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Chapter 32 Chapter Thirty-two

last of the mohicans 庫柏 11674Words 2023-02-05
The plague will spread, and the cremation will increase; Unless the king does not want a penny of ransom, Return the black-eyed girl to her Crosa. "Ilion Chronicles"【Note】 [Note] Quoted from the first volume of "Ilion". While Uncas was deploying his forces, the forest was silent, and seemed never to have been inhabited except by those who had attended the council, as if it had just been let down from the hands of the Almighty Creator.No matter which direction you look in, you can see the long and dark shadows between the trees.Here, nothing seemed inappropriate for the quiet, serene scene.Birds could be heard fluttering among the beech branches; now and then a little squirrel would drop a nut, causing the men to look up hastily, but only for a moment; Once the interruption was over, the only thing to be heard was the wind whispering overhead, gently brushing the lush and undulating treetops of the forest.Except for streams and lakes, this vast land is covered with such thick shade everywhere.In this wilderness between the camps of the Delawares and the enemy, it seemed so quiet and silent that no human footstep had ever been set upon.However, Hawkeye, who had the responsibility to walk in the forefront, knew very well the character of the enemies he was about to fight, and did not believe in this superficial tranquility.

When the scout saw that his small team had assembled, he pinched Lu Jianshou under his arm and gave a signal to everyone to follow him.He led everyone back a few dozen yards, came to a stream that he had just passed, and went down into the stream.Here he stopped.When all the conscientious fighters had come to him, he asked in Delaware: Does any of my lads know where this brook leads? A Delaware man stretched out his hand, and spread the two outstretched fingers, as a sign of the confluence of two rivers, and answered: Before the sun went down, the brook would join the big river. Then, pointing in the direction he said, he added: These two rivers feed a lot of beavers.

I thought so too, and the scout looked up at the gap in the treetops, and replied that it can be seen from the direction of the water flow and the shape of the mountain.My friends, we must advance under the cover of the river bank before we meet the Hurons. His companions gave a simple cry of assent, as usual, but one or two warriors, seeing their leader leading the way, made signs to show that the matter was not all settled.Hawkeye understood what they meant, and looking back, it turned out that it was the hymn teacher who had been following the line hitherto. You know, my friend, the scout told him seriously, with a little pride that he might not think too much, that this was a commando team selected for the most dangerous missions, and that the man who commanded it was told by another Maybe more power for a person is not going to keep them idle.Not even five minutes.In half an hour at the most we would be trampling over the Hurons, living or dead.

Although you didn't tell me your intention clearly, David replied, a blush appeared on his face, and there was also a faint light of unusual enthusiasm in his always dull and blank eyes, but, your subordinates Reminds me of Jacob's children, who went into battle against the Shechemites because someone wickedly wanted to marry a woman of God's favored nation.Now, the girl you are looking for, I have also traveled with her, and I have shared good and bad times; although I am not a warrior with a belt and a sword in hand, I am willing to help for her. 【Note】Code out of the "Bible".After Shechem raped Jacob's daughter Dinah, he came to propose marriage. Jacob's sons Simeon and Levi killed Shechem, his father and son and all the men in Shechem, and rescued his sister Dinah.See the Bible for details.Old Testament.Chapter thirty-four of Genesis.

The scout hesitated for a moment, as if weighing the advantages and disadvantages of accepting such a strange volunteer, and then replied: You don't know how to use any weapons, and you don't have a gun; believe me, the Mingo will fight us back. I'm not a boastful, bloodthirsty Goliath,' replied David, pulling a sling from under his colorful and grotesque suit, but I haven't forgotten that A role model for Jewish children【Note 2】.When I was young, I practiced this ancient weapon for a long time, maybe I haven't completely forgotten this skill. [Note 1] Code out of the "Bible".Goliath was a warrior among the Philistines. He uttered wild words in front of the battle and challenged the Israelites. As a result, he was killed by Jesse's youngest son, the shepherd boy David, with a sling.See the Bible for details.Chapter seventeen of 1 Samuel.

