Home Categories Novel Corner Lotus Step by Step Volume 10: Northwest Bee Smoke

Chapter 29 Chapter 436: Two Couples

Zhe Ziyu didn't seem to have heard Yang Hao's words. She coughed, stepped forward, and pointed to the distance with a horsewhip: The northwest is known as bitter cold, but that is for the entire vast northwest land.As the saying goes, the Yellow River has all kinds of harm, but it is rich. This place has fertile soil and abundant water sources. As long as there is less war and chaos, and there is a wise owner to manage it, it will be a rice and grain river outside the Great Wall. Going west, there will be endless grasslands with lush water and grass. It can raise cattle, sheep, and war horses, and it can also do business with Dashi, Persia, and Tianzhu. If it is managed properly, it can become the Jiangnan of the Western Regions.

Yang Hao sighed secretly, kicked the horse's belly and followed. Zhe Ziyu said again: In terms of topography, Hexi is well-shaped, and it is also a place for heroes to use their talents. , It can be said to advance, attack, retreat, and defend.Now that Taiwei has obtained Yinzhou, Yinzhou and Lulingzhou echo each other from afar, Hengshan has been connected from north to south, and with the help of the two states of Linfu, among the Northwestern feudal clans, the only one who is qualified to compete with Li Guangrui and become the king of the Northwest is the Taiwei. Wei alone.I don't know what the Taiwei is going to do after he wins Yinzhou?

Yang Hao pondered for a while, and said word by word: stop fighting, build harmony with neighbors, repair water conservancy, promote farming, start business, expand animal husbandry, and recruit people from all over the world to settle in our house. Zhe Ziyu glanced at him appreciatively, and praised, "That's a very good statement."After the chaos, the people feel at ease, and if you can do this, you must be supported.In the chaos of great governance, whoever wants to cause chaos is the common enemy of the people under your rule. At that time, you can raise your arms and shout, and the whole people can be an army.It is very good to do so.However, the most difficult thing to conquer is the hearts and minds of the people, especially in the Western Regions, where all ethnic groups live together and each has their own affiliation. Even if they regard you as their co-lord, it is difficult for them to get along with each other as easily as the people in the Central Plains.When you have more people under your rule, all kinds of entanglements and disputes will arise, and if you are not careful, civil strife will arise. This must be guarded against.

Yang Hao's attention was finally attracted by her to his business, he nodded solemnly, and said: I know, for me, no matter how many enemies I have in the future, this is the most powerful enemy.It is not easy to solve this difficulty. For the people who have taken refuge in me in Luling Prefecture, I plan to establish household registration, pay taxes, establish marriages, establish laws, and promote Buddhism. He took a breath, and talked eloquently: I have already thought about this question.The various tribes in the Western Regions live together, and the previous superiors only controlled and wooed the leaders of all tribes and tribes. This saves effort, but once these leaders disagree, the people of their tribes will respond accordingly, and wars will break out.The establishment of household registration is a means to strengthen the direct control of the people of various tribes without touching too much power of the current tribal leaders.

Taxes, no matter how low the tax is set, must be paid, so that the people will gradually understand that there is a higher power above their tribal leaders.Especially children and newborn babies, if they know this from an early age, they will be able to subtly establish the position of Jiedushifu in their hearts. Taxes should be collected directly to households according to their household registration, bypassing the tribal leaders. Zhe Ziyu sighed softly: Your methods are not strong, and they are always within the range that others can accept, but every step you take, you have a long-term perspective, so that people will fall into your way unconsciously, without you For such an insidious leader, I really don't know whether it is a blessing or a disaster.

Yang Hao looked at her with a smile, his eyes flickered with a strange light: Don't you think this is a wise man?Isn't it a good thing to benefit the future by fundamentally solving the contradictions and disputes among the various ethnic groups?It is not wrong to say that I have a long-term perspective. The only advantage I have over others is not martial arts and martial arts, but to a certain extent, what I do can always see a longer-term perspective than them. This is one of my strengths. Innate instinct, other people can't learn it, you will understand it more and more in the future

Zhe Ziyu looked at him so strangely that he felt uncomfortable, what kind of talent and instinct, there was something in Yang Hao's words, and she had a sudden thought: He will use that talent and instinct to pre-empt his intentions for me, and focus on the long-term, right? Thinking that her every move, and even her future life, might be planned by others, and before she knew it, she would follow the plan step by step, Zhe Ziyu couldn't help shivering, and suddenly felt that Yang Hao is not as harmless to him as he looks on the outside, the proud little fox is a little furious Yang Hao didn't know that Zhe Ziyu would understand what he was referring to, and he explained: "When the law is established, all tribes and tribes, regardless of the Han, Qiang, and Tuhe, the judicial power must be controlled by Jiedu." The emissary, now that the tribes are in great chaos and are about to rely on my protection, they will make some concessions, and they will agree to this.

