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Chapter 6 The third part of Coffee's Hands II

green miracle 史蒂芬.金 18123Words 2023-02-05
chapter Five The next day, wild boy Billy.Wharton entered the brig for the first time.All morning and afternoon he was as quiet and docile as a little lamb of the Virgin Mary, which we soon discovered was not normal and could lead to trouble.At seven-thirty that night, Harry felt something hot splash on the cuff of his uniform trousers, which he had just washed that day. It turned out to be urine.William.Wharton was standing in his cell, grinning, showing a full mouth of black teeth, looking towards Harry.Twillig's trousers and leather shoes pissed. The dirty son of a bitch had been faking it all day for that, Harry said afterwards, still sick and angry.

Cough, that's it, it's William who dared to cause trouble in the E area.Wharton looked at it.Harry got Boot and me, and I called Dean and Percy, who were also on duty.Remember, we had three prisoners at the time, which is what we call full capacity.Our group is on duty from 7:00 pm to 3:00 am. During this time, accidents are most likely to occur. The rest of the time is on duty by two other people.Those two were mostly temporary workers, Bill.Dodge is often one of them.All in all, it's not a bad arrangement, and I think life would be better if Percy could be put on the day shift.However, I never had a chance to make it.Sometimes I suspect that, if it happens, things might actually change.

Anyway, there was a big water main in the storage room on the side away from the electric guy, and Dean and Percy hung a long piece of canvas fire hose from it.In an emergency, they will stand next to the valve switch. Boot and I quickly made it to Wharton's cell, where he was standing, still grinning, the guy still hanging out of his pants.I've got the inmate straitjacket out of the brig and the last thing I did before going home last night was hang it on a shelf in my office thinking we might use it when we're dealing with this problem teen with it.Now, I hold it in one hand, with my index finger hooked to one of the canvas straps.Harry came and stood behind us, dragging the spout of the fire hose that ran through my office, up the pantry stairs, to the drum hose where Dean and Percy were standing, They're getting the hose out as fast as they can.

Hey, why is it like this?asked Billy Wildboy.He laughed like a child at a carnival until he couldn't speak, and big tears rolled down his cheeks.It came so fast, I guess you were forced to do nothing.I'm about to boil some dung for you right now, but it's so soft.I will send it to you tomorrow His eyes narrowed as he spotted me unlocking his cell door.Seeing again that Boot was holding a revolver in one hand and a baton in the other, his eyes narrowed even more. You can come in standing up, but you have to lie down when you go out, wild boy Billy said ugly first, he said to us, turning his eyes towards me, if you want me to put that silly hat on If you wear it, old things, you can come back after you think about it.

When you get here, you don't come here whenever you want, and you don't want to slip away. I said to him, you should understand this, but I think, you are too stupid, you have to let us teach you, otherwise you can't understand. I unlocked the door and pushed the door along the track.Wharton retreated to the bed, the thing was still hanging out of his trousers, he stretched out his hands towards me, turned his palms up, and then gestured with his fingers, come on, you shameless ugly bastard, he said, teach me I, okay, look at this old man who is so serious that he is going to be a teacher.He turned his eyes away, grinning, showing his black teeth to Boot, come on, big guy, you go first.You can't sneak up on me from behind this time.Put the gun down, you can't shoot anyway, you can't, let's fight one on one and see who's better

Boot walked into the cell, but didn't walk toward Wharton.He walked to the left as soon as he entered the door, and Wharton saw the fire hose facing him, and his squinted eyes opened. no you don't, he said, oh no you don't Dean!I yelled, open the gates!Did you hear me? Wharton leaped forward, and Boote immediately delivered him a swift and beautiful blow that was guaranteed to make Percy envious.The stick went over Wharton's forehead and landed just between the brows.Perhaps Wharton originally thought that we would be unlucky to see him, but now he has knelt on the ground, his eyes wide open in a daze.At this moment, water came out of the pipe, and under the force of the water, Harry took a staggering step back, and then he held the pipe firmly, holding the spout firmly in his hand like a gun.The water just hit Billy the Wild Boy.Wharton's chest almost made him spin, forcing him under the bed.In the cell ahead Delacrocus was hopping on one leg, laughing shrilly, cursing John.Coffey, pushing Coffey to tell him what happened, who won, and asking him if that awesome new kid liked being splashed with cold water.John didn't speak, he just stood there quietly, wearing the pair of short pants and prison slippers.I just glanced at him quickly, but it was enough to see his fixed expression, a sad quiet look, as if he had seen the whole thing before, more than once or twice, and It's been a thousand times.

Turn off the water!Bout yelled over his shoulder and rushed into the cell.He put his hands under the armpits of the unconscious Wharton and dragged him from under the bed.Wharton was coughing, making a constant coughing sound, and blood flowed from his eyebrows into his dazed eyes, where Boot had punched the stick earlier. Brutus.Howe and I are experts, and we've practiced like a pair of professional dancers rehearsing a new move.This practice benefits us all the time.For example, at this moment, Bout propped up Wharton's body and pulled his hand in front of me, like a child extending a doll's hand.Looking at Wharton's eyes, he was slowly regaining consciousness, and he was about to understand that if he didn't resist right away, it would be too late, but his brain and muscles hadn't reacted yet.Before he recovered I had his arms stuffed into the sleeves of his jacket while Boot was buttoning the buttons in the back of him.While Boot was busy, I grabbed Wharton's arms by the cuff straps and pulled Wharton's arms out to the sides, threading another canvas strap to bind his wrists together.In the end, he looked as if he was hugging himself tightly.

