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Chapter 105 Chapter 7 Into the Arms: The Art of Quick Intimacy

Flattery 心悟 3777Words 2023-02-05
In real life, you will definitely find that women are easy to catch up with trends, and they like to follow no matter what trend is.If a woman is unsure about paying attention to a guy, the best way to speed them up at this time is undoubtedly to let another girl pursue this guy.At this time, the girl will make a quick decision at one point and make up her mind to date her quickly.I deeply feel that if a man does not have girlfriends, it is difficult for him to have one; but if he has one, it is very easy to get a few more.This tells us that women judge by intuition, so you have to master their psychology.

That being the case, we men also have the art of flattering them.In women's sensory world, they focus on fun.Therefore, if a male friend wants the girl you like to like you quickly, he should date her like this: seeing her for a long time is not necessarily a good thing. method.What I mean is that when it comes to dating, many men tend to make such a mistake: they think that it is not easy to catch a woman, and once they do, they must seize the opportunity to hang out with her for a while and have fun .In fact, this is not the case. This kind of thinking of not knowing whether there will be a next time is wrong.Just imagine, if you can't catch other girls emotionally, even if there is a next time, so what?Isn't it useless to be anxious?

The backwardness of concepts in marketing is the biggest backwardness.This is also quite appropriate for shooting women. Women are particularly alert when they first meet a man.If you're dating too long, it's bound to create a fatigue battle where both of you end up getting bored, which can have unattractive results.Shorten the time, increase the quantity, pay attention to the quality, this is our means of benefit.After all, the more times you meet, the more you can consider whether the other party can cooperate with your time, or you can cooperate with her time to date for the other party.

If your appointment time is one hour, then please design your appointment ideas first.For example, what topics to talk about and what to do tonight.How to make it interesting and so on.It is more powerful to be confident in advance than to hold Buddha's feet temporarily.If she notices that you are willing to sacrifice your precious time for her, then she will have a sense of being valued and loved that she has never had before. In addition, due to the limited time, the conversation between the two of them ended before they could finish it, which inevitably left some suspense for the woman, and a sense of anticipation was born from this, thus laying a solid foundation for the next date.By the time of the next date, she must have changed into a well-dressed dress.At this time, you can change the place to talk and let her feel that you are good at handling affairs and good at pursuing novelty, so that the distance between you will be greatly shortened by one step.

When you are facing a woman you like very much and are nostalgic for it, you must be clear-headed at this time, and pay attention: say goodbye to her when she is most interested in your topic. The method is dead, but the person is alive. After comprehending, be flexible.In some cases, it's also possible to devise a way to make a date with her to fulfill your wishes.According to my personal experience, there are many girls who usually reject men thousands of miles away, and sometimes they will suddenly appear in front of you.At this time, you have to be very careful. Generally speaking, this is a way designed by women to test you, or a surprise attack when she is faced with a choice.

If at this time you are unsure and unable to understand clearly, then please say: Sorry, I have something to do today, so I can't go out with you.May I ask you out another day?There are two advantages to doing this, one is to avoid falling into a woman's trap, and the other is to make her feel that you have your own career and ideas.To put it bluntly, this is an art of flattery that is neither far nor near. The distance theory we discussed in the first part applies equally to the relationship between men and women.There is an old Chinese saying that haste makes waste.In fact, the more you alienate her as a man, the more secure you can hold her.It's like fishing.Many men with a gentle appearance often use his image to earn women's affection.Many women lose their virginity in the hands of such people.

why?It's the same old saying.These little white faces are very scheming and good at slapping women's ass.Many men don't understand women's psychology, and think that the only way to treat women is to obey and obey, which misunderstands what we call the principle of being a donkey.Blind obedience will make women feel that you have no personality of a man and lack freshness. In order to win the favor of women, a man must learn to be adaptable in addition to having a strong ability in career and dealing with the world.If you are hot to her for a while, cold for her for a while, far away from her for a while, and close to her for a while, she will be manipulated by your mystery in a confusing way.It turns out that the principles of marketing can also be used here.A slow-moving product will be dealt with at a reduced price while shouting loudly. A man's self-boasting, self-promotion and hard-selling will also cause women's contempt and resentment, so when flattering women, be careful and try to Slow work must be used.Slow work produces a skillful craftsman!

Because women are mostly passive, they always like to push the responsibility on men in many cases.And when doing something, I also hope that men will come up with ideas and make decisions.That way, they will have room to justify their actions.If you understand this kind of psychology of women, then when you interact with her, please do more to her, which is something that she thinks is her own. The specific operation method can refer to the following tips: Before getting close to him, use an affirmative tone to do for her what she is unwilling, or what she is willing in her heart but refuses to admit.If she's slow to approve, or her tone is not firm, you need to be a little commanding.Don't think this is a bad way to flatter a horse. In many cases, a woman is unhappy on the outside, but in her heart she admires the choices you made for her.

