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Chapter 27 Chapter 22 Step by Step

patriot games 湯姆.克蘭西 23044Words 2023-02-05
On the night that the Uzi was discovered, Robert.Newton took the FBI agents to the abandoned quarry.In the early morning of the next day, a group of criminal case experts in the bureau had begun to carefully collect suspicious evidence within a mile radius of the quarry, not only on the road, but also in the waste water pit of the quarry, in the bureau. I also found two diving experts, wearing full diving equipment, went down to the puddle and touched it several times carefully.During the entire process of searching for evidence, ten officers were sent to guard the field near the forest to prevent outsiders from breaking in.The Bureau also dispatched a small team to check one by one the old faces identified by Mr. Newton as those who often went to the woods to collect firewood. The bureau also dispatched officers to conduct door-to-door investigations. On that muddy road, experts from the bureau also collected soil samples for comparison with the dust collected from the station wagon used to commit crimes last time. , All those rut marks on the road were photographed one by one, ready for further analysis.

The ballistic analysis expert in Juben County later conducted a detailed test on the Uzi submachine gun. All the fired bullets and shell casings were compared with the evidence collected at the accident scene last time. The results of the experiment proved that Well, not only the scratches caused by the two batches of bullets passing through the rifle barrel are exactly the same, but even the part where the firing pin hits on the base of the shell case is exactly the same. It is indeed the killing weapon used by the gangsters on the station wagon last time.The factory number on the gun mount, after contacting with Singapore, confirmed that it was made by the Singapore Weapons Factory. The operators in Singapore are further investigating the sales batch number of this gun in order to find out this gun. The flow of the gun.The computer files at FBI Headquarters contain the names and addresses of every arms seller in the world. As long as you have patience, investigations in this area are just around the corner.As far as the FBI is concerned, the ultimate goal of their exhaustive investigation step by step is to use the information on this gun to establish all the evidence related to the Ryan case. It was carried out under extremely confidential circumstances, but they had no way to prevent anyone outside from knowing.At least to Alec.For Duben, the intersection on the road leading to the abandoned quarry is the place he must go to and from get off work every day.On the morning of the third day after the incident, when he came home from work and drove past that area, he accidentally saw two cars coming out of the muddy road of the abandoned quarry, turned onto the highway and drove away. The large and small official vehicles of the FBI do not show any characteristics on the outside, but the car and the station wagon that the experts behind are riding on are both public license plates of the federal government. Just look at these two pieces The license plate is like telling him what's going on.

Basically, Alec.Du Ben is a very calm person. From the professional training he has received, he knows that all the difficulties people face in their daily life actually have a solution, and the problem is only the solution.If you can start small and solve small problems one at a time, the big problems will eventually be solved too.In terms of thinking logic, Alec's engineering background also trained him to be an extremely careful person.Whenever he does anything, he will have a meticulous plan, and each part of these plans, he has carefully divided them into separate parts, each part only has a connection with each other, and there will never be any horizontal These abilities are all due to the education and training he has received. Those brothers under him can't understand it. As a leader, these are all necessary qualities. With these, a person may go on the road Road to Success.Based on this principle, he has never failed in everything he has done in the past, so the brothers below all admire him and only obey his orders.

This thing is a bit strange!Alec.Duben thought, because two cars with federal license plates were going to come out of that abandoned quarry early in the morning.Coincidences don't happen often, one thing happened early in the morning, and another was another with two cars with official license plates, not to mention coming out of that place, and combining these three things, his conclusion was not good. Difficult.Well!It seems that these scouts must already know that he used that abandoned quarry as a weapons training ground!how could be?Which nosy hunter, he thought, would report the case?Well, maybe!There are still many wild squirrels and birds in that wood. It may be heard or seen by someone who happened to be hunting in the woods when they were doing business there, or it may be those who often go to the woods to collect firewood. people?That's also possible, or it's the young children who used to run to the quarry, but these are not important. The question at hand is how much do the cops know?

He and his subordinates have practiced guns there four times in total, and the most recent one was done together when the brothers from Northern Ireland came over last time.Well, looking at it this way, what exactly did this incident mean?Holding the steering wheel in his hands, he asked himself unconsciously.That was two or three months ago, and every time they went there for gun practice, it was during rush hour on the road outside, usually early in the morning.Although there is still a long distance from Washington, the highway outside is the road that people commuting to and from Washington twice a day in the morning and evening. Therefore, when they do business there in the morning, the road outside is busy It was the traffic that came and went, and the whole neighborhood was so muffled by the noise of cars that no one could have heard them firing, he was sure of that.All right!

Then there is the possibility that they left any suspicious evidence there?Alec is also very careful about this point. After each test firing, he will ask his subordinates to pick up all the used shell casings one by one, and finally he will count them again by himself, so it is impossible to leave any evidence at the scene. , they never left even a single cigarette butt, so there's nothing wrong with that.Of course, when they come and go there, there will always be some car marks on the muddy road, but this is one of the reasons why he chose the abandoned quarry, because as long as the weekends come, the young people who run there They all drove the car, so car marks are not a problem at all.

And finally the gun, Alec thought, the Uzi they used to dump Miller in the old quarry puddle.Could it be the gun that they found?But he is sure that the water there is at least eight feet deep, because he has measured it himself. Not only that, but the water there is also dirty and smelly, and no one has ever swum in it, so if the gun If someone discovers it by accident, the possibility is very small. Of course, he knows in his heart that no matter what it is, as long as there is a small chance of it happening, it cannot be absolutely guaranteed. Judging from the current situation, the cops must be With some clues, maybe the problem is the gun.Well, it looks like the other guns we have got to get rid of it quickly, whether it's the Uzi or any of the other guns that have been tested in there, can't let themselves and the place Leave any entanglement.Thinking of this, Alec smiled, throwing a shotgun is nothing, the gun is just a tool, they can still get it, the organization and people are the most important thing.

What the hell did these guys find?He thought to himself, Alec was not ambiguous at all about the procedures of those bullshit policemen. In fact, he understood one thing deeply, that is, if you want to defeat the enemy, you must have a full understanding of the enemy, because of this Alec has collected a lot of books about the police in his own room, the training materials in the police academy, and some teaching models and decrees published by the FBI. He bought them all and studied them with great concentration. The brothers below are required to read it in detail, just like the students in the police academy.

There should be no fingerprints left on the Uzi submachine gun. After soaking in water, the fingerprints will float off along with the oil stains on the gun. Alec is quite aware of this. It had been wiped down carefully, so he could rest easy about fingerprints. As for the box station wagon, the car was originally stolen, so its origin is not a problem, not to mention that it has been refitted by his men later, and the license plate has been changed several times. Under a power pole somewhere in Neyshire, if it had gone wrong, they would have known, and Alec wasn't worried about that, and in the station wagon, they'd be traveling for two days before throwing it away. The car has been thoroughly cleaned inside and out, and all the places that may leave traces have been carefully wiped several times, wait a minute!Could it be the dirt from the muddy road at the disused quarry?This is possible, but even if any evidence related to the quarry soil is found on the station wagon tires, if they pursue it further, it will end in a dead end. On the whole, in the last mission, they can say that they never left Any unfavorable evidence is related to himself or his brothers.

