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Chapter 42 Chapter 41: The Name Is Grave Robber Lao Yangpi

huangpizifen 天下霸唱 3517Words 2023-02-05
I don't know if it's because of fatigue or because the incident happened too abruptly, but at this time, Fatty and I couldn't keep up with the changes in the situation.We were slightly taken aback for a moment, but at least we all immediately realized that the copper box that Lao Yangpi was holding must not be opened, otherwise no one would be able to live. Regardless of whether he had premeditated it or lost his mind, the fat man and I yelled, dropped the things in our hands, and rushed over.The fat man only hurt his neck, and he was full of energy. With the rest of his courage, he took the lead and knocked aside all the messy things in front of him. The moment Lao Yangpi was about to lift the lid of the box, he had already thrown himself forward and threw the box heavily. Lao Yangpi fell to the ground.

Although Fatty was only eighteen at that time and his body hadn't grown up yet, his body was still big enough for the time.In addition, he received more than half a year of re-education from the poor and lower-middle peasants in the Daxinganling Mountains, which was indeed too tempered, so he was so solid all over his body. Lao Yangpi rolled his eyes upwards due to the pressure. Lao Yangpi's brother Yang Erdan is actually a horse bandit from the Ni'er Society, so it is not a conflict among the people, and 200% is the relationship between the enemy and ourselves.But this matter was too unexpected. I was worried that people would be killed before I found out the truth, so I hurriedly told Fatty's subordinates to take it easy, and if we want to fight with words or not with martial arts, just stop him.

When the fat man heard my cry, he grabbed the old sheepskin and rolled, dragged him to the depths of the secret room, far away from the copper box.I first took a look at Ding Sitian's condition, she was still in a deep sleep, then I went over to pat Lao Yangpi's back and rubbed her chest. After half the payment, Lao Yangpi yelled, and the mass of blood stagnant in his chest, which was suppressed by the fat man, finally circulated.He took a few breaths, and said to the fat man: Oh, you are trying to take my old life! I see that Lao Yangpi's sanity is much more stable than before, and I can ask him something, but this secret room is not a place to stay for a long time. With Ding Sitian on his back, Lao Yangpi is escorted, and he steps over the remains of the chopped ginseng. When I got outside, I found a relatively clean and safe place to light candles, and then I said to him: You almost killed all of us just now.Now you hurry up and speak clearly, what is going on with your brother Yang Erdan?Why did he dress up like that horse bandit digging graves?Didn't you say that he was forced to lead the way to Baiyan Cave by horse bandits?My mother realized that something was wrong from the very beginning. When the traitor of Ni'erhui went to the secret research institute of Japanese ghosts, would he find a sheep-herding boy who had never entered the Baiyan Cave to lead the way?You have been lying to us since the beginning!

Lao Yangpi was kept silent by what I said. I don't know if he chose to remain silent because he had a guilty conscience or for other reasons, but it will not work if he doesn't make it clear. If you don't understand this matter, everything else has to be put aside.But if you want to get the words out, you must pay attention to strategy. I asked the fat man to pay attention to the working method and loosen the old sheepskin first.The fat man showed great righteousness to Lao Yangpi, from the international situation, to the domestic situation, and the inevitability of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, and also said that all reactionaries are bound to perish from one to the other, hoping that Lao Yangpi will not cut himself off from the people.Fatty also expressed his attitude. For the revolution and the people, he will be smashed to pieces, and his heart will always go to Chairman Mao. He will never allow former bandits and traitors to sneak into the ranks of poor and lower-middle peasants. The Great Class Cultural Revolution.

But Lao Yangpi didn't have such a high level of awareness and self-consciousness at all. In the whole set of words nowadays, he also knew some words and would say that this was due to the situation at the time, but when it comes to specific meanings and values Where, he was completely at a loss.And he was full of thoughts, he didn't seem to hear it when he heard it, he lowered his head and didn't say a word, just sighed unceasingly. I sighed, and waved to the fat man, signaling him to stop repeating the book.I said to Lao Yangpi: First, let’s not grasp the key points, second, we don’t grasp the line, and third, we don’t mention class struggle, and I said from heart to heart, Fatty and I came to see our comrade-in-arms Ding Sitian from Daxing’an Mountains, and it happened just in time for your cattle to be lost , it stands to reason that we have nothing to do here, but neither of us hesitated at all, so we risked our lives to help you and Ding Sitian find cattle.From yesterday to today, you have seen how much blood and sweat you have shed, and you almost lost your life, but what about you?

When I said this, I deliberately emphasized the tone: what about you?Our most respected old comrades from the poor and lower-middle peasants, until now we don’t even know which of your words is true, can you see that we almost died in Baiyan Cave, and tell us clearly about this matter if you And a little bit of conscience.I assure you that what happened in the past is not to blame, as long as it does not involve today's conspiracy, we will all talk about it, but it is due to the current environmental factors we are in and our own safety considerations.You must give us a reasonable explanation.

Although I said this with a plan and wanted to attack the heart first, but it is indeed all from the bottom of my heart.Lao Yangpi was obviously moved by me, he asked me to fill him with tobacco leaves, took two puffs hard, and continued to cough, intermittently talking about the past. Lao Yangpi and his brother Yang Erdan made a living by herding sheep since they were young, and their lives were often miserable.When the two of them were teenagers, once Yang Erdan was so hungry that he ate mutton from the landlord's house, and the landlord beat them to death.The two of his brothers couldn't stand the good fight, and pushed the old landlord to the ground during the resistance. Unexpectedly, the landlord deserved to die too.He hit his temple on the stone roller with his head, and he died at that time.