Damn it, big idiot, what did they do to you?Delaclo yelled loudly.I heard Mr. Jingle squeak, as if he wanted to know about it too. Percy arrived, his shirt wet, his clothes stuck to his body from fiddling with the hose, his face glowing with excitement.Dean followed. He had a purple bruise around his neck and looked less shivering. Get up, come on, wild Billy, I said, jerking Wharton up, sweet boy. Don't call me that!Wharton screamed loudly, and I think this is the first time everyone has seen him show his true nature. No matter how cunning he is, this is not an emotion that can be faked.Wild Billy is no bum!He never fights anyone without a knife!That guy is nothing more than a police spy!That son of a bitch is sitting with his back against the door and let the drunk kill him!

Oh, this is really a big lesson!Bout shouted and pushed Wharton out of the cell.Guys who come into this place never know what's going to happen, just be nice, but there are so many nice guys like you in here, it gives you something to think about, doesn't it?Soon you'll be history too, Wild Billy.do you understand?Now, you go through the hall, there is a room waiting for you.Get there to calm you down. Wharton screamed angrily and vaguely, and even though he was tightly buttoned up in his clothes and his arms were tied behind his back, he still slammed into Boot with his body.Percy picked up his baton (Whitemer's magic weapon for all problems), but Dean grabbed his wrist.Puzzled and a little resentful, Percy looked at Dean as if to say that since Wharton beat Dean, Dean was the last person to stop him.

Boot pushed Wharton back, I grabbed him, and pushed him back toward Harry, who drove him down the Green Mile, past a cheerful Deraclot and a nonchalant Coffee.Wharton tried his best not to let himself fall to the ground, swearing and swearing all the way, swearing like a welder's welding sparks.We slammed him into the last cell on the right, while Dean, Harry, and Percy (only this time he didn't complain about being overworked and unfairly treated) were dragging all the junk out of the brig.Wharton and I had a brief chat while they were busy. You think you're tough, I said, maybe you're right, little guy, but being tough doesn't help here.Your wandering career is over, and if you cooperate well with us, we will treat you kindly.If you are tough, you will die in the end, but we will not give you a good life before that.

You see I enjoyed my finish, Wharton said in a gruff voice.Even though he knew that struggling was useless, he still struggled desperately in the restraint garment, blushing like a tomato.Unless I die, I'm going to make you miserable.He bared his teeth at me like an angry baboon. If that's all you want, if you just want us to have a hard time, you can stop right now, because you've done it, Boot said, but Wharton, as long as you live on the Green Mile, if you spend all day and all night Deal with those walls in the cell, we're up to you.You can still wear that goddamn stupid hat until your arm dies and maggots from lack of blood circulation and finally breaks.He paused, you know, very few people come here, if you think I'm joking to fool you, then you just watch it.After all, you're already a dead prisoner anyway. Wharton carefully measured Boot, and the anger on his face slowly faded.Letting me out, his tone softened, and the voice was unbelievably sober and rational.Honest Indian, I'll be good. Harry appeared at the cell door.There's a junk auction booth at the end of the corridor, but once we get down to it, things get organized pretty quickly.We've done this before, we all know what to do and everything is in place, Harry said. Boot grabbed Wharton's right elbow by the protrusion of the canvas restraint and pulled him to his feet.Come on, wild boy Billy, try to open it, you have at least twenty-four hours, enough to remind yourself not to sit with your back against the door, and not to squeeze an ace or eight when playing cards (Note: It is said that the real wild Billy the Kid was killed holding an ace and an eight in his hand, which is known as a dead man's hand in four-and-one.). Let me out, Wharton said, looking away from Boot to me, flushing again.I'll do my best, listen to me, I've learned my lesson.Me, me, um, um, um, um He suddenly collapsed, and his body fell half in the cell, half on the worn-out green carpet, his legs kicked non-stop, and his body twisted. Jesus, he's having