After mastering the judicial power, civil disputes, criminal cases, and many matters related to the vital interests of the people will be under the control of our Jiedushifu. This is the key to establishing the authority of the Jiedushifu. It can't replace the control of the tribal leaders over them, at least it can equalize it. And then there's the conscription.The people of all tribes in the Northwest are engaged in farming, hunting, and animal husbandry in peacetime, and they gather as soldiers in wartime. The agricultural foundation in the Northwest is weak. It is simply impossible to build a large standing army like the Central Plains. , at least not supported now.But a standing army must be established, not only to defend against foreign enemies, but also a necessary guarantee for the effective implementation of internal rule.

He seems to have really thought it through, and his eloquence is very fluent. He was silent for a while when he said this, and then said: building water conservancy, developing farming, developing industry and commerce, and animal husbandry. Cooperation and integration, marriage, and Buddhism are a good way to solve their differences in living customs and cultural concepts.A common life and common beliefs make it easy for them to identify with each other.But it takes time, a long time.But I am confident that I will go around the wrong paths and detours that many others will take. If I am allowed to implement governance in a peaceful manner, after enough time, this situation will completely change.

Zhe Ziyu said quietly: I'm afraid no one will just sit back and watch you be so powerful. Yang Hao smiled lightly and said: "Everything has advantages and disadvantages. If someone wants to launch a war against me, it will only strengthen my internal integration. Why should he be afraid?" Zhe Ziyu looked at Yang Hao again. The person in front of her was sometimes as shallow as a stream and sometimes as deep as an ocean. She really couldn't figure out how much Yang Hao's ambition and scheming skills had. At this time, Yang Hao sighed and murmured: But, so many things are easy to say, but not easy to do.I can't do this alone. I need people, I need a lot of talents, and I need a lot of talents who are willing to obey my orders and be used by me. I read it out of tune, talent

