Home Categories Novel Corner Lotus Step by Step Volume 15: Xiao Guanfeng is waiting for many

Chapter 31 Chapter 590 Gemini Expansion

At present, Lin Pengyu, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, presided over the trial, Xu Xunshan, Minister of Dali Temple, and Cheng Si'an, the imperial envoy of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, attended the trial. Yang Hao, the king of Xixia, and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, and the dignitaries Xunqing attended the trial, and a hall was set up under the Golden Palace. The Golden Melon Warrior stood around with a murderous look, and the first person to summon him was Wang Shirong, the staff officer of Tuoba Hanchan from the Weiwu Department. Wang Shirong had captured Xiazhou before Yang Hao, and the Tuoba Hanchan brothers were vacillating, intending to intercept and kill Yang Hao when he was patrolling the camp. He had informed Yang Hao when he was young, and since then he has become a nail in Yang Hao's place in the Weiwu tribe.

As Tuoba Hanchan's staff and military adviser, Wang Shirong knew everything about him. After he was taken to the Golden Palace, he really knew everything, and he couldn't stop talking. Above the local government; how to enter Xiaoguan, recruit the Cangshi tribe, use the hands of the Tubo people to consume the strength of the Cangshi tribe, and force these two tribes to join Huyan Aobo; , provoke a big war; until how to kill the imperial envoy and destroy the imperial decree, it is clear. Tuoba Wu and his party were speechless after hearing this, and they just scolded Brother Tuoba Hanchan for not being up to date: Steam a hundred catties of noodles with a big birthday peach, you pair of trash snacks, your most trusted confidantes have taken refuge with the king, how can we do that? Intercede for you.

Lin Pengyu's face was as heavy as water, and he looked like a judge with a tough face. After listening to Wang Shirong's confession, he asked him to sign and draw a pledge in the hall, and took him aside, and then called for witnesses. People of all kinds, old and young, went to the main hall, crying, kneeling, crying for grievances, begging for supplication, and immediately regarded the main hall as a Xicheng vegetable market, full of noise and chaos. These people all have braided hair. After listening to them yelling for a long time, all the civil and military people understood that these people are the family members of the two tribes of the Cangshi tribe who were transferred to Xiaoguan. There is no doubt about how to borrow a knife to kill someone and design a frame.Their words are bloody, every sentence is tearful, everyone who hears it feels sympathetic, and they are also members of the Tuoba clan. Therefore, the Tuoba family always has a sense of superiority when facing the people of the Western Regions. Even if the people of their own family have some acts of bullying the weak, they don't take it seriously, but this time the victim is also from their own family, so they can't help feeling a little guilty timid.

Immediately afterwards, the two cousins, Tuoba Haofeng and Tuoba Haodi, also boarded the hall as plaintiffs, and told the story of how the Weiwu tribe provoked and attacked their tribe. Finally, the one who was brought to the hall was The wounded and defeated soldiers captured by the Wei Wu Department during the battle with the Cangshi Tribe, how arrogant and barbarous the Tuoba Hanchan brothers were, how they tore up the imperial decree and killed the imperial envoys were all confessed by them. Lin Pengyu recorded everyone's confessions one by one in the hall, asked them to sign and draw a deposit, then left the small table, turned back and bowed to Yang Hao and said: "My lord, I have ordered you to judge the Weiwu tribe for leaving without authorization, provoking the Cangshi tribe, and beheading Qin." The envoy, tore up the imperial edict, has no eyes on the king, and is involved in the case of conspiracy. Now that there are witnesses and material evidence, he will reply to the king.

Yang Hao took the high position and asked awe-inspiringly: "Is the evidence conclusive?" Lin Pengyu said in a deep voice: It is true! The facts are clear? clear! Alright, you are the Minister of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, let me tell you, what should Tuoba Hanchan and Tuoba Heshao be guilty of? Tuoba Wu and several tribal leaders looked at each other. Seeing this situation, he already knew that Yang Hao was determined to punish the pair of bastard brothers. He might be punished severely and imprisoned in Xingzhou. It is impossible to completely absolve them of their crimes. Right now, they can only find a way to reduce their guilt. It is best to pay some cattle, sheep and horses to atone for their crimes.

