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Chapter 19 Second, when bending

man's secret 波‧庫塞特 2020Words 2023-02-05
When new misfortunes strike, the broken places are only just being glued together (as described in the previous chapter).Because while flipping through an old, richly illustrated work of human anomaly, I found a portrait of a sad-eyed man with a penis so contorted I couldn't imagine what to do with it let alone satisfy a woman.I immediately took up my pen and wrote to Cusette.Within two days I had the following report from him: It is a pity that the book is very old, otherwise, as you have recounted to me, perhaps we could have rescued this man from his misfortune.Now, he is just an illustration of a poor, powerless human being; the surgical skills of his day were not yet capable of helping him.What nature has done to men to make their lives so miserable.I'll try to make a short review for you.

Peyronie's disease On the shaft of the penis, an irregular, possibly calcified scar develops between the two cavernous bodies. During an erection, this scar does not expand so that the penis curves toward the abdomen, to the left or to the right. The frenulum, located just below the pubic edge, is also involved in every erection.At the top of the penis, between the two cavernous bodies, is a strong band that bends the penis slightly upward when erect.This firm twist and upward pull allow the penis to enter the vagina easily.But this beautiful arc can produce two opposite anomalies: an upward curve, or a downward curve.I'll start with upward bending, a condition known as Peyronie's disease.An upwardly curved penis, like a crooked finger, curves toward the abdomen and may be to the left or right.In the early stages of the disease, you will feel pain when you get an erection.After a few months, the pain disappeared, but the curvature remained.Depending on the degree of curvature, sexual intercourse may be hindered or even impossible.What happens is this: For some unknown reason, a hard lump of connective tissue, of varying length and width, develops on the top of the penis between the two cavernous bodies.It may spread down the penis, causing tightening, or it may impede blood circulation, which in turn leads to insufficient firmness or even inability to achieve an erection.Men with this type of trouble come to me and they are quite surprised when I ask them to show me the palms of their hands. A rare but occasionally occurring case: Penis with Peyronie's disease Man, he develops similar hard masses of connective tissue in the palms of his hands, so that the fingers, especially the ring and little fingers, are bent and can no longer be fully straightened.

hypospadias The urethra is not fully developed and the opening is somewhere between the glans and scrotum. Treatment depends on the degree of curvature.If it is mild, you don't need treatment, just observe for a period of time.Treatment with high units of vitamin E or colchicine (Colchicine) is sometimes effective at first, and irradiation or cortisone injections have undue effects.If the hard lump of connective tissue has developed to the glans, the end of the penis will not harden when you get an erection.At this time, it is probably difficult to be effective.In the previous practice, such hard lumps of connective tissue were excised, and after excision, the space between the cavernous bodies was filled with transplanted tissue, such as tissue from the scrotum.The proliferation of these tissue discs will tighten the surrounding blood vessels, the septum that should be relaxed cannot be fully expanded, and the guiding blood vessels are insufficiently dilated, so that backflow occurs.

However, modern techniques are much simpler and more effective.In moderate bends, the opposite side of the bend is shortened with a pull-up suture.Then, in an erection, the penis is no longer in a curved position because it is completely straightened by the shortened side.Although the penis will become shorter because of this, its function will not decrease at all, and it will be in the normal position.Since the suture does not break down, it can still be felt in the walls of the corpus cavernosum after healing.In severe cases of curvature, hardened lumps of connective tissue are obliquely cut to lengthen the curved and shortened side of the penis.

The undeveloped part of the urethra is replaced by a bundle of connective tissue that bends the penis during an erection. It goes without saying that this type of surgery relies on experienced and professional urologists.Otherwise, complications such as foreskin or even partial penile necrosis can occur which can no longer be corrected.In this way, although the curvature disappeared, the part of the penis that was invaded by bacteria also disappeared at the same time.Fortunately, such cases rarely happen.More common is calcification of the tissue, which then forms the baculum.So, the third leg story isn't entirely made up. In such a sticky situation, allow me to make a urological joke.

One more point: In the middle of a significant mass of tissue forming, difficulty getting an erection can sometimes compound the problem.At this time, it is necessary to install an artificial penis. Hearing the second example, which means that the penis is innately bent toward the feet, most male readers will breathe a sigh of relief.This has to do with disturbances in the earliest stages of physical development.From the description of the anatomical diagram of the penis, you should remember that there is a spongy body connected to the glans below the two cavernous bodies and around the urethra.Sometimes this one sponge is not fully developed.In such cases, the opening of the urethra is not at the tip of the glans, but somewhere below.This type of abnormality is called hypospadias.Some men have the opening of the urethra where it should, but the entire urethra is shorter.During an erection, the lower part is underextended so that the penis curves downward like a spade.This can make penetration of the penis into the vagina a painful and sometimes impossible task.However, such instances are potentially treatable, exactly as with upward bending.Only in this example, the upper part of the penis is shortened so that the lower part is automatically straightened.

PS: I heard Jen say, you've been asking lately why I keep talking about sex and intercourse and stuff like that and never about birds.For I think the word bird is vulgar and vulgar in describing the joy of love.That's why.Agree?
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