Speaking of his brothers, Alec thought to himself, could it be that brother with a big mouth couldn't help but vomited something outside?Or was it that some brother couldn't think about it for a while, and because he almost became that child, his conscience found out and spread it to the outside world?But if it was possible, Alec thought, he would have been shaken awake one afternoon in the middle of his sleep a few weeks ago, staring at the police badge and police badge in front of him. The pistol was stunned, so this possibility did not exist, but thinking of this incident, he secretly reminded himself that he still had to tell his subordinates again and never tell anyone what they did.

Could it be that someone saw what he looked like?Thinking of this, Alec couldn't help scolding himself, he should blame himself for being meddlesome, he shouldn't have waved at the helicopter in the parking lot last time, but he was wearing a hat and sunglasses, and at the same time left A big mustache, and that's all gone now, including the jacket, jeans, and boots he was wearing at the time, except that he still kept the gloves, not because he had any special affection for gloves, just because like that Gloves, which can be bought at any hardware store, are no big deal.In this case, donkey egg!Why do you still have it?Why don't you just throw it away and buy another pair?He secretly scolded himself again, it's better to buy another pair of gloves that are exactly the same, even the color is the same, and at the same time, remember to keep the receipt. While driving, he thought about the whole thing from beginning to end again, and in the end, he concluded that maybe he was a little too nervous!In fact, there is no need to make such a fuss, because those notes are likely to appear there for other cases, and before there are any suspicious signs in this meeting, I messed up and took unnecessary reactions. Doing it will only make things worse.What I should do now is never to go back to that abandoned quarry again.After his careful recollection and review, there is no flaw in any possible mistakes, so the only thing to do now is to mark that area as a restricted area, and never allow his subordinates to step into the abandoned quarry. .He is well aware of the way the cops handle the case. If they find any clues there, they will definitely not let go of that place, so I can't make a mistake in my decision. Never go to that place again, and the other party will have nothing to do up.You have to be careful about this kind of thing, especially when dealing with the police, you have to be careful at every step.From what he had seen the hard way in the past, he knew that any mistake was only made once, and that smart people should learn from the mistakes of others, Alec was convinced of this.When he was still studying in university and had contacts with those radical groups, he had seen the mistakes made by those people. They often underestimated the abilities of their opponents. For this reason, these brothers who used to hang out together now All of them have disappeared, either the cops were arrested and locked in prison, or they are no longer in this world. Their failures are the mirrors of their own successes. Victory only belongs to those who are fully prepared and can learn their lessons. Man, thought Alec.Thinking of this, he felt lucky for the two police cars that the other party met unexpectedly. He didn't think he was smart, but he was just careful planning and careful planning. It's better to be careful.Now, he wasn't worried about this morning at all. The abandoned quarry wasn't a big deal in the first place, because he already had a backup weapon training ground in his mind. Ha, Eric.Marty, Ryan took a deep breath, and we meet again. As long as the cases being handled are related to each other, any information collected by the FBI will be sent to the CIA.This is the case in front of the matter. According to the information sent by the FBI, the Uzi submachine gun was indeed made in Singapore. Thinking of this gun, Ryan couldn't help but feel curious. I really don't know how the FBI found this gun. As for The Singapore arsenal that manufactured this Uzi has also been authorized to manufacture many other types of weapons for Eastern and Western countries, including the M16 rifle that Wren used to serve in the Marine Corps. Some of the finished products are sent back to the original authorizing country, and some are sent to the arms market, where they are bought by third world countries. Of course, there will inevitably be some interested anonymous buyers.From his work experience in the CIA last summer, Ryan knew that there are actually several munitions factories in the world like Singapore. Some were sent back to the original authorizing countries, but people who really wanted