This side is secretly planning, Lin Pengyu has already said firmly: Tuoba Hanchan and Tuoba Heshao, in order to fulfill their own selfish desires, regardless of the overall situation, squeezed out and suppressed the Cangshi tribe, forcing their tribesmen to surrender to the enemy. This move is no different from being an enemy. I, Xixia Law, should be beheaded! Tuoba Wu and the others were shocked when they heard this, and their eyes widened. In their thinking, Yang Hao wanted to severely punish Brother Tuoba Hanchan, and the biggest punishment would be to confine them both in Xingzhou. Selecting a few more obedient sons, nephews and brothers to take charge of tribal affairs, never thought that there would be a death penalty, which was completely beyond their estimation.Just depriving these two of their powers and imprisoning Xingzhou, these chieftains and chiefs feel that it is serious, and now it is a capital offense?These people were there in shock for a moment, but they didn't make a sound to refute.

Lin Pengyu continued to say loudly: Tuoba Hanchan and Tuoba Heshao left their posts without an edict. If the imperial court hadn't found out in time and transferred General Yang Yanlang to garrison Douling, I, Xixia Xixia Pass, would have been taken by Tubo in Longyou. Such stupidity and absurdity, and the risk of causing endless disasters, the crime is three points more serious than fleeing the battle. Yang Shangshu, you are in charge of the military department. How should you be punished according to military law for such an act? Yang Jiye immediately replied: According to the military law, he should be beheaded!

Lin Pengyu turned around and said to Yang Hao: Tuoba Hanchan and Tuoba Heshao left the camp without authorization, and fought against the Cangshi tribe to fight for the grassland and pastures. In this battle, ninety-four people from both tribes were killed and disabled. Sixty-three people were killed, and hundreds of people were injured lightly and seriously. According to my Xixia law, they should be beheaded! Tuoba Hanchan and Tuoba Heshao, after committing a series of serious crimes, still don't know how to repent, they even tore up the imperial decree, beheaded the imperial envoy, and made an enemy of the imperial court. This action is no different from rebellion, according to my Xixia law, they should be beheaded!

Tuoba Hanchan and Tuoba Heshao committed heinous crimes, and they were punished for several crimes, and they should be executed according to the law! Yang Hao swept his eyes away, and asked in a deep voice: Dali Temple, Metropolitan Procuratorate! The minister is here! Is the penalty sentencing appropriate? Exactly! Yang Hao glanced at Tuoba Wu and the others who were dumbfounded, and said sharply: "In this case, the lonely king agrees, Tuoba Hanchan and Tuoba Heshao will be killed at the Meridian Gate in ten days' time!" Tuoba Wu turned pale with shock, took a step forward and said, "My lord!

Before he finished speaking, all civil and military officials who had been watching coldly fell to their knees and shouted: Your Majesty is wise, I will obey the order! These people seemed to have discussed it in advance, and they shouted together, shaking the roof tiles, Tuoba Wu felt a chill in his heart, and he didn't say the following words. Yang Hao sat down slowly, sighed softly, and said with a look of compassion: Tuoba Hanchan, Tuoba Heshao committed a heinous crime, and should be executed.But they are guilty, but the thousands of people of Weiwu tribe are innocent. This king can't let these thousands of people be displaced and homeless because of the crime of Tuoba Hanchan brothers.Once these two people died, how would the thousands of people of the Weiwu tribe be resettled?Kind of a bachelor, do you have a good plan?