Of course there are talents. People who don’t know it often talk about the bitter cold land in the Western Regions, thinking that it is a barren land, and the people living there are barren and barbaric. In fact, this is not the case. This is the culture of Qin and Tang. The birthplace, since King Zhao of Qin established Longxi County, is an important place in the northwest. In the Tang Dynasty, Longxi was the largest military and cultural town west of Chang'an, with outstanding people. In the Tang Dynasty alone, there have been countless civil servants and generals since they entered the court. However, culture is in the hands of a few people. Most of these people are the children of wealthy families. Yang Hao will not use such people, but he cannot rely on them alone. Otherwise, even if he becomes the emperor, the only ones who will appear in front of him will be big and powerful family members, and there will be endless troubles. talent I'm not the emperor, and I can't open an imperial examination to recruit scholars from the people. Where should these talents come from? Li Yu raised his neck, drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, leaned over the desk drunkenly, and burst into tears suddenly. The former emperor of a country, the country was ruined, his family was destroyed, the ancestral temple and the country were gone, the people of Jiangdong paid all their help, his former courtiers blocked the door to collect debts, and his beloved wife was abused by others. Is there a more aggrieved person? After the bitch came back from the palace, after bathing and dressing up, he was still in the mood to visit the Qianjin Yixiao Building. Thinking of this, Li Yu was ashamed and angry, and swiped the wine glass and jug on the case vigorously, smashing it to the ground. That night, she also explained to herself that because the prince Dechong suddenly barged in, she was lucky enough to escape without being humiliated.There are strict rules in the palace, father and son are also monarchs and ministers, who dares to be so rude?When he was visiting concubines and maids in the golden red caves all over the Royal Garden in the harem of the Tang Dynasty, when did Crown Prince Zhong Yu dare to barge in? These days, she often goes to Qianjin Yixiao Building. Li Yu once made her cronies and family members secretly follow her there. Every time she entered the daughter country of Qianjin Yixiao Building, she would disappear for a period of time without knowing where she was or who she had met.Moreover, he also found out that when the present-day sage was in Zhao Guan's house and served as the governor of Nan Yafu, he often went to the Qianjin Yixiao Building. Now that he is the emperor, his whereabouts are kept more secret. Who knows if he will go? Thinking about it this way, could it be that Nvying has no sense of shame to have an affair with Zhao Guangyi? The more Li Yu thought about it, the more annoyed he became. When he thought about Xiao Zhouhou, he really wanted to kill her, but he didn't dare. It was easy to kill Nvying. How could he bear the emperor's anger?When he found out that Empress Xiao Zhou often went to the Qianjin Yixiao Tower, and the current emperor also often went to that place, he even called back the family members who were sent to follow Nvying, so what if they found out the truth?That man is not something he can resist, so why not embarrass himself? Today Nvying went to the Qianjin Yixiao Building again, presumably the official family has already gone, the two had a private tryst, and they were lingering to death The more Li Yu thought about it, the angrier he became, he yelled loudly, overturned the table in front of him, spilled the inkstone and jug on the floor, and the servant sneaked a look inside from outside the door, seeing that he drank his sorrows with wine every day, Today, the county magistrate, who was drunk again, was going crazy, so he stuck out his tongue and retracted his head. Li Yu raised his tear-stained face, looked at the opposite screen where the ladies and gentlemen were fluttering butterflies, and vaguely returned to the imperial garden of the Tang Dynasty, the poetic life of the spring breeze, warm rain, and falling catkins and flying geese.At that time, singing flowers and enjoying the moon, chanting scriptures and paying homage to Buddha, poetry and poetry, playing chess and painting, giving wine and banquets, singing and dancing, singing and dancing. Sorrows and sorrows welled up in my heart, and I couldn't help but chanted: When is the spring flower and autumn moon, how much do you know about the past, the small building was windy last night, and the homeland can't bear to look back in the moonlight. The carved railings and jade masonry should still be there, but Zhu Yan has changed.I ask you how much you can worry, just like a river of spring water flowing eastward Li Yu murmured, closed his eyes and wept, and suddenly a burst of footsteps came into his ears gently, and Li Yu shouted: "Who let you in?"Get out! At this time, his nose smelled a faint fragrance, which was the smell of a female hero. Li Yu felt as if he had been struck by lightning, and his back suddenly stiffened, like a cat that had encountered a natural enemy. He arched his back and whirred Panting for a long time, I still dare not open my eyes. He didn't dare to look at Nvying's charming face, her graceful body, which was supposed to be his exclusive beauty, but now it was taken by someone who was stronger than him and made him The irresistible man snatched her away, but he could do nothing, he didn't dare to look at Nvying again, seeing her was like seeing his own shame, he just wanted to escape Li Yu's chest heaved and he gasped for a long time, then he suddenly stood up and staggered towards the back of the house. stop! Xiao Zhou stopped drinking, his voice full of sorrow. This man is her man, the only man who has been with her since she was fifteen years old. In her heart, he is full of beauty, amazing talent, and the best man in the world. Since then, he has disappointed her more and more.There is no undefeated hero in the world. When he meets a more powerful enemy, it is not impossible for