[Note 2] refers to the shepherd boy David in the previous note. well!Hawkeye threw stones at his buckskin hoops and aprons, and with a cold, dejected look, said, If the enemy used bows and arrows, or even knives, your thing might still be It can start to work; but these Minguo people are equipped by the French, and each has a good gun in his hand.However, it seems that you are really lucky, and you are safe and sound in the hail of bullets.Up to now, you are indeed so major, why are you pulling the trigger?An early shot would have cost us twenty or so scalps for nothing. Singers, then follow along; when you shout, you may be of use.

【Note】The stones used for the catapult are placed in the apron. Thank you, friend, replied David, picking up some pebbles from the brook beach like his esteemed namesake. I don't want to kill, but if you drive me away, my heart will be will be tortured. Remember, the scout patted his head meaningfully where David still had some pain and went on to say, we're going to fight, not sing.Therefore, when there is no shouting in unison, do not make any sound except gunshots. David nodded in full acceptance of these terms; and Hawkeye cast another earnest glance at his companions, and gestured for them to proceed.

They walked about a mile along the river bed.Notwithstanding the steep banks on both sides, which were covered with thick bushes, provided cover from the danger of detection, every precaution was taken to prevent the Indians from attacking them.A soldier on each side of the bank crawled forward, so as to keep an eye on the movement in the forest from time to time; and every few minutes, the team stopped to listen with ears that were unimaginable for ordinary people to see if there was anything suspicious. sound.Their march, however, was not disturbed; at last they came to the point where the brook emptied into the great river, without finding the slightest sign that the enemy had noticed their movements.The scout ordered everyone to rest on the spot in order to study the situation in this area.

It looked as though we had good weather for a fight, and he looked up at the large black clouds that were beginning to pass across the sky, and he said to Heyward that the barrels of the guns shone in the bright sun, which was bad for aiming.For now, everything is going well.The wind blows from the direction of the enemy, and it will bring their voices, as well as their smoke.This helps a lot.From our point of view, the shot must be fired first, and then the other party will know.That's the end of our cover, though; beavers have lived in this river for hundreds of years, and they eat and dam, so, as you can see, there are plenty of Stripped tree stumps【Note】, there are few living trees.

[Note] Beavers feed on bark and herbs. Hawkeye's words were indeed a good description of the scene before them.The surface of the river varied from narrow to wide, in places as narrow as through clefts in rocks, and in others as wide as several acres, forming broad expanses of water which might have been called ponds.On both banks of the river, there are dead and decayed trees everywhere. On the crumbling trunks of some, the dead branches are still moaning in the wind, and some have only recently been stripped of the mysterious and rough coat on which they depended. The next naked torso.Among the dead trees and dead branches, there are still some long and short, moss-covered wooden stakes here and there, like relics left by the long-dead generation who lived here before.

All these details, which perhaps have never been noticed, were carefully observed by the scouts.He knew that the camp of the Hurons was not half a mile up the river, and he was particularly apprehensive of the danger of an enemy lurking all the way up the river; clues, which puzzled him.Once or twice he was on the verge of ordering a sudden advance on the enemy camp; but his experience at once reminded him of the dangers of such a futile move.Again he listened attentively, to see if there was any fighting in the direction of Uncas; but he heard nothing but the howling of the wind, which began to sweep through the forest in gusts, heralding the approach of a storm.At last, unable to restrain himself, he succumbed to his rare impatience, and, no longer considering the details of his experience, he decided to let the matter know, intending to proceed cautiously but resolutely up the river, regardless of the danger of revealing his strength. You advance. While the scout observed the situation, he stood concealed behind a clump of bushes, while his companions still crouched under the valley where the stream flowed.But