Tuoba Qingyun is an old man, and he can see that Tuoba's arrogance has offended everyone and aroused Yang Hao's true anger, and Tuoba's internal discord, Tuoba Cangmu, Li Jitan, Li Tianlun and others are clearly dead. He was determined to follow the king, so he approached Tuoba Wu, and was about to whisper to him to be patient, and went back to ask his clan uncle Li Zhiyi for advice, when he heard this, he was startled: Could it be that this is not the end? , Your Majesty actually wants to make Wei Wubu completely disappear from the world? Yeah and give it! Go, kill! Ido Corina ten ways! Kill those dwarfs! On the hillside, the two teams rushed towards each other, shouting and fighting together. The average size of one team is only a little more than 1.5 meters, and some of them are about 1.6 meters tall. Most of them are holding bamboo spears. Every ten people has a leader with a long knife. Although he is short in stature, he is also solid. Powerful and flexible.Most of them wore simple clothes, simple rattan armor, and a pair of straw sandals on their feet, like a group of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. On the opposite side of them, there is a group of tall and burly heroes. The average height of these people is more than two heads taller than these dwarfs. They are all burly and have a variety of weapons in their hands. Tiancha, one-handed simple knife, red tasseled gun, and many other weapons such as copper mace and steel whip. Behind them, there are two people standing firmly. One is about fifty years old, with a steady look, a majestic bearing, and slightly gray hair, but standing there like a gun. Beside him is a With her hair combed into a ponytail, a beautiful girl in black clothes, skin as white as snow, wearing tights, with a short sword on her waist, watching the battlefield situation leisurely. Of these two people, one is Zhang Xinglong, the former leader of the Bianhe Gang, and the other is Zhe Ziyu, the fifth son of the Zhe family. After Zhe Ziyu arrived in Japan, he suddenly found that although the people here were uncivilized, and the so-called lords, large and small, seemed like a joke, but the resources here were very rich, especially the gold and silver mines, some of which were open-pit mines at all. However, many lords, due to extremely limited production capacity, occupy Baoshan empty-handed, but still live like beggars. Zhe Ziyu immediately came up with their idea. Liao Kingdom and Song Kingdom are still separated from Xixia to Japan. They don’t have access to the sea. The precious metals were safely transported to Hexi, but seeing such a huge amount of wealth can be easily grasped, but because of this little difficulty, let it go easily, that is not Zhe Ziyu's character, regardless of whether he can use it in the future, first put these things away It is reasonable to occupy the gold and silver mines. If the local lords had strong military force, Zhe Ziyu might use cooperation to share the benefits, but when she found out that the hundred gang brothers brought by the boss of the Bianhe Gang, Zhang Xinglong, could dominate the group of monkeys At that time, a more cost-effective method was easily presented in front of her. She began to incite Zhang Xinglong to turn him into the master, emptied lord Fujiwara, annexed other lords, and started the road of expansion in foreign countries.Originally, Zhang Xinglong didn't mean that, but because of the loyalty of the world, Fujiwara enshrined him like a living ancestor, and now he turned his face and kicked him out of the stage and became the master of the house, he was a little embarrassed.Secondly, it was also influenced by the traditional concepts of the upper kingdom of the Central Plains. In his mind, being a rich man in the Central Plains was more comfortable than being a local emperor in this kind of place. He didn't plan to live here for a long time. But an incident that happened in Song State changed his mind and made him accept Zhe Ziyu's suggestion happily.On the other side of the Song Dynasty, a vigorous purge campaign was launched between the government and the opposition. Affected by the case of Zhao Guangmei, veterans in the court were dismissed from office, exiled in exile, and there were many people who saw some signs of resignation and returned to their hometowns. Song Qi Jiayan Cheng Yu and other ministers of Jin Wang's Qiandi came to power one after another, holding important positions in the court. The turmoil quickly spread to the people, and Zhao Guangyi began to attack the Four Gangs of Heyun.Back then when Bianliang was short of food and the imperial court was helpless, he knew exactly how much the Four Gangs of Water Transport had played in it. How could he let a group of rivers and lakes gangs control the lifeline of the country?That time when he returned to the palace from Liu Duo'er in Ruxuefang, he happened to see Zhang Xinglong openly claiming that he was in Xueliang. fear. This time the princess, Queen Song, and Zhao Defang fled out of Beijing, using nothing more than vehicles, boats and horses, involving gangs such as river and land transportation. The lifeline is no longer under the direct control of the court.Immediately after, the battle between the Zheng family and the Cui family revealed more problems in the various businesses of the car and boat shop. These two families intend to use Song Ting's hand to destroy each other's power, and they keep leaking and exposing each other's business industry. With such a huge economy, it is difficult to guarantee that business will abide by the laws of the country everywhere. Once those tricks of smuggling and tax evasion are leaked, they will be punished. Under the severe sanctions imposed by the imperial court, the two sides used force and economic means to fight secretly, and overtly borrowed the imperial sword to kill people. The fight was very enjoyable, but Zhao Guangyi profited from it.These businesses will inevitably involve the Four Gangs of Water Transport. After mastering the real evidence, Zhao Guangyi began to use strong medicine. Xue Liang lived in Japan for half a month, worried about his brothers in Bianliang, so he returned to the Central Plains. After he went back, Bianliang in Tokyo had changed, and the Four Gangs of Water Transport had become rats crossing the street. Unless he wants to raise the flag to rebel, facing the attack of the