weapons always found a way to get what they wanted.It can't be blamed on these munitions manufacturers, because they are only responsible for manufacturing. As for the final flow of weapons, it is beyond their control.So what's wrong?Firstly, it is to blame that the design of these weapons is too good, making them a treasure that must be obtained in the eyes of those who are willing to get them. Secondly, it is to blame that many countries that own such weapons have loopholes in their own control .No matter how strict arms control measures you have, there are always some greedy people in this world who will do anything illegal for the sake of money, not to mention some countries, even if they obtain this title legally Weapons, but if there are huge profits to be made during the resale, who can prevent it from being resold. It is precisely because of the above problems that there are people like Eric.Arms dealers like Malti exist.Eric.Marti is a well-known person in the world arms market. When the left-leaning Angola government in Africa was overthrown by the local anti-government forces, the CIA intervened in it. At that time, the person who served as the CIA's liaison with the Angola anti-government forces was this person. He assisted the CIA in acting as a liaison, and was also responsible for providing weapons to the Angolan anti-government forces. It was not until Angola restored democratic order and established a formal channel with the United States that the CIA cut off his communication line. In fact, this time His greatest ability was to purchase weapons for the South African government. The biggest deal he had done not long ago was to obtain the design drawings and manufacturing equipment of the Milan anti-tank missile for the South African government.Since South Africa was subject to economic sanctions by Western countries due to racial issues, Western countries absolutely forbid the export of such sensitive weapons to South Africa. For this reason, coupled with his personal relationship in the world arms market, he has a way The South African government obtained this very thing they wanted. Less than three months after the incident, the South African government really had the ability to imitate the Milan missile. As for how he obtained these weapons, which are classified as absolute secrets Yes, I am afraid that no one knows except himself. Ren knows that for an arms dealer like him, the profit he gets from every transaction is enough for him to eat and drink for a lifetime. This person's behavior also carries some legends. Color, on the one hand, the CIA has nothing to do with him due to the previous cooperation with him, on the other hand, he has never done anything to harm the CIA, at least on the surface, so he is both an enemy and a friend. With this relationship and other special channels, they are on the world arms stage, doing things that few people can't do.From the information held by the CIA, Ryan knew that this kid owned a private jet airliner, which was manufactured by Grumman and was equipped with a long-distance comfortable airliner capable of transoceanic flight. With such a convenient means of transportation, starting Eric from business.Marti is even more beneficial. As long as he wants to go, there is almost no country in the world where he cannot land at the airport. According to intelligence, he has obtained many first-class weapons and equipment for black African countries, even In 1983, the Argentine government also bought a lot of Exocet missiles from him during the Battle of Afokland between Britain and the United Kingdom. Therefore, it would not be an exaggeration to say that many countries in this world owe him arms deals. .A man like this, Ryan thought, was like an indicator in the Wall Street stock market. His every move may even affect the Dow Jones index every day.Thinking of this, Ryan couldn't help shaking his head. Judging from the information in front of him, Eric.Marti's buying and selling of weapons was as common as that of a trader in wheat futures on the Chicago futures market. The FBI found in the shipment records of the weapon factory in Singapore that the Uzi submachine gun ended up in Eric.In the hands of Marti, this kind of thing is actually not unusual when you think about it carefully, because among the people who love to play with guns in the world, there is no one who doesn't like this Uzi. Even the Czech Republic in Eastern Europe once wanted to imitate this weapon. , It’s just that it didn’t work out later. As far as Israel is concerned, they don’t know how many tens of millions of Uzi submachine guns they sell every year to the world’s military and security personnel. Of course, most of these are approved by the US government. Buy and sell transactions that can only be carried out below.Before Western countries