a fit, Percy whispered. Yep, then my sister is the whore of the town, says Bout, donning a long white veil and doing the hooch-kutch dance for the respectable on Saturday nights.He leaned over, hooked one hand under Wharton's armpit, and mine under the other.Wharton bobbed between us like a hooked fish.We carried his spasmodic body, listening to him grunt at one end and fart at the other, and it wasn't good. I looked up and touched John.Coffee's gaze, and we stared at each other for a second.His eyes were bloodshot and his dark cheeks were wet.He cried again.I thought of Hammersmith's biting motion with his hands, and I shuddered.Then I turned my attention back to Wharton. We tossed him like cargo into the brig and watched him lie on the floor in a straitjacket convulsing by the gutter where we had found the mouse that was named after Steamboat Willie The identity began to live in the E area. I don't care if he bites his tongue or dies like that, said Dean, his voice raspy and raspy, but how's that for written reports, guys!But there is no end. Never mind the report, think about the hearing, said Harry despondently, and we'd lose the damn job and go pick peas in the Mississippi, you know what the Mississippi means, don't you?Asshole, in Indian parlance. He can't die and he can't bite his tongue, Boot said, and he'll be all right when we open the door tomorrow, listen to me. that's the truth.When we brought him back to his cell at nine o'clock the next night, he was quiet and weak, and he seemed very well behaved.He walked with his head down, and after taking off his restraint, he didn't attempt to attack anyone, but just looked at me listlessly. Ask yourself how long you're willing to spend peeing in your pants and eating baby food by the spoonful. I'll be good, boss, I've learned my lesson, he said humbly.We put him in his cell.Bout looked at me and blinked. Then, on the second day, William.Wharton (who considered himself Wild Billy, the Wild Billy who never attacked the police) bought a round pie from Old Doodle.There had been a ban on Wharton buying anything here, but that afternoon the men on duty were all temps, so the deal was done.I think I've mentioned this before.Dudu himself undoubtedly knows the rules, but for him, the food truck always has to make a small profit. I want to argue with him, but I just don't have time. Wharton was standing at the door of the cell when Boot made his rounds that night.He waited, waited until Boot saw him, and slammed his palm against his bulging cheek, spraying a sticky, frighteningly long squirt of chocolate gravy all over Boot's face.Turns out, he stuffed the whole pie in his mouth, waited for it to melt, and then used it as chewing tobacco. Wharton was sprawled out in bed with a chocolate goatee on his face.He kicked and laughed shrilly, pointing at Boot.Bout has a lot more goatee than he does.Little nigger bastard, yes sir, boss, yes sir, how are you?Wharton held his belly and howled, oh my god, isn't this just a black parrot!Sure!it would be nice if i could have a few You're the black parrot, Boot roared, pack your bags now, you've got to go to that lovely bathroom again. So Wharton was strapped into the straitjacket again, and we were crammed into the room with the padded walls.This time we shut him down for two days.Sometimes we could hear him growling inside, sometimes we could hear him assuring us that he would listen, he would come to his senses, he would be good, and sometimes we could hear him shouting for a doctor, saying he was going to die.However, most of the time, he is quiet.When we brought him out again, he was also very quiet, walking back to his cell with his head down.When Harry told him to remember, it's up to you, his eyes were blank.He was always fine for a while, and then tried to cause trouble.His tricks are all the same old ones, well, except maybe the pie trick, which even Boote admits is quite creative, but his persistence is frightening.I'm worried that sooner or later someone will be overwhelmed and there will be big trouble.It's going to go on for a while, because he's got a lawyer hunting around telling people how wrong it was to shoot the brat and he just happened to be with old Jeff.Davis (Note: Jeff Davis, former governor of Arkansas, was elected by former white farmers.) has fair skin.It's no use complaining, because it's the lawyer's job to keep Wharton out of that chair.It is our duty to keep him