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Chapter 72 Chapter 70 Origin

Wu Gorge Coffin Hill 天下霸唱 4425Words 2023-02-05
After hearing this, Jin Suan was convinced, and secretly praised Zhang Sanye for seeing through the physics of the world. On the same day, he, Tie Motou and Liaochen, bid farewell to their teachers and went out of the mountain to start a business of fighting for money. At that time, it was a troubled time when the dynasty was changing, natural disasters and man-made disasters were everywhere, and the common people suffered a lot. The three of them first went to Mangshan, Henan to open a market, robbed several ancient tombs one after another, and took out the most valuable artifacts in the tombs. Deal in antiquities, exchange money for food, and help victims of disasters.These few business trips they made went smoothly, and since then they have traveled all over Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan, and Shandong provinces, stealing countless huge tombs from mountains and tombs.

Since ancient times, everything in the world is done in the sky, so in the world of life, whether you run around in water or fire, whether you succeed in the end or not, it is often in the will of God.If you catch up with great luck, everything you bump into is a business, and the flames will rise, and there is no ancient tomb that cannot be stolen; Basically, one's wealth and life are often lost in it. Wealth luck has its ups and downs, and it can't always be smooth. One year, the three of them were unlucky, and the three of them spotted an ancient tomb near Luoyang, so they packed food and went into the mountains. Unexpectedly, they ran into a war. , The battalion of defeated soldiers retreated from the battlefield, and the defeated troops were so powerful that they drove countless refugees into the mountain like an overwhelming crowd, and scattered the three brothers Jin Suan into the mountain.

Liaochen and Tie Motou rescued a group of victims and hid in the ancient tomb forest in the mountains.Among those refugees, there was a woman who was pregnant and was about to give birth. The fetal gas was affected in the chaos and she was about to give birth. Who knew that the fetus would grow upside down. Liaochen has always been kind-hearted, so he couldn't bear to watch other people die on the spot. He saw that in this ancient tomb forest, there was a mound surrounded by trees. Liaochen examined the terrain and looked at the shape of the mountain. He knew that there must be a coffin spring inside the tomb. That is to say, there is a spring in the underground palace. There is a folk saying that if you burn the coffin, you can give birth smoothly.

So Liaochen and Tie Motou discussed that saving people is the most important thing, pulled out the whirlwind shovel, and quickly dug up the grave, a mere earthen grave, how could it hold two gold-touching masters to dig, and they would see each other in an instant When they got to the lid of the coffin, they didn't know that there were pins hidden in the coffin slabs of the grave. The two experienced a lot of storms and waves. Only then did Liaochen remember that when he went down the mountain, his master had told him to unite to live and divide to die, and now he really complied with Mr. Zhang's words. The number-like technique can definitely see through the mechanism in the coffin, but a single mistake will cause a catastrophe, and it is too late to regret it now.

Later Jin Suan came to look for two partners, and seeing Tie Motou's dead body on the spot, his eyes darkened and he almost fainted, he could only say that there was no fight for his life, and he and Chen sighed once, tearing away The body of the iron mill head was incinerated, and the ashes were placed in earthen jars. Liaochen and Jin Suan discussed it, according to what the master said, if we unite, we will live, and if we divide, we will die. If the two of us fight against each other in the future, there will probably be no good results. It seems that we can no longer do the business of touching gold .

Over the years, Liao Chen has seen the sufferings of the people. No matter how great he is, he will not be able to save hundreds of millions of people in the world. The sea of ​​suffering is boundless, and he will return to the shore. He intends to hang the golden talisman and take the ashes altar with the iron mill head to the temple in the south of the Yangtze River. Become a monk, and then accompany the ancient Buddha with blue lanterns, and repent of the past. Jin Suan didn't want to become a monk, and he didn't want to pick up talismans. Since he couldn't do the fighting, he could still do his old job and continue to be a businessman who sells goods for profit. If he made money, he could help the poor and help the poor, so he followed Chen Said: A leaf of duckweed returns to the sea, where life does not meet.Let's say goodbye today, and we will definitely meet again in the future. If you need help in any trouble, just go to the Yellow River Boat Gang and find me.

After the farewell in the ancient tomb forest, Jin Suan really only bought and sold goods in the Yellow River Basin. Habitual thieves must be addicted, and what kind of business in the world can make money quickly?Relying on his extreme intelligence, Jin Suan saw that the Yellow River was flooded and starved to death everywhere, so he was still doing some fighting in secret.He knew that this was a desperate move, and he did it knowing that it couldn't be done, and he felt guilty in his heart, so every time he planned carefully, he would never do anything unless he was absolutely sure. One year, Jin Suan sold a batch of goods and took a boat to go downstream. At that time, the Yellow River was swollen and the torrent was rolling down. Jin Suan was chatting with several merchants on the deck. The soul was gone, and there was only a shadow left in the white miserably, and soon the sun disappeared. The sky and the earth merged with black clouds, and the river surface was filled with turbid fog, mixed with pea-sized raindrops and hailstones falling down.