imposed economic sanctions on South Africa, South Africa had also bought a lot of this gun. It was not until after the sanctions were imposed that the source of this weapon in South Africa was disconnected.Seeing this, Ryan couldn't help wondering whether Israel would authorize Singapore to manufacture this weapon because of this reason, because of course it is inconvenient for Israel to directly sell its own products to South Africa due to the face of the United States, but through the first After the three, not only does not have to be responsible, but Israel is also likely to earn an extra profit from it According to the information verified by the FBI, in the arms transaction in Singapore, including the Uzi submachine gun, a total of 5,000 units were sold for about two million US dollars, and the wholesale price was calculated.Strictly speaking, two million dollars is not a big deal. Of course, five thousand Uzis can be used in many ways, whether it is to equip the police force of that metropolis or the paratroopers of a division. What is her purpose in a country that has approved weapons.Just Eric.Personally speaking, for Marti, this transaction is just a little more money in his account. Ren thought to himself that he would not pay attention to how these buyers of Uzi submachine guns control them.Five thousand guns, probably enough for a large truck, two at most, Ryan thought, the weapons packed in boxes are in Eric.Marti's arms depot occupies at best a small corner, technically serving his native South Africa, but technically adding numbers to his own bank account as well. No wonder, Ryan thought, that on the night of attending a royal feast at Buckingham Palace in England, Besser of the British Intelligence AgencySir Charleston would come on out of nowhere, remember what he said?You should work harder on that kid from South Africa, right?So, the British side faced Eric.Marty has already noticed?The terrorists in front of me and Eric.Could there be a connection between Marti?Either directly or indirectly?No, Ryan thought, probably not!In any case, the South African government would not allow him to do such a thing, maybe, South Africa probably would not!Ren followed and corrected himself.Perhaps these weapons first arrived in South Africa, and then fell into the hands of the National Liberation Front of African countries. This organization has always been the number one deadly enemy that the South African government wants to get rid of quickly.If he compares all the materials in front of him one by one on the table, it is easy to find the relationship between them.This Uzi submachine gun is most likely passed through Singapore, Eric.Marti, the South African government, the African National Liberation Front, and finally fell into the hands of the terrorists, so what he should do now is to find out the connection.It took about half an hour for Ren to sort out the doubts in the information, and he decided to call Martin.Kent. The information I read just now is actually quite general. According to the information, Marr had a total of eight known arms contact points, plus fifteen suspicious buyers. This includes almost every suspicious country in the world, whether it is East or West, he has one or two lines.In this case, it is impossible to rely on him to investigate by himself.He pressed Martin.Kent office phone number. I think we probably didn't talk to Eric.Marty contacted?Ren asked. Well, no, we hadn't had any contact with him for years, and he'd smuggled arms to Angola for us in the past, but the Bureau later found out that there was something wrong with his approach. How to say? This kid is deceitful, and he wants to do some private business without doing his business. Kent replied, of course, this kind of thing is not uncommon in their arms trading business, but from our standpoint Well, we don't want to wade into this kind of muddy water, so after the Angolan government stood up on its own, the Congress also lifted the embargo regulations on her, and we took care of this kind of thing by ourselves. Well, it turned out to be the case, Ryan thought for a while and then spoke, but I found a total of thirteen names from him. That's right, I have also read your file, and there are many suspicious buyers in that list.As far as we know, he also had an arms deal with an Iranian revolutionary organization in November last year. At first we thought it might be this line, but then we continued to trace it. It took several months to find out that it was not Well, of course that Uzi thing might be a lot easier if we could talk to him directly. Well, what about the British?Is it possible that they have any news?asked Jack. No, there is no way at all.Martin replied that the British really wanted to contact him, but every time the British side opened their mouths, a black