safe and secure. At the end of the day, the electric guy gotta hold him in his arms, lawyer or not. Chapter Six That week, the warden's wife, Malinda.Moss came home from Indianola.The doctors did their best with her, took what was then an interesting new invention of x-rays of the tumor in her head, and established the cause of the constant weakness, numbness, and pain in her hands that had plagued her.Besides, they're out of luck.They handed her husband a stack of pills containing morphine and told Malinda to go home to die.Haier.Moss had saved up some holidays, but not many.There weren't many excuses in those days, but he did his best with his wife. About the third day after she came home, my wife and I went to visit.I called beforehand and Haile agreed and said it would be great, Malinda would be delighted to see us and have a great day. I hate making calls like this, I told Janice as we drove to the cottage where the Mosses married. No one would, my dear, she answered, clapping my hand, we have to bear it, and she has to bear it too. hope so. We met Malinda in the living room, sitting in the slanting sunlight that was unseasonably hot in October.My initial shock was that she lost like ninety pounds.Of course, this can't be true. If she had lost so much, she wouldn't be here at all. This is just my brain's first reaction to the visual experience.Her face was thin, her cheekbones almost protruded, her skin was paper white, and her eyes were full of dark circles.It was the first time I'd seen her sitting in a rocking chair with no knees full of sewing items, blanket scraps or old cloth ends waiting to be woven into a rug.She just sat there, like a passenger sitting in a train station waiting for a train. Malinda, my wife calls her affectionately.I think she was as shocked as I was, maybe even more so, but she was good at hiding it, as some women are.She walked over to Malinda, got down on one knee by the rocking chair where the warden's wife was sitting, and took her hand.While Janice was doing this, I happened to see the blue hearth rug by the fireplace, and it occurred to me that it might well be a piece of worn rug, because this room was just another green mile. I brought you some tea, Jann said, I also drink this variety, it is very good for sleep, I put it in the kitchen. Thank you so much, dear, Malinda said, her voice old and husky. How are you feeling, honey?my wife asked. Better, Malinda replied in a hoarse voice, not good enough to do the barn dance, but at least it didn't hurt today.They gave me some pills for my headache, which sometimes work. That's nice, isn't it? But I still can't hold things, something is wrong with my hand.She raised one hand, looked at it as if she had never seen it before, and put it back on her lap.Something's wrong with me. Something's wrong with me.She began to cry silently, and it reminded me of John.Coffee, that repeating voice in my head again, that's him saying to me: I cured you, didn't I?I cured you, didn't I?This sound is like a melody that cannot be escaped. Haier came in and interrupted me halfway. If I say that I would be happy to be interrupted by him, don't believe me.We went into the kitchen and he poured me a half shot of white whiskey, fresh from the countryman's cellar.We clinked glasses and drank.The liquor slid down like coal tar, but in the stomach it felt like heaven.I shook my head and waved off when Moss tipped me the mason jar with the metal cap, silently beckoning if I wanted more.Anyway, wild boy Billy.Wharton's going crazy right now, and it's not safe to approach him drunk, even with a bar between us. I don't know how long I can last, Paul, he whispered, there is a girl who comes to help me take care of her every morning, but the doctor said she will be incontinent, so he stopped, his throat choked, I tried my best not to cry again in front of me. Do your best, I said, reaching across the table and squeezing his trembling, old-spotted hand.One day at a time, the rest is up to God.You did your best, didn't you? I think so, but it hurts, Paul, and I don't think you can imagine how it hurts. He struggled to control himself. Well, tell me what's new, how you guys dealt with William.Wharton's?How to deal with Percy.Whitmore's? After talking about work for a while, I ended my visit.On the way home, my wife sat next to me and didn't speak for most of the time.Her eyes were moist and thoughtful, and at this moment, Coffey's