成長環境的世界大局裡那幾個重要的影響要素現在已經消失,永久地消逝了。現在該是處理世界上其他地區紛爭的時候了。您問我這項計畫可不可能實現為何不可能?大人,人類生存唯一不變的因素便是改變。雷恩曉得自己的信心過了頭,同時也猜想艾德勒在耶路撒冷的情況不知如何。他曉得艾德勒雖不是會危言聳聽的人物,但他曉得如何放出狠話。雷恩不曉得上一次美國這樣對以色列是什麼時候或曾經這麼做過。但總統已親自放出話來,倘若以色列企圖阻止這項計畫,那他們將發現自己在世界各國中是多麼孤單。 你忘了提上帝了,雷恩博士。 雷恩微笑說道:不,大人。那就是重點,不是嗎? 阿里親王想微笑,但還不是時候,所以沒有笑。他指著門外,說道:我們的車子來了。 在賓州新坎伯蘭的陸軍倉庫內,收藏著自獨立戰爭以來的軍旗與徽章,一位准將和一名骨董專家看著平攤在桌上的過去第十騎兵團的團旗。這位准將納悶,這面軍旗上一些灰塵是不是葛瑞森上校帶領這個團與阿帕契人作戰時留下的。它看起來被使用的次數並不多,也許是一年一度的裝修,軍旗都會照著原樣另作一面的緣故。這種事情居然會發生,實在是相當奇怪。在這削減預算的年頭,竟然有新單位成立,真是怪事。當然這位將軍不會反對這件事。第十騎兵團擁有輝煌的歷史,好萊塢對它一直不太公平,譬如他們目前只製作了一部黑人士兵團的電影。第十騎兵團有四支黑人單位第九和第十騎兵營,以及第廿四和第廿五步兵營皆曾在安定美國西部上有一席之地。該團團旗的歷史可回溯到一八六六年。它的中央是一隻水牛,因為印第安人認為這些黑人的頭皮像是美國野牛的皮毛。這些黑人士兵曾經打敗過哲洛米莫酋長,據這位將軍所知,他們還在聖璜丘救過老羅斯福一條命。那時這個黑人團的戰力才獲得美國政府的承認,如果總統是為了政治原因才如此做,那又如何呢?第十團有著輝煌的歷史,政治跟它一點也沒關係。 這得花上一個禮拜。這名平民說道。我會親自動手使它復原。老天,我不曉得若是葛瑞森上校知道現在已見不到野牛的蹤跡,會做何想法! This is true.這位將軍承認。他幾年前曾指揮過第十一騎兵團。這個名為黑馬騎兵團的單位還駐在德國,但他常懷疑它還有多久便會調回本土。一支現代化的騎兵團事實上相當一個加強旅,具有極高機動性及強大的火力,共有一百二十九輛戰車、二百二十八輛裝甲運兵車、二十四門自走砲及八十三架直升機,人數共達五千員。 他們的基地會在那兒? 這個團將在史都華堡成立,之後我也不確定會調往何處。也許會是第
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