him to subjugate his country. He does not have to be the strongest man in the world to be called a man, but even if he is defeated, he should live with integrity and live like an upright person , His cowardice, selfishness, and narrow-mindedness were all things she couldn't see before, but now they can be seen clearly in front of her. Li Yu stopped and didn't look back. Xiao Zhou looked back, walked over and grabbed his wrist, and said: Come with me! Li Yu was furious, his sensitive genius heart was already riddled with holes, and he could no longer stand any stimulation. When did Nvying speak to him in such a tough tone?Could it be that he is so majestic after climbing up to that person and becoming his shady underground lover? Li Yu shook his hand heavily, and shouted: This is still my home, I can go wherever I want, why should I go with you? Xiao Zhou was stunned, tears quickly filled her eyes, she sobbed and said, "You've been hungover all day, apart from complaining about yourself, what have you done for this family?"Didn't you just want to be happy at the beginning, and didn't know how to seek treatment, so that the country was ruined and the family was destroyed, and you were detained like a prisoner?You only know how to complain, but have you ever stood up and done something for this family? When Xiao Zhouhou got angry, Li Yu's arrogance disappeared immediately, he turned around angrily, and walked away, Xiao Zhouhou hurriedly chased after him. What are you talking about? Li Yu's eyes widened in horror, his back was full of cold sweat, and he woke up from the drunk: absconded out of Beijing?These days, you often go to the Qianjin Yixiao Building, not to have a tryst with officials, but to discuss this matter with others? Xiao Zhouhou's almond-shaped eyes widened, and he said in disbelief: What did you say?Do you think that when I went to the Qianjin Yixiao Building, I was having sex with others and doing that lewd and immoral act? Li Yu knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, but he remained silent.After Xiao Zhou stared at him for a long time, he sneered and said: Hello, hello, so you think of me, Zhou Nuying, so filthily.I wonder why you are frowning, you are hungover every day, so you thought hey!Since you thought I was going to have a tryst with an official, why didn't you use your majesty as the head of the family and a dignified husband to catch the adulterer and adulterer?Is your only ability to drink away your sorrows and show off your prestige in this small room? Li Yu was ashamed by what she said, and begged: Don't talk about it, you don't know how much suffering I have suffered these days When Xiao Zhou saw his haggard appearance, with traces of white hair showing on his sideburns, his heart softened, and he immediately shut up.However, Li Yu held her hands in both surprise and joy, and said emotionally: "Nvying, you are planning to escape from Bianliang. It seems that you really have nothing to do with the official family. I blamed you." Xiao Zhouhou said faintly: Of course you are very happy with me, I know.But in your eyes, what is the difference between me and an ancient painting, a rare book, a guqin, or a strange flower that you cherish?When have you ever thought that I am also a living person and have my thoughts, and when have you understood my heart.Saying that, Xiao Zhou couldn't help but shed tears. Li Yu blushed and said: Nvying, it's her husband's fault, it's all her husband's fault.That day when you entered the palace to pay homage to your empress, was it true that you were not insulted by the officials for your innocence? Xiao Zhou was furious, shook off his hand and shouted: Is this the only thing you care about?Have you ever cared about my life and death?How can you know this?If I was really humiliated by Zhao Guangyi, do you want to seek justice for your wife, or divorce me with a divorce letter? Li Yu said calmly: Of course I take you seriously, if I don't care about you, how can I ask this matter? Xiao Zhou looked at him contemptuously, and then sighed helplessly: I have said that that day the prince De Chong went looking for him like crazy for some reason, and the palace servants couldn't stop him, Zhao Guangyi Helpless, I had no choice but to let me go and take the prince in, so I escaped the catastrophe. Li Yu was overjoyed, and said repeatedly: That's good, that's good, Nvying, I really blamed you. Xiao Zhou said sadly: "But I can escape for a while, but I can't escape forever. If I can hide this month, what should I do next month?"A subjugated woman is as cheap as a poor woman.If Zhao Guangyi wants to use force on his concubine, who is a weak woman, how can he resist?Only then did he find a way to escape. As soon as he talked about escaping, Li Yu became nervous again: Today, the world is in the hands of the Song Dynasty, where can we escape?Dali?Khitan?Or overseas Korea and Japan?Can we get away?Once the officials find out, they will send a large army to chase us, and we will be hard-pressed to fly. If we fall into the hands of the officials at that time, there will be no way out. Xiao Zhou held back her breath and said: Then, what can my husband do?When I entered the palace for pilgrimage, my concubine was humiliated by Zhao Guangyi, so you swallowed your anger and continued to be your Duke of Longxi? Li Yu's face was flushed with embarrassment. Hearing her mention Longxi, he suddenly thought of something again and wondered: No, Yang Hao is also a courtier of the Song Dynasty. Why did he take the risk to save you and me?Well, he generously donated money, funded me, and made arrangements early, risking his life to let you and me take refuge, is it possible Xiao Zhou didn't know much about the reason behind this, and when he heard that he seemed to have noticed something, he couldn't help but his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked: Could it be something? Li Yu said suspiciously: Could it be that Yang Hao also coveted your beauty and wanted to hit you? Xiao Zhouhou's eyes widened, his face gradually revealed an expression of anger, suddenly raised his jade palm, and slapped Li Yu's face!
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