words came back to my mind, like Mr. Jingle running in circles in Deracloh's cell: I cured you, didn't I ? It's terrible, the wife suddenly said blankly, and there's nothing anyone can do to help her. I nodded in agreement, thinking, I cured you, didn't I?This is so insane that I tried to get rid of this sentence. As we drove into her courtyard, she finally spoke up for the second time, this time not about her old friend Malinda, but about my urinary tract infection.She wondered if I was nice. I told her I was fine. That's good, she said, and kissed the top of my brow, which always makes me tremble.Maybe we should, you know, we should do something.I mean, if you have the time, and if you want to. I'd love to, and I just happen to have enough time.So I took her by the hand and led her into the back bedroom and undressed her while she stroked my swollen, throbbing part, which was no longer painful.Then, I entered her tender and fragrant body.I thought of John again as I slid in the way she liked (and we both liked).Coffee, hear him say he cured me, he cured me, didn't he?Whirls like a song until it becomes uncannily clear and certain. Later, as I drove to the prison, it occurred to me that we would soon have to rehearse for Deraclot's execution.This thought reminded me that Percy was also going to fight this time, and I felt a wave of fear and trembling.I thought to myself, let's just wait and see, anyway, it's just an execution, and then we'll probably get rid of Percy forever.Whitemoor is gone but I'm still shaking, like the previous UTI didn't heal at all, it just switched places, from the searing groin to the spine of the Iceman's bone marrow. Chapter VII Come on, said Boot to Delacroix the next night, let's go for a walk, you, me, and Mr. Clank. Delacroix gave him a distrustful look, then reached into the cigar box for the mouse.He held the mouse in one palm and squinted at Boot. What are you talking about?he asks. It's a big night for you and Mr. Clank, said Dean, standing next to Boot with Harry.The bruise around Dean's neck had faded and turned an ugly yellow, but at least he was talking again, not like a dog barking at a cat.He looks at Bout, do you think we should put him in chains, Brut? Boot looks like he's thinking, no, he said finally, he'll be good, won't he, Del?Both you and the mouse will be fine.After all, you are going to meet a very important person tonight. Percy and I were standing at the duty desk, watching this.Percy folded his arms across his chest, a faint, contemptuous smile played on his lips.After a while, he took out his horn comb and began to comb his hair.John.Coffee was watching too, standing quietly behind the bars of his cell.Wharton lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, paying no attention to his surroundings.He was still very good, although what he meant by good was what the doctors at Briar Ridge called catatonic.There is another person present, he is not in everyone's sight, but in my office, but his thin figure is cast on the green outside the door. What do you want me to do, you idiot?Del asked suspiciously, dragging his legs onto the bed.At this time, Bout opened the second lock of the cell and was pushing the door open.So Del's eyes swept over the three guards. Well, look, said Boot, Mr. Moss is going away for a while, his wife is sick, you may have heard that, so Mr. Anderson is taking over here, which is Curtis.Mr. Anderson. Yeah?So what does this have to do with me? Well, said Harry, Anderson heard about your mouse, Del, and he wanted to see him act.He's in the administration building with about six other people, waiting for you to show it off.They weren't just blue-uniformed guards, they were big guys, as Brutt said.One of them, I think, was a politician from the state government. Delacroix looked smug, and I noticed that even a trace of doubt had disappeared from his face.Of course they wanted to see Mr. Clank, who wouldn't? He rummaged around, first under the bed, then under the pillow, and at last he found a pink mint and the heavily painted spool.He looked at Boot questioningly, and Boot nodded. Yeah, I think they really, really want to see the bobbin scene, but he's pretty darn fun eating peppermints, and don't forget that cigar box, you'll put him in there, right? Delaclo picked up the box and put Mr. Clank's props in it, but still let the mouse rest on his shirt shoulder.Then, he stepped out of the cell, leading