as soon as they heard his low and clear signal, the whole team, like a multitude of ghostly shadows, crept ashore silently and gathered around him in silence.Hawkeye pointed to the direction he decided to go, and he took the lead to walk forward.The procession changed into a single column, and everyone cautiously stepped on the footprint of Hawkeye; if Hayward and David were not counted, that footprint looked as if it had been walked by only one person. However, no sooner had the procession emerged from cover than a volley of a dozen guns was heard behind them; a Delaware, like a wounded deer, sprang to his feet, and and fell to the ground, dead. ah!That's all I'm worried about!The scout yelled in English, but immediately he yelled again in Delaware: "Stay under cover, brothers, go!" On hearing this, the procession immediately broke up, and before Hayward had fully recovered from his surprise, he found David alone by his side.Fortunately, the Hurons had already retreated by this time, and Hayward was not shot.But this obviously could not last, for the scout had already pursued them first, dashing from one tree to another, firing his guns, as the enemy was forced to retreat slowly. It appears that a small detachment of the Hurons made the attack; but as they drew nearer and nearer to their comrades, their numbers increased; Compared with the Lahua people, they are almost, if not exactly equal.Heyward also took part in the fight, imitating his companions in the necessary caution of action, firing his rifle nimbly.Now, the battle has become more and more intense, and it is in a stalemate, because both sides try to use tree trunks as cover, and no one exposes a part of their body except when aiming, so there are few casualties.However, the situation gradually became more and more unfavorable to Hawkeye and the others.The sharp-eyed scout has seen the danger, but does not know how to remedy it.He knew that retreating would be more dangerous, and it would be better to stick to it.He saw the enemy building up his flanks, making it so difficult for the Delawares to take cover that a cease-fire was almost obliged.Just when they began to feel that the enemy was gradually encircling with all their strength, and felt helpless, suddenly there was a cry of killing and the firing of weapons in the woods; It is said that it is just below the high ground where Hawkeye and the others fought. The attack had immediate effect, greatly saving the scout and his companions.It seems to be the case that although the Hawkeyes' attack was forced to advance and was frustrated, on the enemy's side, by miscalculating the purpose and number of the attack, they left so few troops that they They couldn't resist the fierce attack of the young Mohican.This fact seems to be doubly clear now, because the battle in the forest is rapidly advancing towards the enemy's camp, and the number of people fighting Hawkeye and the others is quickly decreasing, and they all rush to reinforce the front line of defense, and The main point of defense has now been indicated. Hawkeye encouraged his subordinates, and set an example himself, he yelled and pounced on the enemy.In the rough fighting of the time, a charge consisted of rushing from one cover to another, continually closing in on the enemy; but this tactic immediately brought his men to action.The Hurons were forced to retreat, and the place of engagement, which had begun in the open field, was soon transferred to the bushes, where the enemy could easily hide.Here, the battle was stalemate and fought very hard; it seemed that the result was hard to predict.In the unfavorable circumstances in which they found themselves, though not a single Delaware was killed, many were wounded. At this critical moment, Hawkeye managed to get behind the big tree under the cover of Hayward.Most of his subordinates are in the echoing position not far from his right, and they are continuing to shoot quickly and ineffectively at the concealed enemy. You are still young, Major, said the scout, leaning on the barrel of his rifle, leaning on the barrel of his gun, a little tired from the hard work, and one day you may command an army. Fight this group of Minguo devils.This time, you have seen the principles of fighting the Indians, the most important thing is: be quick-witted and take cover.Now, if you have a squadron of Royal British troops stationed in the United States, what are you going to do in this situation? Kill a way with a bayonet. Well, from a white man's point of view, you have a point.However, a commander must first ask himself how much life he can afford in such a wilderness.Don't use