The boat's boss, Dalian, couldn't speak well, and the sky and the earth turned pale, indicating that the old dragon in the water mansion was frightened. This was a sign of the Yellow River's soaring, and the boat sailed to the nearby pier quickly.The cargo ship had just stopped in the torrential rain, and the flood behind it arrived. The turbid waves in the upper reaches of the Yellow River emptied, and the water was almost connected to the sky.The heavy rain and hail in the strong wind poured down the mud and sand wrapped in the bottom of the river, and the whole world was plunged into a twilight that was almost dark.

Seeing the torrential rain, Jin Suan knew that the surrounding area was getting darker and darker, and he knew that this was a catastrophic disaster. At this time, even if he had great abilities, he could not resist the might of the Yellow River's wrath.He didn't care about the cargo on the boat, he jumped out of the boat with everyone, and ran towards the high ground. Among the fleeing crowd, those with slow legs were immediately swept away by the muddy water, and even those who died in the water The corpse will never be found. Zhang Sanye used to say that the gold abacus skill is not good, but it is compared with whom, compared with the dust and the iron grinding head, it is much worse, but after all, he is a veteran who has been doing gold for many years, compared to those ordinary people , his legs and feet can be regarded as exceptionally agile, forced by the flood, he ran wildly all the way in the heavy rain, and finally snatched a high hill with his life.

Jin Abacus fled to the high ground, lay down on the ground and looked down, and saw that the black clouds had gradually receded, and the distant sky was like a piece of black-yellow turbid mud, with dark red light floating in it, and the flooding Yellow River was in an unstoppable momentum, The villages and ships on the shore were swallowed up, and the people who were swept up by the flood of the Yellow River struggled with the cattle, sheep and livestock to drift with the current, and they all fed the shrimp soldiers and crab generals in the water mansion.The ordinary people who escaped to the high place by chance had ashen-colored faces, crying for their parents and calling for their children, but all the sounds in the world were covered by the sound of rumbling water, and the scene was unspeakably miserable.