African brother with a gun and a bullet belt on his back would appear on the other side and shake his head and say no. We can't blame these African countries entirely, because if we in the West really take them seriously, they are of course willing to cooperate. The problem is that on the African continent, only they and their Soviet big brother have always treated them I took it seriously, so the result can be imagined, and don't forget, these black brothers, as long as they unite, they are quite cooperative. Well, according to what you say, then we are now dealing with Eric.This kid Malti can't control at all, and we're not going to contact him about this matter, are we? I didn't say that. What do you mean we'll try to get someone to check with him on this?Ryan asked expectantly. It's also just what you said. damn it!Martin, what the hell did you say? Listen, Jack, about the field department, the bureau doesn't think you should know now. It's not that the bureau doesn't trust you enough. It's just that you don't need to know this paragraph. Have you noticed that you've seen all the Among the documents, is there any one that you can tell where the document was typed from? In fact, Martin didn't need to remind him of this, he had noticed it himself.Since he took over the case, all the information he has come into contact with has not provided the source of the information, no surname or first name, and he can't see the way the information was passed in. This is all because the field department is interested in him. Precautions.Well, if that's the case, can I just assume that if possible, we might start from Eric.Can Marti get some more information? Well, it's almost the same. To be conservative, this possibility is not impossible. You know, old horse, this kid is our best line so far, Jack couldn't help shouting. I know this. God, old horse, it sounds so frustrating to see how you talk, if we can't work together, this thing is really difficult, you know, said Lane with a sigh. I don't know, the old horse on the other end of the phone laughed, I'm sorry, Jack, what happened in front of me is indeed the case, you know, there are so many things to worry about in the bureau every day, your current case, of course, for yourself Speaking of it, it is the first priority, but one day, if you have access to the entire operation of the Bureau, you will know why some things are so urgent.For example, with our Soviet friends, what do they do every day, do you know?And they developed those new missiles, you know?Or which cellar did these missiles move to?These are things that the bureau has to worry about every day. I didn't expect these, but I have to take it slowly and solve it one at a time. That's right, boy, take your time, so take your time too. Well, I'm still thinking about this guy named Eric.Malti, when can we have further news?Ren couldn't help but ask again. Don't worry about this, as long as there is news, you will be the first to know, the old horse said comfortingly, do it well. Great, of course you have to work hard, and Jack puts down the phone.For the next whole day and the next morning, Ryan patiently shared all the information about Eric.Marti's information was filtered again, and here he paid special attention to all the names that had dealings with him.For the next two days, he had classes at the official school.It has become a rare relief for Ren to be able to put aside the annoying matter in front of him and return to the school classroom to face the students. After two days of repeated checking, his head was about to burst. , but fortunately, he seems to have found a little bit of doubt. In the cross-checked information, Ryan found that the outboard motor of the rubber boat used by the Northern Ireland Liberation Organization to rob the prison in the English Channel was the American Mercury According to the sales records of the batch of outboard motors produced by the company, they were sold to Europe and finally fell into the hands of a businessman on Maltis Island in the Mediterranean Sea. Then Jack learned from Eric.The merchant's name was found among Marti's clients. With the advent of spring, the focus of life of Ryan and his family now falls on the little miniature Ani.In the first two weeks after their daughter Sally came back from the hospital, they were still worried about letting Sally take the puppy out. When the weather got better, little Sally also started to run in the yard with the dog. From time to time, their family would hear the voice of their daughter calling for help from their father in the yard. Every time Jack answered the call with a shovel and another bag of filth came in, Kathy would always look at him jokingly. He asked, was it fun, Jack?But having said that, even Kathy has to admit that after having little Aini in the family, many