cavalry, the scout continued, shaking his head thoughtfully, ashamed to say that sooner or later I think cavalry will have to be used to settle such battles.After all, livestock are better than people, and we have to rely on horses in the end.Let the iron hooves do the red man's moccasins; that way, if his gun was empty, he would never stop to reload again. The question, I think, is best left for later, Hayward replied, Shall we charge? Take advantage of the rest time and do some useful thinking. I don't think there is anything wrong with anyone.The scout replied, as for charging, I don't like this method very much, because in this way, one or two scalps will definitely be lost.However, he tilted his head to listen to the sound of fighting in the distance, and then said: If we are going to be of any help to Uncas, we must get rid of these bastards in front of us! After finishing speaking, he immediately turned around decisively and shouted at his Indian subordinates in Delaware.They also answered him with shouts.Then, under his signal, all the soldiers rushed out from behind the tree where they were hiding.So many dark bodies suddenly appeared in front of the Hurons, which immediately attracted their hasty and therefore ineffective shots.But the Delawares didn't stop, they rushed towards the forest like a hungry tiger preying on a sheep.The one who rushed to the front was Hawkeye. He waved his dreadful Deer Seed Sorrow, and with his exemplary behavior, he encouraged his subordinates to move forward bravely.Some of the more experienced and cunning Hurons, not deceived, saw this tactic intended to divert their fire, and took aim and fire with composure; Among the soldiers at the front, three were shot and fell.But this blow failed to stop the onslaught of the Delawares.With natural ferocity they charged straight into the Huron cover, and with such a fury they soon robbed the enemy of all resistance. The hand-to-hand combat lasted only a short time, and then the attacked party retreated quickly to the other side of the jungle; there they stood, under the cover of trees, and fought stubbornly.At this critical moment, when the victory of the Delawares was again in question, suddenly behind the Hurons a shot was heard, a bullet whizzed, and from the beaver huts in the clearing behind them Suddenly flew out, and then there was a fierce, frightening cry of killing. This is the voice of the war chief!Hawkeye cried out, and answered with his own sonorous cry, and now we have the enemy flanked back and forth! This action had an immediate effect on the Hurons.Under this attack from the rear, which left them without cover, their fighters completely lost their fighting spirit. One by one, they let out a cry of disappointment, and all of them stopped resisting at once, and ran across the open space in all directions, doing nothing but running for their lives. I can't take care of it.Many of them thus died under the bullets and blows of the pursuing Delawares. The reunion of the Scout with Chingachgo, and the still more touching scene of Heyward's encounter with Monroe, we shall not here dwell upon.They also just had a brief conversation in a hurry and told each other about their situation; then, Hawkeye introduced the chief to his subordinates, and at the same time handed over the command to the chief of the Mohicans.Chingachgook's background and experience made him unyielding to take up this post, and he took the post with a solemn and solemn manner, which can often make a red soldier's command more effective.Chingachgo led his men and followed the scouts back into the woods; along the way they scalped the Hurons they had killed and hid the bodies of their own.They continued on, and did not stop until the scout thought they could rest. The soldiers were quite tired after the fierce battle just now, and now they rested on a small flat ground, where there were enough trees for them to hide.In front of this flat land is a rather steep slope. Looking down from a high place, there is a long and narrow valley stretching for several miles in front of you, dark and overgrown with trees.It was in this thick and dark forest that Uncas was engaged in a bloody battle with the main force of the Hurons. The Mohican and his companions walked to the edge of the mountain, and with his well-trained ears, listened to the sound of fighting below.A few birds flew out of their nests in fright, and hovered over the tree-tops in the valley; here and there, wisps of smoke rose from the woods, and they seemed to have become one with the air.This also shows that the fighting there was quite fierce and in a state of stalemate. They