the way proudly.At this time, he thought of Dean and Harry, are you going? No, said Dean, we have other things to do, but you gotta open their eyes, Del, to what the Louisiana lad can do. That is.He had a smile on his face, and the joy was so sudden and so innocent, that for a moment my heart broke for him, despite all the bad things he'd done.The world is so strange and so strange! Delacroix turned to John.It seemed to Coffee that he developed a special kind of friendship with him, not unlike hundreds of other condemned inmates I've met. You gotta open their eyes, Del, said Coffey gravely, show them all the tricks. Delaclo nodded and put his hands on his shoulders, and Mr. Clank stepped up to it as if his hands were the platform, while Delaclo stretched out his hands to Coffey's cell.John.Coffey stretched out a huge finger, and as expected, the mouse stretched its neck and licked his finger like a dog. Come on, Del, don't delay, said Boot, those people haven't come home for dinner yet to see you hopping around.Of course, this is not the truth. Anderson will be there before eight o'clock every night, and the guards he forced to watch Delacroix's show will also stay there until eleven or twelve o'clock. The time depends entirely on their shifts. arrange.Politicians from the state government are also likely to be office workers with borrowed ties.But there was no way for Delacroix to understand this. I'm ready, Delaclo said, sounding exactly like a superstar trying to keep things easy somehow, let's go.Boot led him up the Green Mile, and Mr. Clank perched on the little man's shoulders, and Deraclote was blaring again, ladies and gentlemen!Welcome to the Mouse Circus!However, although he was deeply immersed in his own fantasy world, he tried to stay away from Percy as much as possible, and gave Percy a distrustful glance. Harry and Dean stopped at the empty cell opposite Wharton as they passed Wharton (who was still looking impassive).Everyone watched as Boot opened the door to the practice ground, where two guards were waiting to take Delacroix out and lead him to his assigned performance in front of the high-ranking Cold Mountain prison dignitary.We waited until the door was locked again, then I looked towards the office.The figure was still on the floor, thin as a woman, and I was glad Delacroix hadn't seen him just now because he was too excited. Come on out, I said, hurry up everyone, I want to do two drills, and time is running out. Old Dudu was the same as usual, with bright eyes and thick hair.He came out of the office, headed for Deraclot's cell, and strolled through the open door.Sit down, he said, I sat down, sat down, sat down. This is the real circus, I thought and closed my eyes for a second.This is the real circus, and we're all trained rats.Then, I put this idea behind me, and everyone started to practice. chapter eight The first pass of the exercise went well, as did the second.Posey is doing better than I ever imagined.That doesn't mean things will go well when the Frenchman does hit the Green Mile, but it's a step in a good direction nonetheless.I had an idea at the time that the exercise went well because Percy had waited so long to finally do something he cared about.I felt a moment of disdain for that, and then shook off the thought.What does it matter?He would put the hood over Deracloe's head, and order the switch to be flipped.After that, both of them will leave.If that's not a happy ending, what is?And as Moss said, no matter who goes into battle, Delacroche's head will be roasted off. And Posey is pretty good in his new role, and he knows it all too well.We are all good too.As for me, I'm relieved to stop hating him, at least not for the moment.Things seemed to be going pretty well.Even more reassuring, I found that when we suggested to Posey how he would be better off, or at least less likely to make mistakes, he actually listened.In my opinion, we were very enthusiastic about it, even including Dean, who used to avoid Percy in the past. He not only avoided him physically, but also avoided him psychologically.It's nothing more surprising than that, and I think it's most comforting, for most people, that young people actually take advice.We feel about the same about it.Turns out, none of us noticed, Wild Boy Billy.Wharton stopped looking at the ceiling.I didn't notice either, but I knew he wasn't staring at the ceiling.He was looking at us as we