interesting things have been invisible in the life of their family. Aini and Sally are inseparable all day long, let alone Sally They couldn't leave the dog, even if they wanted to take the dog away from Sally for a while, they had to hold the leather ring around its neck for a long time and coax the puppy with their mouths. You have to stroke it a few times on the head.Little Ai Ni has now been upgraded, and the place where she sleeps at night has been changed to share the bed with Sally, but she still jumps out of bed every once in a while and walks up and down the house. regular patrols.At the beginning, Jack and Kathy were not quite used to it, because they saw a bunch of furry things walking through the house in the middle of the night, and they were really startled at first, but later they found out that it was Little Aini was patrolling the night there, and the two of them were relieved to get up in the middle of the night to check the number of patrols. Little Aini would come several times a night. It will automatically go back to Sally's bed and lie on its stomach until the next time it will take its turn to patrol.Strictly speaking, little Aini is still a puppy, its tail has not been cut, its ears have not yet been fully erected, and it also likes to bite things everywhere from time to time. Li's most precious Barbie doll had a leg bitten off, which caused a big disaster. When little Sally found out, she scolded little Aini angrily. Interestingly, little Aini jumped on In his master's arms, he kept licking Sally's little cheek, and finally, the dog's crisis ended without a problem, and he became a treasure that the little master kissed fiercely in turn. After being discharged from the hospital, Sally’s condition has gradually returned to normal. As expected, her legs have completely returned to normal as the doctor in the hospital said. Just like before the accident, the Wrens finally decided that it was time for little Sally to go back to Angel Kindergarten.The incident happened when the daughter accidentally ran across the restaurant that day and knocked over two glasses in one fell swoop. Looking at the broken glass on the ground, the couple still scolded little Sally to behave like a girl. But they knew that Sally was the same Sally again, in the light of something that hadn't happened for a long time.As far as Sally was concerned, it was true that she was at fault for breaking the glass, but she still couldn't understand why her parents picked her up suddenly after scolding her, and then the couple took turns kissing each other?As if she had suffered a serious illness, Sally has fully recovered now.Jack later found out that in her daughter's little heart, she still didn't know what happened to the last accident, and the only few times when she mentioned it, she always used the words that the car broke down at that time. words to describe.Of course, the Lane couple would never tell the truth to their children.After returning home, Sally still had to go back to the hospital for re-examination by the doctor every three or two weeks. Little Sally was reluctant and somewhat afraid of going back to the hospital, but this was not the case. It's a matter of method, and the children's ability to adapt to the environment is beyond the imagination of the adults. After several trips to the hospital, Sally has gotten used to it and no longer takes it seriously. One other thing that changed in the family was mother Kathy.The child in Kathy's belly was getting bigger and bigger, and it was really hard for Jack to imagine how Kathy's petite figure could bear her increasingly swollen belly.Kathy was always the first in the shower after waking up every morning.Recently, when she came out of the shower, she often stood naked in front of the dressing mirror in the bedroom and stared at herself in the mirror. Pride is the look of lamentation again. I think the situation is going to get worse. Jack, who came out of the bathroom right behind Kathy, said something to her in the mirror. Thanks, Jack, for reminding me. I'm telling the truth, look at yourself, can you still see your feet without bending over?Said Jack smiled at her. I can't see it, but I can move my toes and know that my feet are still there. In fact, Kathy knows very well that even my calves and insteps are already a little swollen. But you look gorgeous, darling, said Jack, approaching her from behind, while reaching out his hands behind his head and forward to gently caress her belly.He rested his chin on Kathy's head and rubbed it down hard, I love you. Hmph, that sounds nice. Kathy is still looking at herself in the full-length mirror. From the reflection in the mirror, Jack saw a smile on Kathy's face, and the corners of her mouth slightly curled up. She is acquiescing. ?想到這傑克的兩隻手忍不住朝上有動作。哦,輕一點,我那兒已經開始有點痛了。 