were fighting higher and higher, and Hayward pointed to the direction where the firing had just started, and said, we are too close to the center of their line, and the effect will not be good. They'll push into the valley too, where the trees are thicker, the scout said, and we'll be right on their flank that way.Go, Warchief!You got there in time to help shout and lead the lads.I took these white soldiers to guard here.Mohican, you know me. No Huron who dares to climb this hill and come to steal your back, he will never escape my deer's sorrow! Chief Mohican hesitated for a moment, considering the situation, and now the rapid upward movement of the battle was clearly showing that the Delaware had the upper hand.But, in fact, he did not leave until the bullets of his own men, like hail before a storm, fell, warning him that both the enemy and the enemy were close.Hawkeye and his three white companions retreated a few steps to a secluded place, and waited for the development of events with great composure; on such occasions, only a well-trained man can do this. Soon the gunshots no longer echoed in the forest and sounded like shots had been fired in the open.Then there appeared the Huron warriors, one by one, and were driven to the edge of the forest; they regrouped in the clearing, where they seemed to make a final stand.After a while, another group of Hurons joined in. These dark bodies formed a long line of defense, ready to resist.Heyward began to get a little impatient waiting, and he turned his eyes anxiously towards the direction of Chingachgook, but saw the chief sitting firmly on a rock, his expression remained calm, and he just watched silently in front of him with prudent eyes. It seemed that the reason why he came here was to watch others fight. Time for the Delawares to shoot!Hayward said. No, not yet, the scout replied, after knowing that his partner was coming, he had to let the other party know that he was here too.See, see, the rascals scurried into the pine forest like a swarm of bees, flew for a long time, and settled down again.God!Now, even a woman can hit such a group of dark-skinned people with bullets! At this time, the sound of killing was suddenly heard, and under the salvo of Chingago and his subordinates, more than a dozen people immediately fell down in response.Following the shout of killing here, there was an echoing shout in the forest, and then, a loud shout came from the air, it sounded like thousands of people roaring at the same time.The Hurons wavered, and the center of the line began to flee; at that moment Uncas rushed out of the wood, and passed through the gap left by the Hurons, followed by a hundred or so warriors. . The young chief waved his hands left and right, pointing out the enemy's location to his subordinates, and they followed orders to pursue separately.Now, the battle is divided into two parts.Pursued by the victorious Lenape warriors, the defeated Huron wings fled again into the forest.After about a minute, the fighting sounds from all directions became more and more low, gradually disappearing under the dome of the resonant forest.At this moment, however, a small band of Hurons, evidently disdainful of seeking shelter, retreated slowly, like a herd of lions in captivity, up the slope which Chingachgook and his men had just abandoned, so that they might come more densely. into battle.Among the group, the most conspicuous one was Magua, who still had the same fierce and brutal appearance, and the haughty air of being in power. Uncas, in his haste to pursue the enemy, had withdrawn from his ranks, and was almost alone; but, as soon as he saw the fox, he thought of nothing else.With a loud cry, he summoned six or seven soldiers, and regardless of how small his own number was, he immediately rushed towards the enemy.Seeing this situation, Diao Fox couldn't help being secretly happy, waiting for Uncas to come up.However, just as he was thinking to himself that this young and reckless enemy had fallen into his hands, there was another cry suddenly, and he saw Long Spear leading all his white companions rushing to rescue Uncas.The Huron turned at once, and began to retreat hastily up the slope. Although Uncas had seen his friend, he had no time to greet and congratulate each other at this time, and he still pursued the enemy like the wind.Hawkeye told him to take cover, but the young Mohican didn't listen at all, and pursued so hard under the fire of the enemy that the enemy had to retreat as quickly as he did.Fortunately, this chase didn't last long, and the terrain occupied by these white men was very good, otherwise, the Mohican