stood around the duty desk, huddled around Percy giving him ideas.Give him ideas!And he pretended to listen!Just thinking about these things makes people feel so funny! The sound of a key unlocking the door to the practice field halted our post-drill discussion.Dean looked at Posey and reminded him, don't say a word, don't show your face, he said, we don't want him to know what we just did.It's not good for them and will scare them. Percy nodded, put his finger to his lips, and made a silent gesture, which was not funny at all now.The door to the practice area opened and Delacroix walked in, and Boot walked beside him, carrying the cigar box with the spools in it, and he looked like a magician's assistant, like he was helping the boss at the end of a vaudeville show It's like moving props off the stage.Mr. Clank landed on Deracloe's shoulder, but what about Deraclok himself?Seriously, not even Langtry (Note: Famous British actress.) was so proud after performing at the White House.They love Mr. Jingles!cried Delacrocus, and they laughed, howled, and clapped their hands! Well, very good, said Posey, his tone was tolerant and gentle, with a tone of adults talking to children, not at all like Posy in the past, go back to the cell quickly, old man. Delaclo showed a suspicious, funny expression, which immediately knocked Percy back to his original shape. He bared his teeth and pretended to growl, as if to catch Deraclore.Of course, this was a joke. Percy was very happy at the moment, and he couldn't put on the posture of really wanting to arrest someone, but Delacroix didn't know it.With panic and fear on his face, he jerked away and tripped over Boot's big foot. He fell sharply, hitting the back of his head on the linoleum.Mr. Jingle jumped out of the way to avoid being crushed, and ran, squeaking, down the Green Mile to Delacroix's cell. Delaclo stood up, cast a resentful glance at the giggling Percy, and hurried off after his pet, yelling at the mouse and stroking the back of his head.Boot didn't know that Percy was excited about his ability to adapt to changing tasks. He looked at Percy silently and contemptuously, and went after Del, groping for the key. I think what happened after that happened because Percy did apologize, and I know it's unbelievable, but he had a really good temper that day.If so, it also confirms an old cynical adage I once heard about good intentions not being rewarded.Remember that thing I told you guys?就是戴拉克洛來我們這裡之前,那隻老鼠兩次跑進禁閉室,其中有一次波西一路追著牠,沒注意到自己離開總統的牢房太近。這麼做是很危險的,這也是綠里之所以那麼寬的原因,因為如果你沿著正中間的路線徑直走下去,你就不會被牢房裡的犯人搆到。當時總統並沒有對波西出手,不過我記得當時我覺得,如果波西離開艾南.畢特巴太近的話,也許就會出事。那次不過是給波西的一個教訓罷了。 唉,總統和酋長都走了,可野小子比利.華頓住了進來。他比總統和酋長的脾氣都要壞得多,沒法比,而且他也見識過整個過程,正希望有機會自己也登臺亮相。托波西.懷特莫的福,這機會正中他下懷。 嗨,德爾!波西喊著,似笑非笑的樣子,一邊也走上綠里,跟在布特和戴拉克洛後面,走得離華頓這一邊非常近,而且自己都沒意識到。嗨,你這個蠢蛋狗屎,我可不是開玩笑!你們這全是在 華頓起身下床,一步竄閃到牢房鐵欄邊,我當看守以來還從沒見過如此迅速的動作,甚至布特和我後來在少管所裡工作時所見的那些運動型年輕人都不如他。他的胳膊倏地伸出鐵欄,一把抓住波西。他先是抓到寬鬆制服的肩部,接著就扼住波西的喉嚨。華頓把他像豬似地朝自己牢房門邊拽,而波西則像屠宰場的豬一樣發出長長的尖嚎,我還從他的眼裡看到了人之將死的絕望神情。 乖一點好嗎?華頓低聲說道,他一隻手鬆開波西的脖子,在波西的頭髮間摩挲著。真軟!他皮笑肉不笑地說著,就像女孩的頭髮。實話說,我寧願操你而不操你的妹子。他還真的吻了吻波西的耳朵。 波西曾經因為戴拉克洛不小心擦到了他的褲襠而把這名犯人一路打到區上來,這件事大家還記得吧。我想,這時波西肯定清楚地明白發生了什麼事。我覺得他並不希望發生這樣的事,但他絕對明白發生了什麼。 他的臉色完全陰沉下來,臉頰上的疤痕像胎記似地暴突著,眼睛瞪得老大,眼眶濕潤了,他抽搐著的嘴角邊還淌下了一行唾沫。這一切發生得非常快,我敢說,發生和結束總共不到十秒鐘時間。 哈利和我走上前去,兩人都舉起了警棍。迪恩還拔出了手槍。但是,事態沒有再發展下去,華頓放開波西,往後退下,一邊把雙手舉過肩膀,咧嘴冷冷地笑著,我放手了,我們只是鬧著玩,我已經鬆開了,他說道,我沒傷著那小伙子頭上的一根毛髮,所以你們別再把我趕去那間該死的軟撲撲的房間。 Percy.懷特莫飛奔著跑過綠里,蜷縮到另一邊那間緊鎖的空牢房大門邊,急促而大聲地呼吸著,聽上去就像在抽泣。他終於嘗到了教訓,知道要走在綠里中央,避免被犯人抓著,要躲開那噬人的嘴巴和善於攫取的爪子。我想,這個教訓會比我們在演習之後給他提出的建議更長久地刻在他記憶中。他一臉嚇呆了的表情,寶貝頭髮凌亂地豎著,自從認識他以後,我還是第一次見到他這樣的頭髮,完全是刺拉拉的,糾纏在一起。 他看上去像被人姦汙後剛掙脫身子的樣子。 有那麼一會兒,一切都停止了,一片沉寂,只有波西抽泣般的呼吸聲。 打破僵局的是一陣咯咯的笑聲,它如此突兀,又那麼瘋狂,完全把人給鎮住了。我腦海裡的第一個反應就是華頓,但不是他。是戴拉克洛,他站在牢房敞開的門口,手指著波西,那隻老鼠站在他的肩頭,戴拉克洛看上去就像是一個小小的卻又很邪惡的男巫,滿心的鬼點子。 瞧瞧他啊,尿褲子嘍!戴拉克洛嚎叫道,瞧瞧這大塊頭幹的好事!老用警棍打其他人,是啊,是有些壞人,可只要有人碰碰他,他就會像小毛頭一樣尿褲子的! 他笑著,用手指著,把他對波西的所有恐懼和仇恨都通過嘲弄的大笑給發洩了出來。波西瞪著他,好像沒法移動身子,沒法說話的樣子。華頓走回牢房的鐵欄旁,低頭看著波西褲子下面的一小攤暗跡,雖然面積不大,不過確實在那裡,這無疑就是了。華頓咧嘴笑了。得有人給這倒楣的孩子買塊尿布。說完,他開懷地笑著回到床邊。 布特走到戴拉克洛的牢房,可是那個法國佬已經躲了進去,沒等布特走到那裡,他就倒在了床上。 我伸手抓住波西的肩膀,波西我開了口,卻沒法繼續說下去。 他回過神來,一下甩掉我的手,低頭看看褲子前面,也看見了那圈正在擴展的痕跡,臉刷地緋紅發紫起來。他又抬頭看看我,接著看看哈利和迪恩。 我記得當時自己很慶幸老嘟嘟已經走了,如果他在的話,這事不消一天就能在整個監獄傳開。而且在這種情形下,依照波西的姓(註:懷特莫在英文中有更加潮濕(wet more)的意思。),這個故事可得被津津有味、興致勃勃地談上好幾年。 你們要把這事給說出去,一個禮拜後就等著挨餓去吧,他惡狠狠地低聲說道。要是在其他場合聽到這種話,我說不定會上前揍他一頓,可是這會兒,我對他只有憐憫。我想他也明白我們很可憐他,這就讓他更不好受了,就像往傷口上撒鹽巴一樣。 這事到此為止,迪恩平靜地說,你不用擔心的。 波西回頭朝自己肩膀後戴拉克洛的牢房看了看。布特正在鎖門,在牢房裡面,我們仍然可以清楚地聽到戴拉克洛的咯咯笑聲。波西臉上一片烏雲密布。我想告訴他,你這是種瓜得瓜,可又覺得這不是說教的好時機。 