對不起,說著他放鬆了手上的勁道,換了姿勢改抓而為托,嗯,這兒好像也有點變了? 好像有點變了?你到現在才發覺?說著凱西的嘴角又翹得老高,說來你才真該感到慚愧,傑克,一定要等到我這個樣子站在你面前你都還不知道我那兒的變化? 可是你什麼時候聽我抱怨過了?妳的所有表現,嗯到目前為止都足可以得個A加,如果一定要我挑妳毛病的話,也只有一件事情,就那一件你會得個B減,傑克又補了一句。 天,瞧瞧你,大牌教授,你大概教書教太久了,隨著傑克手中的動作,凱西臉上有了反應,她的上下牙緊緊咬了走來,跟著凱西往後一靠,朝後頭傑克胸膛上的胸毛那輕輕磨了一磨。說來奇怪,她自己也說不上為什麼,就喜歡傑克胸前那短短一層胸毛。 妳實在漂亮極了,傑克說,瞧瞧鏡子裡的妳,簡直跟一朵盛開的花似的。 說的也是,盛開的花今天還要上班呢!傑克不為她的話所動托在她前胸的那雙手沒停下來過,傑克!我得穿衣服去了。 我真的愛妳,凱西,讓我想想看我有多愛妳說著傑克低下頭來對著凱西仍然微濕的頭髮喃喃低語了起來, 不行,現在不行,你這個色狼,聽到沒? why not?傑克的一雙手動得相當溫柔。 Why?因為我三個小時之後就有一個刀要動,而你也得趕著去你那個間諜總部上班去。雖然凱西嘴裡這麼說,不過她的身子卻沒有動。說來他們夫婦間像今天早上這麼親暱在一塊的機會還真不多。 我今天不到蘭格利去了,學校裡有一場學術研討會,恐怕我要是再不往學校裡走走的話,系主任火起來會叫我甭再去了,說著傑克又回頭朝鏡子裡看了一眼。凱西的兩眼這會已經閉了起來。Went to his!管他什麼系主任不系主任了天哪,凱西,我好愛妳,妳知道嗎? 今天晚上吧,傑克,現在我們倆都還有事要辦,聽我的話,晚上再說。 真的晚上? 傻子,難道你還看不出來,我已經認輸了。Why!快,快點!瞧說著凱西連忙伸手拉著傑克一雙手朝凸起的腹部一扯,跟著又按著他的手頂著自己肚子。 就在那兒!隔著一層肚皮他裡頭那個小子一定是個男的,至少到目前為止,他們夫婦倆都一直這麼叫他他已經醒了!隔著凱西的肚子,傑克可以感覺得出來,那是他的腳,不然就是他的手,正在那來回翻滾地踹個不停。 Obediently!孩子的父親忍不住發出了一聲驚嘆,凱西的手領著他,隔不了幾秒就順著肚子裡孩子運動的方向移換一個位置,好讓傑克去親自領受一下他那還未出世兒子調皮的樣子。 像這種鬧法,妳受得了嗎,凱西? 凱西的頭又朝傑克胸前蹭了兩下,怎麼會問這種傻問題,那種感覺怎麼說?great!說來你絕對體會不出來只有一種情形之下例外,就是當你睡著了以後,要是他才開始醒過來在那兒做仰臥起坐,那可是會把人吵得受不了。 懷莎麗的時候有沒有沒有他動得這麼厲害? 好像沒有,凱西沒有明講,其實這種事要是論起勁道和力量,做母親的通常並不一定真都記得住。對每一個懷孕的母親來講,她當時肚子裡的感受,都是無可比擬的一種滋味,那代表著肚子裡嬰兒的一種強韌生命力,那也是肚子裡的孩子健康的表現,這種滋味恐怕任何一個男人都不能體會,即使是這會的傑克肚子裡這塊肉的父親,他也體會不來。不管從那方面來講,凱西.雷恩都是個相當驕傲而且堅強的女性,她深深了解自己的能力,並且也以自己在眼科醫學方面的成就而自負,專業素養上,她對自己有十足信心,日常生活裡,她也知道自己能吸引人。綜合起來講,她是個努力保持自己成就的女人,即使現在因為懷了孕而身材改變了,她也仍然能把周圍一切都打點處理得很好,這會的她對自己更深具信心,因為從耳後丈夫的生理反應上,她曉得自己還是滿具吸引力的。傑克嘴上雖然沒說,但是凱西打背後已經感覺出來,不過嚴格說來這些都不重要,真正重要的是她曉得自己是個女人,自己現在能做的事,自己的丈夫既沒法子做到也不見得能夠體會,不過,凱西心想,傑克也是個了不起的好丈夫,他所弄的那些玩意,我也不一定都全懂,我得趕緊穿衣服了,傑克。 好吧,依你就是,說著傑克低頭朝凱西後頸那兒親了一親,他緩緩地親了一下,跟著又親了好幾下,好像沒完沒了了。今天這一整天只怕會很長,傑克心想,一直要熬到晚上上床才能一了心願呢!瞧,我已經十一點了。說著傑克朝後退了一步。 凱西轉過頭帶點好奇地問,什麼十一點了? 你不會自個看嗎?說著傑克笑了起來。 你這個色狼,說你色你還真色,說著凱西拿起自個內衣朝傑克就是一揮,我還以為有什麼了不起呢,才不過十一點而已。 別急,這才是一大清早,我的生理狀況還沒有進入最佳境界。 說的也是,我也看得出來,你整個人恐怕都還沒清醒,其實說到這凱西心裡也覺得好笑,因為每一回兩人私下在一起的時候,傑克常覺得他自己長得不夠帥,不過話說回來,不管傑克長得是真帥還是不帥,她就是喜歡他這個樣,她喜歡傑克的臉,傑克的下巴要是他幾天不刮鬍子,那個例外她喜歡傑克那一雙眼,那裡頭充滿了無限的柔情蜜意。望著傑克左胸靠肩膀處的疤痕,凱西不由想起了去年倫敦那件事,想起當時傑克奮不顧身衝向那部勞斯萊斯時的情景,想到那一幕,凱西不禁心裡又充滿了驕傲。面前這個人,說他傻嘛他還真傻,但是自己就是愛他。她曉得,這回自己跟莎麗出的這件意外,可以說是上次倫敦那件事所衍生的後果,可是這件事完全不能怪傑克,因為當時的他也不能預見今天這件意外。說來都還該怪她自己,那天全是她自己的錯,想到這一段她就忍不住又要暗暗提醒自己,以後只要是莎麗上了車,她就絕不許莎麗再去玩安全帶了,她們母女倆都幾乎差一點為了這件事而付出慘痛代價,所幸現在莎麗已經完全復原,而這件意外並沒有給莎麗造成任何不良影響。雖然方才自己嘴裡這麼打趣傑克,可是她曉得傑克才是個樣樣都比別人強的丈夫,最起碼當她跟莎麗躺在醫院裡昏睡不醒的那段日子裡,傑克可都是一個人獨自熬過來的。 要是當時自己跟傑克換個立場來相處的話,只怕自己早就承受不了那個打擊,可是傑克卻毫無怨尤地將一切全承擔下來,而且直到現在,凱西心想,傑克還在為這件事付出代價。瞧他這會一個人要往兩處地方上班,操心兩邊的事,尤其是這些日子來,她不時會發覺傑克總不知不覺地深鎖著眉,好像在想什麼難解問題似地,凱西知道他心裡一定是在為那些他不能說的事傷腦筋。雖然她不曉得自己的丈夫這一向到底都在忙些什麼事,但是她看得出來,這件事顯然到目前為止還沒個解決辦法。 Casey.雷恩從事的雖然是最講究科學的一門行業,可是令人難以相信的是她竟然相當相信命運,她總以為任何人都有他的命,如果一個人的命還不該絕,那麼不論他是否碰到了一位好醫生,他的問題還是能解,可是反過來說,要是一個人的命已經到了盡頭,那就算是華陀再世只怕也救不了他。Caroline.雷恩,霍浦金斯醫學院赫赫有名的眼科外科醫師,她曉得自己心裡這種想法只怕說出來會叫人聽了大大吃驚,因為像這種觀念實在不應該出自一位醫生的嘴,但是從她醫學的專業素養和經驗裡,她深深了解,自己的技術只不過是那個冥冥中主宰天下一切的那件事或那個人所役使的一個工具而已,在自己所選擇的這一行裡,生與死其實不過是一線之隔,這種事只有親身體會過來的她才能深深了解,記得她醫學院的一位同班好同學,畢了業之後選了從事小兒腫瘤科一種專門處理嬰兒腫瘤和癌症的特殊科別,這是她們醫學界裡相當新的一門科別,凱西自己曾經也一度差點改行從事這一科,可是她曉得自己的天性只怕容不了自己投身這一行,因為她知道,她是那種無法忍受自己肚子裡懷了有孩子,一面卻看著別人的孩子在自己眼前受苦死去那種痛楚的,想想看,假使當她自己肚子裡正懷了有一個新生命時,她怎麼受得了別人卻正要失去自己的孩子?基於她心裡那種對命運的看法,她知道只怕自己就算從事了那一行,也沒法子克服自己心裡的障礙,弄到頭來只怕自己倒反而得先去見心理醫生了,所以考慮再三之後,她還是決定選擇了目前這一行,起碼在眼科這一行裡,她可以不用面對那些個生與死的問題至少不必直接面對吧。 至於傑克,凱西曉得,他有那個能力可以去面對生與死的問題。當然這種事做來其實並不如說來那麼簡單,不管怎麼樣,當你面對它的時候都得付出代價,就眼前的傑克來說,每一回只要她看見丈夫臉上露出那種難解問題的表情,或是不常出現的憤怒模樣來時,她就曉得傑克正是在為這種事付他的代價,她看得出,像傑克這樣每天只要一有空就往中情局裡跑,他的最終目的就是在找到那一批曾經傷害她們母女倆的人,只要讓傑克找到了他們,傑克可能會親手宰掉這批人,傑克的這番心她能體會並且也絕對支持,因為那些幾乎奪去他們女兒生命的人是不值得同情的,即便是將他們給送上斷頭臺,她也不會為這批人掉一滴眼淚,只不過身為一位醫師,像傑克現在所做的事或是傑克心裡所想做的事,是她無法自個來的,即使是對傑克而言,恐怕這種事做起來也不是件容易事。就最近這幾天吧,從傑克的眼神裡,她看得出傑克內心裡正在為什麼事奮力掙扎,不管那是什麼事,她曉得傑克不能跟任何人討論,但是她看得出傑克正在盡量克制他自己,試著不讓那些事進入他所愛的家和他的生活圈子裡。這會傑克的心裡正有一片她無從觸及的天地,一方面,她知道自己的丈夫正在盡力維護這個家,這個他所愛的家,可是另一方面傑克卻在那努力想要結束掉另外一群人的生命。這樣做對嗎?想來這件事對她跟對傑克一樣,都是個難以論斷的決定,她深深了解自己丈夫,傑克是個好人,就許多方面來講,他甚至可以說是個理想中的男人至少就我而言,凱西心想。回想當初他們剛認識的時候,傑克幾乎可以說是第一眼認識她的時候就喜歡上她了,而凱西自己呢,對他倆交往過程的每一個細節,她也都深深記在腦海裡,她記得傑克跟她求婚時那副不知所措的笨拙模樣想起那一幕,凱西忍不住又笑了起來當時自己正猶豫著不知該怎麼回答傑克是好時,傑克那雙眼睛裡所流露出來的擔憂害怕表情,這個傻子,說他傻還真是傻。想到後來當他們女兒莎麗出生的時候,傑克臉上那副欣喜滿足表情,那可也都是凱西所忘不了的。面前這個男人,這個自己所鍾愛的男人,他曾經義無反顧地拋棄了華爾街證券市場那個狗咬狗的世界就是那個世界,使得自己父親在母親撒手一去之後一頭栽了進去,然後藉著金錢遊戲麻醉他自己離開了證券市場之後,傑克轉而回到學校從事他最喜歡的教學工作。凱西深深了解,面對課堂裡那一張張年輕求知的臉,那才是自己丈夫所喜歡的工作,可是眼前,陰錯陽差地,傑克卻掉進了另外一個他不見得喜歡的陷阱裡。儘管如此,她曉得傑克一定已經盡了他的力,她也知道自己丈夫不論幹起什麼事來都會盡他的力的,同時她也知道自己丈夫具備了那種足以讓別人羨慕和欽佩的能力,再沒有誰能比她更了解自己的傑克了。她曉得,這會的傑克一定是遇到了什麼重大不能解的問題,她希望自己能替傑克多少分擔一點,就像每回她自己遇到手術失敗,沮喪挫折到無以復加時,傑克總能體諒她安慰她一樣。就在不久之前,當她痛苦的躺在醫院裡最需要傑克的時候,傑克不就站在她身邊陪著她度過了那段日子?現在該是傑克需要她的時候了,可是她卻幫不上忙或者她能幫得上? 我看得出來你好像有心事,傑克,我幫得上忙嗎? 恐怕不能,這種事我連講也不能多講,傑克邊打著領帶邊說,不過妳放心就是,不是什麼壞事,只是這種事妳不會有什麼興趣的。 是不是那些人 不,不是他們,如果是他們的話說著傑克轉過身來望著凱西,如果是他們的話,我這會就會笑了,那件事眼前已經有了一點眉目,是聯邦調查局那其實我也不該跟妳說這些的,只不過既然提到了,妳記著我的話,出了門之後就得把它給忘掉是他們已經找到了那把槍,就是那天朝妳和莎麗下毒手的那把槍,這件事的意義非比尋常,只是到目前我們仍然所知有限,而且另外還有算了,我不能再多講了,對不起,凱西,實在是身不由己,我倒真希望我能跟妳原原本本地說個清楚。 你沒做錯什麼事過吧?凱西這句話引來傑克臉色一變。 沒,前幾天我也一直在想這個問題,妳記得不?有一回妳曾經動過一個刀,好像是位老太太吧,當時為了要救她,妳說不得不拿下她的一隻眼睛來,我記得妳好像說過,那是沒辦法的事,只是事後妳仍然心裡過意不去,就是這麼回事,我這次也一樣。