Killing people to pay for their lives, and debts to pay back money have been a matter of course since ancient times. If a person's life is lost, he must pay for his life. What if he doesn't want to die?Then you can only hide your name and flee to another country.The two brothers did not dare to stay in their original place, and fled overnight. Relying on their youth and familiarity with the surrounding ravines, they avoided the pursuit of the government and fled all the way to the south of the Yellow River.Lao Yangpi's ancestors were born in Houqin opera, and Zhao Zilong, the savior of Changban, was handed down in his family. The two of them had no way of making a living, so they went to various places to help Shaanxi people who performed shadow puppets carry boxes. Ten years passed in a flash.

At that time, the world was very chaotic. One day, Lao Yangpi and Yang Erdan went to the countryside with the theater troupe to perform, and unfortunately encountered bandits.If the female team leader refused, she was stripped naked by the bandits and cut into human sticks, and most of the rest fled.The old sheep belt and the sheep fled into a cave in the nearby mountains. Unexpectedly, there was an ancient tomb in the cave, and the pavilions and pavilions in the deepest underground palace were like the emperor's garden.Of course, Lao Yangpi has never seen what the emperor's house looks like, he probably looks similar to the one in this cave, it's like entering the palace of heaven.The two of them wandered around in the underground palace and accidentally saved the life of a Taoist priest. That Taoist priest was also young, a few years younger than Yang Erdan, and his speech and behavior were by no means ordinary.

The last thing they expected was that this Taoist priest killed people more ruthlessly than bandits.Hearing that their team leader was killed by bandits, he asked them to wait in the cave for a while, and after a short while they went out, they came back with a bunch of heads.The two brothers looked at the heads, they were the bandits who blocked the road and killed them.Although evil is rewarded with evil, but Lao Yangpi is a responsible person, looking at this bloody head, he can't help but feel terrified, but looking at the young Taoist, it seems that he doesn't take killing seriously at all.

Moreover, this young Taoist is very righteous, willing to repay the kindness of a drop of water, not only to avenge the two brothers, but also to give them a sum of money.Lao Yangpi was worried that this Taoist priest was also a murderous thief, so how dare he take his belongings.Seeing that they would not accept them, the young Taoist priest took them to the home of a rich man surnamed Chen and asked him to take care of them from now on. Then he left in a hurry without leaving his name. This person surnamed Chen is not very old. Although he is very respectful to the young Taoist, he himself is also a man with good hands and eyes. He has many brothers under his command. He is eloquent, eloquent and eloquent.At the beginning, the man surnamed Chen arranged Lao Yangpi and Yang Erdan in his mansion, and didn't use them to order them around. He only asked them to do some easy odd jobs. He had three teas and four meals a day, and the food was good Drink offerings, and give them some money every month so that they can buy whatever they want. Lao Yangpi was born with a hard life, so he felt sorry for receiving this kind of treatment, so he wanted to help the family with some rough and tiring work, but there were servants who did it, and they didn't have their share if they wanted to do it.After a long time, the brothers finally knew that this man was surnamed Chen. He turned out to be a gangster who robbed and dug graves. Righteousness, to conspire for great things, not to mention digging a few barren tombs, the tomb of the emperor Laozi has not been dug. Later, Lao Yangpi and Yang Erdan also joined the group, and for several years, he learned a lot of fighting skills from this man surnamed Chen.This group of people can identify grass-colored soil marks, know how to circle caves with thousands of poles and cross mountains to find tombs, and they often pretend to be Feng Shui masters to inquire about news everywhere, and their eyes are extremely wide.As soon as there is an action, dozens or hundreds of people will be dispatched.Not only do they fight against each other, but they often take down the rich and unkind big family passing by, which is a bit like a hero in Liangshan.But once the leader surnamed Chen took a group of brothers south to do a big business. Due to the long distance, not too many people went there. They probably had an accident in the south, and none of them came back. All of them are missing. After the robber leader disappeared, the tree fell and the monkeys scattered. Some of the people went to the south to find the whereabouts of the leader, and the rest went their separate ways.Lao Yangpi also planned to go south, but Yang Erdan negotiated with another tomb robber from the northeast, and the two of them would go to the three eastern provinces together.Lao Yangpi tried hard to persuade Yang Erdan not to go to the Northeast, the three provinces of Manchukuo in the Northeast were all occupied by Little Japan, where would we have a place to stay? But Yang Erdan was going to die, and after Lao Yangpi's repeated questioning, he learned from him that there was a group of tomb-robbing horse bandits operating in the Daxing'anling area. Bold, playful, dare to dig everything, but don't know how to find those unmarked ancient tombs.Yang Erdan is more intelligent than Lao Yangpi, and he has learned more skills. After being introduced by others, he has evil thoughts and wants to get into the mud for a while.At that time, the Ni'er Society needed someone like Yang Erdan, whether it was women or money, give them as much as they wanted, the most important thing was to let him sit on the top of the list and deliberately flatter him.In the past, Erdan Yang has always looked at other people's faces. He has lived in a humble way for so many years. Maybe it's because he has lived at the bottom of society for too many years, so he doesn't even have the courage to go out into the world. As soon as the words were smoked, I couldn't even find the north. Seeing such a good thing, I went to the northeast to make a big cabinet for the mud meeting.
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