至於他他開口了,可沒把話說完就離開了,他低著頭,走進儲藏室,去找乾淨的褲子。 他可真漂亮啊,華頓的聲音飄忽不定。哈利讓華頓閉上臭嘴,不然非得按那些該死的規矩讓他去禁閉室了。華頓把胳膊交叉在胸前,閉上眼睛,像是要睡著的樣子。 Chapter nine 處決戴拉克洛的前一天夜裡,天氣分外炎熱潮悶,我六點來上班時,行政大樓預備室窗外的溫度計顯示的是華氏八十一度。簡直令人難以想像,十月末還有八十一度,而且西邊天空悶雷滾滾,就像七月似的。那天下午我在鎮上遇到教會的一個成員,他一臉嚴肅地問我,是否覺得這個不合時宜的天氣就是末日來臨的跡象。我說我覺得肯定不是,不過我腦海裡閃過的是,這是戴拉克洛的末日。的確是,真的是。 Bill.道奇正站在通往操練場的門口,喝著咖啡,還抽了一會兒菸。 他朝四周看看,瞥見了我,說道,瞧,往這裡看。Paul.艾吉康。 情況怎樣啊,比利? good. 戴拉克洛呢? 不錯,他好像知道就是明天了,不過又像是不明白的樣子。你知道最後一天來臨前,他們大多數人是什麼樣子的吧。 我點點頭,華頓呢? 比爾笑了,真是個滑稽人物,和他相比,傑克.貝尼(註:美國著名喜劇演員,曾長期在廣播和電視上主持節目。)就像個教友派信徒了,他告訴羅爾夫.韋特馬克,說他從老婆下身吸到了草莓醬。 那羅爾夫怎麼說? 說華頓又沒結過婚,他腦子想的準是他老娘。 我也忍俊不禁,大笑起來。確實好笑,有點下流。能笑出來,還不感到有人在我下面的肚腸裡點火柴,就不錯嘍。比爾也和我一起笑著,還把剩下的咖啡都倒在了操練場上,那裡除了有幾個正慢吞吞走著的熟人外沒其他人,那幾個傢伙,大多在那裡都待了有上千年了。 遠處雷聲滾滾,閃電散布般地劃過陰沉的天際,比爾不安地仰頭望了望,停住了笑聲。 不過,說真的,他說,我不太喜歡這樣的天氣,總感覺有什麼事要發生了,不好的事情。 他沒說錯,那天晚上十點一刻左右,壞事發生了,就是波西殺了叮噹先生。 chapter Ten 開始時,除了炎熱外,那天夜裡似乎一切都很不錯,約翰.考菲和往常一樣安靜,野小子比利也表現得像是野小子比利,而戴拉克洛,他和電伙計在二十四小時之後不久就有一約,但他的情緒也不錯。 他明白即將發生在自己身上的事,至少具有最基本的理解。他最後一頓飯點了辣肉醬,還特意讓我通知廚房。告訴他們澆點辣汁,他說,告訴他們是那種真的能讓你喉嚨打顫、直喊痛快的東西,是綠色的,不是那種淡巴巴的玩意兒。那東西可他媽的真叫爽,第二天我都離不了廁所。不過我想這次會沒事的,不是嗎? (Note: The original text is in French.) 大多數人都擔心死後的靈魂會去哪裡,擔心得愚蠢而狂熱。可是在我問戴拉克洛關於最後一段時間裡需要什麼樣的精神撫慰時,他根本沒加理會。德爾想,如果舒斯特那個傢伙對大酋長畢特巴還不錯的話,那他對自己也不會差太多。不,我想你早就猜到了吧,他關心的是,是當他、當戴拉克洛離開後,叮噹會怎樣。死刑犯最後征程的前一天夜裡,我一般會長時間地和他們相處,不過這還是我第一次在這段漫長的時間裡盡想著一隻老鼠的命運。 德爾一幕接一幕地設想著,憑自己遲鈍的思維耐心地想著各種可能。 他自言自語,為自己的寵物老鼠設計將來,好像牠是要去上大學的孩子,還不停地把那個塗成彩色的線軸朝牆上扔去。每次扔過去,叮噹先生就會跳起來追過去,追上線軸,並把它推著滾回德爾的腳下。過了一會兒,我開始感到不安了,先是那個線軸砸向牆壁的聲音,接著是叮噹先生的爪子發出來的窸窣聲。雖然這只是個有趣的把戲,可它持續了九十多分鐘時間,而且叮噹先生一副不知疲倦的樣子。他間或停一下,喝點水恢復體力(戴拉克洛專門為此準備了一個咖啡杯的杯盤),或是嚼嚼粉紅色的薄荷糖碎塊,接著就又開始了。有幾次,我想叫戴拉克洛讓老鼠休息一下,話到嘴邊,還是沒說。每次我都提醒自己,他只有這一個晚上和明天與叮噹玩線軸遊戲,沒別的時間了。不過,到快結束時,我幾乎堅持不住這個想法了。你也知道原因的,要一遍一遍地反覆聽這種噪音,過不多久精神就會崩潰。所以我還是開口了。這時,我覺得總有什麼事情似的,就回頭往牢房門外看了看,約翰.考菲站在綠里對面他的牢房門口,對我搖著頭:向右,向左,向後,再回到原位,好像他看透了我的心思,在提醒我要三思。 我想,可以把叮噹先生送給德爾的那位老處女姨媽,就是那個給他寄來大包糖果的人。把那個彩色的線軸也送過去,甚至包括那個房子,我們會為此募捐的,這樣嘟嘟就可以放棄那個王冠牌雪茄盒。不,這樣不行,戴拉克洛想了片刻(他已經至少有五次把線軸扔到牆上,而叮噹先生就把它用鼻子拱著或是用爪子推著送回來),做出了如此的回答。赫米溫妮姨媽太老了,她沒法欣賞叮噹先生的活潑,而且,如果叮噹先生比她長命呢?那時該怎麼辦?不,不行,不能給赫米溫妮姨媽。 好吧,我問自己,那麼,假如我們當中有人接管他呢?我們這些看守? 我們可以把他養在E區裡。不,戴拉克洛說。對我的這個想法,他和善地表示了感謝,這是當然,可叮噹先生是一隻渴望自由的老鼠。他,戴拉克洛明白這一點,因為叮噹先生已經(你也猜到了吧)在他耳邊輕輕地說過這個意思了。 行,我答道,我們當中會有一個人把他帶回家,德爾,也許是迪恩吧,他家有個小男孩,準會喜歡寵物老鼠的,我想。 一想到這個,戴拉克洛的臉色就真地嚇得慘白了。讓一個小孩來照顧像叮噹先生這樣的齧齒類天才?上帝啊,憑什麼能指望一個孩子來訓練老鼠呢,更別說教他新本事了!假如孩子沒了興趣,連著兩三天忘記餵他了怎麼辦?戴拉克洛,這個為了掩蓋自己最初的罪行而燒死了六個人的傢伙,居然像狂熱的反活體解剖者一樣,有著如此敏感的厭惡情緒,並為之顫慄不安。 好吧,我說,我自己來照料他(要答應他們所有事情,切記,在他們最後的四十八小時裡,要答應一切)。How about it? 不,長官,艾吉康頭兒,德爾很抱歉地說。他又把線軸扔出去,它撞到牆上彈了回來,打著轉,接著,叮噹先生就立即輕快地跳了上去,用鼻子把它拱回戴拉克洛那裡。非常感謝,非常感謝,可是你生活在樹林裡,而叮噹先生害怕住在森林裡,我知道的,因為 我想我明白你是怎麼知道的,德爾,我說。 戴拉克洛點點頭,微笑著,不過我們會想出法子來的,準會的!他把線軸扔出去,叮噹先生俐落地追過去。我盡力忍著。 最後,布特解救了窘況。他已經在值班桌那裡,正在和迪恩與哈利打牌。波西也在那裡,布特不停地試著找話題和他聊天,可得到的回答總是悶悶不樂的咕噥聲。布特終於不耐煩了,就閒逛到我這裡來,我正坐在戴拉克洛牢房外面的凳子上,他就站在那裡抱著胳膊聽我們講話。 去老鼠莊園怎樣?布特插話了,那時,由於我那令人恐懼的森林老房子,德爾剛回絕了我的好意。布特的語調很隨意,是那種本建議僅供參考的口吻。 老鼠莊園?戴拉克洛問。他驚訝而頗有興趣地看了看布特,什麼老鼠莊園? 就是佛羅里達那裡的一處旅遊勝地,他說,叫塔拉哈西,我想,對嗎,保羅?塔拉哈西? 沒錯,我說著,毫不遲疑,一邊想著,上帝保佑布魯特斯.霍韋。 就是塔拉哈西,就是沿公路下去,離小狗大學不遠。布特撇撇嘴,我想他要笑出來了,要穩不住腔調了,不過他還是控制住了,還點了點頭。 我暗想,事後我會去打聽那個小狗大學的。 這次德爾沒再扔線軸,儘管叮噹先生站在德爾的一隻拖鞋上,前爪都抬了起來,顯然是在等著再次追上去。那個法國佬看了看布特,接著把視線轉到我身上,又轉回布特那裡,老鼠莊園裡有什麼?he asks. 你以為他們會收叮噹先生嗎?布特問我,毫不理會德爾,但還是把他的注意力吸引住了,你覺得他有資格嗎,保羅? 我盡量表現出深思熟慮的樣子,你知道,我說,我越是想吧,就越覺得這似乎是個很不錯的主意。我從眼角瞥到波西正沿著綠里走過來(他避開華頓的牢房有好大的距離)。他站住腳,一邊肩膀倚在空牢房一側,聽著我們說話,嘴角露出一絲隱約的、輕蔑的微笑。 什麼是老鼠莊園?德爾問,急切想知道的樣子。 我說過了,是一個旅遊勝地,布特說,那裡有,哦,我也不清楚,大概有一百隻老鼠吧,你說是嗎,保羅? 這些天大概有一百五十隻了吧,我說道,那裡可真熱鬧啊,我想他們會考慮在加州再開一家的,就取名西部老鼠莊園,事業就是這麼發展起來的啊。我覺得,受訓的老鼠會成為這家智創產業的搶手貨,對此,我自己都沒弄明白呢。 德爾手拿彩色線軸,坐在那裡看著我們,一副入神的樣子。 他們只接收最聰明的老鼠,布特告誡道,那種能表演把戲的老鼠,他們不能是白色的,因為白的就像是寵物店買來的。 寵物店老鼠,沒錯,當然了!戴拉克洛激動地說,我討厭寵物店老鼠! 他們還有,布特說著,像在望著遙遠的地方,一邊遐想著,那種可以走進去的帳篷 對,對,就像是在內場裡!進去要花錢嗎? What are you kidding?當然要付錢了。每人一角錢,小孩兩分錢。而且那裡,嗯,整個城都是由膠木箱子和衛生紙捲搭成的,窗子是明膠的,你可以觀看他們在裡面的活動 Very good!Very good!戴拉克洛一陣狂喜,然後他對著我,什麼是面(明)膠? 就是爐子正面的那種東西,你可以通過它看到裡面,我說。 oh!這樣!真他媽的不錯!他對著布特,手指朝內鉤了鉤,示意對方繼續講下去,而叮噹先生的油亮的小眼睛也正在眼眶裡打轉,想一直盯著那個線軸,樣子非常滑稽。波西靠得更近了些,似乎想看得更真切點。我看見約翰.考菲對他皺著眉頭,但此時我完全沉浸在布特的幻想中,因此沒太在意這事。這當口,犯人想聽更刺激的東西,說真的,我也對布特欽佩不已。 嗯,布特說,那裡有老鼠城,可孩子們真正喜歡的是老鼠莊園的明星馬戲團,那裡的老鼠能蕩秋千,能滾小圓桶的,還有疊硬幣的 對了,太好了!叮噹先生就該去那種地方!said Delacroix.他兩眼放光,臉頰泛紅,我真覺得布魯特斯.霍韋聰明絕頂了。你終究會成為馬戲團老鼠的,叮噹先生!你會在佛羅里達的老鼠城裡生活!到處是面膠的窗戶!嚯呵! 他越發用力地扔出了線軸,它撞在了較低的牆面上,狠狠地彈回來,飛出了牢房的鐵欄,掉到了綠里上。叮噹先生急忙追上去,這時,波西看到機會來了。 不,你這傻瓜!布特喊著,可是波西毫不理會。叮噹先生剛抓到線軸(他太關注線軸了,沒注意到自己的宿敵正在一邊),波西抬起穿著硬邦邦的黑色工作鞋的腳,向老鼠踩下去。頓時,傳來了老鼠背脊斷裂的噼啪聲,鮮血從他嘴裡湧出來,黑黑的小眼睛暴突著,我從中看到又驚又痛的表情,這和人實在太像了。 戴拉克洛驚恐而痛苦地尖叫著,他衝到牢房的門邊,把兩隻手臂猛地伸出鐵欄,盡力朝外伸著,一遍又一遍地喊著老鼠的名字。 波西轉過來對著他,笑著,怎麼樣,他對著我們三個人說道,我知道他會落在我手裡,這是遲早的,只是時間問題罷了,真的。他轉過身,沿綠里走了回去,一副不急不慢的樣子,而叮噹先生就躺在綠里上,躺在自己那攤漾開的血泊中。
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