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Chapter 42 Bold wild flowers along the road

Flattery 心悟 1058Words 2023-02-05
As the prime minister, Lu Buwei is under one person and above ten thousand people, and he is full of authority with a single call.Little King Qin was completely at his mercy and was played by him.At this time, Lu Buwei recalled his old love with the former Ai Ji and today's Queen Mother.He couldn't suppress his lust, so he secretly left an affectionate letter to the queen mother when he entered the palace to discuss matters, reminiscing about the past reunions, missing the former love, stating the current loneliness, and longing to relive the old dreams.The Queen Mother was originally a lewd person. After the death of King Zhuang Xiang, she was already very lustful. When she saw Lu Buwei's letter to recount her previous love, she fell in love with her.Since then, when the Queen Mother made an appointment with the Xiangguo to discuss matters, or the Xiangguo entered the palace to play an event, Lu Buwei used the name of state affairs to frequently go in and out of Ganquan Palace.

Qin Wangzheng grew up day by day, and he had his own opinions on how to do things. He didn't want to be a puppet forever, and the arbitrary manipulations of the Queen Mother and Lu Buwei were no longer completely effective.At this time, Lu Buwei was particularly worried that Qin Wangzheng would discover his ambiguous relationship with the Queen Mother, and he was worried and worried every day.If the matter is exposed, the news spreads, and the king of Qin learns about it, then his half-life painstaking efforts, and his current status, reputation, power, and money will all go to waste.Therefore, he wanted to end his affair with the queen mother as soon as possible.But at this time, the queen mother was burning with lust and lust, and was alone, which was unbearable.From time to time, she would find all kinds of excuses and call him into the palace for a tryst.Lu Buwei was anxious, afraid and unable to refuse.But this is by no means a long-term solution.He knew that if he wanted to get away from the queen mother, he had to find a substitute for himself as soon as possible. This was the surest way.This substitute was quickly found by him, and he was the notorious prostitute Lai Du in history.

Lai Du is a veteran in Fengyuechang, who often has affairs with lewd women, hangs out in teahouses and restaurants, and wanders among prostitutes.Lu Buwei found out that Lao Du was used to looking for flowers and asking willows, so he took him in as a guest in the mansion, waiting for an opportunity. At this time, there was a big song and dance in Xianyang city. Musicians from the city and the four villages came out to play, singers came out to sing, and maikos came out to dance.The common people also entertained themselves, they could perform to their heart's content, and people in the court also came out to watch. Lai poison is a big yin (referring to male genitalia), and Lu Buwei let her walk with her yin-guan Tonglun, so that the queen mother could smell it and eat it (to seduce it) ) Empress Dowager.The small wheel made of paulownia wood made a loud sound. During the noisy singing and dancing, the queen mother really heard it, and knowing what kind of person Lai Du was, she wanted to get him in private.Knowing that he was Lu Buwei's disciple, he discussed the matter with Lu Buwei.Lu Buwei said: The queen mother wants to keep this person by her side, so I can present it to you.He made further suggestions: I sent someone to report him for a serious crime and sentenced him to corruption.The queen mother secretly paid a lot of money to buy the execution officials, performed false castration, and then pulled out his male eyebrows. On the surface, he looked like a real eunuch, so that he could enter the palace and serve the queen mother.

The queen mother felt that this method was much better than fooling around with Lu Buwei, so she completely adopted Lu Buwei's suggestion, and under the direction of Lu Buwei, it was realized step by step.From then on, Lu Buwei escaped from the queen mother, and Lao Po stayed in the palace as a fake eunuch, serving the queen mother in the open, but her concubine in secret. Lu Buwei, who has a strong desire for power and wealth, used this method to get rid of the entanglement of the queen mother and please the queen mother, which really killed two birds with one stone.
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