說著傑克向鏡子裡的自己又看了一眼,應該可以算是同一回事吧。 傑克,你知道我愛你,而且我也全心全意的支持你,我對你有信心,你曉得,凡是你認為應該做的,我都一定支持你。 謝謝妳,親愛的,聽妳這麼一說,我覺得好多了,因為那幾天,說實話,我自己也不曉得那麼做是對是錯。說著傑克朝自己太太張開雙手,凱西見狀立刻朝他懷裡靠了過去。兩人就這麼緊緊地擁在一起。這個時候,遠在五千哩外非洲撒哈拉沙漠下頭的查德共和國某一處法國軍事基地裡,雷恩心想,恐怕正有一個女孩在那兒嚐著非人的生活,這到底是誰的錯?想到這兒,雷恩搖了搖頭,他回答不了這個問題,可是至少有一點他可以確定,那就是,五千哩外的那個女的,絕對比不過自己眼前懷裡的太太,她跟懷裡這個自己所深受的女人絕對無法相比,她不是我所喜歡的那種女孩。 傑克的手又朝凱西小腹下頭輕輕撫了一撫,肚子裡的那塊肉他那尚未出世的孩子,還在那一個勁兒不停地翻動,想到隔著一層衣服和凱西的肌膚,就在那下頭,那是自己活生生的兒子或是女兒,雷恩的心這會總算安定了不少。他得保護自己的太太,就像保護所有人的太太一樣,他也得保護自己的孩子,同時也得盡力保護所有的孩子們。Yes!他得盡自己的力,想到這,他的心裡踏實多了。那一批人,那一批事實上不夠資格被稱為人的人,他們只是一群披著人皮的野獸而已,就在那些沙漠的訓練基地裡,那些披著人皮的野獸,竟然想傷害自己的妻子和孩子,他們其實算不得是人,雖然他們各個也許長的都像人樣,雖然他們生活在文明社會裡,但是他們卻走錯了方向,沒有人逼過他們,是他們自己給自己選擇了一條不歸路。要是有可能,我當然願意照著文明方法,一切循規蹈矩按部就班地照文明法則來行事要是文明的路走不通,那我們就只得盡自己的力了,這個時候,只有良心和道德能幫助我們,使我們不會跟他們一樣。想到這兒,他深信他可以依賴自己的良知和道德,眼前不就正是良知和道德才使他擁有了自己懷裡的一切嗎?望著懷裡的凱西,一個安詳而又滿足的孩子的母親,傑克忍不住又朝面前的凱西輕輕吻了下去。 謝謝妳,太太,現在我已經十二點了。 這是學期結束前的最後一次學術討論會,上完了這一場學術討論之後,學生們跟著就要舉行期末考,而四年級的畢業班同學,也準備舉行畢業典禮了。過了這個禮拜,艦隊和陸戰隊裡,都將注入一批新的生力軍,一年級的學生們,終於也熬過了漫長的一年,校園裡,不時會看得見一些臉上偶爾帶了點忍不住笑意的一年級學生官校的傳統裡,一年級新生是整整一年裡不許有笑容的。每年一到了這個季節,校園裡就會突然冷清許多,或者安靜許多,因為除了畢業班之外,低班的學生在考完了期末考之後,會有一段短暫的休息,讓他們回家放鬆一陣子,跟著再過來,他們就得到艦隊報到,接受一個夏天的暑期訓練,也有一部分實習幹部,會提前返校準備接待下一年度新來學校報到的一年級新生,對學校的教職員來講,學生們離校後的這個禮拜,卻正是大夥趕著整理成績做報告的時候,這個節骨眼上,雷恩不得不留在辦公室裡。他整整花了好幾天功夫,才做完他的學生成績報告。目前這種情形,只怕不論就系上來講或是就中情局來講,兩邊都不會高興,想來當初自己拍著胸脯,認為一定可以勝任這種兩頭跑的事,現在想想,自己當初也未免太過大言不慚。經過這麼一段日子之後,他終於了解到,在兩頭兼顧的情形下,只怕兩邊都會有些顧不周全,他知道,如果自己再這麼下去,遲早總得在這兩條船上選擇一條。這個令他頭痛的問題,一直是他私下裡極力不想去考慮的問題,結果這會通通擠到一塊了,逼得他不得不正視這件事,他該是自己有個決定的時候了。 嗨,傑克,推門而入的是羅比,穿著一身雪白制服。 拉張椅子吧,臭小子。上頭天氣還好嗎?我是說你飛上去的時候? 沒得抱怨的,一切順利極了,傑克森朝他笑著說,順手拉過了一把椅子,上個禮拜可惜你不在,要不然真可以帶著你上雄貓上頭去開開眼。God!傑克,你簡直想不到,我終於又回去了,學校裡一個教官騎著一架A|四攻擊機跟我來一場捉對廝殺,結果你說怎麼了,那小子落了地之後整整一天都沒說話,我可是叫他見識到了,痛快極了!瞧羅比說話的神情,簡直像極了一頭剛飽餐一頓大山羊的獅子似地,跟你說吧,傑克,我已經一切備便了。 準備什麼時候離差? 八月五號向新單位報到,不過我可能會提前個幾天先辦離差。 行,不過得先讓我請你跟雪西吃頓晚飯後再走,說著傑克翻了一下案頭日曆,三十號禮拜五,晚上七點,如何? 一句話,全聽你安排。 雪西怎麼辦?到了新單位,她恐怕得有一段時間適應了。 這個嘛,你放心,我們已經先打聽過了,諾福克基地裡有一支小型交響樂隊,他們也聽說了雪西,準備請她擔任樂團裡的第二鋼琴手,當然,她還是會重操她的舊業,沒事時兼個差教點鋼琴什麼的。 嗯,好極了。對了,你聽說過試管嬰兒這回事嗎?據我曉得,他們在諾福克醫院那就有這麼一個中心,也許這會到了那,你跟雪西可以往那兒走一趟,說不定可以藉這個方法有個孩子了。 沒錯,凱西跟我太太也提過這事,我們也考慮過,只是你曉得,雪西已經為這件事受過好幾回打擊了,所以 要不要凱西再跟她談談?也許凱西能幫一點忙。 羅比想了一想,好吧,也許換了是凱西比較管用,畢竟這種事她比較清楚。對了,凱西的狀況怎麼樣?肚子裡的孩子都還好吧? 還說呢,她只恨不得早一點生了了事,成天擔心她的身材,說著傑克笑了起來,怎麼這些當太太的從來就不曉得,其實她們懷了孕才最是好看呢。 嗯,也許吧,羅比莫可奈何地笑了一笑,心裡暗想,不知道萬一有一天雪西也大起了肚子來,會不會真像雷恩所講的一樣。這邊傑克盼了羅比的表情,忍不住暗暗罵了自己一句,他這句話說的可真不是時候,跟著他立刻轉了話題。 對了,我想起一件事要問你,怎麼學校碼頭邊上,一下子多了好多船?今早我還看見不少小巡邏艇一個個的全停在操場那一頭的碼頭邊上? 別土了,小子,那不叫停船,靠在碼頭邊上叫靠泊,虧了你還是個海軍官校的老師呢,羅比說著糾正起傑克的用詞來,那是他們在修河對岸那頭的碼頭,是那頭的港務隊基地碼頭上,需要整個大翻修一次,大概得花上兩個月左右吧。聽說好像是原來的碼頭都已經用了好幾十年了,這會咱們政府一時慈悲心大發,準備好好花上一筆經費,將它來個徹底翻新,過了暑假之後,頂多兩個月吧,這些暫時靠泊在這兒的船就都能有個新家了,沒什麼大不了的,大概一年級新生報到前,這兒就能清潔溜溜不過到時候我也不在這兒了,所以咱們也管不到那一段,只怕新進來的一年級新生,到時候大清早上船拖甲板時,我已經在他們頭上兩萬五千呎的地方翻我的雲覆我的雨去了,那才是我該去的地方。對了,別淨談我,你呢,可有什麼計畫沒有? 什麼什麼計畫,我不懂你的意思? 這個嘛,小子,只怕你是當局者迷吧,看吧,這學期總算結束了,下學期開學前,你總得有個選擇,不然就是留在這兒繼續吃粉筆灰,要不就是上蘭格利那兒幹你的○○七情報員去,對不對? 聽了羅比這番話,雷恩轉頭看了看窗外,說的也是,羅比,他媽的,我方才也正在想這個問題呢,說來怕你不信,我自己也不曉得該怎麼辦,你知道,咱們家裡就快要再添一口人了,而且我還有好多其他事都還沒料理呢。 所以你還沒找到那些人? 傑克搖了搖頭,起先我們還以為逮到了一些線索,結果卻不是那麼回事,事情沒有想像的那麼簡單,你曉得,羅比,這些傢伙可一個個都精得很,他們全相當專業呢。 聽了他這番話,羅比.傑克森的反應卻叫雷恩嚇了一跳,去他娘的蛋專業!小子,你給我聽著,真正專業的才不會去傷害婦女和孩子,你曉得,要是他們殺個個把警察或是阿兵哥的話,這我沒意見當然,他們那樣做也不對,可是至少站在幹活的立場上,我可以體會,他們必然有不得已的苦衷,你懂我的意思嗎因為不管是警察也好或者部隊裡的軍人也好,他們手裏都還握了有槍,而且他們也都能反擊,最重要的是,他們也都受過訓練,所以要是這些混蛋碰上這些人,至少兩邊都還能相比,不管是誰贏誰輸,說是運氣也好說是訓練也罷,他們都還可以互相幹上一架,因此這種遊戲還稱得上是公平,可是要是他們淨去對付一些沒有戰鬥能力的人,那他娘的,傑克,這就算不得是專業了,那只能說是一群狗屎,你曉得,傑克,他們也許聰明,他們也許機靈,但是他們絕對不夠資格稱為專業,真正專業的人應該有種,而且按照規矩來辦事。不管是那一種遊戲,都有它一定的遊戲規則,夠得上資格稱專業的人,是一定會遵守這種遊戲規則的,你懂我的意思嗎? 傑克搖起了他的頭。羅比錯了!不過他曉得,就方才他所說的看來,他是沒法子跟羅比講得通的,羅比所信守的是一個真正戰場上的戰士所遵守的遊戲規則,這種遊戲規則,完全按照文明道理所寫,這些規則的第一條是這麼說的:你絕不可以任意傷害無辜,除非事出意外,而且即使是意外,你也得為這付出代價,要是你蓄意破壞了規則,那就不夠資格被稱為戰士,萬一那個不幸破壞規則做出了這樣的事,只怕那個代價會相當慘重。可是眼前他所面對的這些人,卻是不理會這種規則的。 你所說的那些傢伙,傑克,他們玩的根本就是小兒科遊戲,你知道,海軍飛行員像是打開了話匣子似地,只見他口沫橫飛的繼續道,他們以為他們玩的是正規遊戲,事實上那是打著愛國幌子在玩那些只有他們自己才相信的遊戲,不管他們的信仰是什麼,不管他們是什麼樣的民族主義者,但是我清楚他們得很,如果要論愛國,一個人是不能用這種方法來表達他對國家的愛的,說著羅比.傑克森露出了一臉鄙視表情,真正談起打仗來,你知道,那跟遊戲不一樣,打仗是一種專業的事,這些傢伙,哼!完全按他們自己所立下的規矩來玩他們那種見不得人的遊戲,然後他們再自視自己為一群愛國人士,結果呢,這些自命不凡的愛國傢伙,卻淨幹些殺人放火騷擾婦孺的事,滾他娘的蛋愛國!傑克,他們根本就是龜孫子,你知道嗎?在咱們艦隊裡,當我駕著自己的雄貓戰機,每一回在上頭碰到了俄國佬,一起玩咱們那套遊戲時,咱們從來不傷害對方,因為我們大家心裡都有數,大家都按照規矩來辦事,我們才真正夠得上資格被稱為專業,你曉得,我並不頂喜歡蘇聯大鼻子,但是你知道,當這些傢伙駕著他們的熊式轟炸機時,他們倒的的確確懂得他們那是在幹什麼。我們都知道自己在幹什麼,而我們也都能尊重對方在幹對方所應該幹的事,這裡頭所有的就是規矩,像這種遊戲的規矩,我們兩邊都互相遵守,這才是個專業的人所應該做的事。 可是可是羅比,你也要曉得,外頭真正的世界卻不像你說的那麼簡單,聽了羅比的長篇大論之後,傑克面無表情地冒了一句。 什麼,沒那麼簡單,可是他媽的,事情就應該那麼簡單才對呀,聽了羅比這句話,傑克不由又搖了搖頭,這簡直是雞在同鴨講話,兩個人怎麼說得攏在一塊?羅比簡直把這種事看得太簡單了。瞧他這麼一搖頭,羅比又火冒三丈起來,聽著,小子,等你再回到CIA之後,這麼著告訴裡面那些傢伙們,只要他們給我們找到這些人在哪,然後叫他們設法向五角大廈裡施些壓力,等著瞧吧!老子第一個就幹給你看。 是沒錯,羅比,可是你也別忘了,過去四十年裡,我們就曾經兩度給捲入這種事過,結果呃,看看我們自己吧,不知道損失了多少人。雷恩指的是韓戰和越戰。 這個我倒不擔心,反正是生死有命,不管幹什麼,你都得冒些險,況且吃咱們這行飯的,傑克,這種險是每個人心裡早都清楚的。 沒錯,這一點我當然同意,不過話說回來,在你冒你的險之前,可別忘了我們還有一場飯局。 聽雷恩這麼一講,羅比似乎才猛然想起自己方才有點失態,他不好意思地笑了一笑,你放心好了,小子,我不會隨便冒那個險的。對了,飯局的事,咱們就一言為定,要不要我穿正式一點赴會啊? 說什麼話,小子,你什麼時候看我在家裡穿著正式來著? 我跟羅比說了,一切以輕便簡單為原則,就是好朋友的一餐晚飯而已,凱西點點頭表示同意。 嗯,我想妳也不會反對的,犯不著為了自己人的一餐晚飯,還得煞費周章地準備衣服去,說著他抬頭看了一眼自己的太太。透過窗外照進屋子裡的月色,凱西的膚色看來美極
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