state apparatus, he has no power to resist. In desperation, Xue Liang simply took the brothers he found and went eastward again. This time, Xue Liang brought nearly 10,000 people, so many people needed to eat, drink, wear, and use. No matter how rich Zhang Xinglong's family was, he couldn't sit still. He was still hesitant after hearing Zhe Ziyu's words, but now he immediately followed suit.The population of nearly 10,000 people, excluding the old and the young, includes no less than 4,000 strong fighters, and they don't even need to do anything to overthrow Lord Fujiwara. With just a wink, Fujiwara will obediently let him go, but he still has a name at the moment. This is also for the sake of convenience. When the strength is large enough, the nominal lord will not be important. This is how the expansion began. Fuso’s gold mines are stored in almost all of Honshu and most of Shikoku Island. In terms of large-scale concentrated reserves, they are mainly concentrated in the northeast of Honshu, which is the so-called Oshu area. Silver mines are even more abundant, especially in Iwami Country, which has the highest reserves. There is almost no need to find out. If you choose a hill in the mining area and go down with a hoe, you can dig up silver ore. After a little smelting, it will be a good silver ingot, which is a bit like an open-pit silver mine. Based on what he learned, Zhe Ziyu began to attack the lords from far and near, and gave gifts to the royal family who were not valued by the lords to show respect, and at the same time began to expand in a planned and targeted manner. These lords sit on the treasure mountain and don’t use it. One is the lack of corresponding production technology, and the other is limited manpower. Mining requires a lot of manpower, and more importantly, it needs stability near the mining area. Not only do the lords lack manpower, but they often fight with each other. Naturally, it cannot be produced with peace of mind. Zhe Ziyu acted as a military advisor and encouraged Zhang Xinglong to go on expeditions in the name of Lord Fujiwara. The lords who surrendered were fine, and the lords and their warriors who were disobedient would be demoted to slaves once they were defeated and let them go to mine. As for the refining technology, Bian The people of the River Gang come from all walks of life in the three mountains and five mountains. It is not difficult to find a few masters of smelting. Therefore, Lord Fujiwara suddenly became a celebrity among the lords of all sizes in the Japanese archipelago. For the crocodile Fujiwara. Right now, Lord Uesugi is fighting against the heroes of the Bianhe Gang. Lord Uesugi is a relatively powerful high-ranking samurai. He has more than 100 samurai under his command. The Bianhe gang is still not at the same level, and this decisive battle will soon end with the complete defeat of Lord Uesugi. At this time, it was still difficult for the Japanese lords to command a qualified army, or to use any tactics and tactics, and the people of the Bianhe Gang were not regular troops. The battles between the two sides used to be in the mode of group fighting. It's also hard to please. Now under Zhe Ziyu's training, these heroes of the rivers and lakes have learned how to advance when they hear the drum, and retreat when the gold is called. They gradually look like an army, and those lords are naturally no match for them. Zhang Xinglong looked at his son-in-law showing off his supernatural power, and was pleased with himself, but Zhe Ziyu's beautiful eyes kept watching a short warrior nervously.The soldier who looked very petite compared to the tall and burly Bianhe gang was wearing light leather armor, and even his face was wearing a helmet that covered his face tightly. This was Zhe Ziyu's copy of the European heavy armor under Yang Hao The equipment of the cavalry is remade, which can protect the safety of the soldiers to the greatest extent. But people dressed like this warrior are the only ones ahead on the battlefield, and if you observe carefully, you will find that there are a few men with exceptional skills around him, whether it is charging or retreating, or hitting the enemy's flank, they Always take this petite warrior as the core of protection, and completely revolve around him. After chasing for a while, seeing those dwarfs running away quickly, the warrior in full leather armor stopped chasing, turned around and walked back, and when she came to Zhe Ziyu, she lifted her helmet mask, revealing a sweaty pretty face, With willow eyebrows and almond eyes, a small cherry mouth, as pretty as a flower, she turned out to be Princess Yongqing. Zhe Ziyu was obviously relieved, and said with a smile: Actually, the princess doesn't have to fight in person. If the princess really wants to learn, she should also learn how to dispatch troops, arrange troops, learn the sword of the emperor and the sword of princes, not the sword of a man. Princess Yongqing shook her head, shook her hair tied into a ponytail and pulled out a handkerchief to wipe off the blood on the sword, put the sword back into its sheath with a snap, and then said coldly: Thousands of swords gathered together are the sword of the Son of Heaven.Besides, the Sword of Everyman can exercise a person's will, courage, and physique. I have to learn a lot, and the Sword of Everyman also needs to learn! Zhe Ziyu sighed softly. Ever since he knew about the death of Empress Song and Zhao Defang, this little princess had turned into a piece of ice, and he had never seen her smile again. Knowing how to untie her, maybe her heart knot can only be untied when she witnesses Zhao Guangyi's death. At this time, a short man dressed as a Japanese samurai quickly ran towards them, stood respectfully in front of them, bowed to Zhe Ziyu Fujian and said, "Fifth son, the person you asked to meet has arrived, by your order." , we just picked them up from the sea. oh?Zhe Ziyu raised his eyebrows, looked around, and saw another warrior in the distance, leading several burly men coming here. They were wearing rough leather jackets, and their foreheads and tops of their heads were completely shaved. , with a blue scalp that glistened in the sun, only half of her hair was braided into two long braids, tied with ribbons and hanging behind her head.Zhe Ziyu greeted him immediately
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