chief would have quickly separated from all his subordinates, rushed forward alone, and became his own. A brave victim.But before this unfortunate event took place, the pursuers and the fugitives had reached the Huron camp, and both sides were at close range. Partly because they had retreated to the door of the house, and partly because they were exhausted from their escape, the Hurons halted, and made a desperate resistance around their council-house.The onslaught fell on the Hurons like a whirlwind of death and destruction.Uncas' tomahawk, Hawkeye's gun barrel, and even Munro's trembling hands all went into battle at once.After a while, the ground was already full of enemy corpses.However, although Magua dared to rush and fight, and he had no cover, he was still not in any danger of life, just like those favorite heroes in ancient poems, whose good luck is always protected by myths. protection and care.The cunning chief, seeing that his comrades had fallen, let out a loud cry to express his boundless anger and disappointment, and then led the two remaining companions, rushed out of the encirclement, and let those special The Lahua people are busy stripping the bloody booty from the dead. But, as soon as Magua was out of sight in the melee, Uncas sprang forward in pursuit; Hawkeye, Heyward, and David still followed him closely.Hawkeye, with all his might, could only keep the muzzle of the gun a little ahead of him, but to Uncas it was like an enchanted shield, which provided all protection.Magua had intended to take one final vengeance for his loss.But just as he was about to do so, he gave up the attempt at once, and fled into a thick undergrowth; into which his pursuers followed.Arriving at the cave already known to the reader, Magua slips right into it.Just to protect Uncas, Hawkeye had refrained from firing. Now seeing this situation, he couldn't help shouting with joy, announcing loudly that they would surely win this time.The pursuers also rushed into the long and narrow entrance, just in time to see the distant figures of the Hurons.Before they could pass through those natural passages and basements, they heard the screams and cries of hundreds of women and children coming from inside.Under the weak, flickering light, it really looked like a hellish underworld, with countless evil spirits and ghosts shadowing inside. Uncas's eyes were still fixed on Magua, as if this were the only object of his life.Heyward and the scout were still close behind him; they were also moved by the same emotion as he, though perhaps in different degrees.But the way before them became more and more difficult, and the fleeing Hurons flickered in and out of the dark passages, so that they could not see clearly; for a time the pursuers thought that the enemy had disappeared.At this moment, they saw a white dress fluttering at the end of a corridor that seemed to lead to the mountain. It's Cora!Heyward cried out suddenly, a mixture of fear and joy mixed in his voice. Cora!Cora!Uncas cried out too, and leaped forward like a stag. It's that girl!The scout also raised his voice and shouted, don't be afraid, miss!Here we come!Here we come! Seeing the captives, the pace of pursuit accelerated a hundredfold.However, the road became more and more rough, and in some places it was almost impossible to pass.Uncas dropped his gun and leaped forward recklessly.Heyward followed his example recklessly.But it was not long before they were both warned of this folly; and there was a shot, and it was the Huron who, looking for an opportunity, had fired a shot downwards, which struck the rocks in the passage, and Even the young Mohican was slightly wounded on his return. We have to get close to them!Saying the scout, with a jerk, he overtakes his mates, and so far from these rascals, that we shall all be shot by their guns; and you see, they put the lady before them for a shield! Although the companions didn't pay attention to his words, maybe they didn't hear them, but they all followed his example. With amazing efforts, they chased them very close to the fleeing people, and saw Cora being killed by two Hughes. The Lun people were dragging forward, while Magua pointed out the direction and method of fleeing.At this time, the figures of the four of them were clearly reflected in the sky at the entrance of the cave, and then disappeared again.Uncas and Heyward were almost maddened with disappointment, and adding more force to what seemed to be superhuman efforts, they finally rushed out of the cave and came to the hill outside, just in time to see the few enemies fleeing. route.This road is on a steep cliff, and it is still very dangerous and difficult to climb. The scout, affected by his gun, and, perhaps, being less interested in the captured girl than his two companions, let them both advance, while Uncas was more advanced than Hayward's. Front.Thus, in an unbelievably short time, they climbed the precipice against all odds, which at another time and under other circumstances would have seemed impossible.And what rewarded the two reckless young men was that, with Cora in tow, the Huron was losing the chase. stop!Huron dog!Uncas, waving his sharp tomahawk, shouted to Magua, a Delaware girl wants you to stop! 