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Chapter 91 Chapter Two

Flattery 心悟 700Words 2023-02-05
Except for some exceptions, the business process of general for-profit companies should adopt a top-down approach, that is, the boss leads the subordinates to do things. If a subordinate is too prominent and strives for the limelight, he will often be rejected by his colleagues and the target of resentment, and it will also give his boss a sense of uneasiness like a thorn in his back.In this way, it is very difficult to do something smoothly.Instead of this, why not be humble, but the boss is the only one to look forward to? ! For example, as soon as you have a good idea, disclose it to your boss, and let it become the boss's insight and release or implement it, that is, follow the top-down approach.In this way, not only will there be no exclusion among colleagues, but the boss will also be happy.It's also a way to flatter your boss.

In addition, it is natural for a superior to ignore the opinions of his subordinates.As a subordinate, you must have this kind of psychological preparation at any time, and don't just strive to the end.In this way, apart from shaping oneself into the target of others and deepening the hatred of the boss, it can be said to be of no benefit. On the contrary, as long as the boss's concept is not too outrageous, you must show approval and actively support the attitude, as if you are the boss's answer. Even if there is a good idea to provide to the boss, it should be attributed to what the boss once said, taught, etc.Even if the idea is your own new idea, you must not be arrogant because of it.

The Jews who dominate the world economy have such a famous saying: You can ask others to praise yourself, but never use your own mouth to praise yourself. Fish always take the bait because of their greedy mouth. Similarly, people can also use their mouths to make them submit. Don't forget the orderly rules. When you have ideas or opinions to provide to your boss, don't take credit for it. It is best to add a sentence to ask the manager to make amendments and supplements. Self-righteousness, excessive pursuit of merit, and showy performance, on the surface, indeed attract attention, but if you are not careful, you may suffer a catastrophic defeat.Since you are a member of a group, why not be humble and maintain good interpersonal relationships. Success may be slow but solid.

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