When I was studying in a university in the south, there were many dance parties in that area, every weekend for three nights in a row.And there are a lot of male and female students dancing.At first I was reluctant to go because I couldn't dance, but after a classmate insisted, I went several times.Sure enough, the world inside is very exciting.I observed the situation after the ball was over, and it was even more interesting.Every time after eleven o'clock, both of them entered the grove together.Later, when a male classmate introduced his experience to me, he said: This is very easy to handle, you just can’t save face, think about it, you can’t let the girls come out first and go for a walk!This matter has to be initiated by the man, and it is your fault that any problems occur.I used to be very envious of the abilities of other male students, and felt that they were very good at courting women.In fact, as long as you are more courageous, more strides, and more free-minded, everything will be solved.

Once, I met a female classmate in the Chinese Department. After dancing a few songs, I invited her out for a walk when the dance was over. She always said: Next time, today is too late.I understood what she meant, going out with a man for the first time to dance is always a bit immodest, I saw her hesitation, so I simply made the decision for her: let's go!It's okay, I'll be back in a while.In this way we came to the grove.Let's not talk about the following things. Japanese writer Shintaro Ishihara, in his debut novel "The Season of the Sun", describes the free life of the boys when the Shonan tribe was still in the Sun tribe.They go boating when they want to, and swim when they want to.If you take your girlfriend out, you have to make your own decision.They do it, and the girls love it.

Don't think this is too arbitrary.Their actions are very attractive to the girls, and all the girls follow behind them sincerely and submissively, and they never refuse them.As in fiction, so in real life.If you don't believe me, just try it. However, before you practice, it is necessary for me to tell you a few simple flattery terms.First, never ask in a negotiable tone: Are you willing?Because in this case, half of the responsibility is already on women.The correct way is: let's go together!The disadvantage of using the previous question is that if she doesn't go, there is nothing to feel sorry for you psychologically. The latter is different: you see, everyone has already made arrangements, but I have hurt their kindness. In the eyes of some men, I will definitely win her favor by using the tone of asking for opinions, but women who are a little vigilant will reject you in order not to cause trouble.The advantage of using the latter is that the decisive question has a non-negotiable tone.This is the best questioning plan to keep women from hesitating. At this time, the initiative has been in the hands of men. If you're a writer, it's easier to understand why. Generally speaking, everything is difficult at the beginning and difficult to name.The same is true for pursuing women. It is difficult at the beginning.At the same time, scheduling is difficult.Where are we going to play!A girl I knew once asked this question.I didn't have any personal experience at that time. Generally speaking, it is difficult for a man who asks a woman to ask such a question to be successful in this regard. On the other hand, some invitations do not have to go through her mouth.What you need to understand is that compared with men, women prefer to use silence to answer the questions raised by the other party. If you wait for women to answer before you take action, then you are an immature man.For example, when you are in a relationship, to a certain extent, you want to ask the other party for advice: Can I kiss you?This is futile, and it is simply impossible to get a positive yes from the girl. Although girls today are more open than before, women are still not as liberated as men in concept due to the constraints of traditional ideas. Therefore, when they decide something (especially in the relationship between men and women), they often Always answer each other's questions in silence. For example, from the perspective of a woman who has just met a man, when a man mentions to her whether I will take you home or drink coffee with you, if the woman has a crush on the man, Psychology is naturally unwilling to say goodbye to him.However, due to the influence of traditional habits and the fact that this woman is relatively conservative, she may think that it would be too rude to eat and drink alone with a man she just met.So she often says to you like this: Now I want to go home. As long as women are restrained by traditional thinking and cannot act according to their own intentions, they will react in this way on such occasions.For this reason, one of the best ways to approach such a woman is to take the form of a no-answer, no-comment invitation.Put it another way: How about some coffee together?If she keeps silent and does not answer at this time, your invitation will be considered a success.Conversely, if you keep asking her if she would like to go with you, as if your date is just for a cup of coffee, then she will not only be unhappy, but will touch the sensitive nerves unique to women and say goodbye to you early. I have always believed that only by understanding women's psychology can I be able to flatter.Anyone who has studied psychology knows that for women, when deciding on one thing, they often choose the easier one.Women's dependence psychology is common.With them, it’s best not to use your brain to solve anything. Therefore, blindly respecting the other party’s opinions and making her feel your democracy will cause a sense of rejection in her mind.
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