【Note】The Hurons often ridiculed the Delawares for being cowardly like women. Uncas retorted here, intending to persuade Magua to stop. I'm not leaving!Cora shouted, and stopped suddenly on the edge of a cliff facing the abyss not far from the top of the mountain. If you want to kill me, kill me, you hateful Huron.I don't want to go anymore! The two Hurons who were leading the girl raised their battle-axes, and grinned like thugs preparing to commit murder, but Magua blocked their raised arms at once.The chief of Huron, after throwing the weapon he had snatched from his companions under the rock, drew his own knife, and turned to his captive with a look of conflicted emotions that were at work. struggle. Ladies!He said, choose yourself!Want to live in the fox's hut and eat his knife? Cora ignored him, but knelt down on the ground, raised her head, stretched her arms to the sky, and said in a gentle and reverent voice: Oh, God!I'm yours!You decide my fate! Woman, repeated Magua, hoarsely, trying to make Cora look up at him from her bright, shining eyes, but in vain, take your choice! But Cora neither listened nor answered.Magua, trembling with rage, raised the knife aloft, but lowered it with embarrassment, as one hesitates.However, he thought again, and raised the sharp knife again.At this moment, a scream was heard above their heads, and then Uncas appeared. He jumped madly from a terrifying height to the edge of the cliff, and landed just on these few people. The middle of the Hurons.Magua could not help taking a step back.One of his subordinates immediately took the opportunity to stab his own knife into Cora's chest. Magua, like a tiger, sprang at the retreating kinsman who had offended him, but Uncas stood between the two unnatural combatants.As a result, Magua shifted his target, and seeing Cora being killed just now, he was mad with rage, so he raised the knife and stabbed it in the back of Uncas who had fallen to the ground. During this evil act, he even let out a strange cry.Although Uncas took the stab, he jumped up like a wounded leopard fighting back against the enemy, and with the last bit of strength in his life, knocked down the murderer of Cora under his feet.Then he turned his head again and stared at Diao Fox with a firm and stern gaze, as if to say: If he hadn't exhausted his strength, he would never let him go.Magua, seeing that the Delaware was unable to resist, seized his limp arm, and stabbing him several times in the chest.Uncas, before being slain and fallen, kept his eyes fixed on his enemy with an expression of irrepressible contempt. Have mercy!Have mercy, Hurons!Hayward shouted from a high place, his voice almost choked with fright, if you spare him, they will forgive you too! The victorious Magua, whirling and throwing the bloody knife at the pleading young man, uttered a howl so wild and joyous that he transmitted his savage victories to the In the ears of men fighting in the valley a thousand feet below.At this moment, the scout suddenly heard a loud shout in answer to his howling. It turned out that the big man was running towards Magua along the dangerous cliff at this time, and his steps were so bold and light. It seems to have the ability to travel empty.可是,當他趕到這殘酷屠殺的現場時,這兒已經只剩下幾具屍體了。 他那銳利的目光,只朝這幾個被害者看了一眼,便轉臉仰望著前面那條艱險的登山小道。他看到山頭上有個人在那峻峭無比的懸崖邊站著,舉起雙手,做出一種可怕的、威脅人的姿勢。鷹眼沒有去細看一下那人的臉,便舉起槍來瞄準。但忽然一塊石頭掉了下來,正好砸在下面一個逃跑的休倫人頭上,接著山頂便露出了一張怒不可遏的臉,原來是那個誠實淳厚的大衛。麥格瓦就在這時從一條岩縫中竄了出來,他毫不在意地踩過他那最後一個同伴的屍體,縱身跳上一條寬闊的山罅,攀登上一座山岩;在那兒,大衛的手就夠不著他了。現在,麥格瓦只要往前一躍,就可以跳到對面的懸崖上而安全無虞了,但他卻停了下來,舉起拳頭向偵察員揮動著,而且還大聲嚷道: 白臉孔都是狗!特拉華人是娘們!麥格瓦把他們留在岩石上餵烏鴉啦! 他嘶啞地笑著,拼命地縱身向對面跳去,可是結果離目標差了一點,掉下來了,幸好他的手抓住了懸崖邊上的一株灌木。這時,鷹眼已像一隻準備縱身撲出的野獸,蹲了下來。由於興奮緊張,他的身子哆嗦得厲害,那已經舉到一半的槍口,也像風中的葉子似地在顫動。狡猾的麥格瓦,沒有去做無效的努力,而只是讓胳臂垂直,身子盡量伸長,而後終於踩著了一塊小石頭。然後,他用足全身力氣,重又做了一次嘗試;這一次,他獲得了一定的成功,他的膝蓋正好跪在懸崖的邊上。可是,就在這個敵人的身子縮成一團的時候,偵察員把那枝顫抖的槍架到了自己的肩上。在子彈射出的一剎那間,就連四周的岩石,也沒有比這枝槍更加紮實穩固。休倫人的胳臂鬆了勁,身子也跟著向後仰了一下,但雙膝還是跪在原地沒有動。他回過頭來,朝自己的敵人狠狠瞪了一眼,還揮動著一隻手,表示至死也不屈服。可是他的手終於鬆開了,跟著便一個倒栽蔥掉下了山崖,眼看他那黝黑的身子,擦過峭壁上的灌木,飛快地掉向死亡的深淵。
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