The flood came very fast, and it took two hours for the muddy river to recede. After Jin Suan survived his life and came back, he recovered from the shock and felt the things on his body, only to find that the vajra umbrella on his back was gone. There were two vajra umbrellas left to them by Mr. Zhang at the beginning. One was a thousand-year-old relic handed down by Captain Mojin. Umbrellas are generally the same, and they are also extremely rare self-defense equipment.It must have been fleeing desperately just now, and lost the vajra umbrella. Now most of it has been swept away by the flood. Where can I find it back? Jin Suanan made up his mind and walked down the hillside, hoping to buy something to eat with the local villagers, but after the disaster, hungry people were everywhere, most of the farms and villages were gone, and even if they had money, they could not buy food.He was burning with hunger, and when he was so hungry, he saw many people walking towards the river, saying they were going to see Lord Dragon, he felt strange, so he followed the flow of people and walked over. When I went to the riverside to have a look, even though Jin Suan was well-informed, he couldn't help being secretly surprised.I saw a big fish stranded on the sloping land of the river bend, still alive. The head of the fish was bigger than that of ordinary houses, and the scales all over its body were like iron leaves. , with its head and tail swinging, the black mouth of the fish opening and closing, the fishy smell is unbearable. Judging by the size of its fish mouth, it is afraid that even a thousand catties of big yellow ox is not enough for it to swallow in one gulp. The local people were all terrified. They knelt down in front of the fish tremblingly, burning incense and kowtowing, begging the Dragon King to calm down and return to the water mansion quickly. The pillar couldn't be pushed at all, and there was no place to find cows and horses to drag it. Seeing that the Dragon Lord was breathing less air and exhaling more, he stared at the fish and died on the shore. Jin Abacus looked at it for a long time, and then asked the people who worshiped the Dragon King, and found a way to enter the county town to eat.I heard from the locals that this is a once-in-a-hundred-year flood. Although it came and retreated quickly, it caused heavy losses. Moreover, the Dragon King in the Yellow River Water Palace died on the shore. It is by no means a good omen. The Yellow River flooded and drowned an unknown number of people and animals. The poor and the poor here are hard to recover within ten years, and an unknown number of poor people will starve to death. Hearing these words in Jin Suanpan's ears, his heart was moved with compassion. Seeing the ruthless natural disasters and suffering the people on both sides of the strait, he thought: After such a catastrophe, there will be hungry people everywhere. , who is willing to take care of it?Immediately, he was determined to buy food for disaster relief, but his goods were lost in the river, which wiped out his capital. Although he still had some money, it was undoubtedly a drop in the bucket in the face of thousands of victims. Trying to make a big deal. Jin Suan remembered an incident a few years ago, when he learned from a businessman that in Longling not far from here, there was a Tang imperial mausoleum hidden in the rugged Pantuo Snake Slope. With one or two royal treasures, you don't have to worry about raising money.It's just that he is familiar with the mausoleums, but he can't figure out which imperial mausoleum was built here in the Tang Dynasty. He picked up a few tongue leaks in the inn, got a glimpse of some clues, asked the way to Longling, and went into the mountain to look for the ancient tomb. Sure enough, the situation in the mountain was not bad. Although the mountain was fragmented, it couldn't hide the scene , it is supposed to be the location of the imperial mausoleum, but there are a few scattered villages nearby, and there are often sheep and cattle herders wandering around. Jin Suan thought of an idea, and went back to the bank of the Yellow River. Seeing the big fish corpse still parked by the river, he told the local people that he was willing to pay to build a Dragon King Temple to worship the fish bones, so that the river god would bless the place with good weather. They also fabricated some excuses to convince everyone that the Fishbone Temple must be built in the mountains, otherwise there would be floods. Building temples, building houses, and planting crops to disguise the traces of robbing ancient tombs is a common method used by Captain Mojin. The villagers do not know the details, so they naturally believe it is true. The bones of the fish were transported into the mountains and a Dragon King Temple was built. Jin Suan took advantage of the time when the temple was being built to prepare for the inversion. Judging from his experience, the ancient tomb in Longling was not small. Without the protection of the Vajra Umbrella, I always feel uneasy.But the other vajra umbrella remained in Chen's hands. After being separated for many years, there was still no communication, and he didn't know the whereabouts of that companion back then, so he had to take a boat to Baoding, Hebei, to find Li, a famous concealed weapon seller, and order a new one. The pin tool Li is the bee head in the Honeycomb Mountain, with outstanding craftsmanship, he can make all kinds of equipment, but he looked at the diagram and formula of the golden abacus, but he felt very embarrassed, because the diamond umbrella is very special, and some materials are not easy to make Qi, and the required craftsmanship and heat are extremely complicated, it will take at least a year to create it. Jin Suanan was in a hurry to rob the ancient tomb of Longling, and he could not wait for a year and a half. In addition, it was more than a year later, and he had forgotten the instructions of Mr. Zhang. He thought that since the death of the iron mill, I have also robbed many tombs by myself, and I have never missed a single point. As long as I am cautious when fighting back, with my experience, even if there are some hidden weapons in the mechanism, I can handle them well, and I won't make any big mistakes. Such a coincidence that it was really folded inside? But at this time, his inseparable pure gold abacus suddenly cracked and shattered, and the golden abacus fell to the ground. This abacus was a treasure heirloom of his family, so it hurts to have it destroyed for no reason.He vaguely felt in his heart that this was probably not a good omen, and he had a premonition that Lord Yan was going to take his life. Jin Abacus is smart all his life, and he always thinks carefully about everything, but this time it can be regarded as a hanger, and Black Star is at the head, as if a ghost is obsessed, even if Guanyin Bodhisattva appears, he can't persuade him to turn back.I simply put my mind to one side, wondering whether it is a blessing or a disaster, and if it is a disaster, I can't avoid it. If I really want to die, I will die without a problem sitting behind closed doors at home; lossless.Instead of burning incense and praying to the Bodhisattva in fear, it is better to do what I should do. I also thought: If treasures are stolen from the Longling ancient tomb and used to relieve disasters and save the people, the accumulated virtue must be not small. With the help of ghosts and gods, maybe you can increase your life and prolong your life by another century. He felt that although the tomb of the Tang Dynasty was large, he could calculate the internal topographical structure, and he was confident of single-handedly stealing the treasures in the tomb, but he also thought that there might be accidents in the ancient tomb. Silent?In the traditional concept, fame is often more important than life. As the saying goes, a geese leave a voice, and a person leaves a name, so he wrote all his life experiences in the seller's ledger, and sealed it together with the destroyed pure gold abacus. In a box, temporarily store it on Pinqili's cabinet, and agree to take it back together when I get the vajra umbrella.
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